Even if fake I don't expect Aikuro to start wearing clothes on a normal basis without some sort of cover going on. He notably lacked a reaction to the "we can finally wear clothes" statement.EDIT: wait that could be a fake considering the second panel is the same one from where Mako was saved by Gamagoori
Holy fuck, that mean mug is on pointNot many pics of him yet but yeah, he did not hold back!
Isn't that a general rule for anything? At least we're past the final episode, if that was this week rather than last then yeah, we'd have Issues.GUYS REMEMBER TOMORROW IS APRIL 1st, SO FOR 24 HOURS DISREGARD EVERYTHING CONCERNING KLK
this is going to be a tough day to get through...
...Honnoji Academy has introduced new Konnyaku with Life Fiber, created through a joint development with the Sanageyama Konnyaku company. This konnyaku tastes good for a change... and one more thing! It also works as a phone, complete with touch panel and the new operating system "sOS" developed by Honnoji Academy's own Shiro Iori.
Sanageyama Konnyaku has a long history in the industry, with connections through Uzu Sanageyama, this new venture has been financially backed by the Kiryuin family. The press conference also saw the introduction of Naniwa Kinman High school's new lighter, more cost effective model of Meat Armour
mesmerMAN's advice is now the Worst advice.
Looking at the work as a whole it's as someone else in the thread said earlier, Nui was probably a character that wasn't intended to be one of the main villains in the show but the way the story developed she ended up standing in for what could have been a few other characters.
Once again, I'm not looking at the show and saying "This story is bad because they made it up along the way!" or anything like that, I'm just interested in seeing how the show ended up being what it was. No judgement is implied.
Also worth nothing:
Basically, if someone came up for a cool idea or whatever, they'd just change the story there and then. It seems like, at some point the idea of life fibres as invading aliens was stumbled upon and from there they changed the show around.
I'm guessing it was darker/bleaker especially with a name like Kill la Kill. Post apocalyptic, students being KILLED over daring to stand up (or even be associated with those daring to stand up!), the main character's dad being killed as her primary motivation, and the best weapon to use against them is a suit that requires drinking ones blood. Then those first two got reversed (guess that guy was just badly beat up and strung up and LOOKED dead afterall) while the last one was rendered mostly a non-issue starting with Episode 3, and so the point that sticks out most is the dead dad, and that's common set up material anyway.Glad they changed the story, just wish that had been the story from the get go. Curious what their end idea for the original story was, or even if there was one.
Just came in to say I'm starting the first episode right now. I was hyped for this as soon as it was announced. But I like watching shows many episodes at a time, if not all at once. Now that it's finished I'm starting it. I've heard it gets emotional towards the end and I'm really excited. I'm getting the same feeling that I got when I watched lagann and Diebuster and Flcl. I don't know if this will match them but I have a feeling it will. I've been on a total blackout. Know next to nothing about it and I'm jumping in. I don't know if this thread has spoilers so I won't read through it but I wish to see you all and discuss the show on the other side. Let's do this! :0
Yea this thread has mad spoilers so be careful when looking through.
Other then that enjoy!![]()
Second opening is ambiguous by GARDiNELiAWhat's the name of the song in the second intro?
I'm dying. Oh my god.
Second opening is ambiguous by GARDiNELiA
Just finished episode 3. I have my surround sound full blast, lights off and...Holy fuck. Mouth from ear to ear. This is fucking amazing. It's still early on but goddamn.
I remember when this was first announced and I was super excited and then I saw the design for the godrobe. I was like "what are you doing trigger! I knew this was too good to be true." But so far from the first moment I've been mesmerised. The soundtrack is booming, the voice acting is mwah! Bravissimo! The character designs are amazing and I thought the comedy would be too heavy handed but I love it! And fuck the art is sublime. I'm going to watch more tomorrow night since I'm fucking sweating. Shits intense yo.
Linked to spare javac from spoilers
Huh, I've been saing "garden-ellie-uh" to remember it all this time.GARNiDELiA
Oh my indeed. Source?
The ride is only just beginning. Enjoy.It'll be interesting to hear what someone who's able to just marathon the whole thing thinks about the middle parts that some people think were too slow and meandering.
Just came in to say I'm starting the first episode right now. I was hyped for this as soon as it was announced. But I like watching shows many episodes at a time, if not all at once. Now that it's finished I'm starting it. I've heard it gets emotional towards the end and I'm really excited. I'm getting the same feeling that I got when I watched lagann and Diebuster and Flcl. I don't know if this will match them but I have a feeling it will. I've been on a total blackout. Know next to nothing about it and I'm jumping in. I don't know if this thread has spoilers so I won't read through it but I wish to see you all and discuss the show on the other side. Let's do this! :0
Just watched the final episode the other day. Pretty amazing stuff. Now I'm stuck looking for a new show to follow. Any suggestions?
Just watched the final episode the other day. Pretty amazing stuff. Now I'm stuck looking for a new show to follow. Any suggestions?
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but it's a 'what if 4Kids dubbed KLK'.
I found it kinda funny.
Hunter x Hunter
Samurai Flamenco
But then again, reusing assets is right in Trigger's wheelhouse.EDIT: wait that could be a fake considering the second panel is the same one from where Mako was saved by Gamagoori
"I'm never going anywhere with this family again"
YeahIs that something April Fools related? Is Inu supposed to be Steve Jobs?
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but it's a 'what if 4Kids dubbed KLK'.
I found it kinda funny.
Now this thread is slowly going to whiter away.![]()
Gama a shit btw