So one of the leaks that was put up on zippy was leaked by Kanye or someone else very close to the project
via 4chan /mu/
So one of the leaks that was put up on zippy was leaked by Kanye or someone else very close to the project
via 4chan /mu/
Bought half way through the album, and holy shit does Kanye seem to have low esteem.
I assume so. I'm ditching this tidal trial as soon as it's on Google Play.So all other music services next week? Waiting on Google Play.
It is possible to have low self esteem while also occasionally referring to yourself as a God?
Self reaffirming constantly and slags any women who he deems worthy of his gaze?It is possible to have low self esteem while also occasionally referring to yourself as a God?
It is possible to have low self esteem while also occasionally referring to yourself as a God?
Don't forget Paul the Apostle - the Pablo in the album's titleY'know I was just halfway through writing another thought about understanding the disjointed emotions on the album, and then I remember it's called The Life of Pablo, and Pablo Picasso, and he feels like Pablo, and I should probably sleep soon
for god's sake folks I really shouldn't have to say this but no piracy talk here, please
30 hours is such a damn good track. Where can I download the soundcloud version?
thanks for being here for me through all the insanityYeah I'm gonna go to bed too
Hoping to wake up to the codes for the album
Night GAF enjoy your feast, it has been a long ass ride
Listened twice so far.
Waves --> FML --> Real Friends --> Wolves is definitely my favorite stretch on here. Love the style of production throughout that section.
The album as a whole though.....huh. It's solid, but after the stream I really thought I was going to like this more than I do.
-Ultralight Beam is a bit too gospel for my tastes so it honestly leaves me antsy and looking at the skip button.
-Father Stretch My Hands is aight.
-Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 2 is where the album finally steps on the gas. Fauxture leaves me just wanting the real Future on this, but he doesn't hurt the track or anything. Plus that Imogen Heap vocoder effect at the end is so good.
-Famous is pretty great. Like a Graduation track filtered through MBDTF's darker tone and over the top arrogance. Swizz Beatz is an unfortunate addition here, but whatever.
-Feedback is pretty solid. Good to see the Yeezus sound is still alive and kicking.
-Low Lights is cool. Pacing, I guess.
-Highlights is too "glossy Graduation". Waste of Young Thug.
-Freestyle 4 is a waste of an amazing beat.
-I Love Kanye meh
-Waves = dopeness
-FML = dopeness. That sample drop at the end is the best thing on the entire album aside from Fade.
-Real Friends = dopeness. Again, darker Graduation.
-Wolves. Luckily for me I didn't listen to the old version enough to remember it so I don't know how much worse this is. Still like the track a lot. Kanye's verses (particularly the corny repetition) on here detracts from the atmosphere quite a bit though.
-Silver Surfer Intermission is whatever. Nice to see Kanye reaching out to the wavy one, but it doesn't add much to the project one way or another.
-30 Hours is disappointing. Generally not a fan of meandering "end credits" songs with a lot of talking, especially when it's laid over a good beat. Kanye's right, this IS the type of track you ride out to, but everything after the 2nd verse kinda kills the vibe.
-No More Parties In LA is the definition of a #YawnSkip. Didn't like it from day 1, was happy when the tracklist was leaked without it. Why is this back
-Facts is a banger but Kanye's verses are so annoying. Conflicted.
-Fade is amazing, should be 3 minutes longer, and shouldn't be dumped down here with the pleb tracks.
S'aight/10. Doesn't have the dropkick to the face appeal that Yeezus does (nor anything touching the g.o.a.t. Kanye track, Hold My Liquor) and doesn't have the hits MBDTF does. Might have more songs I like on here than 808s and Graduation though. Too early for any concrete ranking
So I finally turned off my laptop, did my bedtime shit, and got into bed. I wanted to listen to ULB one last time.
I'm halfway through the album. Damn it Ye.
So I finally turned off my laptop, did my bedtime shit, and got into bed. I wanted to listen to ULB one last time.
I'm halfway through the album. Damn it Ye.
but man fml is up there with hold my liquor for me. that outro is incredible. waves -> wolves is such a good stretch.
This album is easily top 3 Kanye for me after 3 back to back to back playthroughs.
Its like a combination of 808s, College Dropout, and MBDTF in one.
Kanye did it again.
This album is easily top 3 Kanye for me after 3 back to back to back playthroughs.
Its like a combination of 808s, College Dropout, and MBDTF in one.
I avoided all the leaked Good Friday tracks and the MSG stream so this was my first time hearing it and just unbelievable.
Kanye did it again.
Yeah, it'll be exclusive on it for a couple of daysSo where can I listen to this? Only tidal forreal.
Ya for nowSo where can I listen to this? Only tidal forreal.