I thought the stand outs were Cabanos, Mercer, and Williams. Grant George and David Vincent sounded odd - George in the sense that he's trying to play a fiery character as calm and collected, while Vincent sounds like a radically different take from the Japanese voice, so I'd have to hear more. He certainly doesn't sound like the pillar of strength and stability like the Japanese voice did. Would not bro out with just yet.
Satsuki only sounded believable while she was yelling - as if that was the only way to show any resolve or backbone. I haven't heard Steve before, but he sounded great. Erica sounds like a great choice, voice-wise, but she also doesn't seem to be completely in character just yet. Seitz is great and being boisterous and thunderous, as usual, but it's too early to say if he's actually tuned into the character.
It's certainly not bad, but there are some places to improve. Nonon is pitch-perfect, though.