Re-watched the show up until its current point with some uninitiated friends over the weekend, and I have to say - the fanservice really doesn't bother me, and I'm usually the first to roll eyes at that kind of thing. It's just so well integrated into the design and tone of the show that it's really easy to roll with. The show is insane-o self-aware pulp and for the most part I think it's better for it. Sex appeal is part and parcel with the program, as opposed to bring shoved in unceremoniously.
To be honest, the only things that bug me are the fake-out molestation joke in the first episode with Mako's dad, and the tiresome crab-dude sword sodomy thing. Those were real groaners.
The family being peeping toms thing is also relatively played out and stupid but I forgive them for it, considering it's resulted in some of the show's best gags (the repeated bike crashing in 4, Ryuko lamenting that the family isn't even around to bother her anymore in 7).