Didn't keep me waiting then, huh?
I can't imagineYeah I could seeeither Junketsu or Senketsu dying. I think it's one way they could make it dramatic, and still allow everyone to walk away from the whole ordeal. Ryuko would be devastated of course, but having her sister will replace that loss (and same goes for Satsuki).
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust....N21dKe7"]I tried cropping it for a wallpaper.
I can't imagineSatsuki being all that broken up over Junketsu dying or anything. At most it might be a Lordgenome thing where he makes his big redemptive sacrifice for the sake of everyone else.
I can't imagineSatsuki being all that broken up over Junketsu dying or anything. At most it might be a Lordgenome thing where he makes his big redemptive sacrifice for the sake of everyone else.
If Senketsu dies I'm going to be mad. I know it's a somewhat anthropomorphic situation, but it still feels strange to me that a uniform is one of my favorite characters in the show.
I'm up to episode 6 now, so I haven't been reading this thread.
It's not as charming as TTGL, but it's still awesome as heck. Love the characters and the aesthetic. My little brother has some kind of pent-up anger towards this show though, so I'm totally expecting it to suddenly turn to shit.
I hope that doesn't happen!
The exact opposite, actually.
God the stupid flying jet form of the Kamuis is so goddamn ugly though.
Shit turns into this show?
That'd be an awesome twist.
I really hate Nonon's voice
I really hate Nonon's voice
I'm up to episode 6 now, so I haven't been reading this thread.
It's not as charming as TTGL, but it's still awesome as heck. Love the characters and the aesthetic. My little brother has some kind of pent-up anger towards this show though, so I'm totally expecting it to suddenly turn to shit.
I hope that doesn't happen!
I really hate Nonon's voice
So do I, but I'm pretty sure that's the point. I like her, she's fun.I really hate Nonon's voice
I really hate Nonon's voice
Viper, actually.She is a frog...
World's cutest frog (or viper), actually.She is a frog...
She's... just annoying. Especially in the beginning, she did get SLIGHTLY better in the latter half, but I still can't stand her.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ideal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I never die with regrets.
She's... just annoying. Especially in the beginning, she did get SLIGHTLY better in the latter half, but I still can't stand her.
Are they really? I figuredI have to wonder, though: with, Would she be any match for Ryuko at this point, or has she gotten to that Viral level where it's all downhill after your first defeat?no scissor blade and new hands that, according to Ragyo, are weaker than her original ones
Are they really? I figuredbeing essentially prosthetics they just weren't going to be as nimble or have the fine motor control of her original fingers, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's inherently weaker in a fight. But then I guess that could screw you up still anyway.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ideal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I never die with regrets.
Delphox/Gardevoir evolved into... Cofagrigus?Welp, Ragyo turned into a Pokemon.