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Kill la Kill |OT|


And remember how everyone was shitting on the first half? I've been liking the show since the beginning, but it's gotten way better.

I think the show's been much much stronger in its second half, honestly. I had a lot of issues with the first half's pacing past the first couple of episodes, but they're finally tightening it up and moving forward.


Are you me?

The one thing I hate about Ryuko is how she has no drive. Well, maybe hates a strong word , however there's no relevant reason for her to become involved other than, 'I just dont like Kiryuins'. Mako at least has priorities. Yeah, life sucks but she has her family and Ryuko now. I haven't seen her get angry since ep 8 actually, and that wasn't even anger. Unlike Ryuko, she doesn't try to justify eighty reasons for being a major twat.

And if I can't have SatsukiXIra then MakoXIra will have to do.

If you think Ryuko has no drive your obviously watching a different anime from me. Her motivation is to find and defeat the person who killed her dad. It might not be a huge 'change the world' objective, like Satsuki's is, but that doesn't make it any less strong. Need I remind you, that other then her own mother, Ryuko is the only one who has been strong willed enough to stand against Satsuki.

And some people might see her as emo right now, but she just found out that her entire world is vastly different then she ever knew, and she's still dealing with that. Because she's human. The last time (and really only other time) she went nuts, was when she met HER FATHERS KILLER. Was she a dick to Senketsu? Yes. But lets not forget the time she was willing to die to protect Senketsu against Tsumugu, or the time she took a beating in order to snap Mako out of her greed, or the time she defeated hundreds of Satsuki's men to recover Senketsu's pieces, or when she punched herself in the face to snap herself out of Ragyo's mind control. You may not find her very interesting, but that's because she's the most normal person in the show, she's the anchor to reality, the emotional center. Do I like other characters more, sure, but saying the show would be better without her is incorrect in my opinion.


I'm still not sure what the problem was with the first half that got people so up in arms. I mean yeah you can point to a few individual weak episodes and of course the production values have been a mess from the start but other than that I don't see it.


Junior Member
Is it just me or is Senketsu the best character in this show?

Good episode. Some nice focus on all the characters, decent pacing, some good developments overall. Ryuko why you so mean to Senketsu though.

Also I thought the first half started off well and continued getting better, with a few simply decent episodes mixed in. The second half started off slowly, and I don't think it's gotten that good till the past two episodes.


I'm still not sure what the problem was with the first half that got people so up in arms. I mean yeah you can point to a few individual weak episodes and of course the production values have been a mess from the start but other than that I don't see it.

I've really enjoyed the show the whole way. There were 1 or 2 episodes around the late single digits that didn't do anything for me, but the ret of the time I've had my ribs in stitches, been picking my jaw up off the floor or both. This will likely be my first time going in for Aniplex Blu-Ray prices. I'll pay whatever they want, as long as the show doesn't face plant in the few episodes remaining.
I'm actually feeling my interest dwindle somewhat, since most of the stuff happening recently is stuff that I thought was going to happen anyway. I'm hoping once they get the foundations for this arc established things will pick up again.

Not even any hallelujah time this ep:(


honestly when the first group of COVERS dropped out of the sky (early in this episode), I half expected them to do some kind of Thriller zombie dance routine. that's how ridiculous this show has been. i was disappointed it didn't actually happen.
Is it just me or is Senketsu the best character in this show?

Good episode. Some nice focus on all the characters, decent pacing, some good developments overall. Ryuko why you so mean to Senketsu though.

Also I thought the first half started off well and continued getting better, with a few simply decent episodes mixed in. The second half started off slowly, and I don't think it's gotten that good till the past two episodes.

Senketsu is so cool he's like everybody's best friend, yet he cant talk but needs more dialog in the show



Great ep


Just finished episode 18.

AHHH I knew they were sisters. I KNEW IT! Did not expect grouchy to be a good guy though, that was genuinely surprising!

One episode to go then I'm all caught up :).

Definitely preferred Gurren Lagann over this - in fact I don't think kill la kill is very high on my list of top animes. But it is still quite good. Some crazy scenes/animation, and genuinely funny.

EDIT: Also, do we know how many episodes this is supposed to be?


nono lewd as fuck son

weird edit: but the gamagori x mako OTP shit: planned or fan reacation? probably already argued to kingdom come but WHATEVER
I think the show's been much much stronger in its second half, honestly. I had a lot of issues with the first half's pacing past the first couple of episodes, but they're finally tightening it up and moving forward.

oh, the first half definitely had some pacing issues, sure. But that didn't make it as horrible as a lot of people would have lead you to believe.


Rewatching, it's kind of odd that no one
saves Satsuki on the way out of the academy. Ryuko, Nui, and Ragyo got wrecked (Ryuko got knocked out and it's fair to assume that something similar happened to the two of them) and in the mad scramble to escape, no one thought to grab poor Satsuki-chan?

nono lewd as fuck son

weird edit: but the gamagori x mako OTP shit: planned or fan reacation? probably already argued to kingdom come but WHATEVER

Probably a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. If the fans
weren't churning out a ton of fanart and obviously accepting of the idea, they could have just scrapped it.


Reminds of Gundam Seed. Or Destiny. But not really. Because GamaXMako hotter than the sun even it's overly cute and oh god cavities


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I didnt think the makoXgamagori OTP would get this far, I like their interactions and was "for" the pairing for fun but they're delivering on it haha


I'm still not sure what the problem was with the first half that got people so up in arms. I mean yeah you can point to a few individual weak episodes and of course the production values have been a mess from the start but other than that I don't see it.

Same here, I've enjoyed the show the whole way through. Seriously that new episode was GOOOOD. I always like setup/piece moving episodes, they're awesome hype builders.


What I'm hoping for is that Ryuuko's current phase is wrapped up as fast as the "collect the Senketsus" arc. All at once and very entertaining.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I noticed in the anime community some people strive off of negatively pointing things out in every anime and never just sitting back and enjoying it. Gaf isnt as bad as ive seen in other places in the past though.


I noticed in the anime community some people strive off of negatively pointing things out in every anime and never just sitting back and enjoying it. Gaf isnt as bad as ive seen in other places in the past though.

I enjoyed the first half, honestly. They were setting up characters and having fun, which I think you gotta have in most stories. And look where we are now, totally invested in these people. Can you imagine if all this plot twisty stuff happened in the first few episodes? We'd be like, "oh, guess that's ok, but really who are these people and why should I care?"


Man, I'm a huge Gurren Lagann fan and had a lot of trouble getting into this at first, but it has REALLY picked up! Good work Trigger! I think the concept and threw me off quite a bit at first. I stayed for the animation though and boy am I glad I did.



Fuckin love this show.. Glad to finally see more people come around with it. Remember how in the beginning people were all talking shit about the revealing godrobes and such, how it was just mindless fan service and embarrassing to watch and then others like myself were all like "just give it a chance, I'm sure there's some larger meaning behind it"?

This show has been using fanservice in different ways the whole way through (actual fanservice, in-universe fanservice for laughs, fanservice as a plot device and literal weapon, fanservice as a character quirk, and now to creep you the fuck out) but I don't think I'd say it's "reveled" in it.
You could almost say that one of the main aims of this show is deconstructing fan service. Keep in mind that this is mostly former Gainax people involved with this show, the same studio behind Otaku No Video.


I enjoyed the first half, honestly. They were setting up characters and having fun, which I think you gotta have in most stories. And look where we are now, totally invested in these people. Can you imagine if all this plot twisty stuff happened in the first few episodes? We'd be like, "oh, guess that's ok, but really who are these people and why should I care?"

I can't say I really agree tbh. Everyone in this show besides the three main females (Satsuki, Mako and Ryuuko) seem all pretty undercooked or one note. It doesn't help that out of the three properly developed characters, one of them is used mostly for comic relief and the other is overshadowed by every other character in the show.


I can't say I really agree tbh. Everyone in this show besides the three main females (Satsuki, Mako and Ryuuko) seem all pretty undercooked or one note. It doesn't help that out of the three properly developed characters, one of them is used mostly for comic relief and the other is overshadowed by every other character in the show.

On the contrary, I see a lot of people enjoying them and wondering what's going to happen next. Out of a whole cast of characters, I've only ever seen Ryuuko catch serious flak.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
These characters are fine, not all of them need their life story told and most of them have already, some of them are even best as side characters then they would be if they had more focus put on them.
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