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Kanye West & Jay-Z present: Watch The Throne

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Only thing I've heard is HAM. Master Yoda taught me well. Patience, padawan. Definitely got a six pack waiting at home for the first listen when it drops tonight, though.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
only 7 hours, i'l be able to catch it in the morning and blast it when i to my job interview,

Some smug kanye and Jay should give me the confidence to score this job!


Kentpaul said:
only 7 hours, i'l be able to catch it in the morning and blast it when i to my job interview,

Some smug kanye and Jay should give me the confidence to score this job!

We don't say good luck! We say don't give up.


I got a question. 'Pre-ordered' the deluxe edition on iTunes when they were running the download Otis track now promotion. A day or two later I get an e-mail for the receipt to Otis which was like a dollar and some change. Did I fuck up and only buy the Otis track or is this how it appeared for other people too that preordered then? Is there a way to check to see if I preordered it through iTunes or something? Not too mad if I fucked up, just want to make sure if I did or not before tonight.


Dmorr07 said:
I got a question. 'Pre-ordered' the deluxe edition on iTunes when they were running the download Otis track now promotion. A day or two later I get an e-mail for the receipt to Otis which was like a dollar and some change. Did I fuck up and only buy the Otis track or is this how it appeared for other people too that preordered then? Is there a way to check to see if I preordered it through iTunes or something? Not too mad if I fucked up, just want to make sure if I did or not before tonight.
This is pretty standard. When you ge the album it will charge you the full price of the album minus the $1.29 for the single.

Also, iTunes usually post their Tuesday releases around 11-11:30ish on Mondays. Hopefully it's the same here. Want this ASAP.


Im getting antsy, I avoided the hype, the sample leaks, but I cant take it now that its almost here. I'm still nervous that it will be a letdown, but damn it. I want it NAAAOOOOWWWWWWW!


Even though this album im sure will be good I feel the hype is way too much and no matter what people wont say its a classic due to the huge amount of hype and it not living up to it


Those snippets are crazy. "That's my Bitch" sounds something special, and "Nig**s in Paris" is going to get thrown in the car so fast. so fast. My HYPE is on critical.

OG Kush

Snippets sound great but who knows if its a classic. People were calling MBDF a classic on the first day which is fucking stupid IMO. A classic is an album that defies the test of time. How can an album be a classic when it hasn't even been out for atleast a while?!


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
how many hours we got left? im getting impatient and writing this paper would go over a lot better with WTT playing on repeat.


I've been waiting for a long, long time
Just to get up and throw my hands up high~

I know That's my Bitch is gonna be my favorite, for sure. Ugh, so good.
OG Kush said:
Snippets sound great but who knows if its a classic. People were calling MBDF a classic on the first day which is fucking stupid IMO. A classic is an album that defies the test of time. How can an album be a classic when it hasn't even been out for atleast a while?!

The internet will never allow anything to be considered a classic anymore.
Some people just like to hate to be different.

If Illmatic came out today...there will be a bunch of haters calling it trash.
Knux-Future said:
If Illmatic came out today...there will be a bunch of haters calling it trash.
That guy Nas is so stupid, he didn't say "swag" over and over again in his tracks and the production is ass. Where was Lex Luger? Illmatic is not a banger.

I cried as I wrote all of that.


Almost here...

Haven't heard anything except H.A.M. and Otis.

I need it now!!!



Knux-Future said:
The internet will never allow anything to be considered a classic anymore.
Some people just like to hate to be different.

If Illmatic came out today...there will be a bunch of haters calling it trash.

Thats not true at all, if anything, the internet is too quick to call something a classic( See Kanye's MBDTF)


You now belong to FMT.
Never ever will there be another classic the way people are today on the internet..

With that being said... Had no real hype for this so I am going in with an open mind .. Only heard ham and Otis... 12 leggo
ReconYoda said:
Thats not true at all, if anything, the internet is too quick to call something a classic( See Kanye's MBDTF)

name the last universally named classic album.

The internet is full of people who love to be contrarian just to be different.

I agree that classics are defined way to early. Go into an Em trhead here and day 1 peopel are all like EM IS BAAAACK AAWWW YEAAAAAh...then a few days later..it's like ...this album sucks. No in between. It's early hype and then cosmic fall.

But still no one is able to agree to a classic album. It's all opinion anyway. As long as the album doesn't blow ass chunks( like H.A.M does) then I'm fine...i don't need perfection all the time


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Malleymal said:
Never ever will there be another classic the way people are today on the internet..

With that being said... Had no real hype for this so I am going in with an open mind .. Only heard ham and Otis... 12 leggo

That's not true. I think the time for something to really be considered a classic is around the 10 year mark. I mean even just looking at the same artist Recon brought up, Kanye, College Dropout is already considered a classic(it's at the 7 year mark now, released in 2004). It came out right when the internet itself was hitting it's stride and people were really using it like we use it today, but en-mass. Now some did consider it a classic in the sense that it'll be remembered for defining that year and a better part of the generation (and decade as we come to later see), but I don't think anyone would have considered it a classic in the old usage. I think the same could be said for MBDTF, that while it's a classic of last year and probably the best album of last year, in the original sense of "classic" it hasn't reached that status yet because we haven't seen what it's influenced down the road and how it's sound will shape the future.

The M.O.B

Pre-Ordered on iTunes, I haven't bought something from iTunes in awhile.

The last album I bought was
Lupe Fiasco's LASERS


You now belong to FMT.
Dropout to me was a classic.... I am talking about how everyone super dissects everything nowadays... Certain music sort of defines it's time and yea Dropout was the last to do it for me.

No one is going outside the box to make music and until that happens we will never see another classic. In my opinion


tagged by Blackace


wenis said:
That's not true. I think the time for something to really be considered a classic is around the 10 year mark. I mean even just looking at the same artist Recon brought up, Kanye, College Dropout is already considered a classic(it's at the 7 year mark now, released in 2004). It came out right when the internet itself was hitting it's stride and people were really using it like we use it today, but en-mass. Now some did consider it a classic in the sense that it'll be remembered for defining that year and a better part of the generation (and decade as we come to later see), but I don't think anyone would have considered it a classic in the old usage. I think the same could be said for MBDTF, that while it's a classic of last year and probably the best album of last year, in the original sense of "classic" it hasn't reached that status yet because we haven't seen what it's influenced down the road and how it's sound will shape the future.

I consider 808s a classic. It was totally different (coming from a rapper) and was a massive success. You can hear it's influence all over a new generation of dudes like Frank Ocean and Weeknd.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Malleymal said:
Dropout to me was a classic.... I am talking about how everyone super dissects everything nowadays... Certain music sort of defines it's time and yea Dropout was the last to do it for me.

No one is going outside the box to make music and until that happens we will never see another classic. In my opinion

people have been doing that for decades, just like every other entertainment media there have been dorks, dweebs and nerds who spent hours and days talking about the last issue of Xmen not being as good as it was 2 years ago or the golden age, or hip hop heads crowding in a basement spinning the latest Naughty By Nature tape talking about how this or that beat was so perfectly constructed and how their rhymes flow like water.

This shit has been around forever, it's just now we made ourselves little virtual communities where these discussion go on, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we have access to them any time we want. Just adjust accordingly I guess. It's going to be like this forever.

Tokubetsu said:
I consider 808s a classic. It was totally different (coming from a rapper) and was a massive success. You can hear it's influence all over a new generation of dudes like Frank Ocean and Weeknd.

808's is going to be Kanye's "underground" classic. Much like one of Woody Allen's films that isn't called Annie Hall or Manhattan, people will go back to it decades from now and go "this is where that sound came from".


tagged by Blackace
Tokubetsu said:
I consider 808s a classic. It was totally different (coming from a rapper) and was a massive success. You can hear it's influence all over a new generation of dudes like Frank Ocean and Weeknd.
No doubt 808s is unique, but a classic must stand the test of time, and is universally acclaimed, no? 808s is a controversial one, even though I support it fully, I don't think it'll be looked on uniformly in the future.

I would say Graduation had a ton of influence especially, alongside TCD. You can hear and see the influence Graduation had on more than half of all the upcoming rappers out there. From their image, to the production to their rapping styles even.


enzo_gt said:
No doubt 808s is unique, but a classic must stand the test of time, and is universally acclaimed, no? 808s is a controversial one, even though I support it fully, I don't think it'll be looked on uniformly in the future.

I would say Graduation had a ton of influence especially, alongside TCD. You can hear and see the influence Graduation had on more than half of all the upcoming rappers out there. From their image, to the production to their rapping styles even.
I hate to sound like a ridiculous stan, but Kanye is definitely the most influential dude in the rap game right now. The past 7 years have been almost completely influenced by him.

No, 808's isn't a classic. IMO it isn't near good enough.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
where did you get that from Snack? im diggin that cover way too much right now. need a proper sized one for a wallpaper or something.


See, most typical rap heads hate 808s but general public reception was good, and so was critical reception. Even my mother loves it so much I ended up burning her a copy for her car too. If you mention Kanye to her, she'll immediately think "Love Lockdown."
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