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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

I like Browns fans. Yall are cool.
Stupid Steelers fans are always making fun of you but they are just spoiled.

Cajun's the bestest :).

I actually started out by copying exact fanart. not tracing, freehanding, but still copying line for line. Lets you get a feel for why things were drawn the way they were, and how body partsl ine up and the way things should look. There is no shame in copying something to learn from it.

When exactly did you start out drawing?

Probably will not be in the simulview tonight due to Super Bowl stuff here at the house. Though my only investment in it is watching the Ravens suffer a horrible, embarrassing loss.
I guess I'll throw out some shit I've done to illustrate my point.
Here's something I drew back in 2008.
Here's basically the same drawing, but done a little more than a year later.
You work hard at it, you get better. If you don't try hard to improve yourself, you won't get anywhere. This doesn't just cover drawing either, this also applies to writing, playing video games, riding a bike, etc.

I kinda want to draw that over again just to see how much better I could do it now.

Both of those Smash drawing are great (particularly the latter, of course), but I can certainly see your point. It does take work to get better at something. Like running for me, at least until my most recent knee injury :(.
Is there really going to be a simulview on Super Bowl Sunday?
When does it even start? Couldn't we just do it before it starts or after it's over?
Both of those Smash drawing are great (particularly the latter, of course), but I can certainly see your point. It does take work to get better at something. Like running for me, at least until my most recent knee injury :(.


When does it even start? Couldn't we just do it before it starts or after it's over?


Game starts at 6:30 ET (5:30 pm Cajun time)
A typical Super Bowl lasts about 5 hours. It will be about 11:30 ET by the time its all wrapped up including commercials and halftime.
Game starts at 6:30 ET (5:30 pm Cajun time)
A typical Super Bowl lasts about 5 hours. It will be about 11:30 ET by the time its all wrapped up including commercials and halftime.

That late would be kinda unfair to those in Europe, but if we wanted to do it before, we'd basically have to start right now and we'd might get an episode in.
Mugi has all the dosh, so it's assumed her house is a mansion. Which is probably why it's never shown.

My Super Bowl spread this year is a good one:
- Potato Skins
- Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce
- Chips with Salsa and Hummus

I ended up finishing ahead of schedule too, I'm already sitting here watching the performance of America the Beautiful with all my food already sitting on the TV trays directly to my left. I'm ready to watch football and commercials.


No team has ever come back to win it down more than 10, and the Niners are trailing by 18. Yeah its pretty much over. Yall can start simulcast.
New Orleans was just trying to make the Super Bowl actually interesting... ^^;

They succeeded. For awhile there, it actually seemed like the Niners wanted to win the game. Then they changed their mind at the end and let the Ravens have it anyways. I guess they heard it was Ray Lewis Day, gotta honor the guy who got off on an accessory to murder charge after all!

I just watched the worst way to tarnish one of the great legacies in modern sports history. The San Francisco 49ers had never lost a Super Bowl, going 5-0 in the era of Montana and Young. The retired Niners of old are sad tonight. These Niners literally threw the game away twice in the same game, that has to be a record of some kind.
They succeeded. For awhile there, it actually seemed like the Niners wanted to win the game. Then they changed their mind at the end and let the Ravens have it anyways. I guess they heard it was Ray Lewis Day, gotta honor the guy who got off on an accessory to murder charge after all!

I just watched the worst way to tarnish one of the great legacies in modern sports history. The San Francisco 49ers had never lost a Super Bowl, going 5-0 in the era of Montana and Young. The retired Niners of old are sad tonight. These Niners literally threw the game away twice in the same game, that has to be a record of some kind.

Quit your whining. The Vikings have never won a single Super Bowl.


My Saints won one in 09. Oh what a feeling it was!
Fireworks went off all over the city at once. It was nuts.
Oh, and try green tea mochi. It is soooooo good!
It's more soul crushing that they've lost every single time they've been there.

See, it's the whole "Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all thing" for the Browns and not going to the Super Bowl. The AFC Championship game defeats to Elway all those years were trash. Wish we could have beaten him once, even if we lost in that Super Bowl. Instead, the Ravens take our franchise win two super bowls with it, and we get the crummy expansion team.



See, it's the whole "Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all thing" for the Browns and not going to the Super Bowl. The AFC Championship game defeats to Elway all those years were trash. Wish we could have beaten him once, even if we lost in that Super Bowl. Instead, the Ravens take our franchise win two super bowls with it, and we get the crummy expansion team.


The Browns are way more respectable than the Ravens, don't worry.
The Browns are way more respectable than the Ravens, don't worry.

You're always there to pick me up with my terrible Browns depression <3

With the Ravens win, Ray is gone, a 96 would be Cleveland Draft pick. Phil Dawson, who played for the 99 expansion team will be gone as well. New Beginnings! I'm excited.



in a more related note,

i just noticed that the girls' tie has a different color depending on which grade they are. mind blown.
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