NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo it wasn't Shindong at all, I've watched the video, he said next to nothing during the prank.
.NO DUDE you cant defend this creep. What a jerk, he totally made them cry wow hes terrible
NO DUDE you cant defend this creep. What a jerk, he totally made them cry wow hes terrible
Photographing their own fancams?
She made the right call with the blue S3
But the jokers on her, the camera on the S3 is a pile of shit.
Photographing their own fancams?
NO DUDE you cant defend this creep. What a jerk, he totally made them cry wow hes terrible
The only jerk here is Shindick
Just kidding Cuddler
<3 I need a new Christmas themed avatar.
Thanks! I'll take one for now, might change it tho if I find a pic I like better
after reading comments here about her hair, Sunny goes into hiding.
If so, sunny, can you tell yuri to keep up what ever she's been doing.
She might be the hottest female in the world atm.
If so, sunny, can you tell yuri to keep up what ever she's been doing.
She might be the hottest female in the world atm.
yeah its ridiculous how "hot" she is....
I like Seohyun but I wish Yuri was in the subgroup... shame she cant really sing.....though
also I'm pretty sure she is a gangsta... most of the other members say she is different when the camera aren't there...
They're all different off camera. Just as T-ara.
Yuri seems rather childish to me, which is a turnoff.
Thank you based Fiddle.
Yuri is indeed the hottest member in Soshi, but that's about it. She's just amazingly hot and good looking compared to Tiffany who is amazingly hot, good looking, and has some personality. I'm not saying, Yuri is vapid or anything like that, rather, aside from her goofyness she doesn't really have anything else going for her.
Also, TaengSic is real!!!!
Behold the proof:
I wonder what other articles of clothing these girls have shared with each other...
I've noticed in most of the shows in like 09-10 of course it was the way it was edited, but fany and Tae didn't seem that close at first...seemed like they avoided each other in shows where there was competition Tae doesn't seem to be competitive anyway lol... but got alot closer in the later years 10-12..seeing how they in the subgroup and everything...I know fans wish this shit was real but seems to me that Jessica doesn't really give a fuck most of the time....with my past posts I'm definitely a Taengfany fan... is their any truth to that or is it just in the fans dreams...
of course the best/cutiest and most amazing girl of the group would end up beinging a lesbian... not that their is anything wrong with that, their isn't... Has Tae ever been seen with a guy on a date or anything...
Only thing I can make out of this is her interests is Japanese and Dancing. Anyone who can read advanced Japanese know what the rest means?
Edit: Singing and acting are the two other ones :3
Yeah, they talk too much about drama and arguments and emotions and so on for there not to be a bunch of guys in the picture.
Guys don't need to be involved for that shit to happen
Special Abilities: Starve to death
Still the best looking in SNSD.
best looking corpse, maybe.
Still the best looking in SNSD.
best looking corpse, maybe.
Best looking RealDoll®
Still the best looking in SNSD.
Best looking beanpole maybe, I would take Tiffany or Sica first.
I would even take Hyoyeon first.
You know you've come a long way into K Pop when you can recognize your favorite by their eyes and hair :3