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It took me about 6 hours to assemble my first PC a few months ago

I'm hoping to get the remaining parts for my first built PC around Tax time. Going to be fun since I have never built one.

Put my first Pc together this year. It didnt explode at all!

Hm... I remember when I built my first computer erhm... 14 years ago. Then it was all about ISA cards with IRQ conflicts and lots of small jumpers on the motherboard, HDDs and peripheral cards to set things up. Ah... All those jumpers...


i mite be getting a 24 inch hdtv :D

and also a 33 inch one for the living room :D

also wifi! :D

Sounds good. :D

I should watch Hidamari one day

Yes. You should.
Sorry for being so late to the thread today. Overslept, then had to go do my long run. Got that done and now I'm laying down trying to fight off some weird nausea. Might have been a bit dehydrated...it was freakishly warm here today (above 60F, at least).

So anyway, I hope you are all having a great day so far :).

I should watch Hidamari one day

Hidamari is all happy and amazing and (as Cajun would put it) squeee! Everyone should watch it!


I made up my mind to not get a Mio figurine until I can get the maid one...currently I still have no cash since the Rinko Deluxe 3DSLL made me pre-pay in my pre-order :'(


I have this cutie prominently on display so im definitely not ashamed of my figures but just swimsuit figures have nothing to them. Some generic perfect female body with the head of whatever character.
at least this bunnygirl Charles has some personality to it.


I have this cutie prominently on display so im definitely not ashamed of my figures but just swimsuit figures have nothing to them. Some generic perfect female body with the head of whatever character.
at least this bunnygirl Charles has some personality to it.
I don't know if that's necessarily fair, I'm sure there are mizugi figures you might like with tons of personality(although admittedly I don't know much about figures, except always pick Alter) ~


I don't know if that's necessarily fair, I'm sure there are mizugi figures you might like with tons of personality(although admittedly I don't know much about figures, except always pick Alter) ~

I dont usually get bunnygirls either. This particular figure is just adorable.
just be careful, and make sure it's in a condition that satisfies you...that's pretty much it

Depends on the condition.

I like the new figure smell though.
Cool. The particular figure I want is Momohime from Muramasa whic the only place I can find at the moment is on amazon for $200 which is double her price for new. I spotted some one on ebay selling one for $120 which is still pretty price for a used one but alot cheaper. I might keep looking for it to see if I can get lucky though.
That is so hnnnnnnng!

And it prompted me to search for an Ui swimsuit figure (can't believe I hadn't before) which led me to this:


Going to try to hold out until Otakon Vegas to see if I can find something there, but it's going to be difficult...

lol what? There's an Otakon in Las Vegas now?
First time there next month apparently.

I went to Otakon eight straight years from 2000. I've sort of drifted away from anime cons the past few years.

Had I known about this earlier, might have tried to plan something, or even went with you, Amish!
Thanks for letting me know ;P
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