in a more related note,
i just noticed that the girls' tie has a different color depending on which grade they are. mind blown.
in a more related note,
i just noticed that the girls' tie has a different color depending on which grade they are. mind blown.
Their shoes are also color coordinated, and not to mention their gym jerseys a more related note,
i just noticed that the girls' tie has a different color depending on which grade they are. mind blown.
in a more related note,
i just noticed that the girls' tie has a different color depending on which grade they are. mind blown.
My Saints won one in 09. Oh what a feeling it was!
Fireworks went off all over the city at once. It was nuts.
The Doctor's bowtie is a different color depending on whether the episode takes place in the past or the future.
There are no doctors in K-ON! Only nurses.
I'd probably die with her as my nurse, but at least I'd die happy.
I think Ui would make a good nurse. She manages to keep Yui alive, after all!
I'd probably die with her as my nurse, but at least I'd die happy.
Ok, new idea...Trauma Team featuring K-ON!
Not enough Ritsu
Speaking of Ritsu, do you have any of her figures yet?
Not yet. Still trying to decide if I want to spend several hundred and get the whole group including Ui.
Alter's Ritsu would be at the top of my list. Kind of expensive for me at the moment though :/.
Love! <3
Yeah I need that one for certain.
I kind of want all the Alter's to keep the collection uniform.
Caj and Kandrick would love this.
I think the Ritsu one is the most expensive of the whole set, but I can't exactly remember.
On eBay it looked like it was hovering around $200~$250.
Nice picture though.
They're so cute! Mio will always be Ritsu's waifu to me! :3
Are you sure it wouldn't be the other way around?
Are you trying to say that Mio is manly?
No, I'm trying to reference a very specific lewd fan art in a very roundabout way.
... *thinks* ... OOOOOOOH! THAT ONE! Okay, yes, you're right.
luckily, i'm clean enough that the only thing that came to mind from all that was Jojo's ending theme song when i read "roundabout" in one of the sentences above.