Chet Rippo
I mean, he actually shows Mio's panty-clad butt for one.
I will follow your Azu-advice.
Yes, immensely.
No one falls down like Mio does.
Why would I not like watching K-ON!?This pleases me.
Do they ever say what she goes to college for? I can't seem to remember now if they ever did.She could make a career out of it.
Do they ever say what she goes to college for? I can't seem to remember now if they ever did.
No one falls down like Mio does.
You should really check out that chapter of the Anthology I mentioned earlier.
Azusa can.
i find it funny that i've beaten OoT over 100 times and i've used some of the most mind-breaking glitches found in the game such as reverse bottle adventure and wrong warps and yet i have never seen the hylian loach or gotten a perfect archery score.
priorities get azu-twisted after a certain point.
The only 3D Zelda game I've sequenced broke is Majora's Mask, as bomb jumping is really easy in it and getting into Ikana Canyon is really easy without having the ice arrows.
I dun know anything about these zeldas or warios. I just know my tekkanz, fighters on the street pt. 3, blazinblues, overpowered ninjas, and devils that have the tendency to shed tears.
Mio is probably studying hard to eventually catch up and beat the god of falling down anywhere, a.k.a. Yuuki Rito.
Have you never played any Zelda games or just not very many?
Probably not going to be a teacher, that's for sure.No... I only remember Yui mentioning she wants to be a teacher now that I think about it.
I did, and she's just a pretender.You should really check out that chapter of the Anthology I mentioned earlier.
Azusa can.
Instead of trying to make the game harder on myself, I try to go through it as fast as I can. I'm nothing like speed runs you can find on youtube or where ever, but I have fun doing neat speed tricks like running backwards and doing the stab glitch.Did you ever try a three heart challenge game? After beating it fourteen times I pretty much had the script memorized by that point but never played through a three heart game until about three or four years ago.
Figuring three hearts would still be too easy I put a few more restrictions in place, such as not being allowed to use the biggoron sword or no bottled fairies as a save from defeat. If I found a fairy in a dungeon I would let it heal me but I wouldn't bottle it to use for later.
Majora's Mask is my favorite 3D Zelda game. I have a lot of fun planning out what to do during each cycle of days ahead of time. Which is funny, given that I don't even plan out my own schedule like that. lolI haven't played Majora's Mask in probably about ten years. I really liked that game too.
Oh wait, I actually just recalled that I played it a little for heart pieces around the same time I did my Ocarina of Time three heart game. I had got all the pieces of heart except for two so I went back to get them. I think I somehow missed getting one from racing those beavers at the waterfall by the lake area. The other was doing a Deku Scrub platforming challenge each day by going into a grotto in the northern section of the town.
No, he's too busy playing super amazing games like DmC.Have you never played any Zelda games or just not very many?
Probably not going to be a teacher, that's for sure.You know what I'm talking about.
No, he's too busy playing super amazing games like DmC.
Majora's Mask is my favorite 3D Zelda game. I have a lot of fun planning out what to do during each cycle of days ahead of time. Which is funny, given that I don't even plan out my own schedule like that. lol
I'm sure you do.I think I might...
I hate you so much right now.
MM was mine too, just because Clock Town was so busy. It's the first time a game felt like a living world to me, especially on the n64, where games are usually so empty.
Oh and it helps that there was more story in the some of the side quests than the entirety of OoT. Anju and Kafei. *swoon*
Did you ever try a three heart challenge game? After beating it fourteen times I pretty much had the script memorized by that point but never played through a three heart game until about three or four years ago.
Figuring three hearts would still be too easy I put a few more restrictions in place, such as not being allowed to use the biggoron sword or no bottled fairies as a save from defeat. If I found a fairy in a dungeon I would let it heal me but I wouldn't bottle it to use for later.
That's essentially what I was getting at. I'm not good with words.The world feels so alive because all the people have schedules that they run and have little stories of their own. Being that it only spans 3 days helps too. Still, the side things are what I enjoy the most about the game. That and the transformation masks are really fun.
Goron Link is probably my favorite. I usually go through Snowhead Temple without a sword and just punch everything to death with Goron.That's essentially what I was getting at. I'm not good with words.
I love the goron mask. Never used the poor Epona after I got the goron mask.
You're enjoying this too much.
Not very many, I got bored while playing them pretty quickly. They're not my type of game.
Instead of trying to make the game harder on myself, I try to go through it as fast as I can. I'm nothing like speed runs you can find on youtube or where ever, but I have fun doing neat speed tricks like running backwards and doing the stab glitch.
Majora's Mask is my favorite 3D Zelda game. I have a lot of fun planning out what to do during each cycle of days ahead of time. Which is funny, given that I don't even plan out my own schedule like that. lol
No, he's too busy playing super amazing games like DmC.
MM was mine too, just because Clock Town was so busy. It's the first time a game felt like a living world to me, especially on the n64, where games are usually so empty.
Oh and it helps that there was more story in the some of the side quests than the entirety of OoT. Anju and Kafei. *swoon*
The world feels so alive because all the people have schedules that they run and have little stories of their own. Being that it only spans 3 days helps too. Still, the side things are what I enjoy the most about the game. That and the transformation masks are really fun.
all I know is, the announcement of WindWaker HD has me excited beyond belief. Itsl ike my dream come true in videogaming.
the only 3 heart runs i did were beating the game as fast as possible after many runners found glitches to skip every dungeon in the game.
i never did 3 heart runs through the whole game before that. maybe i should try that in OoT3D since that'd be a nice excuse to keep playing it (MQ 3D could be very intense since double damage makes several enemies insta-game over)
bottles could be exploited easily to have 3-4 fairies at a time though. doing a 3 heart run without bottles is where things get really crazy.
My favorite kinds of speedruns are kinds where they end up getting all the items or whatever as fast as they can. So a lot of the times I'm watching Metroid games being sped run. Can't stand TAS runs though.Okay. I've never really been too much of a speed runner myself, especially of the variety I've seen on YouTube . If I do, I play it how I normally would but just try and do it faster.
I'm not sure how Uraizen feels about them but I'm personally disinterested by the Ninja Gaiden Black speed runs I've seen. They just go from point A to point B as fast as they can skipping everything. So you jump rolled fifty times and then spammed the same move fifty times on an enemy you couldn't skip because it's a good knock down, so what? I don't consider it impressive or any kind of accomplishment. It's like these ones who claim they "beat" Halo by going outside the levels. You didn't do anything other than skipping half the level. Big deal. I could see it if it was just for fun but to actually brag about it or claim you did something? No.
To me it would be like going to a military training camp where they have their obstacle course and then someone just ran along beside everything skipping all the trials making it from point A to B and then thinking they accomplished something and that they're awesome.
I don't remember much from before the game came out on how I thought of it. I seem to remember it was one of the first things I watched a video of on the internet.When I first heard how the game was going to be this time loop type mechanic I really wondered how or what the game would save.
Haha. Highlighted for emphasis.
Right, exactly. I loved that aspect of Majora's Mask as well. The extra characters almost didn't feel like just extra's but they actually had their own little lives and schedules. It made them more believable and interesting and you wanted to help these people, such as the couple or the sisters at the ranch. They didn't come across as some RPG character like "Oh there's the guy with the red shirt that stands in front of the weapon shop all day repeating his line about iron swords being better than copper swords over and over again the entire game."
I've always been one of those guys that would buy games again because he liked them. I own Ocarina of Time 4 times now.For those that never bought or played the game or maybe something happened to their copy or system, I think it's great. For me though, since I already own the game and it works fine, I really have no interest in it. I don't want to buy the game again and have two copies just for some little bit better graphics and other minor little tweaks.
Unfortunately I never did get a chance to play master quest. There were some enemies like the skeleton Stalfos Knights or the Iron Knuckles that could one shot you in the original with three hearts though. Gannondorf as well.
I never did get the fourth bottle on that run but I think you have to get at least one, as the Zora girls letter is in it. I never used any fairies but I did have a bottle, maybe two, of red potion because it had been so long since I played it. I can't remember all the restrictions I put in place but there was some others such as not getting the double magic meter or not visiting the final fairy for the extra defense on your hearts.
I never tried it but someone suggested getting the fake biggoron sword and intentionally breaking it and using that as your weapon instead of the Master Sword. Since you can't use the Kokiri sword as an adult, the broken sword's length and damage winds up being about the same as if you were using the Kokiri sword.
It's definitely my favorite OP as far as visuals go.Best part of the opener.
Best part of the opener.
I'm not sure how Uraizen feels about them but I'm personally disinterested by the Ninja Gaiden Black speed runs I've seen.
Haha. Highlighted for emphasis.
Azu-Saber!Good news and 'mildly not quite good' news:
My Japanese professor this term is gonna be way stricter about the material this term so I'm gonna have to take shit seriously if I want a prayer of passing the class this term. That's actually good news, imagine that.
The 'mildly not quite good' news is that because I'm trying to take the class more seriously, I can't exactly spare the time doodling IN class which is when it most often happens. I like to do stuff around the city in the 3 hour block between the two classes, but actually might get some drawing done then if I can find a cozy place. Which I'm sure I will. Probably this Friday at the earliest.
For now, I only managed to try to draw Azu-nyan and... this person popped up instead.
Awesome!By the way, I noticed nobody posted this but look! U.S. K-ON Movie boxart!!
Good news and 'mildly not quite good' news:
My Japanese professor this term is gonna be way stricter about the material this term so I'm gonna have to take shit seriously if I want a prayer of passing the class this term. That's actually good news, imagine that.
The 'mildly not quite good' news is that because I'm trying to take the class more seriously, I can't exactly spare the time doodling IN class which is when it most often happens. I like to do stuff around the city in the 3 hour block between the two classes, but actually might get some drawing done then if I can find a cozy place. Which I'm sure I will. Probably this Friday at the earliest.
For now, I only managed to try to draw Azu-nyan and... this person popped up instead.
By the way, I noticed nobody posted this but look! U.S. K-ON Movie boxart!!
For some reason, this video was in my "Recommeded for you" list, decided to share it for some reason:
K-On! vs. Sonic the Hedgehog - Cagayake! Resort
No idea why it showed up
Don't think the default sonicgaf audience would like this very much, hence it goes here
they've got some super-eyelids there.
also, in a different azu-note, who would Yui choose between Azucat and Gitah?
Good news and 'mildly not quite good' news:
My Japanese professor this term is gonna be way stricter about the material this term so I'm gonna have to take shit seriously if I want a prayer of passing the class this term. That's actually good news, imagine that.
The 'mildly not quite good' news is that because I'm trying to take the class more seriously, I can't exactly spare the time doodling IN class which is when it most often happens. I like to do stuff around the city in the 3 hour block between the two classes, but actually might get some drawing done then if I can find a cozy place. Which I'm sure I will. Probably this Friday at the earliest.
For now, I only managed to try to draw Azu-nyan and... this person popped up instead.
i love when mugi is drawn with large thighs
Whaa... we great taste :3Someone used the Emi Signal!
Dem thighs <3
Captain Yui, scourge of the seven seas!Did she poke her eye or something before hand?
Well, at least it didn't disappear completely...
They mesh up surprisingly well.For some reason, this video was in my "Recommeded for you" list, decided to share it for some reason:
K-On! vs. Sonic the Hedgehog - Cagayake! Resort
No idea why it showed up
Don't think the default sonicgaf audience would like this very much, hence it goes here
Nodoka.they've got some super-eyelids there.
also, in a different azu-note, who would Yui choose between Azucat and Gitah?
Whaa... we great taste :3
i was just wondering... Roughly how long does it take to make an episode of k on?
You sound like the girl that sits next to me in my Japanese class!
Captain Yui, scourge of the seven seas!
They mesh up surprisingly well.
That's a good question as I don't even know what the average time to make an anime episode is. There's the writing, storyboarding, key frames, tweeners, music and voice work that need to happen, amongst other things, for a show to be made.
I wouldn't really call myself an expert on the subject of anime production. I'm sure there are people here who have far more knowledge than me on this subject. I just know useless facts about things that happen in the actual show.
Did she poke her eye or something before hand?
Well, at least it didn't disappear completely...
It's useless in the fact that I shouldn't quit my day job over it.they're not useless <3
ok i read up a little using my google-fu and the early episodes take much longer due to: character design, art direction, stock animation, etc
later on, everyone gets into a "groove" and production continues on like a well oil machine... of course, im paraphrasing!
It's useless in the fact that I shouldn't quit my day job over it.If I had one...
Yeah, it would take longer during the beginning. Being an adaptation of an already existing work would streamline that portion a little, though K-ON! is kinda loose in it's interpretation of the manga. Even still, they have a solid foundation already there before they even start.
Well that's- wait.
I'm a guy.
if it gives you comfort, if i was a boss of company i'd hire you and everyone here!!!
incidentally, i found out the average anime episode has about 5000 frames
According to an investigation by Media Development Research Institute Inc., a 30 minute episode of a TV anime in 2010 that totaled 11,000,000 yen (about US $145,214 at the current exchange rate) consisted of the following expenses:
here's a breakdown of production costs:
Original work - 50,000 yen ($660)
Script - 200,000 yen ($2,640)
Episode Direction - 500,000 yen ($6,600)
Production - 2 million yen ($26,402)
Key Animation Supervision - 250,000 yen ($3,300)
Key Animation - 1.5 million yen ($19,801)
In-betweening - 1.1 million yen ($14,521)
Finishing - 1.2 million yen ($15,841)
Art (backgrounds) - 1.2 million yen ($15,841)
Photography - 700,000 yen ($9,240)
Sound - 1.2 million yen ($15,841)
Materials - 400,000 yen ($5,280)
Editing - 200,000 yen ($2,640)
Printing - 500,000 yen ($6,600)
so you wouldnt work for me ever?Haha, well I'm not currently looking for a job.Gotta find an internship for school
This is some pretty interesting info. Considering KyoAni's work, I'd figure the costs would be higher on average than this, but who knows? It would be pretty interesting to see how much of the sound cost goes to just paying the voice talent. I'm curious what the photography category is even for and why it's so much money.
Oh I would, if it pays good and has decent you wouldnt work for me ever?![]()
photography is, i think, someone who takes photos of buildings, objects, etc for reference when doing the background and stuff
photography is, i think, someone who takes photos of buildings, objects, etc for reference when doing the background and stuff
my guess is that it could be a holdover term from the old days when cels were physically photographed over backgrounds - now of course its all done digitally but the compositing of each frame could still be termed "photography", is an important stage in production and doesn't seem to be accounted for in that breakdown (editing the show would be a different discipline).
This is a good breakdown of anime production and includes the following line "While it doesnt use actual film, the compositing process of adding background art and capturing the animation digitally is still referred to as filming."
It all being digital now means that i'll probably never be able to buy a K-On cel, huh((
Did she poke her eye or something before hand?
Well, at least it didn't disappear completely...
Someone used the Emi Signal!
Dem thighs <3
if it gives you comfort, if i was a boss of company i'd hire you and everyone here!!!