Seeing as the only prevalent member of this thread that I see in the main anime thread is Chet (I think), I thought I may as well post my thoughts on K-ON in here, especially as I'm watching it for the first time.
K-ON 6!
It's taken me this long to realise that they attend an all-girls school, yep. And here we are at the zenith, the big live performance and it's pretty much over before it really begins, one song? ONE SONG! Sawako is beginning to creep me out now, what with the nurse and maid costumes amongst the outfits she had prepared for the gang, she has questionable motives.
It was a nice stylistic touch to portray the actual song via a music video, but it felt like they stole the moment away from the viewer somewhat. I mean, weve seen them practising and gradually improving, and you dont even get to see them play! I was surprised their performance went off without a hitch though; I was fully expecting something to go horribly wrong to keep that whole thing going a little longer. But in fairness, I guess there was this:
Silly Mio. I'd wager that set sail on a thousand pieces of fan-art. I will be sad when Yuis broken voice returns to normal in the next episode.
K-ON 7!
Well this all seems like a perfectly nice christmas par...oh my god! Sawako is a crazy-person! What a difference a couple of episodes make, she has suddenly transformed from a slightly offbeat adult influence to being a full on spinster. And on the subject of adults, I'm starting to find the lack of Yui's parents a little bit disconcerting; they don't really exist, do they? Who abandons their children on Christmas? A screenshot does not do justice as to just
how sinister this scene feels without the offbeat singing that accompanies it.
This episode was so full of sentiment; I thought I'd have to use a spoon to get through it all. Maybe it was guilty of being saccharine with the Yui and Ui scenes, but it was still a nice couple of moments regardless. The compilation of Yui was funny mainly because thats the same trap I often fall into; I hate the wasteland of boredom that exists between Christmas and New Years.
K-ON 8!
Events are hurtling forward with this series, its when you realize that months have passed since the beginning of the series that it becomes apparent just how lazy/bad the light-music club is. Its a little odd that they cant at least inflate their club numbers at least a little bit by now, and judging by the other clubs that were being promoted, like tea-drinking (which they do anyway), the light music club sounds damn amazing in comparison. But they do manage at least to drum up a little interest, and then swiftly destroy that by appearing like this:
Maybe Mio should have fallen over again...
Well my complaint about their last concert seems to have been heeded here because we got a proper performance at last.
I've read so many divisive things about the inclusion of Azusa that I'm not quite sure what to expect from her introduction. She seems okay so far, not that there is much to go off, basically a Mio-lite then, sans the ridiculous shyness.
What the hell, did Ui not join? Way to letdown the family...