Chet Rippo
GAH! I drew too close to the spine so I couldn't even scan in the first part right. =_=
Ah well, I'll just treat this as a first draft of some sort and restart tomorrow at work. Or tonight if I can't sleep. The proportions are all busted anyway, huh?
Partly because I feel bad for counting the chicken before it hatched (I EVEN SAID THIS TO MYSELF RIGHT OUTSIDE THE TRAIN STATION WHEN I POSTED IN THIS THREAD BEFORE GOING HOME AND I DIDN'T LISTEN!!!!), and partly because I'm a narcissistic fool, I'll post what I managed to scan in as a teaser.
Commentary time: Where Mugi is, I actually tried to draw Ritsu there at first. That was when I ran into the revelation that I sucked at drawing Ritsu because I've never tried to do so before. Also, because of where I railroaded myself by virtue of the odd curve that they all turn towards the spine in, I had to put Mugi in that corner whom I have also never tried to draw before. I was trying to find any space between Yui and Azusa to fit in clues as to why she was for some reason a head or so taller than everybody. That kind of tip-toe-standing is not adequate! XD
Seriously can't wait for the K-ON Movie. My guess is they'll just go with everybody speaking English unless they did something different for Mugi's line in the beginning of the episode where she hung out with Ritsu? (I have it in my head that she says "Uno momento kudasai!" because that's weird)
And even though it's all out here now legit in English I may end up importing every single release from Japan one day for the cast commentaries and the other bonuses they included back there. What would I do with those cloth posters? ._.
I'm really glad to see you drawing so often. I see you understand a lot of what you need to fix for next time, but here's some tips that might help you. To make sure you have room for all the characters you have in mind, you should layout in simple shapes where they're going to be, this will also help you make sure they're the right size compared to each other. Even before then, it might be best to start out sketching small thumbnails of how you want it to look like. Nothing fancy, just enough so you know who and where things should be, and then work up from there.
Like Uraizen said, you have been steadily improving so far, keep it up!