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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You are wrong. The only advantage a second stick has over the touchscreen is comfortability and familiarity (although this can be subjective). It is inferior to the touchscreen in actual camera control because the touch screen provides DIRECT cursor manipulation. An analog stick provides manipulation along the x and y axes, making control INDIRECT and inherently inaccurate (this is actually objective).

The claim that the stylus cursor control is merely a stand-in for an analog stick gets into dangerous territory - as in, keyboard-mouse vs gamepad territory.

Even if the game was mediocre, one thing Metroid Prime Hunters got praised for was the fact that the stylus control was superior to analog sticks for replicating true PC FPS style precision and control. Other DS shooters that used a similar setup also benefited. On the Wii, Sin & Punishment 2 inarguably played better with direct IR pointer manipulation of the cursor than it would have with analog stick aiming of crosshairs.

Yes, this game doesn't use the exact interface of a DS stylus controlled shooter, but manipulation with the stylus is objectively much faster and precise than a stick would provide.

Having said that, I DO THINK that there should have been a circle pad pro configuration for those who need it, even if it limited the precision and speed of the targeting cursor. All that would have done though, was provided a direct comparison between modes to demonstrate how much better the stylus "mouse" is for aiming in what is actually a very fast, busy, intense shooting game.

I said it a while back but the trick to this game's design is that it does not neatly map to what is thought of as a "conventional" third person shooter. The ground sections are essentially Sin & Punishment 2 except with free range movement. There is not a control interface device that allows that to work as simply as some people would desire without compromising the intended design of the game.

It has been said of the game so far that a game shouldn't force a "strange" control scheme on players. That might be true if the fundamental game design were exactly like other games using whatever was considered a standard control scheme for its genre.

Many people will glance at this game, even play it, and conclude that it would have been just like any 3rd person shooter had it only had the "correct" control scheme. That's where the error originates. For better or worse, this game is its own beast.

People would rather defend the controls then understand that its a problem. Kind of depressing.

Skyward Sword 2.0 here we go.

A few people, including myself, are actually attempting to explain why the game is a quirk unto itself. The game does present a problem to conventional design. The issue is that it's not actually as simple as 'why isn't it done the right way'. The people who have gotten used to the game generally aren't, that I can see, claiming it's the easiest game to play in the world. But there are rewards in its design to accepting its fundamental oddity.

The problem I guess, is that for some, all that will ultimately matter is that a game follow an accepted standard if at all possible, and any advantages or unique game mechanics afforded by an unconventional design aren't worth the trouble of dealing with something strange.

Point of fact, all this may hurt the game badly in the wild. I'm fulling expecting a noticeable number of people to sour on the game in 20 minutes and get rid of it. But, that just gets into a whole other debate about whether every single game should cater to the most common denominator so that nobody is every frustrated. Which can turn into a nasty slippery slope for game design.

Personally, what I consider kind of depressing is that a lot of people are going to ignore or even hate on a very unique, robust, and actually incredibly well designed game because it doesn't play exactly like every other popular, mainstream game they've played.

Ironically I'm one saying that the game should have had a twin stick mode w/ CCP precisely to avoid driving off people who dislike experimentation. It might have provided an interesting learning experience; once they tried to play stages on higher intensities, they might've decided to try that stylus mode for faster, efficient aiming.


Anyone know what determines gold leaves vs green leaves on completed chapters?

I noticed on mine that intensity 4.0 and up had gold, lesser had green. I tried one level at 6.5 but forgot to look to see if it changed.

But holy balls, this game.

Love. It.

Edit: just saw the post above pretty much disproving my theory - so I have no idea. =)

I thought at first it may have something to do with finding all the treasure chests?


People would rather defend the controls then understand that its a problem. Kind of depressing.

Funny, I've always said that about Dual Analog. I don't understant how can someone defend dual analog vs pointer for example.

I haven't tried KI control scheme yet, since I'll get the game next week, but I'm sure it will better that the mess of dual analog.
I noticed on mine that intensity 4.0 and up had gold, lesser had green. I tried one level at 6.5 but forgot to look to see if it changed.

But holy balls, this game.

Love. It.

Edit: just saw the post above pretty much disproving my theory - so I have no idea. =)

I thought at first it may have something to do with finding all the treasure chests?

I can almost disprove all the treasures part.
I have Ch 1-4 on gold leaf, and all 7.0 and up clears, but don't think I have all the chests... maybe?

I'm pretty sure you can't die to get gold clear.


I'm still amazed at something as simple as pointing my 3DS at my monitor and having 3d models pop out of pictures on it. So awesome.


I don't see how the stylus controls are fundamentally different from the circle pad in this game. It's not point and click. You slide the cursor the same way as you would with an analog stick. You could argue that it's faster, more precise, whatever, but it's still the same, and, with maxed sensitivity for both, you get largely the same results. It'd be a different argument if the action were taking place on the touchscreen where you launched shots directly at any enemies you tapped.


So, whats the overall bead on the game?

I remember there didn't seem to be that much hype for it prior to maybe a week or two before launch, with a lot of people super skeptical that it'd be anything good. Surprised?


Just did Chapter 7 on Intensity 5, taking it slowly and deliberately on the ground, and camera controls are much more manageable. I still don't like it too much but it's not the clusterfuck I thought it was initially.


People would rather defend the controls then understand that its a problem. Kind of depressing.

I dunno, its just like Dark Souls, Armored Core, Monster Hunter, Sin and Punishment, etc.

If the controls work well within the game's constraints, then everything is fine imo. If I can do what I want, when I want, and my hands arent hurting/arent getting old school finger aches, then I dont see any problems.


Probably has already been asked, but how can I play against non-friends with another friend? I tried joining via friend list like the kid icarus site says, but no go. "Join game" never highlights


So, whats the overall bead on the game?

I remember there didn't seem to be that much hype for it prior to maybe a week or two before launch, with a lot of people super skeptical that it'd be anything good. Surprised?
Very surprised. It's incredibly robust, well-produced, and probably the most refreshing thing Nintendo has pooped out in years.

It's basically 3D Smash Bros. with an addictive loot system and novel arcade-style rail shooting segments.


OMFG, the POS 199 level skyscraper club just dominate everyone on the other team with 250-300 level weapons. I'm a convert. Praise the club.


I almost feel like an asshole for not liking the game. Pre ordered it, played for about an hour, and just got a 'meh' overfall feeling about it. Called Gamestop to see how much store credit I would get out of curiosity and they said 13 dollars. 13 dollars for a day old game. Heh. I'm going to force myself to like this game.


So far I've only been able to find four hours of free time to play this game and I've yet to go beyond chapter 2. I can't believe how much milage I'm getting from loot whoring the first two chapters, messing around with intensity and fusing my weapon drops. This is definitely going to be one of those special moments in gaming for me.


wow multiplayer is great. I unlocked 2 new weapons, and really kicked ass with my newest one. Got 5 kills in one game :D

The most I've gotten so far in one game was 10 xD I think I did all the work on the team.

<3 my op shield orbitars

Why is it op? Because I got freaking plus 3 auto back dash attack on them one back dash does about 65-80 damage LOL and if you get caught by the shield from it it will do 80 dmg and leave you in a hit stun state I can shoot you in. Charge attack melee does 70 dmg as well xD


Just did Chapter 7 on Intensity 5, taking it slowly and deliberately on the ground, and camera controls are much more manageable. I still don't like it too much but it's not the clusterfuck I thought it was initially.

I've noticed this as well. I think that you are meant to go slower in general on the ground. Dodging comes down to timing and moving to quickly makes that harder. You need to be more deliberate with your actions. One can move quicker if they want but I would suggest one to move more cautiously general. The rail shooting sections are the ones that are suppose to be all out fast action.


Why is it op? Because I got freaking plus 3 auto back dash attack on them one back dash does about 65-80 damage LOL and if you get caught by the shield from it it will do 80 dmg and leave you in a hit stun state I can shoot you in. Charge attack melee does 70 dmg as well xD

i don't even have shield orbies yet :(
I dunno, its just like Dark Souls, Armored Core, Monster Hunter, Sin and Punishment, etc.

If the controls work well within the game's constraints, then everything is fine imo. If I can do what I want, when I want, and my hands arent hurting/arent getting old school finger aches, then I dont see any problems.

It's just sorta crazy that people defend it. If the controls were better through customization, people could enjoy it more. Everyone wins. See, some people can't do what they want when they want, find it uncomfortable, and that it's a problem. It's not like they're lying about it.

Personally I'd prefer metroid prime hunters touch control after seeing how fast the action is. The controls are literally the only complaint I have with the game, which I happen like a lot. Kid Icarus is a pretty awesome game. Last time I felt this was MGS Portable Ops.
Anyone else unable to register this game on Club Nintendo? I fill out all the fields, hit "finish" and it keeps going back to the top of the page. Usually, if you leave out a field, it will say in red letters what you missed. No such error for me here, though. Argh.
Anyone else unable to register this game on Club Nintendo? I fill out all the fields, hit "finish" and it keeps going back to the top of the page. Usually, if you leave out a field, it will say in red letters what you missed. No such error for me here, though. Argh.

I had that same problem yesterday. Others said they had it too, but it eventually fixed itself. I haven't tried again yet.

edit: I tried again. it worked now.


For those of you guys using the stand, what Intensity are you playing at?
I don't think I could ever handle using that beyond 5.0.

Also, hurray I managed to complete Chapter 1 at 9.0.
But I didn't et anything worthwhile...


Neo Member
For those of you guys using the stand, what Intensity are you playing at?
I don't think I could ever handle using that beyond 5.0.

Also, hurray I managed to complete Chapter 1 at 9.0.
But I didn't et anything worthwhile...

I usually start at 8 and get knocked down to 7 or sometimes 6. I haven't been able to beat most of the later chapters at anything higher than 6.5...

I LOVE the stand. I LOVE the game. And I LOVE Sakurai for making me learn an initially frustrating control scheme that I now totally understand and LOVE which makes me love the game even more. LOVE FORCE IN MY FAAAAAAACE!


My Pokémon cards are stuffed in a binder somewhere. Playing with those was actually fun, though. You can't really play with the Kid Icarus ones...unless you, like, caress Magnus or Palutena or Monoeye or something.


People would rather defend the controls then understand that its a problem. Kind of depressing.

I've only just finished chapter 2 and feel fully competent with the controls, so no, I do not believe it is a problem. It's different, so the gut reaction tends towards repulsion, but anyone who makes even the smallest effort to learn to play the game the way it's intended will likely not have any difficulties.

Also, yep, I can re-confirm that right thumb is my favourite way to use the touch screen. Luckily, my nail is long enough to make it work without a hitch.


You know what really surprised me? It seems the lip syncing was completely redone for the English version of the game, unless the game was originally made in English (I'm assuming it was originally Japanese--haven't looked this up). But the fact that it's Nintendo, I was pleasantly surprised to see their mouths completely in sync with what they were saying. Interesting. Is this something that is generally easy to do, then?


My Pokémon cards are stuffed in a binder somewhere. Playing with those was actually fun, though. You can't really play with the Kid Icarus ones...unless you, like, caress Magnus or Palutena or Monoeye or something.

You make them battle each other! I bet I could come up with a card game based off the cards XD wish I had more


The game is a blast.
My take on the controls:

I don't think the controls ever get comfortable in terms of ergonomics (esp w/o the stand) but they work for the game. Once you get the hang of it, Pit feels incredibly acrobatic and badass on the ground missions. IMO, the game wouldn't be able to keep up its pace without flick-to-turn. The motion is much snappier than a push with a bounding box and it's not necessary to keep the stylus in contact with the screen for the turn to continue. In a sense, it separates camera control from aiming even though they both use the stylus. When the target comes into view you position the reticle over it and you're set. The bounding box approach would have been more accessible due to familiarity but I believe it would prove clunky given the pace of the game. If only the 3DS weren't such a pain to hold....


I seriously can't wait to play this game. I took advantage of the Best Buy deal and used a $25 gift card, so I got the game for around 6 bucks! It'll also be my first 3DS game with online multi, so I'm excited to try that out.


Actually, the main thing that bugs me about ground controls is that dash is linked to the circle pad, so an attempt to change direction almost always results in a dash.


ooooooooh maaaaaaaaan Palutena's Revolting Dinner part 2 :DDDDDDDDD

if you've seen it, you'll know what I mean.

(the "revolting" pun definitely had not occurred to me in the previous part >.< )


I've just resigned myself to the fact that they're going to sell booster packs on Club Nintendo.

I mean, they have to, right?


I don't have an issue with the controls because the game was designed around them. I have an issue with how freaking uncomfortable the 3DS is compared to my PSP and Vita. I need a hand guard or something to stop the stupid corner from digging into my palm. Maybe I'll try to figure out the stand again.

Actually, the main thing that bugs me about ground controls is that dash is linked to the circle pad, so an attempt to change direction almost always results in a dash.
That's why I like the ABXY movement scheme, but then I have a super fun time getting my ass handed to me in the flying portions. It's most likely because I suck and am trying them at higher intensities than I should, but I'll blame the inability to properly do the "Sakurai Swirl" to smoothly avoid bullets. :p
So I'm going into this game completely blind. I have no idea what this plastic stand is for, or what the AR cards are for, and I've never played a KI game. I'm sure once I start playing it will all become clear, I just thought it was funny that I picked up a game with all this extra stuff and have no clue what's going on.


Neo Member
So I'm going into this game completely blind. I have no idea what this plastic stand is for, or what the AR cards are for, and I've never played a KI game. I'm sure once I start playing it will all become clear, I just thought it was funny that I picked up a game with all this extra stuff and have no clue what's going on.

Welcome to the jungle, baby.


So I'm going into this game completely blind. I have no idea what this plastic stand is for, or what the AR cards are for, and I've never played a KI game. I'm sure once I start playing it will all become clear, I just thought it was funny that I picked up a game with all this extra stuff and have no clue what's going on.

No one really does. It's a part of the beauty of the game, really ; )


So I'm going into this game completely blind. I have no idea what this plastic stand is for, or what the AR cards are for, and I've never played a KI game. I'm sure once I start playing it will all become clear, I just thought it was funny that I picked up a game with all this extra stuff and have no clue what's going on.

Let the mind blowing commence!
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