Why are you guys spraying your load over that namjoo girl. Sometimes I just don't understand some of you..breaks my heart
idk. that pic is cute though.. which is rare in her caseWhy are you guys spraying your load over that namjoo girl. Sometimes I just don't understand some of you..breaks my heart
idk. that pic is cute though.. which is rare in her case
A big chunk of them also think lime is incredibly hot.
On a sidenote, what has T-ara been up to lately? Their last single bombed pretty hard yea? Will they ever be able to regain their popularity or does Korea still hate them? I personally don't care at all for them now. Every time I hear Sexy Love I cringe and change the song. Terrible song, dance, and overall promotion.
I still don't understand why they added Areum to T-ara, she adds no defining skills and is not very pretty. Especially compared to Hyomin and Eunjung.
He added her and the kid to reinforce the fact to the existing members that any of them can be replaced if he feels like it. Nothing to do with adding anything positive to the group.
Why are you guys spraying your load over that namjoo girl. Sometimes I just don't understand some of you..breaks my heart
edit: How the hell is A Pink's dorm so luxurious when they just debuted last year? I guess A Cube really is the best company to work for. You even get time off when you're sick!
She's actually the worst looking in A-Pink imo. BUT. She's definitely better than Hyo though so "worst looking" probably isn't the right term, but she's still at the bottom of the list.
Lol I wouldn't say it's really luxurious. If anything, it's just the living room that looks nice. Their bedrooms are your typical girls bedrooms, very girl and messy lol.
But yeah, the big three and Cube/A Cube are apparently the only companies who treat their idols really well. Especially SM after their scandal with DBSK that formed JYJ. That apparently changed the entire culture of SM for the better.
Cube don't really give the girls lavish apartments... there's 7? in A Pink and they have 3 bedrooms? one of the rooms is so small only one person can fit in it.
But A-Pink did win ROTY, so the apartments living space looks fine.
Then you flip it again, A-Pink News doesn't exactly have a huge budget.
It's certainly not as lavish as SNSD though, 5 rooms, 4 are shared while Fany has a room to herself. Not to mention it's supposedly located somewhere in Gangnam.
are you saying people don't know the exact location by now?
They actually got the dorm before they won ROTY, so it really is just A Cube being really nice.
And yeah, it is small as hell. Last I remember, Eunji has a single room to herself while Hayoung and Chorong are on a bunk bed in a separate room while the rest of the 4 girls are in another room with 2 bunk beds.
It's certainly not as lavish as SNSD though, 5 rooms, 4 are shared while Fany has a room to herself. Not to mention it's supposedly located somewhere in Gangnam.
are you saying people don't know the exact location by now?
10 minutes until this is live. I'll post some deals if they got anything decent.
Anything good? shop website is down for me :S
Most of the stuff is $1-$4 off lol. Not really worth it.
Imagine where they'd be if they hadn't ever met Yasutaka Nakata, probably dreaming of crowds as big as that 2004.
10 minutes until this is live. I'll post some deals if they got anything decent.
Cute. Wonder who took the picture!
eunhyuk obviously
Many, and sometimes the grls themselves, would actually credit Kimura Kaela
There actually was a tumblr post by Oniontaker before he removed his archives that had the addresses of every property that SME owned but everything was blocked out besides the addresses of their offices. So yeah, it's definitely out there, I just think it'd be a little hard to find.
And Jessica doesn't even live there often at all except around comeback time (her parents is v.close apparently). But i wouldn't be surprised if they all had their own places these days either.
Also, Fanny must be a really loud snorer.
Pretty sure that's the details of their old apartment. They moved this past summer into a new place. They said 3 live outside the dorms, Sica for sure, not sure of the other 2, but Taengoo, Fany, Sunny, and Yuri still live in the apartment, possibly Sooyoung and Seohyun live with their parents now. All of them bought houses for their parents.
Not sure what the roomie situation is now. It use to be:
Tiffany solo because her family lives in the states.
Uhhh... You think that photo is hideous? Haven't you ever seen a woman without makeup? She looks great for someone who's seemingly just woken up.Wait, is this IU?
Please say no. She's hideous. It's Goo right?
I realise that someone who thinks Tiffany is perfect has some weird stuff going on upstairs, but still.
THey changed dorms indeed, but we don't have details. The famous Yuri scene with the beans sprouts shows a glimpse of their kitchen and this was already some time ago.
Sooyoung parents/grandparents are well-off (check the first MTV episodes), they were side by side houses, so maybe she didn't bought a new house for them.
I also believe Seohyun and Sooyoung (along with Jessica) are the ones living out of the dorm, except during promotions.
I've been reading this thread too much.
I had a dream that I finally got a custom tag and it was "anti-cuddler" because cuddler and i were fighting about who's the best in super junior.
I know
Kara covers for Dazed and Confused Korea:
I got a package from South Korea
Can't believe I got the Lizzy photocard too, today is a good day.
Uhhh... You think that photo is hideous? Haven't you ever seen a woman without makeup? She looks great for someone who's seemingly just woken up.
I realise that someone who thinks Tiffany is perfect has some weird stuff going on upstairs, but still.
ash is the WORST at recognizing people. you guys should know this by now.