Should have mentioned to look at the replies and see all her tweets. She was more talking about white people focusing on hip-hop culture sexism more so then in other popular cultures. She was just using Ye as an example as there has been some talk recently about his lyrics being a bit misogynistic. (I should probably mention I'm white myself though).
I saw her tweets earlier in the day as a friend was RTing them (which I followed, myself) and I was happy to see them. I've been having similiar thoughts myself the past few days.
It's a little too easy for white people with no investment or understanding of rap/hip-hop as a genre of music and a facet of culture to just jump on Twitter (or Facebook, or the news, or even the most casual conversation) and start going on and on (and vehemently so) about what an awful person Kanye is.
It's not that he doesn't say awful shit that's obviously awful (he does), but the extent to which it seems to dominate conversation around him and how that seems to be more because of the detractors rather than him i.e. the Cosby tweet was a single three sentence tweet - stupid to be sure, but I really didn't expect it to be s talking point for much more than a single evening, of that - while the album is a pretty solid collection of music that marks a phase in his career.
I don't think anyone is automatically a racist because they don't like Kanye, but I do think race is an element at play be it subconscious or otherwise and, as Gita more or less says herself, people should step back and check their biases. Like I had a very good friend, who's white (I'm black, I should say) reply to one of my hype tweets about TLOP last night and I was just kinda like "Yes, I know you don't like or listen to Kanye, never have, and never will. I got it." This guy is my dude for real, but yeah, I kinda had to tell him off a little bit.
I'm rambling I suppose, but again, Gita's really smart and respected and I'm happy she put those thoughts out there. I don't excuse the dumb stuff he does, I condemn it. But I also want the album. There's nuance to the situation that should be respected and for most white celebrities, it is.