12 more years till we can legally marry any K-On character.
Hmm, I wonder if that was actually a thing, I should look and see. Her actual birthday is the 15th.
Creepy!Mio fan club, assemble!
Well, check back here on that day and see if you're disappointed or not!
Mio fan club, assemble!
We already have birthday suit Mio...
What else could it be?
Nice.Charge your mic if you have one.
Yes, we're still doing a K-On! simulview this Sunday (tomorrow) at 8PM EST, guys!
It's the best day of the year!I'll be sure to raid the archives for the occasion.
I finished the 5th and 6th episodes.
Which means I finally got to see the rice bowl in action.
6 is one of my favorite episodes of the season. I love the little music video-like part, even if it doesn't really make much sense.
I always looove seeing them in music videos, so I'm all for random appearances!
Part of what's so great about Mio EDs.
This is my first time posting in this thread. I just want it to be known that I think K-ON is great and one of my favorite anime ever. Here's a gif:
I think it was up to the 5th episode, but I'm sure Uraizen knows for sure.What episode are you guys on, anyways? I should probably try to catch up.
Kawaii or kowaii?
Awesome! It's always nice to see more fans of the show post in here. Don't be a stranger now, you can come talk any time you want!
And to get this out of the way, favorite character?
Kawaii or kowaii?
Sawa-chan, and Yui if I had to pick from the keionbu. Sawa-chan shares my love for heavy metal and it's awesome.
. Yep, still planning to be there!Have to see if it still works. Haven't tried to do chat on PS3 in ages. Hope you don't get too bored after you get like a 20 match win streak going
This is my first time posting in this thread. I just want it to be known that I think K-ON is great and one of my favorite anime ever. Here's a gif:
She looks more high than pleased!
but I'm sure Uraizen knows for sure.
I like to think that in a year or two's time, suddenly NicoNico and Youtube will have random snippets of either Nodoka's Student Council records or Sawako's high school time as a viral campaign leading up to the adaptations of the final K-ON manga. If not just viral, then have them be full-on web specials like how they did Nyoro~n Churuya-san and Haruhi-chan, but keep it within KyoAni this time to ensure maximum quality rather than maximum QUALITY.
Not that there was anything wrong with Haruhi-chan, AFTER they ditched the awkward full-computer graphic presentation.
Sawako is pretty awesome!
I'd love to see a show or OVA series of her time in high school.
Just an OVA? We need to contact KyoAni right now! This idea is the season 3 idea they need!![]()
At the very least a 6 episode OVA/ONA series.
Sawako is pretty awesome!
I'd love to see a show or OVA series of her time in high school.
I have so many gifs I could just watch all day and not think I wasted my time.I could watch this gif all day![]()
"I was just thinking about girl-on-girl action. It's okay if they're true to themselves."
I'd probably like Evangelion more if this was actually a thing.
More to come later? Maybe.
Can't be helped with those plug-suits.Cameltoe
Can't be helped with those plug-suits.
Right you are.It's a small sacrifice to pay for increased synchronization!
I'd probably like Evangelion more if this was actually a thing.