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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Well, there's always new developments on that front...


I uploaded this and got so many likes for it.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Who knew someone could write so much about something they didn't like?

I like to be thorough when explaining about things that I didn't like. When I like things I tend to just be like "Well, yeah I like it. It's good."

(having trouble sleeping... >>;)


I added you, I'm on there as godfatherpride.

First posts I see: hot girls, Bowie, and Sailor moon. I like your blog already.

I like to be thorough when explaining about things that I didn't like. When I like things I tend to just be like "Well, yeah I like it. It's good."

(having trouble sleeping... >>;)

It's easier to rant about things you don;t like thna to explain why you like something. I love the shit of Oreimo and K-on, but I can't tell you why because I just do. I can rant for hours about why I hate something though.


@Chet Rippo: I started Sekirei S2, Kazehana is my new favourite. Also, the dub is surprisingly better, love the new dialogue.

First posts I see: hot girls, Bowie, and Sailor moon. I like your blog already.

It's easier to rant about things you don;t like thna to explain why you like something. I love the shit of Oreimo and K-on, but I can't tell you why because I just do. I can rant for hours about why I hate something though.

Thanks, expect to see: anime, "talent" and the various music I like.

I uploaded this and got so many likes for it.

Haha, I remember this.
How could I forget? ;P


Also, I have a Tumblr, but I only use it to post pictures I've had commissioned from the end of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, so it's pretty spoilish.

So I've decided to return the tablet I bought because of reasons.

Here's my full review, for those who want to know said reasons...

Were you able to get a full refund, being you opened the thing and used it quite a bit?
Inverse, we're starting in 15 min or so.

Damn =\ I think I left about 10 minutes before this :((

It's easier to rant about things you don't like than to explain why you like something. I love the shit of Oreimo and K-on, but I can't tell you why because I just do. I can rant for hours about why I hate something though.

Are you me? Get out of my brain.

It is much easier to write loads about something you don't like.
Chet...oh dear. That's not Mio in your avatar!
I actually really like Azu-nyan :D

Also, Chet, Cajun, SD, Zel, anyone else here want to make me a new K-ON! Avatar? Goku's had his fun, I'm ready to get back to the girls!
Was "Watanabe Kazuma" taken?

PS: you still haven't followed me..
Speaking of, why did you, you referring to Kazzy, pick that name in the first place?
@Chet Rippo: I started Sekirei S2, Kazehana is my new favourite. Also, the dub is surprisingly better, love the new dialogue.
It's hard to pick a favorite.
Chet...oh dear. That's not Mio in your avatar!
I actually really like Azu-nyan :D
It's the worst day of the year!
Since I had a lot of time on my hands, Happy Easter everyone!

Love it!

I don't have one of those Tumblr thingys yet...no idea what I would do with one. But you all will be the first to know when I get one ;).

Was kinda feeling crappy last night and went to bed super early...slept for twelve hours...and still feeling very off. Sigh.
Wow, I somehow missed that yesterday. Very cool, Chet.

Amish - Did you order Idolm@ster 2 yet? It's so good. I'm playing it on my other account. Makoto is my waifu. <3

Not yet, and probably not for another week or two since that money went to signing me up for the Philly marathon in case that sold out quick. But I still plan to! I will be the best Producer-san ever :D.
Probably because you slept 12 hours.

Eh, maybe, though I'm also thinking it might be
some prescriptions not working as intended
since I've been feeling like this off and on for the last few days. Hard to put my finger on what it is or why. Think I'll have to
go see my neurologist and/or psychiatrist sooner than I had wanted to.


Yes I have.

Also just figured out how to include artist sources

*deletes all posts*
You must have privacy settings on or something because you don't show up in my followers. huh.
You can edit the source into all your posts, byt the way.

I don't have one of those Tumblr thingys yet...no idea what I would do with one. But you all will be the first to know when I get one ;).

Post mad kawaii and lewd arts.
One of these things is not like the other. One of these doesn't belong.
That's not my Christmas Mio
Missing some of my other Mio avatars as well.

I never said they were all yours, any of those was a better alternative for you, of course! I just grabbed the ones that showed up on Google.

Also I see you just couldn't take it anymore. LOL.
I never said they were all yours, any of those was a better alternative for you, of course! I just grabbed the ones that showed up on Google.

Also I see you just couldn't take it anymore. LOL.

Find them all!

I did it for a joke about April Fools. The joke is over. The End.


Find them all!

I have a Chet folder, so it shouldn't be hard.

Not to be confused with a :Chet folder.

You must have privacy settings on or something because you don't show up in my followers. huh.
You can edit the source into all your posts, byt the way.

Yup, spent a little while yesterday, stumbling about the UI. Think I've got it figured now. And I never sourced that art originally, so it was just easier to pull it down.

I'll have to check my settings.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I'm still waiting for a Moe~FPS.

Where the moe girls shoot people, not people shooting moe girls.

Good of you to clarify that. I'd play a shooter where Miku and the other Vocaloids purge the earth of human scum singing all the while. ;P
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