Contrary to what you heard elsewhere and are parroting here, nudity and/or sexuality in animated media does not immediately equate to "fanservice."It's annoying that often people have no issues with similar depictions in live action, but as soon as it's animated or drawn it's creep, perverted, or fan service. If you've been paying any attention at all, you can clearly see that Ragyo is not a normal or even sane person, let alone mother. Also, she appears to be priming Satsuki's body for something, possibly bonding her with fibers like Ryuko.
While Kill la Kill does not skimp on things that are blatant fan service, the Ragyo/Satsuki dynamic has more to it.
It sure is an odd argument. People beating off to it doesn't necessarily make it fanservice, but I'm not going to argue about it.
Did you find it erotic?
WTH is with this defense?
Does no one here know anything about cinematography/ framing/ posing or are people acting as if the only way you can show molestation and sexual abuse is through the hentai route? It's fan service ... like everything else in the show. The mere fact that people here are trying to deny/ deflect this as a means of defending the anime is laughable.
I'd like to take a moment to play devils advocate here on the fanservice debate. First off, fanservice is a greatly misused word. It does not mean "tits and ass", it means servicing the fans. The most common way of doing this is T&A, but T&A is not automatically fanservice, and there can be fanservice without T&A. A lot of fans love Mako's 2 star uniform. If she gets it back, only for a minute or so, for little narrative reason, that would be pure, unadulterated, shameless service to the fans that wanted to see it again. Now, many people are arguing that what Ragyou is doing is for the purpose of getting the audience to hate her, but I don't think that's true, and it could also arguably be a way of fanservicing, though in a perplexingly negative way. Because the logic is that whatever is being done on screen when Ragyou is molesting Satsuki is for the fans sake, to make us feel a certain way. If this is the argument you are making, then maybe it can be called fanservice in a sense. However, the true test of the scenes worth is when you take the audience element out of it. What is happening then? Characterization and relationship dynamic. Those scenes reveal who Ragyou exactly is and how badly she hurt Satsuki. It shows us a different side of Satsuki, in a position that she can't just instantly overpower like she usually does. They give Satsuki all the more motivation and drive to do what she has done up until now and what she will do in the future. These scenes are not throw aways. They are vital to understanding the story, and if they serve a narrative purpose, they cannot be called fanservice, because it's not about the fans at that point, but whats happening to the characters.
That said...The fact is that these scenes are erotic. The shots linger on Satsuki's body longer and in more inappropriate places than they need to. This, I feel, is where the audience element should come into analysis, but not in a fanservicy way. It makes the audience feel disgusted, but not just with the character, but with themselves. Rape victims sometimes say that they feel arousal during their rape, as a pure physical reaction to the stimulation, which produces great shame on their part, as if they have somehow unwittingly become a willing participant due to that. The people criticising these scenes as fanservice seem to be saying that because so many Japanese anime shows have girls unwillingly getting nude for the audience as a means of arousal (including this show, at various points), they seem to be convinced these scenes are meant to evoke the same arousal without shame. The obvious tone of disapproval that the show generally evokes at these scenes suggests to me otherwise. What Ragyou is doing is obviously wrong and I don't think I've ever seen such visceral hatred in satsuki as we saw her when she stabbed her In the back. But the show isn't going to skim on the perversion here when it indulges the audience in so many other places. Tbh, the message seems to be saying to me "Look, T&A can be good fun and all, but we have to be mindful about how we do it, because it can be really fucked up as well." The only contradiction is that, especially early on in the show, there were lots of scene that basically had Ryuko being an unwilling participant in sexualizing situations. Not even fanservice, but like how Sengetsu forced himself on Ryuko the first time he got a drop of her blood. We never saw any T&A there, but he did literally force himself on her all the same, and that was played for comedy more than anything.
So while I think, if the message here is that 'fanserivce without the will of the participant is wrong', then it's not unthinkable why someone would come to the conclusion that the Ragyou scenes are trying to play to the audience, but only because of the shows earlier inconsistant tone with such a thing, rather than a problem with the scenes themselves, which do much more than mere fanservice does.
To paraphrase; Yes, you're supposed to get a chubby. Yes, it's supposed to feel wrong.
WTH is with this defense?
Does no one here know anything about cinematography/ framing/ posing or are people acting as if the only way you can show molestation and sexual abuse is through the hentai route? It's fan service ... like everything else in the show. The mere fact that people here are trying to deny/ deflect this as a means of defending the anime is laughable.
WTH is with this defense?
Does no one here know anything about cinematography/ framing/ posing or are people acting as if the only way you can show molestation and sexual abuse is through the hentai route? It's fan service ... like everything else in the show. The mere fact that people here are trying to deny/ deflect this as a means of defending the anime is laughable.
Man, why do movies always have to feature profanity, abuse, and murder? Can't they take a note from Disney and avoid such unsettling issues? Must we be exposed to it?
Look at Radio Flier. Horrible movie that should have been about handcarts!
And when people ask that they actually think about the matter they fall back on "OMG Y R U DEFENDING DIS?" as if it was all self-evident.People probably consider the whole Ragyo and Satsuki thing fanservice because it's anime. If KLK was a live action movie or something, it'd just be considered creepy/weird. But no, since it's anime, it's obviously fanservice. Really dumb.
WTH is with this defense?
Does no one here know anything about cinematography/ framing/ posing or are people acting as if the only way you can show molestation and sexual abuse is through the hentai route? It's fan service ... like everything else in the show. The mere fact that people here are trying to deny/ deflect this as a means of defending the anime is laughable.
Not to mention fucking Blumenkranz.
So question.
I've been looking for OST's for Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, and Kill La Kill.
All the ones I've found lack intro and outro songs.
So question.
I've been looking for OST's for Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, and Kill La Kill.
All the ones I've found lack intro and outro songs.
Since they're not by the anime composer (usually), I think they're generally released as singles by the artists.
Try Milky's version. It combines proper German pronounciation with the OST chorus. Pretty great cover.The pronunciation is just cruel. >_<
Most OSTs these days, rather. In the past it was entirely standard to have full OP/EDs in the album.Most anime OSTs don't include the openings or endings because those are usually licensed songs from major artists that are released as their own singles. They only include songs originally composed for the anime.
any site that let's you stream the audio from anime intro/outros?
Guess I'll have to hunt.
Try Milky's version. It combines proper German pronounciation with the OST chorus. Pretty great cover.
Operatic German with trilled Rs? That would be pretty interesting to hear.Yeah, I immediately switched to Milky.
Now I want to a version with hard rolling Hitler-Rs.![]()
"If I were twenty years younger, I'd wear you!" Hint, hint, Mako gonna wear Senketsu. Hint.
Definitely one of my favorites on the OST.Not only does Nonon have the best legs she also has the best theme.
Um why did Satsuki use that explosion at the end of episode 18 if the only thing it accomplished was to get herself captured and knock out Ryuko for months?
I_understood_that_reference.gifTick tick tick BOOM! Time skip.
In other news, the Utena comparison lives!
Ryuko = Utena
Mako = Wakaba
Satsuki = Anthy
Ragyo = Akio
Matoi = The Prince
Senketsu = Rose Seal
Scissor Blade = Sword of Dios
Uzu = Touga
Ira = Saionji
Houka = Miki
Nonon = Juri
As for Nanami... Nui? That masked girl?
Tick tick tick BOOM! Time skip.
mako's family = chu-chuIn other news, the Utena comparison lives!
Ryuko = Utena
Mako = Wakaba
Satsuki = Anthy
Ragyo = Akio
Matoi = The Prince
Senketsu = Rose Seal
Scissor Blade = Sword of Dios
Uzu = Touga
Ira = Saionji
Houka = Miki
Nonon = Juri
As for Nanami... Nui? That masked girl?
Care to respond to Veelk's rather excellently put argument?
To paraphrase; Yes, you're supposed to get a chubby. Yes, it's supposed to feel wrong.
Wellll I actually did this very thing when I tried to shut down this strange convo a week ago. But for your pleasure I will grab examples.Why don't you enlighten us on cinematography, framing, and posing then instead of snorting derisively.
If you don't have an actual counterargument, don't quote me
The anime is not using that scene to titillate people. It's using that scene to make us uncomfortable (which has been near universal) and to show that Ragyo is a Bad Mom.
Just because an anime or tv show or whatever has some nudity doesn't mean it is always fan service. This is one of those times. When the Major took on the tank in Ghost in the Shell and her limbs are ripped from her body while being topless, was that fan service? When Shinji jacked off to a comatose Asuka, was that fan service?
Now and Then, Here and There is the last show to cite for anything done well.
I'm so pissed she hasn't returned yet.
You must be one of the people who did Harry Potter book bonfires. I mean, fuck, kids using sorcery and black magic!
i have no idea how you managed to make this ridiculous leap, and what it could possibly have to do with the current topic.
I bet they could have pedobait and people would be talking about how it is a clear parody of how sexualisation affects young children.
Your "this is self-evidently offensive" statement.i have no idea how you managed to make this ridiculous leap, and what it could possibly have to do with the current topic.
Nooo, cause it has nothing to do with what I'm talking bout (which is why I didn't quote that).
Your "this is self-evidently offensive" statement.
That said...The fact is that these scenes are erotic. The shots linger on Satsuki's body longer and in more inappropriate places than they need to.
People probably consider the whole Ragyo and Satsuki thing fanservice because it's anime. If KLK was a live action movie or something, it'd just be considered creepy/weird. But no, since it's anime, it's obviously fanservice. Really dumb.
That's like saying a comedy can never have serious moments or aspects because it's a comedy, and because this is a conclusion taken a priori your agitation at it being argued shows you consider it self-evident.I still can't see what that has to do with book burnings.
In any case, I don't know why "this is self-evidently offensive" is in quotes when I never said that, or anything like that. My point was that this is a show which is absolutely full of fan service, yet people made excuses and explanations like comparisons to "Don Quixote". We have a previous fan service scene with the two in the bath. People don't seem to just accept that it is a fan service show, they seem to feel compelled to have to conjure up some deeper meanings out of the ether. Now we have another scene involving the two same characters, which is in the same light as the rest of the series.
A lot of fans love Mako's 2 star uniform. If she gets it back, only for a minute or so, for little narrative reason, that would be pure, unadulterated, shameless service to the fans that wanted to see it again.