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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer

Show me where I implied that anyone who doesn't like the controls is just too stupid to understand them.

I never said that and I never implied that. My first line in my post above was not meant to be taken all that serious. I thought that was obvious enough, but it seems like it wasn't.

Still, that's no reason to get so worked up about it. I mean, it's not like I insulted your mom, right?
Heh, I meant generally, those are the types of responses I see to people with legitimate frustrations regarding the controls in this (otherwise fantastic and informative) thread. And I didn't take you (totally) seriously, hence the "half-joking" bit. I'm hardly offended; I love to see/hear/read tips about how to make it less painful. It's just annoying to see people get jumped on in here when they aren't trying to pick a fight—they're just frustrated. Again, I really love this game. If the controls are perfect for people, that's great!

have you ever played any other DS FPS? I keep bringing this up but I put a lot of time into Metroid Prime Hunters and I got really good with the controls. So after putting the sensitivity to max I got really used to the controls quickly. I think the period of adjustment is different for everyone. I will agree that the controls aren't perfect though, but I never go for super long play sessions of the game anyways.
I did play MPH, and I had similar issues. I've gotten better with the KI:U controls, but they still don't work ideally for me. The cramping is less of an issue than general UI, especially for the camera.
ok lets try this again. The controls to me are a mess so far for me, just tested out multi with vectorman. He told me the same thing lol didnt touch single player yet so i have yet to mess with the control options :)

Yeah, you should do that :)
It seems to help a lot of people to put the sensitivity all the way up.

For example, this is my configuration:
Air Battles:

Land Battles:

I too wouldn't score anything if I had to use the standard configuration ;)


I wish there was a way to customize your weapons more directly. Make it cost a lot of hearts to do, make me sacrifice weapons to do it, whatever. It would just be neat to have more direct control over what buffs my weapon has.


Yeah, you should do that :)
It seems to help a lot of people to put the sensitivity all the way up.

For example, this is my configuration:
Air Battles:

Land Battles:

I too wouldn't score anything if I had to use the standard configuration ;)

thanks for the tips gonna test it out :D hope this game is as great as everyone says!
I wish there was a way to customize your weapons more directly. Make it cost a lot of hearts to do, make me sacrifice weapons to do it, whatever. It would just be neat to have more direct control over what buffs my weapon has.

Eh, I'm honestly fine with the way it's done now. It encourages you to keep playing - especially on higher intensities - and make smarter decisions when fusing weapons, which I like.
I wish there was a way to customize your weapons more directly. Make it cost a lot of hearts to do, make me sacrifice weapons to do it, whatever. It would just be neat to have more direct control over what buffs my weapon has.

But then there would be no fun in online matches because everyone would have the bestest weapon of them all.

I like the randomness in weapon fusing.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Thanks for the tip on increasing the sensitivity - helped a lot. I wasn't really even having that much of a problem with the controls but tried it out and now it seems far more responsive.


I wish there was a way to organize weapons in the fusion menu by fusion results. Like "list by strongest fusion" or "list by fusion ranged stat"


I mean like, if they made the system so that you were encouraged to keep fusing, but they also let you have more direct control over stats. Like just make it ridiculously expensive, or only allow three custom adjustments to a weapon, or something. So you'd fuse to get a weapon that's mostly what you want, then add an extra half star to ranged and a +1 to speed to fine tune it to your liking, then get rid of that +3 to poison to keep the star rating down.


My cheap-ass powerhouse build:

Skyscraper Club (Value: 280)
Ranged: ***
Melee: *
Shot Defense+1
Shot range+1
Shot homing+2
Melee dash attack+2
Knockback recovery+1

Reflect Barrier Lv.4 (four uses)
Energy Charge Lv.4 (four uses)
Quick Charge Lv.1 (one use)
Health Recovery Lv.1 (three uses)

I turtle up and literally one shot everyone but Pits once Energy Charge is in effect. Just completely nasty. And I can melee/dash attack as much as I want without fear of losing my charge because of weird ranges/hitboxes. I mainly play Light vs Dark, don't know if it holds up in Free for all yet. Been getting 7~ kills per game with it.

My fighting game instincts say "hell no", but I think this power system could be huge for the new Smash. Maybe even replace the roles of weapons with character specific "armor"/"badges"/"hats".

EDIT: Also I'm really salty that no one replies to my questions about the multiplayer lol. You guys not taking this seriously or something?!

EDIT: One of the (many) flaws of this from a competitive perspective is that you can't quite pick a build based on the stage you are fighting in. I also believe you should be able to switch (counter-pick) to other builds after death.
Eh, I'm honestly fine with the way it's done now. It encourages you to keep playing - especially on higher intensities - and make smarter decisions when fusing weapons, which I like.

I completed chapter
15 with Space Invaders and Pyrrhon
. This game is OFFICIALLY crazy.
You ain't seen nothing yet.

For me, I would put the slider to "Stop Slowly".
Yeah, everything else needs too much time to adjust the view for me. It also depends on the playing style though. I tend to zoom around and go broke as much as possible, so I need fast controls.

have you ever played any other DS FPS? I keep bringing this up but I put a lot of time into Metroid Prime Hunters and I got really good with the controls. So after putting the sensitivity to max I got really used to the controls quickly. I think the period of adjustment is different for everyone. I will agree that the controls aren't perfect though, but I never go for super long play sessions of the game anyways.
For me it's not a problem of the game but a problem of the lacking ergonomics of the 3DS. I played the DS FPS and the like on my old trusty phat and while not super comfortable it was much better to hold for people not blessed with small hands.


I just tossed some eggs and unlocked an idol of (FINAL BOSS SPOILER)
Hades' final form with the flaming blue head, called "Hades (Final)."
SO BADASS. I love how
the legs he grew back are swirling with arcane glyphs, and how there's a half-formed glass "womb" where he his stomach was severed by the Great Sacred Treasure
. They have idols for everything in this game!
I just tossed some eggs and unlocked an idol of (FINAL BOSS SPOILER)
Hades' final form with the flaming blue head, called "Hades (Final)."
SO BADASS. I love how
the legs he grew back are swirling with arcane glyphs, and how there's a half-formed glass "womb" where he his stomach was severed by the Great Sacred Treasure
. They have idols for everything in this game!

That's indeed nice to hear. I've been trying to get that idol for some time now.
I like how
Hades' blue flame head is such an obvious parody of Disney's Hades. They even share some personality traits, which is awesome since Hades is also one of my all-time favorite Disney villains.
That's indeed nice to hear. I've been trying to get that idol for some time now.
I like how
Hades' blue flame head is such an obvious parody of Disney's Hades. They even share some personality traits, which is awesome since Hades is also one of my all-time favorite Disney villains.

Would have been so brilliant if they had got James Woods to voice him!
Just finished this, best handheld game ever.
I really hope they keep making games for this franchise, I'd love a WiiU title with Wiimote pointer controls, but with Sakurai working on Smash Bros. that's likely not gonna happen. :/
Is there any spoilers in that? I kind of want to read the review but I'm too scared about spoiling further on in the game than where I am. :/

Just skimming through it I haven't seen any spoilers.
The only "spoiler" you might see is in the video and it shows what's behind the Intensity-5-gate in the first chapter. Then again, that's hardly a spoiler at all.
The video itself shows the complete first chapter. nothing more, nothing less.
They don't even talk about stuff that happens later in the game.

EDIT: After thinking a long time about it (and after reading this HG101 review) I really think that the next game Sakurai should be working on after Smash Bros. is a new Devil World in the style of Kid Icarus.
Just make it HUGE and silly and awesome.


force push the doodoo rock
I need pro tips on the sky sections. Im pretty much trying not to die most of the time. Getting hit a shit load. On land I rock shit, in sky though...
Try to always move in a circle pattern (clockwise or counter-clockwise doesn't matter), except when you have to dodge environmental stuff (like pillars). This helps not getting hit by bullets 90% of the time.
Also kill enemies as soon as possible.

That's my tactic and it's pretty effective.
Also, don't be afraid to not shoot and instead focus on dodging/barrel rolls. The added mobility in glide stance can help prevent you from getting hit, and sometimes one or two extra hits is all it takes to beat a level without dying.
Damn that chapter with the Tempura wizard. I almost got to the end on the 9.0 intensity and that tempura wizard killed me twice. I didn't kill him until I used the brief invisibility item. I will not have a moments rest today until I get past him on a 9.0 intensity. I am currently using a weapon that sucks for flying but is pretty good on land, so it is dreadful to replay the flight sections with it. I do actually have a killer bow with insane stats and abilities that makes flying a breeze, but it lacks in defensive abilities makes it hard to get through levels when I get hit. So I find myself using more weapons with better defensive stats and speed than pure offense.


Finally reached THAT ONE CHAPTER (
) last night.

I was accidentally spoiled on 18's Palutena plot twist, so the impact wasn't quite as great for me, but the whole aspect of fighting as Magnus and having to battle Pit was a total (and cool) surprise.

Also, Magnus is a slowpoke.


ok lets try this again. The controls to me are a mess so far for me, just tested out multi with vectorman. He told me the same thing lol didnt touch single player yet so i have yet to mess with the control options :)

I think part o your problem may be from jumping into multi without doing solo first. Solo babies you into the controls pretty well and gives you time and explanation to get used to them.

Multi just throws you into the fire. C'mon man! You're going up against humans that are probably pretty good, with pretty good weapons, running and spinning all over the map, items going off - chaos!

If I'd jumped into that and was trying to learn the controls as I went (esp. On default setup) I'd go crazy too.

For me solo gave me a good intro to the controls, time to get comfortable with them, then multi made me a hell of a lot better. =)
Beat the first level on 9.0. I seem to be getting the hang of things, wasn't even critical once whereas once the game came out I would totally struggle. Used
Boom Orbitars
to test them out. Still need to adapt a bit but for SP they might not be too bad after all.
My cheap-ass powerhouse build:

Skyscraper Club (Value: 280)
Ranged: ***
Melee: *
Shot Defense+1
Shot range+1
Shot homing+2
Melee dash attack+2
Knockback recovery+1

Reflect Barrier Lv.4 (four uses)
Energy Charge Lv.4 (four uses)
Quick Charge Lv.1 (one use)
Health Recovery Lv.1 (three uses)

I turtle up and literally one shot everyone but Pits once Energy Charge is in effect. Just completely nasty. And I can melee/dash attack as much as I want without fear of losing my charge because of weird ranges/hitboxes. I mainly play Light vs Dark, don't know if it holds up in Free for all yet. Been getting 7~ kills per game with it.

My fighting game instincts say "hell no", but I think this power system could be huge for the new Smash. Maybe even replace the roles of weapons with character specific "armor"/"badges"/"hats".

EDIT: Also I'm really salty that no one replies to my questions about the multiplayer lol. You guys not taking this seriously or something?!

EDIT: One of the (many) flaws of this from a competitive perspective is that you can't quite pick a build based on the stage you are fighting in. I also believe you should be able to switch (counter-pick) to other builds after death.
I'm taking the multiplayer from a fun and casual perspective, like it's a FPS or something. That's not to say I don't try hard, but I'm not too concerned about balancing of things or being able to counter-pick. It's up to everyone to have a weapon he/she feels comfortable with for multiple maps.


Beat my first 9.0 chapter (5)! Awww yeah. Just wanted to get in that 8 intensity door and managed to not die the whole time. These ~300 5/4 Beam Claws are just the bees knees. Who know an extra two stars in ranged damage could turn impossible flight sections into manageable?

Man the weapons you get on level 9 are ridiculously good. Easily finding them in the low 300s. As for fusing them I have learned two things:

1) I was totally right about my "value" theory for fusion. Value dominates everything. The weapon characteristics are determined from the value, not vice-versa. It caps your star ratings based on what abilities you inherit. If you want to have more damage and better relevant abilities, try to inherit a lesser number of abilities or even BAD abilities that don't affect your situation much. Easy example is use something like Heart Bonus -3 for a multiplayer weapon where hearts don't matter, but there's plenty more. Bottom line: A weapon with 6 abilities will have lesser star ratings for damage than a weapon with 4 abilities of comparable strentgh.

2) I have to do a bit more math here cause I was looking at this tired last night but it appears to me that you get diminishing returns fusing high-value weapons. Fusing 250 + 250 will give a greater increase in value than 300 + 300. If anyone wants to corroborate or refute that, you're welcome to.

I might have to start ending every post here with

Beat my first 9.0 chapter (5)! Awww yeah. Just wanted to get in that 8 intensity door and managed to not die the whole time. These ~300 5/4 Beam Claws are just the bees knees. Who know an extra two stars in ranged damage could turn impossible flight sections into manageable?

Man the weapons you get on level 9 are ridiculously good. Easily finding them in the low 300s. As for fusing them I have learned two things:

1) I was totally right about my "value" theory for fusion. Value dominates everything. The weapon characteristics are determined from the value, not vice-versa. It caps your star ratings based on what abilities you inherit. If you want to have more damage and better relevant abilities, try to inherit a lesser number of abilities or even BAD abilities that don't affect your situation much. Easy example is use something like Heart Bonus -3 for a multiplayer weapon where hearts don't matter, but there's plenty more. Bottom line: A weapon with 6 abilities will have lesser star ratings for damage than a weapon with 4 abilities of comparable strentgh.
That's pretty interesting.
So what you're saying is: The less positive abilities a weapon has, the more likely it is to have a high value and star rating?

2) I have to do a bit more math here cause I was looking at this tired last night but it appears to me that you get diminishing returns fusing high-value weapons. Fusing 250 + 250 will give a greater increase in value than 300 + 300. If anyone wants to corroborate or refute that, you're welcome to.
That's pretty much the reason because I don't believe that there are weapons that go beyond a value of 399. Maybe even 350.
So the higher the value is, the harder it is to push it up by fusing two high value weapons.

Also I don't think that there is a weapon with a value of 400. If there is a way to fuse a thing like that, I totally hope that it's some kind of club.

I might have to start ending every post here with




So today, I decided to play a bit of MGS3D to take a breather from KI:U, only to find that *MGS3 BOSS SPOILERS*
The End had died from old age
. Guess I should've started playing this after I beat him instead of saving and popping this in.

It's also the only time this has happened to me by accident.

So today, I decided to play a bit of MGS3D to take a breather from KI:U, only to find that *MGS3 BOSS SPOILERS*
The End had died from old age
. Guess I should've started playing this after I beat him instead of saving and popping this in.

It's also the only time this has happened to me by accident.


Ha, the exact same thing happened to me. I was taking a break from
trying to stamina kill him,
popped in my brand-new copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising, and then woke up wondering where a week of my life went.



That's pretty interesting.
So what you're saying is: The less positive abilities a weapon has, the more likely it is to have a high value and star rating?

Almost. It will likely have a higher star rating if it has worse abilities, but the value determines both of those. How it works is that you fuse two weapons with values A and B and get value C. Value C represents an overall strength of abilities plus an overall strength of damage ratings. Take away from one to add to the other and vice versa. The fun comes in when you consider negative "bad" abilities subtract from your overall ability strength, which gives you more room on the other side of the fence for damage stars.


Beat my first 9.0 chapter (5)! Awww yeah. Just wanted to get in that 8 intensity door and managed to not die the whole time. These ~300 5/4 Beam Claws are just the bees knees. Who know an extra two stars in ranged damage could turn impossible flight sections into manageable?

Man the weapons you get on level 9 are ridiculously good. Easily finding them in the low 300s. As for fusing them I have learned two things:

1) I was totally right about my "value" theory for fusion. Value dominates everything. The weapon characteristics are determined from the value, not vice-versa. It caps your star ratings based on what abilities you inherit. If you want to have more damage and better relevant abilities, try to inherit a lesser number of abilities or even BAD abilities that don't affect your situation much. Easy example is use something like Heart Bonus -3 for a multiplayer weapon where hearts don't matter, but there's plenty more. Bottom line: A weapon with 6 abilities will have lesser star ratings for damage than a weapon with 4 abilities of comparable strentgh.

2) I have to do a bit more math here cause I was looking at this tired last night but it appears to me that you get diminishing returns fusing high-value weapons. Fusing 250 + 250 will give a greater increase in value than 300 + 300. If anyone wants to corroborate or refute that, you're welcome to.

I might have to start ending every post here with

Thanks, that's really helpful!


I'm trying to fill out challenge board and I have some questions.

1) When it says acquire all weapons, does that mean have them all on you at one time or throughout the game?

2) Related to 1, is there an easy way to know what you're missing? If don't need them all at one time, just looking at my inventory isn't as helpful.

3) When doing some of the 'Take down boss in some special way' challenges,
can you do that in the levels where you fight bosses again or even in the actual Boss Rush mode?


I'm trying to fill out challenge board and I have some questions.

1) When it says acquire all weapons, does that mean have them all on you at one time or throughout the game?

2) Related to 1, is there an easy way to know what you're missing? If don't need them all at one time, just looking at my inventory isn't as helpful.

You just need to have had one at some point.

There's unfortunately no good way to know which ones you've had outside of remembering or keeping a list.


Levels 2-4 9.0 cleared! Hopefully I can keep this up.

Also, my new most hated boss may just be
Pit's Body, as you have to melee him the whole time AND you have no powers.
He got me on
Boss Rush.
It's just so easy to get screwed up with the camera and then BAM. Bleh.


This is probably already mentioned in this thread but I discovered something I was really happy about.

I'm a right handed player but even so I put my CPP on my 3DS last night and booted up KI. To my surprise while messing around the options menu, the thing was recognized automatically. But the real find was that the ZR and ZR triggers are just another set of L and R.

Basically I can now play the game as a normal right hander, except my 3DS is in the CPP which I find more comfortable to hold and the ZL trigger is much more comfortable to press than the L trigger.

The stand didn't do squat for me, but the CPP does!

Anyone else playing like this?
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