So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
Kinda, yeah.
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
Mah dudes.
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
Don't wanna be that guy but this episode was Gurren Lagann as fuuuuuuck.
Looks likeMako did the Titandrop of all Titandrops
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
Well,What if Nui istruly brainwashed? Ragyo mentioned the marionette threads or whatever... what a mindfuck that'd be for Nui!
I'm glad Nui's not dead, because I feel owed one more pathetic spittle-flecked rageout and defeat before I'm satisfied.
Yeah that was a nice touch.I love how they switch upspeaking patterns this week. Satsuki refers to Aikuro using the more respectful "anata," reflecting her newfound humility and recognition of him as the commanding officer of sorts. She starts referring to Ryuko by Ryuko, implying her desire to reconcile with her sister and emphasizing the seriousness of her apology.
So good.
Don't wanna be that guy but this episode was Gurren Lagann as fuuuuuuck.
I never stopped believing .gatdamn. DONT LOSE YOUR WAAAAY
So did I miss something and/or wasn't paying attention, ordoes it seem kind of arbitrary when the scissor blades can cause permanent damage or not?
Was the production during thethrough the roof or was it just me?dual transformation
Why that particular scene? Wouldn't it have just beena copy, paste job of their previous transformation scenes, but put together this time?