Black-Wind: Your remarks betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue. Not all rape and sexual assault is overtly violent. The comparison with the rape in NTHT doesn't apply because that was an acute event. The soldier had nothing to do with the girl and simply took her by force. What I said earlier was more appropriate. Satsuki is an oppressive environment. Her mother is in a twisted relationship with her and Satsuki doesn't want to deal with it, but what she wants does not factor into the picture. To physically struggle and fight back at that particular scene as you seem to want would go against her own larger goals for both victory and revenge. You make a false observation in that Satsuki was "blissful", where it was plainly apparent that she was merely bearing it. Your comparison with a sea monster also does not apply because such a case is a show going out of its way to make an event sexual, because the center of gravity of what goes on is skewed so that everything is tilted in that direction. That a mother casually abusing her daughter that she doesn't even consider family happened to take place on camera doesn't match this scenario. It's like how we see Anton Chigurh conduct a strangling kill entirely on camera in No Country For Old Men, yet we aren't supposed to take pleasure or enjoyment in the act.
Oh, and it's not your place to "shut down" discussion.
Why don't you look at all my examples? Roger doesn't violently rape or molest on screen ... I think the most violent he is shown is dragging a large paralyzed black man into a room to rape him. I never, not once, suggested that the scene should be violent.
And in my last paragraph I layed out exactly what you're talking about ...
"And on a side note I think I see WHAT they're trying to do.
They want Ragyo to show her power and control over her via molestation (bending her to her well with the invasion of personal space). That's why the first encounter we see is with clothes on and satsuki barely moving and the 2nd with them both nude and satsuki appearing to submit to her. But then, the first time we see finger grace vag, it's in a fight and satsuki gets her "Purity" taken away. Now she's chained up, nude and likely been Ragyo's play thing for a month.
She can't be controlled by Ragyo anymore or at least doesn't want to keep up that appearance anymore and that's why she's completely unresponsive to being fingered and spanked by her own mother this ep."
What's my point? That they presented this as
erotic fan-service. Not that it's inappropriate or anything ... just jarringly strange. Key word here is presented. Framing, cam-movings, panning, music, visual ques and posing all add to the notion that this is erotic presentation. There are TONS of ways you can show this on-screen relationship as being warped without making it erotic. You could play it with humor like some many other things in the series or you could go darker but in no way is the only way to present this event simply as some erotic fan-service. Hell, you can take the bath scene and not change a thing about the posing, just take out the flowery stuff and use the cam to focus on the things that need to be focused on to show the viewer she's being abused.
And yeah, when people are accusing members of being turned on by incestial rape/ molestation simply because they call this out as fan-service then I think someone needs to step up and clear this up (aka, shut it down). It's funny cause the show is pretty much nothing but fan-service yet some people are so devoted to seeing the Ragyo scenes as "just creepy ...!"
It's not fan service. It's not erotic; it's creepy. You can keep calling it that and keep being wrong.
Please do me a favor and show the bath scene to someone who knows nothing about the show and ask them if it's erotic without telling them any context going in. I fear that your devotion to the show is blinding you to the fact that that scene is shoot erotically.
So because Kill la Kill isn't handling it the way you think it should, it's fanservice
... When did I say how I think it SHOULD be handled? I don't think I ever said that ... i said I could see many different ways it COULD be handled or shown and I said that I think that the clear erotic-fan service (scenes made mainly to show off a character in a erotic light) was a jarring and strange choice for a series like this.