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Kill la Kill |OT|


"Hey Aikuro, how're ya doing?"
"Not so well. Just got done dealing with the invasion of the body snatchers, it's taken a lot outta me."
"Damn, that's rough--"

"Mikisugi-sama, can you help me carry these boxes to my house? It's just down the road--"

"Uncharted 3 was the best game Naughty Dog ever made."
"Nah, it was TLoU, hands down."
"Well what do you think TheOGB Aikuro?"




I don't think that was fan service. Stuff earlier in the series certainly was, but Ragyo doing that to Satsuki certainly is not fanservice unless someone is into child molestation. It was really uncomfortable, just like all of the other times Ragyo did something creepy.

It's fanservice because the framing is entirely on Satsuki's butt to the exclusion of everything else.


I feel that'd be a good excuse if the show didn't revel in fanservice until that point.

i agree but it's still clearly rape/molestation. it meet feel a little out of whack because of the fanservice but it's meant to make you uneasy, sick, uncomfortable, angry at raygou, etc


Given that we've gone from "BESERKER" / "You're a fuck up" / "You're part of our calculations" / "You're our only hope to killing the predecessor race" / "you ARE part of the predecessor race" in the space of like half a story arc, I'm mildly surprised Ryoko's not gone full Shinji.


I feel that'd be a good excuse if the show didn't revel in fanservice until that point.
This show has been using fanservice in different ways the whole way through (actual fanservice, in-universe fanservice for laughs, fanservice as a plot device and literal weapon, fanservice as a character quirk, and now to creep you the fuck out) but I don't think I'd say it's "reveled" in it.


Speaking of which, the recent plot developments kind of put Satsuki's spiel in ep 3 about being shameless and throwing off your clothes in a different light, don't they. I'd kind of forgotten about that.


That doesn't make it sexy.

It's not anywhere near as bad as the bath scene, but there are a few moments that seem meant to titillate, particularly the way that Ragyo's hand traces its way down Satsuki's body, with both characters' faces out of the frame. It's very similar visual vocabulary to those early fanservice pans of Ryuuko wearing Senketsu.


It's a show where the reason for fanservice existing is more nuanced than probably any other anime there is.

This show has been using fanservice in different ways the whole way through (actual fanservice, in-universe fanservice for laughs, fanservice as a plot device and literal weapon, fanservice as a character quirk, and now to creep you the fuck out) but I don't think I'd say it's "reveled" in it.

Yeah, I suppose that's true.



He definitely did the old
trick again and turned into Stupid Sexy Sensei. For sureee. Spoiler alert: he's life fibers, and he healed from that stab wound no problem.

The best part of the episode was definitely Mako
rolling out of the covers fully nude and poor Gama-chan having a fit. Well, that, and Mako's mother getting an eyeful of Stupid Sexy Sensei's glowing magnificence.


It's not anywhere near as bad as the bath scene, but there are a few moments that seem meant to titillate, particularly the way that Ragyo's hand traces its way down Satsuki's body, with both characters' faces out of the frame. It's very similar visual vocabulary to those early fanservice pans of Ryuuko wearing Senketsu.

Hey it's almost as if the exact same style of direction, camera pans, etc could be interpreted completely differently based on the context surrounding a scene. Actually, if I think about it, maybe a smart director would be able to take advantage and exploit this fact to coax a certain emotion out of the audience. Like, do one thing to make the audience happy or excited, but then do the same thing in a much more sinister and uncomfortable context and let the audience work through the resulting cognitive dissonance themselves, resulting in a much sharper and provoked response!

It's a thought, anyway...


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that either;

a) Senketsu will force himself onto Ryuko again much like in Episode 1 and finally have his own say on matters, snapping Ryuko out of her phase after making her realize that the most of the series has been Ryuko taking Senketsu for her own means and now being discarded like trash, the very thing Ryuko hypocritically criticized several people for seeing Senketsu as; just an object.

b) Senketsu will seek out Satsuki and since her and Ryuko technically share the same blood and DNA, she will wear him - resulting in a "get a hold of yourself" fight again. Good opportunity as well for Satsuki to learn more about Kamui and connecting with them on a personal level - it will give her an opportunity to learn how to get more out of Junketsu since clearly the final boss is going be a hoedown with a super Kamui.


Hey it's almost as if the exact same style of direction, camera pans, etc could be interpreted completely differently based on the context surrounding a scene. Actually, if I think about it, maybe a smart director would be able to take advantage and exploit this fact to coax a certain emotion out of the audience. Like, do one thing to make the audience happy or excited, but then do the same thing in a much more sinister and uncomfortable context and let the audience work through the resulting cognitive dissonance themselves, resulting in a much sharper and provoked response!

It's a thought, anyway...

I'm this man:


There is no cognitive dissonance involved. Some men enjoy DTR, I'll take some NTR.

NTR in the sense that Satsuki has been stolen from her one true love: Ryuko


Unconfirmed Member
Given that we've gone from "BESERKER" / "You're a fuck up" / "You're part of our calculations" / "You're our only hope to killing the predecessor race" / "you ARE part of the predecessor race" in the space of like half a story arc, I'm mildly surprised Ryoko's not gone full Shinji.
Ryuko Get In The Fucking Kamui?


Hey it's almost as if the exact same style of direction, camera pans, etc could be interpreted completely differently based on the context surrounding a scene. Actually, if I think about it, maybe a smart director would be able to take advantage and exploit this fact to coax a certain emotion out of the audience. Like, do one thing to make the audience happy or excited, but then do the same thing in a much more sinister and uncomfortable context and let the audience work through the resulting cognitive dissonance themselves, resulting in a much sharper and provoked response!

It's a thought, anyway...

Snark aside, you might be right. I took a reflexively hard stance on it in my post, but when I watched it a second time, the framing was more well-considered than my first impressions had made it seem. It's just so hard for me to take a subversive reading of those tropes seriously when so many other shows play them straight in equally appalling situations. It's the same kind of problems that video games attempting to satire violence face.

Creepy. It's supposed to make you uncomfortable

It's not fanservice. If you think that is fanservice, then you got some problems

Fanservice doesn't have to be something you find personally arousing. I don't like tentacle monsters, but that doesn't mean that when a girl gets grabbed by a tentacle monster which holds her in a compromising position that emphasizes her breasts and ass, it's not fanservice.


It's not fanservice. If you think that is fanservice, then you got some problems

Let's be real here, fetishizing what was depicted isn't alien in the world of anime and hentai.

And a point of issue you can bring up with its depiction regardless, especially in hindsight when considering all the recent mother-daughter fondling, can basically be summed up with this.
Creepy. It's supposed to make you uncomfortable

It's not fanservice. If you think that is fanservice, then you got some problems

Will you people stop this?

It's molestation presented in an erotic way by showing off a character's body in sexual poses using both framing and posing to provide the viewer with the most erotic angles to watch it.

It's fan-service. It's as much fan-service as watching an innocent girl getting molested/ raped by vines or a sea monster or w/e that's framed in the most erotic ways with the most erotic poses. You show these scenes to someone who knows nothing about the story and they will think it's from a hentia I'd wager.

It only "feels" uncomfortable because it's such a strikingly different way in showing fan-service in the show. If they truly didn't want it to be erotic they would simply use framing and posing to reflect this as a disgusting act with no other motives. Again, if you want to see an example of molestation or rape being depicted without fan-service there are more than enough anime and manga to ref.


It only "feels" uncomfortable because it's such a strikingly different way in showing fan-service in the show. If they truly didn't want it to be erotic they would simply use framing and posing to reflect this as a disgusting act with no other motives. Again, if you want to see an example of molestation or rape being depicted without fan-service there are more than enough anime and manga to ref.

Yeah. People gave Btooom! shit for "rape scenes" and it was nowhere near how it's depicted in Kill La Kill.


Kaworu is senketsu it all makes sense now


why won't you wear me shinjiiiiiii

*Heavy Panting*

"Wear me......Ryuko.... Get inside of me"

*Heavy Panting*

SO Satsuki is she
Going to be used to create a Life Fiber baby? that's why she's alive?

Probably, considering how much attention Ragyo is paying to the
baby factory area.

Hard to believe when you have lifes and hometowns put in your mouth in every single scene of the anime.

I've read this three times....



I've read this three times....



Just because other parts are sexualized doesn't make it not rape. And can we please stop talking about this before the thread derails

It is also that but because all the rest and not only some bits is sexualized makes those scene seen also on the sexual side.
It's not a matter of rape or fanservice, it's a matter of rape and fanservice.

Don't worry though, you are safe, the thread will not derail in any way, not a lot of people want to talk about this stuff.
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