Yeah I hear this is a thing in the US.
I'm sure it happens here in the UK too but we do also have very generous social benefits here and that money gotta come from somewhere....
Yeah I can understand why they do it.
If we are gonna be so generous like that, why not take advantage of it.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe that we should help those that fall on hard times, especially if you've contributed to society for the majority of your life.
So say you've been working your whole life, you get laid off or are involved in an accident so you can't work for a while, sure you deserve support and help. You've paid into the system when time were good but now you're in hard times and you deserve to get some help until you're back on your feet.
The problem is people that take, take, take but contribute nothing. We have people coming here from abroad that have never contributed to our society or paid any taxes (because they didn't live here originally) but now get handouts so that they can send the money back home (this is even worse since they aren't even pumping the money back into our economy).
Then you have families that for generations have done literally fuck all. Never work, pump out kids, those kids in turn never work and pump out more kids and the cycle goes on and on. I kind of feel a bit sorry for these people as they seem trapped in a cycle but then I come from a dirt poor family with a useless cunt of a mother than never worked and I grew up and bettered myself.
Thazs the fun with it.
I earned like 1800 per month and now iam unemployed due to corona.
I get now 1000 euro. Its not even on the level on a basic income around 1200.
At the moment i look for an appartment but i have to pay like 400-500 for it. Makes 500 for rest of month for food snd stuff.
So unemployment benefits are nice to have but not very useful when i have to get additional social help. I requested it to get another boost around 200 to my finances
Thex should raise unemployment money to 80% so people dont need to request additional social help.
I cannot search for a tax free part time job because they will reduce my benefits. I can only search full time.
No fulltime job to find at the moment. Only part time. So i have to sit it out until i lose my unemployment benefits and get real social help and then it gets worse.
I have the feeling that our social help system is broken and they have to get rid of it or redo it fully.
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