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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer

Might be old but Amazon just emailed me. Theyre refunding me 10 bucks because of preorder price guarantee. I guess at some point in the past week, the game was listed at 30 dollars but they charged me 40 for it?

They're refunding the 10 dollars to everyone because Best Buy was selling it for $30 and Amazon has that price match guarantee. Such an awesome company.


Okay, so I played through the first two stages yesterday.

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

This game is fucking awesome. I couldn't believe it. I was expecting garbage. Instead, I was greeted with awesome gameplay, good voice acting (except Pit, oh god), hilarious dialogue, Brawl level graphics... it really felt like I was finally playing Star Fox 64 for the first time all over again.

I was scared of the controls, since I usually picky about that kind of shit... but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I like the touch screen controls, I like the stand, but they are uncomfortable at times. Luckily, the stages aren't too long (so far), so it hasn't been a huge deal.

All in all, I really want to keep playing. Feels good to be playing a new Nintendo IP for the first time since Pikmin. If only I didn't have finals to study for =(


Indeed, why shop anywhere else.

I kind of like Best Buy and Future Shop because of their price beating policy. For me, it's more a question of why shop at amazon when I will always get a lower price elsewhere. Ironically, the better Amazon's price, the greater my discount by shopping at BB or FS!


I was scared of the controls, since I usually picky about that kind of shit... but it wasn't as bad as I expected. I like the touch screen controls, I like the stand, but they are uncomfortable at times. Luckily, the stages aren't too long (so far), so it hasn't been a huge deal.

All in all, I really want to keep playing. Feels good to be playing a new Nintendo IP for the first time since Pikmin. If only I didn't have finals to study for =(

Errrr.....be warned. There are some long-ish levels later on (20 minutes range).
Dang 9.0 intensity is consistently kicking my ass. The highest I've been able to do on any level is 8.0... I'm really close to doing 9.0 on the first few levels, but the later ones just demolish me so much lol.

The dread that fills my heart when I see that.... it's the treasure chest legs!!


Pretty disappointed the the 3D Classic version of Kid Icarus. It doesn't let you carry over anything to a 2nd playthrough and I keep getting a glitch where the music skips and then stops altogether. I even tried redownloading to try to fix the music glitch but it still does it.


"Most cards will be available only through events, such as GDC, as well as tournaments. Some cards may be packed in with magazines, such as the latest edition of Game Informer, which included a "Power of Flight" card. The game also includes six cards to start with. As of now, Nintendo does not have plans to sell the cards at retail."

wait what?! Noooooooooooooo


Neiteio here! I started this game and became absorbed in it for like eight hours straight. Currently at Chapter

The controls are perfect. Before I even started the first chapter, I simply maxed out the vertcal and horizontal reticule speed, as well as the reticule's stopping speed. It took all of a moment's adjustment, but ever since the first chapter I haven't even thought about the controls, they're just second nature, an extension of the mind. I'm not using the stand either; neat device, but I like simply holding the system in my mind. As for discomfort, the only part of my hand that hurts is the side of my left-hand middle finger, which props up the system while my index finger and thumb are at work. But a break every two hours works fine. A few minutes getting a drink and my finger's OK and I'm back in the action!

I love everything about this game. It's virtually flawless in my eyes. Simply incredible. After Subspace Emissary I was skeptical Sakurai could make an adventure of this magnitude and quality, but frankly, this is the best Nintendo adventure in YEARS. Also,
are both fantastic new characters. So was the short-lived
Arlo the Serene
. I wonder what I'll encounter next!!

EDIT: OK, well, there is -one- flaw: In Chapter 9,
in Medusa's Castle
, in one of those rooms with the glowing red pits that usually bring up an elevator with some enemies, I fell into one of those pits and was trapped in a glitch; I could run around on thin air, blackness below me, but couldn't get out of the pit. So I had to restart the chapter, which I didn't mind at all, frankly, since the game is so fun and I wanted to absorb the nonstop dialogue better anyway!


Just played the first two levels, and I'm already floored. The default controls have my hands feeling tired faster than usual, though...


So what is the verdict on this game for lefties? Especially without a CPP?
Easy to dash, you just have to tap a button (ABXY) twice.

But all things considered it's like Super Mario 64 DS: you are using buttons (or a dpad, etc.) instead of an analog control... it's not the same thing.

I find it functional, and happy that Superior Sakurai put this option in.
But i still think i will try the CPP (bundled with Revelations) soon.


Meh. Need to catch up.

Had a blast playing it, but I agree that this isn't lefty friendly. I'll be better when I can get my hands on a CPP in April, because my left hand is begging for the stylus.
I've been taking it slow (haven't even tried the third chapter yet), but on my plays/replays of the levels so far, I'd definitely have to say the controls are bad.

That's not to say they're unworkable -- just poor compared to most other Nintendo games. I tried multiple configurations that I thought might be better for my left-handedness, but in the end I've just settled on the standard right-hand controls. (I don't intend to try/buy a CPP.)
So what is the verdict on this game for lefties? Especially without a CPP?

I find ABXY movement w/ Circle Pad aiming preferable to using the stylus as a lefty. You just hold the 3DS the same way you do for every other game, so you'll also be more comfortable. It's easier to manage your power ups this way, as well.

I'd suggest practising offline with low level bots first. Gradually increase their difficulty and you start to learn what works well and what doesn't.
How do you change bot level?

Cliffs of the QL

Hand cramps galore without stand.
Far too easy even when bumping difficulty up.
Cringe worth anime-esque voice acting/writing.
Breaking the fourth wall.
Some loot/fusion/gem systems that are unexpected but a nice addition if they work well.
Brad seems to enjoy it, but I'm not exactly sure why.

Issue with AR stuff but that's partly because their capture setup is a god damn nightmare to move around due to cables and such.
I'm glad you're giving the game a chance because you're most likely going to look back on that list and laugh, especially after your experience with Asura's Wrath. The AR thing is probably the only genuine knock against the game since it's a shallow addition in terms of what it actually does. As for everything else, YMMV. I don't get any more hand cramps than I do playing other 3DS games with my preferred control scheme. There is no lack of difficulty. The dialog is some of the best to ever come out of Nintendo. And the game is designed completely around its loot.

Stage 5 ground part is almost unplayable with ABXY for movement, I almost killed myself by falling so much.

Nintendo, make a patch for dual circle pad, please?
Take it slow. People moving with the Circle Pad are having more trouble because of accidental flick dashing. That part more tolerable with ABXY, in my opinion. I don't think any amount of acclimation will make it less awkward, though. I actually had more problems with
the vehicle
. It's stupid there is no dual stick option because some people really would've loved that, especially considering how ABXY is a little clunky with the flying sections. =\

I've been very surprised by the dialogue. Very well done, the trailer led me to believe it was going to be complete shit.

BTW, are there any perks for playing on FFA vs Light vs Dark? Seems like you get good gear either way, and my current setup (high dmg black club & black hole combo) leads itself more to teamplay, not to mention it's a heck of a lot more fun.
I thought the same thing about the dialog. One of its best qualities is its impeccable pacing, oddly enough.

I want to know if there are any fundamental differences between FFA and LvD in terms of loot and stuff, too. I also want to know if FFA even bothers balancing weapons since lifebars in LvD are tied to weapon strength. Maybe more points awarded to players who kill harder opponents?

Easy to dash, you just have to tap a button (ABXY) twice.

But all things considered it's like Super Mario 64 DS: you are using buttons (or a dpad, etc.) instead of an analog control... it's not the same thing.

I find it functional, and happy that Superior Sakurai put this option in.
But i still think i will try the CPP (bundled with Revelations) soon.
That's an understandable comparison, but it's thankfully nowhere near as gimped. The degree that you augment your camera with the Circle Pad/stylus flicking practically gives your left hand as much control over Pit's movement as your right hand. Even if it's not as smooth as pure analog movement, it's almost negligible once you get the hang of things.

I love everything about this game. It's virtually flawless in my eyes. Simply incredible. After Subspace Emissary I was skeptical Sakurai could make an adventure of this magnitude and quality, but frankly, this is the best Nintendo adventure in YEARS.


This game...this game. It's so awesome! They really went all-out for this one and it shows. I wish they would implement regular CPP controls, but other than that? No complaints whatsoever. So many unlockables, great chemistry between Pit and Palutena, some very funny stuff throughout the game and amazing music and visuals. I had a good feeling about this one and thankfully it's paid off.


Just finished chapter 4 on intensity 3.2 and I vey nearly got my ass killed in BOTH the flying and air sections.

This is absolutely not a game you can just casually skate through on anything above super easy mode.


I think amazon might be sold out. They've shifted to a 3rd party distributor and are no longer offering prime shipping.


Controls are fine long as you increase sensitivity. Guess that's the biggest downfall of the controls, the inital setting is utter crap. If they set that up properly from the get-go there probably wouldn't have been any need to force people to use this setup vs giving them a choice of dual CPP -- I'd take the current control setup (adjusted properly) any day over what'd essentially be a Lost Planet 1 setup.


Ok, I just played for the first time. Some of the things in this game, especially the flying segments in 3d, are some of the most breathtaking moments I've seen in quite some time. Just jaw droppingly gorgeous.


I think a big problem with the on ground stuff is that the camera is way to close to Pit. There are a lot of cramped areas and while the games does make Pit sorta translucent, it leads to some awkward camera angles. It was a pain to navigate through that pit in Chapter 4 (or 5?) where there are spikes and poison water.


The new anime short on Nintendo Video opens with Palutena topless in a hot tub.

EDIT: Ooo, nice bare back scene, too.

*turns SpotPass updates for Nintendo Video to OFF*


I really dont get it,what the difference between this game control method and metroid prime or any other fps on ds ?

The circle pad is used for analog movement as opposed to the D-Pad and ABYX buttons which were an easy substitute for lefties. In this case there's no solution to give control parity to someone using their left hand without the CPP.
The hype got to me.

I was eventually going to buy a 3DS but didn't think eventually meant today, haha.

I went to a mom and pop store around my way and they had a used 3DS for $110. I spend a few inspecting the system. Everything seemed to work fine. Screens were dirty but I'll be cleaning them shortly. I ended up getting the system for $100 instead (no tax).

Then headed to Best Buy and bought a copy of KI.

Charging the system at the moment but I can't wait to get into this game!


I really love this game. The only thing I don't love (and this is true for me with every 3ds game) is that the effing left-bottom corner of the 3ds absolutely stabs the middle of my palm when I hold it. It's like it's the perfect shape to murder my palm. Considering getting one of those cheezy 'grip' things. Anyone have a recommendation?


Does anyone know how high the weapon ratings go? After my first together match I lucked out and got a 260 rated Halo Club and have been using that and dominating matches since. Just wondering if I can expect the ratings I see to go up even more as more people play or if it caps at (I'm assuming) 300.
I really love the online, so much fun. I thought thinks would get very hectic but it's been pretty smooth.
So what's the highest difficulty you play in? I think about 7 or 8 is pretty fun and i've only manage to beat the first stage at 9.
I just dared to entire the online world and got completely wrecked in free for all, then following that I was the top dog for a Light vs Dark match to make up for it, this is going to take some getting used to, free for all is especially bewildering.

Single player continues to be great aside from my claws speed boost making some careful platform traversal section an absolute pain in one chapter and its mirror based trickery.


Because stylus+circle pad user will woop facebuttons+circle pad users any days of the week in multiplayer.
Shots fired.

I really love this game. The only thing I don't love (and this is true for me with every 3ds game) is that the effing left-bottom corner of the 3ds absolutely stabs the middle of my palm when I hold it. It's like it's the perfect shape to murder my palm. Considering getting one of those cheezy 'grip' things. Anyone have a recommendation?
That horrible corner wrecks me, too, except it's always my right hand for 3DS games. I refuse to use a grip, though. Pain is beauty, I guess.
This game is amazing, it's fun to play, great graphics, awesome music and it's packed with content. The multiplayer mode is insane though, explosions and laser beams everywhere, I'm dead before I can even see what's going on...
This is the first game that really made me wish the 3DS had a bigger screen, sometimes there's so much going on that concentrating on parts of that tiny screen hurts my eyes.

And the dialogue is hilarious. Pit in the hot spring: "I don't want to steam my sacred buns!", lol, is this really a Nintendo game?


The new anime short on Nintendo Video opens with Palutena topless in a hot tub.

EDIT: Ooo, nice bare back scene, too.

*turns SpotPass updates for Nintendo Video to OFF*

I'm sorry to tell you that the videos always have expiration dates. =/


I really should try and tone down the Intensity so I can actually get through the story or something.

Also, my Club Nintendo cards came in!


I really love the online, so much fun. I thought thinks would get very hectic but it's been pretty smooth.
So what's the highest difficulty you play in?

5.3 after first 4 stages.

So, about those hearts being offered to Palutena: Does it do anything? Knowing Sakurai, it sure does, but did anyone manage to unlock something thanks to it?
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