GAF sure has it's share of stupid. They never fail to appear in certain threads. Gets old after a while.
At least K-On!GAF is best GAF!
I'm not sure how Senran Kagura of all things gives off pedo vibes...
C'est la vie.
What are you guys going on about?
A thread about the chances of Senran Kagura being localized. You know, the standard "Everyone with Anime avatars are pedophiles," responses and so forth.
...and Mugi has somehow become my favourite character, which has surprised even me, especially because I feel the need to highlight just how redundant she has been in everything that I have watched so far.
It's that underdog spirit, I guess.
Something, something, lesbians.
A thread about the chances of Senran Kagura being localized. You know, the standard "Everyone with Anime avatars are pedophiles," responses and so forth.
Pedo has pretty much lost all meaning at this point.Huge breasts = Pedo doesn't even make any sense.
Oh hohoho~!But it is true.
You shouldn't stoop down to their level.Maybe should go in Pixar or Disney thread and call everyone pedophile.
... Often that prejudice is more than just anime. Is often become racism. I know.
Maybe should go in Pixar or Disney thread and call everyone pedophile.
I don't know how to track my package from Play-Asia ;~;
Did they not give you a tracking number?
It basically boils down to "Stop liking what I don't like."
There are more than six k-on girls. The dragon would just put you inside one of their bodies.
Question: why didn't they ever use the dragon balls to wish that the villain was dead or at least transported far away?
Hey, K-On GAF, sorry I haven't been keeping up with you. How is everyone?
Hey, K-On GAF, sorry I haven't been keeping up with you. How is everyone?
I'm waiting for some of those k-off! episodes. Is there any new stuff coming out?
I am an eyeball.
Still wishing for K-ON! Zero. Sawako, kawaii girl in the day....death metal hag at night! Hnnnnng!
K-Off 2 is in the works.
What's wrong with hugging a pillow as you sleep?
Would you like people to take photos of you while you sleep?
I don't want people taking pictures of me at all :s
A thread about the chances of Senran Kagura being localized. You know, the standard "Everyone with Anime avatars are pedophiles," responses and so forth.
So that's why everyone ignore my post on other threads. =/ Loving doll joints shouldn't be classify as pedo....
I should get an anime avatar.
Or at least a new one that's a little wider. I don't know why, but avatars that don't use up all the max width bug me...