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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!

Ask and you shall receive
a PM

Morning, morning!

Saw this on my twitter blogroll.
This has nothing to do with K-On, but it is probably the most Chet-worthy figure I've ever seen. A 1/2 scale Super Sonico.


Possibly a tad NSFW depending on what you think of huge breasts on a nearly three foot tall figure.

Also, it costs $400.
Jeez, a 3 foot tall figure is huge! If only there was a Mio statue that big!
Ah I doubt it would be very exciting for anyone here anyway.
So modest!

I have only ever played the games. I'm not sure it's worth $500 for the anime.
You can watch on Crunchyroll for free, though I suppose that does have subtitles on it.

Best idol.

Is the anime similar to the game? Is it closely follow the story of each character?

I am not an anime fan (K-ON was special) and I already know the stories of most of the characters. So I wonder if it is worth it.
I haven't played the game, so I wouldn't know about that, but the anime is pretty zany, so I'm not sure if you'll like it for that, but if you like some of the characters, I think you would enjoy it

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Speaking of iM@S, I FINALLY found the full version of Thank You Yesterdays from Puchimas!

This is the best ED ever. And the "petit version" is FUCKING ADORABLE. It's just random Puchidol gibberish set to the instrumental of the song. :3
Awwww... I wanted to replicate this and put Akari's head on my Haruka cu-poche body, but the neck systems are different. Nendo's keep the peg in the head and Cu-poche's keep it in the body. I don't really want to damage them by forcing one out.

That sucks, but expected. It would have been kinda weird if they could exchange parts.


Awwww... I wanted to replicate this and put Akari's head on my Haruka cu-poche body, but the neck systems are different. Nendo's keep the peg in the head and Cu-poche's keep it in the body. I don't really want to damage them by forcing one out.

Didn't know Cu-poche's were detachable. :eek:


So modest!
Not at all.

You can watch on Crunchyroll for free, though I suppose that does have subtitles on it.
I don't know if that web site is for outside USA. If it is maybe I can sample a little bit to decide if I want to buy. Subtitles are really distracting.

I haven't played the game, so I wouldn't know about that, but the anime is pretty zany, so I'm not sure if you'll like it for that, but if you like some of the characters, I think you would enjoy it
I do not really mind zany. I just like for some control and sense of reality to contrast with zany. Normal gives crazy a context.

I think there is misunderstanding of why characters like Yui is lower for me. It is not that she is silly. It is because she is maximum level silly all the time. It just never stops. Constantly acting like a preschool student stopped being "cute" 14 episodes ago.


The posts I quoted were chosen at random.

I want to finish watching this show but it has been a long time. I think the last time I watched was over a year ago. I wonder if I should start over from the first season or the second. Or just continue at whatever episode I left off. I think the last one I watched was the
Azusa, Ui, and Jun episode when the original members went on the school trip

Now here's a name I recognize from the k-on gaf IRC. Welcome, frequency! Or should I say "welcome back?" Your english is good, I don't see anything wrong with it.

That's only a few episodes in, you might as well start from the beginning of season two again.


Welcome to k-on gaf!

You and I are going to get along like a house on fire, then. I'm a newcomer too, will you hold my hand? :(

tea is always fun!

Oooh, I've already contacted you outside of the thread! Welcome!

Oh my indeed. Welcome!

dang, this thread moves at the speed at the light during my sleeping hours.

It has been moving pretty fast lately, just look at all these people I'm responding to! Welcome!

So what do you guys usually do here considering that the show/manga is over?

Welcome new people. Welcome!

. Welcome!

Is this where I point out that Tower Bridge and the London Eye are nowhere near that close.


I recognize you from elsewhere, but welcome!


Phew, sorry if I missed anybody.


The posts I quoted were chosen at random.

Now here's a name I recognize from the k-on gaf IRC. Welcome, frequency! Or should I say "welcome back?" Your english is good, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Welcome to k-on gaf!

Oooh, I've already contacted you outside of the thread! Welcome!

Oh my indeed. Welcome!

It has been moving pretty fast lately, just look at all these people I'm responding to! Welcome!

Welcome new people. Welcome!

. Welcome!

I recognize you from elsewhere, but welcome!


Phew, sorry if I missed anybody.

*hugs Ura-kun
oh yeah, not sure if anyone here saw it before or not but


This is a pic by one of my favorite artists. :3
I like the guys art, even if it's a little crazy.
I don't know if that web site is for outside USA. If it is maybe I can sample a little bit to decide if I want to buy. Subtitles are really distracting.
I think it works in Canada, but I'm not sure.

I do not really mind zany. I just like for some control and sense of reality to contrast with zany. Normal gives crazy a context.
I guess I should say they're more crazy than the crazier episodes in K-ON!!
But the show is done really well, and they perform quite a few times on stage, which I'm sure you'd enjoy.
I think there is misunderstanding of why characters like Yui is lower for me. It is not that she is silly. It is because she is maximum level silly all the time. It just never stops. Constantly acting like a preschool student stopped being "cute" 14 episodes ago.
This is why I think you will love the later parts of K-ON!! and the movie.
Following up on the figure swapping discussion, there is also always Madoka Titus and Homura Sparrow.


Technically it requires a bit of modding on the legs, but nothing else special.

Popular enough for fanart!

And even... cosplay?
That's pretty cool!


That's because everyone knows Canada is just a poor man's 'Mericuh!
Silly Americans with your too many states and guns.
Come up north and have some poutine! Meet a nice Canadian woman!
There's always ways around that crap anyway.
It's the principle that I shouldn't have to do dumb crap just to watch some silly anime when I could drive a few hours across the border and watch it.
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