WHAT IS GOING ONNNAshhong said:fuuuuuu
AOTL is on
i dont know if this is the final version...the leaked version would be clean
edit: its a little different from the leak, sounds final to me
edit2: runaway has that vocoder at the end
WHAT IS GOING ONNNAshhong said:fuuuuuu
AOTL is on
i dont know if this is the final version...the leaked version would be clean
peterb0y said:entire album being streamed here
No sleep for me yet:lol
PhoenixDark said:Why would anyone listen to this? The sound quality is atrocious
peterb0y said:HOAL is just okay for me, hook still sounds average to me... probably my least favorite track on the album, which is a shame b/c some of his rhymes on it are on point
okay that switchup there was dope... feeling this track alot moreAshhong said:you crazyyy
Thank god for the digital bonus tracks. We will actually have SOMETHING to look forward to
were getting runaway apparently... niceAshhong said:LOL this guy is fucking with the viewers. Finally plays Runaway then skips past the intro :lol
theres the samples, YES
peterb0y said:were getting runaway apparently... nice
runaway sounds great, couldnt tell either about litw, but at least I feel that I got something out of staying up so late, shits gonna leak tom for sure thoAshhong said:yea just finished dling it. damn thing is 17mb! :lol
i wish he played more of lost in the world. i couldnt tell from the sample he played if those lame drums were on it or not
sdornan said:Removed
What's this?
Sebulon3k said:Hotfile Link is fake.
Went straight to Power to see if it had the strings and it was a live version, wtf :lol
FunkyMunkey said:Not for me, am I missing something? It seems legit, is 320 kpps, and has songs I haven't seen online yet...
Obligatory "I'm still buying the album".
:lol It was an adventure thats for sure. Did you download yet?! hahaspindashing said:KanyeGAF sure...went crazy. :lol damn, glad you guys liked all that shit.
I just woke up, actually. :lol They're not rips, right? I'll give them all a short listen, like the Cudi album sampler.Ashhong said::lol It was an adventure thats for sure. Did you download yet?! haha
spindashing said:I just woke up, actually. :lol They're not rips, right? I'll give them all a short listen, like the Cudi album sampler.
Glad Runaway has the sampling. In all honesty, Runaway is the track that I loved the most. I mean, I do love AOTL, but Runaway is my favorite track so far, if I had to pick one.
Fixed2BeBroken said:In retrospect of waking up from last night and re-listening to Blame Game. I still can't believe it is the way it is. :lol
wtf was he thinking.....sigh
It's just not as exciting in the morning :lolExpendable. said:it looks like it has leaked...possibly.
sdornan said:Apparently full version leaked. Tried to get to it and MegaUpload says "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."
EDIT: Nevermind, downloading now.
enzo_gt said:It's just not as exciting in the morning :lol
Fuck, I can't find second file. Internet detective investigation is hard so early in the morning.
EDIT: Apparently the full explicit leaked? Can I get a confirmation on this?
Me too?peterb0y said:someone help me out with a pm?