Chet Rippo
Yes ... wait, no.
You should fix that.
Yes ... wait, no.
You should fix that.
It's too far away!
Tomorrow is going to be fucked up for me. Im going to have Yui and mio, but it will be a very sad day.
You are still more than free to hit me up if you need someone.
Tomorrow is going to be fucked up for me. Im going to have Yui and mio, but it will be a very sad day.
But there's going to be a very beautiful light at the end of the tunnel. It will all be worth it!
ask uraizen about it.
not much is going to cheer me up tomorrow.
The figurines and Geneva autoshow will help more than hurt, though.
Paging urai-kun:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Vidya games in your k-on thread![IMG][/QUOTE]
Since you made it.
Since you made it.
I broke P4G
Well you better fix it.
It's not my fault I killed an end game boss 4 hours in!
I broke P4G
I really wanna know how you did this, New Game+ or what?
Very easy mode makes your party effectively immortal because if the main character dies you can just revive and keep fighting lol
It's a lame way to play through the game but I only care about the combat.
I hope you had a great birthday.
I've finally beaten P4G in both Japanese and English after last night. Now I think I'll be doing trophy clean-up, currently dreading the "Hardcore Rise Fan" trophy...
I'm sorry, if you're not a hardcore Rise fan, you're a failure at life. Especially JP Rise, who just happens to be voiced by Rie Kugimiya.
I broke P4G
My imagination is getting the better of me lately and P4 is straying from a K-ON crossover to a Metal Gear Rising crossover of all things. OR MAYBE ALL THREE!!!!! MADNESS!!!!!
Can somebody find a relevant Yui gif? I'd appreciate it lots.
It was.
BTW, at the fighting game people of this thread, I bought SFxT.
Can somebody find a relevant Yui gif? I'd appreciate it lots.
I rode a motorcycle in kindergarden and i was terrified.I always had trouble with the foot shifting with motorcycles. I never quite feel safe on them either, though I suppose that's part of the allure.not to mention having boobs squashed up on your back from your female companion
I rode a motorcycle in kindergarden and i was terrified.
The boob thing sounds nice though.
You mean "poor Youske" (Spoiler if you haven't gone on P4's "Operation Babe Hunt")
Nope nope nope nopeYou don't know anything until you've driven one.
You're all a bunch of perverts.
What? I'm as pure as the driven snow!
We had tons of Yui last page so how about we get an Azunayn train rolling?
Kazzy I think he put you on his shit list.That is NOT what I look like! ;P
That's really awesome. I need to go in a Azu-cat art hunt when I get home, I never gave her the appreciation she deserved.I'll happily oblige. Also, I just really like this:
I'll happily oblige. Also, I just really like this: