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Kill la Kill |OT|


What's the ETA for the English sub? Or is it out already?

I don't think it's out yet. I keep checking like a hawk. I think last time, it was up around 5-6pm (west coast time). So within the next hour. That said, pretty sure it's against the rules to talk about that stuff (I think?), or maybe you just can't say the name or link to it. Either way....

OH Aniplex, I wish you were on time. I wish I could give someone my money to get this on time.
The time has come.
The real fireworks start next week (just in time for the Fallas festivity lol). I can't wait becuase shit is gonna get real.

thank god, even if they didn't kill Nui, they at least leave her without arms. That's gotta hurt. It's also funny that the whole scene was done for shits and giggles and not in a serious manner.

Also that scene with Nui and Rei. Nui threatens her, sprays blood all over her face and.... Rei doesn't really care and tells her to calm down.

Glad to see banchou mako back

Rebel Leader

I don't think it's out yet. I keep checking like a hawk. I think last time, it was up around 5-6pm (west coast time). So within the next hour. That said, pretty sure it's against the rules to talk about that stuff (I think?), or maybe you just can't say the name or link to it. Either way....


You can talk about aslong as you don't post links or the site's name IIRC


You can talk about aslong as you don't post links or the site's name IIRC

Cool, just making sure. I always seem to screw things up whenever it comes to these kind of rules. So I'm always paranoid. Everyone seems to love this episode, so I'm waiting anxiously.

EDIT: Speaking of which, fan sub is now out!


Awesome things that happened in ep. 22
Nui getting WREKT
Ryuuko showing appreciation for Mako and Senketsu
Satsuki showing humility and apologizes to Ryuuko
Iori is a 3-Star because why the fuck not
Random 2-stars returning (Maiko nowhere to be found rip)
Ryuuko struggling to say "Nee-chan"
Kamina shades life fiber monster

Trigger really knows what the fans want sometimes.


Junior Member


Episode 22

They're gonna kill off Satsuki, aren't they :(

The preview makes it look like it. Besides, she acted so differently in this ep, it makes me thing there's a deathflag sign ahead. :(

Btw, just got the newest Trigger magazine issue by mail.


That was okay I guess

As expected, Nui didn't have both scissors for long. Nui having a breakdown was okay but ffs she should have died episodes ago.

Makotaro is hype but I know that it's only going to last for an episode at most :/

Oh hey that admit that the 2-Stars actually exist outside of their respective episodes (though still no Maiko? FFS)

I also wanted to see Satsuki get socked in the face but meh


Held off on hyping until there was an English version (which I assume there is now?)

Great episode. This is what I want all the time. ALL THE TIME.

KLK 22

Trigger must just read forums and browse KLK fan art for ideas. I am completely fine with that!

more seriously,
why does it feel like Satsuki just had a giant death flag?
Satsuki is not going to die. No. That's not going to happen. Nobody but the episode 1 spy and Dr. Matoi have died in this show. Nobody's going to die in the next two episodes and I will hear no argument that says otherwise!



Satsuki is not going to die. No. That's not going to happen. Nobody but the episode 1 spy and Dr. Matoi have died in this show. Nobody's going to die in the next two episodes and I will hear no argument that says otherwise!


Yeah, I don't want it to happen either. But this show so far seems to think that people love Ryuko. And no matter how stupid she is, how many times she "loses" her way, she is the greatest protagonist ever.

So I could totally see them keeping her alive when all is said and done, and killing off Satsuki. Realistically, I think the show will end with a crowd pleaser, where everyone you like wins and lives (so a no stakes ending). Which is fine, as long as they make the ending really epic/stupid and over the top. They have to really commit to the absurdity of the show. As others said last week, it's too far in the show at this point to expect any consequences. So if they are going to do anything, it would be some random shit in the series finale. I'm just saying, given how the writers seems to be irking certain fans, it would just be fitting if they put Ryuko up on a pedestal in the finale and killed off everyone's favorite character instead.


Am I the only one that kept having to look at the timer? So much happened in this episode, that it felt like an hour long episode, and holy shit am I loving it!


Kill la Kill Episode 22:

Yes indeed this is certainly one of the best episodes the series has produced and is making up for the fact that Samurai Flamenco sucked the big meat missile this week.
I gotta admit I didn't think it would be Ryuko to be the first to acknowledge the feelings of love between her and Mako but there it is, even if the L word has not been used. Shit, even Sakura Trick hesitates in the using of that word. I got admit I am shocked at how well the character stuff was done this episode and I am really glad that Ryuko made Satsuki address her past crimes and her past attitudes and it turn has seen true humility and true redemption without the death. Yet death may still be in the cards here Wonderful performances all around and I like the fact that the elite four are actually true companions and not just pawns of the game. Though I don't think they will ever ditch the subornation streak. Even Shadow the Hedgehog is actually decent being forced to use emotions other then stock shonen ones.
I look forward to seeing how this endgame plays out from here.


I can't believe they
gave Mako her uniform back.
! Next week's episode is going to be the greatest end of finals present ever.


Holy shit that was the best episode in the series so far. It's like Trigger looked at what everyone wanted on the internet and decided to put all that shit in.
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