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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer


Junior Member
I'm pretty hooked. Won two Light vs. Dark matches in a row. Got some sweet weapons. My favorite so far being the Eyetrack Orbitars. Just having lots of fun with everything. Still getting used to ground controls though.

Also, holy crap, this game loads fast. You're into the main menu and playing very quickly, which is very much appreciated. So much smoothness to the menu system in general. Big thumbs up there.

Oh so your that guy with the eyetrack orbitars. My name is Flyguy online byw.


I love this game. 30 wins, 10 losses so far going in with randoms. I just went 9-1. Feels good man.

What's everyones best weapon so far?

I've gotten a 5 range, 3 melee wolf claws. 269 value.

I got a 4 range, 4 melee ancient staff (I think that was the name). It shoots pretty slow but the charge shot has a pretty big blast radius and it knocks people over for just long enough for me to get into melee range.
People complaining about hands cramps with 3DS

Guys! Please check
out. My hand used to cramp up a lot with the 3DS and this has helped. It has helped a lot with KIU especially (and it has a built-in third leg for a stand). The 3DS is not made for big hands.

People having issues with the AR cards

I had this issue. Make sure the auto white-balance of the 3DS is set properly. If the cards appear and orange/yellow tinge, it means the setting is off. I fixed this issue by aiming my 3DS as a wide shot of my environment before focusing on the cards. If you are immediately focused on the cards on the table, it becomes an issue. The cards should have a proper white outline, and they should work almost instantly.

Thanks. Will try this
People complaining about hands cramps with 3DS

Guys! Please check
out. My hand used to cramp up a lot with the 3DS and this has helped. It has helped a lot with KIU especially (and it has a built-in third leg for a stand). The 3DS is not made for big hands.

THIS X 10000!

I have pimped this particular grip in so many threads in the past that I was worried I'm starting to sound like a viral marketer. It is amazing how drastic the comfort improvement is using it... Before I got this grip I couldn't play Zelda OoT more than 15 minutes before my hands cramped. After I got this it, playing ont he 3DS became like holding a console controller, super comfortable and I never play without it now (unless I want to use the CCP, which is nowhere near as comfortable as the grip).

Edit: here's the Amazon US link
Completed the first four chapters and have the Intensity sitting between Levels 4-5; having a blast so far

Left-handed, but I'm still using the default controls (thanks to the thumb strap). I'm probably gonna switch the camera/reticle controls from the touch screen to the face buttons though.

Did some online (three matches), but I probably should have waited a while longer to acquire better weapons.

No issues with the cheesy dialogue

Also, no hand cramping so far


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I do not like the multiplayer at all. At least there's bots though.
I do not like the multiplayer at all. At least there's bots though.

Multiplayer is intense bro. You gotta pick the right weapons. The weapons system has a rock paper scissors theme to it. So if you see guys with clubs, you gotta take em down long range. If you try to go all CQC on em you gonna get rocked


Up to stage four (haven't done it yet though) and I'm enjoying the game so far. Haven't been using the stand but I think I'm to give it a try tomorrow. I keep breaking the 3D when holding the 3DS. The controls I'm okay with but I do wish it was easier to hold the 3DS. That more then anything is giving me issues and hopefully the stand can fix it. Still I like holding the system and at least resting it on my leg. It's to far away at that point for my liking. Guess I'll just have to find a position that works. Or maybe see how it is with the the 3D off. I don't know how I won the one free for all match I did. Guess luck was on my side as I lost the 3D a few times there do to the system moving.

As so many have said the dialogue is great. Loving the banter between Pit and Palutena. Been playing on intensity level 3 so far. Went back and did the first stage on 5. Got it done it was hard. Was surprised to see how hard things go by moving up to there. 9 must be insane..


I do not like the multiplayer at all. At least there's bots though.

That's too bad, why don't you like it?

Personally I'm loving the multiplayer, it has Sakurai written all over it. It's ridiculously intense and the levels/options are great. Doesn't feel cheap either (remember the better your weapon the more life you take from your team when you die).

I just wish they allowed a way for me and friends to play online without it JUST being a friend match. I love in MK7 joining friends and playing with others online. Doesn't look like that is possible in KIU.


can't figure out how status inflicts work. are they just random on hit after activating your ability? does it have to be a charge shot?

can i just activate freeze shot and snipe statuses onto people?


I'm loving this game so much. I was thinking about getting this along with Resident Evil during the summer, but hearing that Best Buy had it for $30 I decided to get it. So much awesomeness in this little cartidge. Very surprised of how good the dialogue (Super Bash Sisters lol) along with the amazing sound and visuals. Weapons Fusions is pretty cool along with the basic get all of the weapons to begin with. Overall, dis gam mad hawt.


can't figure out how status inflicts work. are they just random on hit after activating your ability? does it have to be a charge shot?

can i just activate freeze shot and snipe statuses onto people?

AFAIK, if you use the status inflict power-up, for a short time when you charge-attack someone it will inflict that status.

I use confuse-status-inflict, although I'm not sure how that works in multiplayer.
I can totally understand how you can love single player but hate mutiplayer. It's almost a completely different mindset compared to it.
Land mines are so vital if someone gets close to
me with a club weapon, yet monsters rarely run into it on Solo.

The weapon clashing is awesome and the sense of missing a foe and leaving yourself wide open actually scares me
sometimes because there's that pause when you just hope the guy didn't realize you completely wiffed a slow club attack.

My favorite moment so far is when someone turned into Pit and the whole team was basically following Pit as he ran around the stage, going on rails and such not to get hit.
He lasted a really long time before we surrounded him.

Confuse status makes it next to impossible to aim correctly for about 5 seconds.
I convinced two of my closest friends to preorder this game, and they weren't completely sold on it beforehand. We played for five hours straight. We tend to talk about and collect games more than play them, and we haven't enjoyed multiplayer like this since Monster Hunter Tri for a few weeks after release.

I was really happy that none of us had problems with the controls, I expected at least one of us to. This game has me excited for Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U, but also pining for the next original Sora game the way everyone longs for an original Retro IP.

Anyway, love the game, can't wait for Kid Icarus Wii U.


Has anyone heard of or encountered this issue? My system freezes during or after every match. I played 4 tonight. The first one it froze during. I thought I lagged out because before it froze, all the other players were not moving. The next two times it did not freeze - I played back-to-back games without leaving MP though. As soon as the 4th match ended I went to quit and it froze again.

Fun game though. MP is intense. My left hand feels dead, but it's worth it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Placed third in my first free-for-all match, even though I thought I was barely doing damage to anyone. The invisibility power seems broken, in a really delicious way.


Really loving this game so far. I do have a problem with the controls, though it's not where I thought it'd be; I have a hard time dashing, evading is pretty much out of the question which made the chapter... 4? boss needlessly difficult.

But man, the dialogue is perfect, I love all the little nods to the original game as well.

edit: I just bought more cards. what is wrong with me? And I'm 50 stars off another pack :(


I haven't tried FFA but Light vs. Dark is really fun. The only issue I have with it is that you pretty much have to stop dead in you tracks to select any item that isn't one of the two showing at the time

I also don't think many people are aware that a heal item exists. Every time I'm low on health I run behind an ally, turn a corner and heal.


I haven't tried FFA but Light vs. Dark is really fun. The only issue I have with it is that you pretty much have to stop dead in you tracks to select any item that isn't one of the two showing at the time

I also don't think many people are aware that a heal item exists. Every time I'm low on health I run behind an ally, turn a corner and heal.

it's so hard just trying to take in what's going on with the weapons for me to even think about the abilities.


it's so hard just trying to take in what's going on with the weapons for me to even think about the abilities.

Same. The only ability I have that I actively use is the effect one, where it cleanses you of whatever effect you have (poison, stone, etc.)


The Nintendo World Store Card (apparently only 250 exist)


Works with my AR reader. :)


i keep getting sucked into tornadoes and i don't have any idea where they're coming from

are they natural, an ability, weapon, wat?
I have this game since yesterday.
My god is it GOOD!
Don't know about you guys, but I love the voice acting work in this game. It's funny and very good.
Also the graphics are beautiful. So much going on all the time.

I only have problems with the 3D effect though, but I can turn that off at least (first 3DS game that has me having problems with the 3D effect, sadly :( )

I'm in chapter 5 right now and have enjoyed every minute so far.
I replayed the first chapter a bunch of times, every time on a harder difficulty level. It's amazing how much your First Blade SUCKS in this game.
Also Cannons all the way, yeah!

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet. Probably won't touch it until I'm quite far into the game.

My favorite moments so far:
The three-headed Hydra (Had to pause the game, I was laughing so hard)
The Grim Reapers (Dunno, they are awesome to me, for some reason. Maybe because they're quite hard to beat)
Controls being awesome (I use Slidepad+Touchscreen controls. Didn't have the money to buy a Frankenstick with the game, but I probably wouldn't want to use it for this game anyway, because the controls are SO GOOD)
The game generally being awesome.

This game. It is the best 3DS game righ tnow.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
My clock count is already at five hours and I've only touched the first two levels. lol

I can't decide if my favourite weapons are bows or cannons though. I kinda suck at meleeing.
Has anyone found a comfortable way to get the stand and Circle Pad Pro work together well? My 3DS skips around like crazy because the CPP is attached.
I love the game but it would have been even better with a smaller bounding box and no, first person perspective doesn't fix that. The stand is surprisingly cool to play. Can't connect to multi atm although my internet works just fine.

Request for the OP: Separate friend code lists for different regions.
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