Entitled to your opinion, but that's flat wrong. As others have said, MOTM1&2 are classic, half of Indicud may as well be MOTM3, WZRD has more than a couple bangers, Satellite Flight is an acquired taste but I think it's fucking amazing. SB2H..like two 'okay' songs. That album isn't for us though.
Plus, everything Ye brings him onto is a stunner.
I know people give him props for the distinct self-loathing style he brought to hip-hop but that doesn't inherently make good music. He didn't have proficiency in anything to make his style compelling. His singing sucks, thus making a lot of his albums totally emotionless (some may prefer it this way, I don't), his songwriting is borderline amateur, meaning most of the songs in his prime were purely apathetic whining with no interesting perspectives or lyricism to actually resonate and sadden me in any way. He was mostly carried by decent production, which hasn't aged well.
It doesn't help that he kept getting worse since the first MOTM. He's at the point where he's pathetically dabbling with grunge 20+ years after its relevance. So yeah, 'making music for himself' is fine and all, but that's not really commendable if the music is trash.
On the other hand, Radiohead has managed to make hating yourself look 'cool' while remaining sonically interesting after all these years. Not that they haven't been on a decline since Kid A/Amnesiac, but the difference is still significant. I'm sure a lot of emo music fits the bill as well, but I'm not well-versed on that genre.