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Kill la Kill |OT|


I know it's not a super expensive endeavor - I have an Amazon UK and Japan account. It's more just thinking out loud and whether or not it's the best option for someone like me who isn't planning on buying a lot of anime - especially from Aniplex.

I'm not knocking the idea, sorry if it came across that way.

Just the difference in price between one anime like Gurren Lagann would more than pay for a standalone player. Other options would be CFW on the PS3 and various HTPC solutions with a Blu-Ray drive.


I know it's not a super expensive endeavor - I have an Amazon UK and Japan account. It's more just thinking out loud and whether or not it's the best option for someone like me who isn't planning on buying a lot of anime - especially from Aniplex.

I'm not knocking the idea, sorry if it came across that way.
No need to apologize.

This is kind of a weird thing to make an issue out of. If you've listened to Japanese for any stretch of time in any media, you should have noticed by now that trailing u's tend to be barely enunciated.

That's the way it's spelled. It's just not the way it's pronounced. It's literally no different than "Satsuki" not being spelled "Satski".

This is just the way that Japanese works. It's a closer approximation to the original pronunciation to just drop the u in general than to overpronounce it.

Normally yes, but not when the name ends in a "u". It would be different for Satsuki since her's is in the middle. Since the spelling ended with a "u" and they pronounce it ending with a "u", it just seems odd not to go with it since other dubs have done the same in similar situations.


Unconfirmed Member
Just the difference in price between one anime like Gurren Lagann would more than pay for a standalone player. Other options would be CFW on the PS3 and various HTPC solutions with a Blu-Ray drive.
I preordered the Gurren Lagann set knowing that the cost of it plus a player will be at minimum $200 cheaper than the US release. I suppose this opens me up to the wild world of imports which is cool.

I'll still probably buy the US releases of KLK because I'm a sucker and impatient.


I finished Kill la Kill last night. I went right to bed after, since it was 2 AM, but thoughts. I have them. SPOILERS for the entire damn show. You've been warned.

Wow. What a ride this show was.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I first started watching. Heck, my only exposure to the show before actually seeing it was the joke 4kids trailer someone linked. I liked the artwork enough that I watched the first three episodes. And after business picked up in Episode 3, I went ahead and watched the rest.

I fell out of anime for a while, with very few exceptions, mostly because most shows I tried fell into some boring, predictable format with characters I just didn't give two fucks about. KIll la Kill changed that. The plot was interesting, even before the reveal hit that Satsuki was plotting against her mother the whole time. And the characters were characters I liked, that I wanted to root for.

Going back to that reveal, it floored me. The second Satsuki stabbed Ragyo in the back, I was shocked, sitting in my seat, hands over my mouth and nose, for like five minutes. In hindsight, I probably should have seen it coming; I thought it was weird for a show like this to make me actually CARE about the bad guys without having something like this penned in the future. Then again, no other anime made me care about the bad guys, so perhaps that's why I was so shocked.

On the flip side of that coin, the villains, I REALLY hated. Nui and Ragyo are indeed monsters of the highest order, and I cheered when Ryuko kicked their asses. Slicing off Nui's arms, in particular, was awesome. Hell, all the main characters had varying levels of awesomeness and badassery. While I had a girlcrush on Ryuko for most of the series, Mako is my favorite character. Almost every time she was on screen, I was smiling. She just made the show sooooo much better.

All in all, it was one hell of a show, one of my favorites of all time, and I wish more anime took risks like it did.



Set to be released in November by Phat! Company. Estimate price at ¥8,800.


Holy shit they added it to Netflix? Time to rewatch.

EDIT: Just watched the English trailer. Nonon is spot-on. What the fuck is up with Senketsu though? Why is he so young? That wasn't Johnny Yong Bosch was it?
Yeah, I'll probably have to get it since I have Ryuko on order already too.

I said God Damn at Sarah Williams doing Nonon. It's like she was born just for that role. lol

Yeah, that was kind of insane, she even replicated that same sound to her voice!

Quite like them all aside from so far Senketsu who's hopefully a little deeper sounding outside of this scene or perhaps he'll grow on me since the rest sound quite promising.

Satsuki was much closer than I expected during the speech so I think she'll nail it as the show continues and Ryuko was pretty good too also Ryuko's roar from
during the first powerup scene in the basement
sounded pretty great in the trailer. Looking forward to how she handles the challenge of Ryuko since her Japanese VA did such a great job.


The Gurren Lagann BD set here is $500 while the one coming out in Europe with the same stuff was around $137 when I preordered it. Plus with all the upcoming anime that I'm interested in that Aniplex will jack up the price for, it's a good investment. Plus the BD player is a good BD player as well. Plus you act as if importing discs is some super expensive endeavor. Just make an Amazon.co.uk account.

You can't even buy the TTGL BDs here anymore through official channels. They're gone. Aniplex site redirects no more.


What the actual fuck at those blu-ray prices! $40 for 4 episodes???? Are they serious? I'd say wait and see what the prices on a full or even half season set are, but I know those will probably be even worse. Takes me back to the days of buying four episode VHS tapes of Dragonball Z at Suncoast in the mall.


You can't even buy the TTGL BDs here anymore through official channels. They're gone. Aniplex site redirects no more.

The entire TTGL blu ray set for that price is just plain highway robbery, if it was $200 or less then I'll bite. I am still glad they are releasing the TTGL movie set in one package for for $70, but still took this bloody long...

As for the Kill la Kill blu ray set, I'll wait until they release the entire series on one or two part set bluray bundles... will take a couple of years for that though.


Most of other western publisher is cheap bastard for their release anyway, with habit like packing too much eps in one disc and make it inferior product, I'm grateful there's at least one publisher that offering premium product for the show that I wanted to buy in best quality, one that I want to keep and support..


Most of other western publisher is cheap bastard for their release anyway, with habit like packing too much eps in one disc and make it inferior product, I'm grateful there's at least one publisher that offering premium product for the show that I wanted to buy in best quality, one that I want to keep and support..

Anplex is that you? If not, oh my lordy lord.

$40 for FOUR episodes is a complete insane ripoff.

I can get a whole series for half that price!

For example season 1 of Hannibal $18.49 on Amazon.

An anime example;

Season 1 AND 2 of Black Lagoon $26.99 on Amazon.


Seek victory, not fairness
I'm just catching up on the Japanese version, about halfway done. Really enjoying the voice acting. I feel bad for any English VA trying to match Mako.


Yeah, $10 an episode is... eh. Boutique pricing makes me sad, since most things end up out of my price range. The most recent example I can think of is NISA releasing the entire Cardcaptor Sakura series for $200, claiming that's 'their price' and the base price is $250. I don't care how 'premium' it is; you better have gold-plated DVDs for that much money.


Yeah, $10 an episode is... eh. Boutique pricing makes me sad, since most things end up out of my price range. The most recent example I can think of is NISA releasing the entire Cardcaptor Sakura series for $200, claiming that's 'their price' and the base price is $250. I don't care how 'premium' it is; you better have gold-plated DVDs for that much money.

The NISA CCS set is a MUUUUUUUUUCH better deal that the KLK set. You can barely even compare them. CCS is 70 episodes. Even in the Premium set (and NISA is likely to put out a basic set eventually) that's still less that $3 per episode.
Decided to restart/finally start watching this show, since I've got some free time over the next week.

Kill la Kill - 01

Fun introduction. Ryuko is pretty cool (I really like her voice), Mako is hilarious, and the scale and action is seriously pretty cool.


Unconfirmed Member
Anplex is that you? If not, oh my lordy lord.

$40 for FOUR episodes is a complete insane ripoff.
I mean, I realize the market is so much different today. But I remember $40, two episode VHS tapes. Thirty minute OAVs for $30. I'm not in love with spending that much but, well, if I really like the show I will.


I mean, I realize the market is so much different today. But I remember $40, two episode VHS tapes. Thirty minute OAVs for $30. I'm not in love with spending that much but, well, if I really like the show I will.

I was there too my friend. It sucked. Not just because the prices were so high but because there was really very little to choose from. Yeah, I payed $25 for Pioneer's 30 minute Tenchi tapes, and I spent about $300 on Evangelion tapes (over a period of two years).

But man there is just SO MUCH competing for my dollars now... Granted none of those shows are KLK, but if higher prices releases interfere with other purchases, something's gotta give.
Kill la Kill - 02

Much better than the first episode. I REALLY hope to see more of Mako's family, they're amazing. I really like Ryuko, too, especially when she goes from brooding badass to gawking at anything weird going on, it's hilarious. And that sensei dude... I forget his name, but he was the best thing in the whole episode. Actual fight wasn't that bad either.

EDIT: Don't want to bump the thread for a single episode preview.

Kill la Kill - 03

...well shit, here I thought it'd be a breather after the last two episodes.
Kill la Kill - 04

Surprisingly liked this more than the last episode, despite it being just a funny breather episode. The animation is noticeably getting more limited, but the way it's used in this episode is both great and hilarious.

Also, I watched this episode on Netflix as opposed to Hulu where I watched the first three, and while I think the translations are better it's kinda distracting that the subtitles are in the middle of the screen.


Kill la Kill - 04

Surprisingly liked this more than the last episode, despite it being just a funny breather episode. The animation is noticeably getting more limited, but the way it's used in this episode is both great and hilarious.

Also, I watched this episode on Netflix as opposed to Hulu where I watched the first three, and while I think the translations are better it's kinda distracting that the subtitles are in the middle of the screen.

Let me tell you two useful pieces of information:
  1. From what I've heard, KLK's ep4 was done as a homage to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's fourth episode, which was also notorious for its horribad animation. Things go back to normal afterwards
  2. Tsumugu's coming
Kill la Kill - 05

A new challenger approaches, and boy, is he a badass.

...the term "Nudist Beach" is going to come back to haunt me, isn't it?

Kill la Kill - 06

Damn, things got really bleak in this episode. Nice change of tone to keep things interesting. One of the Elite Four got a cool backstory and a even cooler Goku Uniform. Really wondering where this goes.
Kill la Kill - 05

A new challenger approaches, and boy, is he a badass.

...the term "Nudist Beach" is going to come back to haunt me, isn't it?

Kill la Kill - 06

Damn, things got really bleak in this episode. Nice change of tone to keep things interesting. One of the Elite Four got a cool backstory and a even cooler Goku Uniform. Really wondering where this goes.



I think you should spoiler tag part of your post, since it's quite a spoiler for people who're just getting started on KLK, such as PhantomOfTheKnight.

I don't really consider it a spoiler seeing how I didn't really spoil any of the plot or what happens to the character. Only saying that
I don't think he's used well for the rest of the series
. Spoiler tagged it anyway though.
Kill la Kill - 07

Another fun breather episode. Mako and her family really shine in this one (they can also spindash, apparently). I was hoping that we'd see a resolution with what happened in the last episode but this more than makes up for it. Should also mention now that I'm absolutely shit at remembering most characters' names due to their length/complexity.

Have I mentioned how good the soundtrack of is, too? I remember people bashing the composer, but I think it's really good.

Kill la Kill - 08

OK episode that gives Gamagoori of the Elite Four a neat backstory (I should have known he was a grown adult). Also think I may have found a flaw with this show that I may have just noticed: It's tone/narrative flow is a bit inconsistent. It raises the stakes at the end of one episode and makes me anticipate the resolution, only for a breather episode to show up. Even though I do like all the breather episodes, I'm just now starting to notice this pattern. It'd feel like it's starting to drag, but there's another Elite Four match next episode, with Satsuki finally willing to spill the beans on who killed Ryuko's dad, so here's hoping it goes somewhere.

Kill la Kill - 09

Ryuko: "Ok, let's fight!"

Gamagoori: "The match doesn't start 'til 1:00." *points at clock*

Me/Ryuko: "GODDAMMIT!"

So yea, another ok episode that actual delivers something this time, while also telling more about Gamagoori's character. That bit I mentioned earlier about tone/narrative inconsistencies is averted (for) now that there's another fight with another Elite Four member coming next.

Nearing the halfway point for this show, and I've been enjoying the ride, so here's hoping something really good's coming.


I don't really consider it a spoiler seeing how I didn't really spoil any of the plot or what happens to the character. Only saying that
I don't think he's used well for the rest of the series
. Spoiler tagged it anyway though.

Saying what will not happen is as much a spoiler as saying as what will. For example, consider the confrontation he and Ryuko have in episode 16. He would know it isn't going to go anywhere in episode 17, since that would be badass.


I always found the hammy manly character trope quite fun, and I'd say GooriIra is that and then some, mostly because of his masochistic tendencies while wearing his regalia (I laughed quite a bit at the whole "punish me more!" act he did on ep8). Also, I found Houka's upcoming probe regalia quite funny given his calm and serious personality.

If it's any consolation, it took me quite a while to learn the characters' names. I only got Houka and Uzu around the middle of the show, managed to nail Aikuro's name down once I was already done watching the show, and still don't remember the sewing club president's or Mako's mom's.

Kill la Kill - 10

With more backstory, more action, and more intrigue in this episode, things are getting really interesting, really fast. Take that and add in some classic Mako comic relief, and this was a fun episode. If there's anything else I should note that some people may have a bit of a problem with, it's Ryuko's new transformations/abilities. Having so many new ones come out of nowhere did kinda feel like an ass pull, but nearing the end of the episode Aikuro notes how much Senketsu is changing too quickly. That leaves me to believe that I'll learn something about that soon enough, so I'll let it slide for now.

Kill la Kill - 11

...well, shit.

That's pretty much all I have to say.

Kill la Kill - 12

In which Mako breaks Ryuko's neck a billion times.

Despite not really going anywhere with this one, I feel it's a really good end to the first half of the series, and outside of a few hiccups auth it's narrative flow in the beginning, it was a good first half. Mako makes this not only a great episode, but a great show overall.

Twelve episodes down, twelve to go!


Went to Animazement 2014 and Studio Trigger had several panels. Was pretty psyched to get to talk to them and hear about Kill la Kill and their production line up. Just thought I'd share the autographed program featuring Kill la Kill and the following signatures:

Yoh Yoshinaru
Director Little Witch Academia
Set Design of Kill la Kill

Yuji Kaneko
Art Director of Little Witch Academia and Kill la Kill

Kazuya Masumoto
Animation Producer for Kill la Kill and Little Witch Academia

Takafumi Hori
Animator of Little Witch Academia and Kill la Kill

Kill la Kill - 13

A nice, slow episode after the three hi-octane episodes... until the last three minutes where shit hits the fan. Also, I audibly booed at the REVOCS = COVERS thing. That was stupid.

Kill la Kill - 14

Despite having fun with Mako and the overall tone of silliness, this is probably the weakest episode thus far. Not much else to say about it.

Kill la Kill - 15

A rematch between Ryuko and Satsuki and a reveal in store, this was definitely stronger than the last episode, though to be honest I had a bit of a problem following what was going on, and it wasn't the action that lost me a bit.


Hey Kill la GAF, i'm a big fan of the show as well (even if i still need to find some time to finish the series, D'OH!) but i've made a thing that might interest you.
It's a design for a tee, votable at the moment on Qwertee.


If you'd like to support (like Godzilla GAF previously did before) or might even want to buy that t-shirt in the upcoming weeks, please help me turn it into a reality and drop a vote.

And feel free to post it around of course! :D
Thanks fellows!
So I finished the series last night and really liked it. I felt the first half of the show was slow, but by ep 11 it got good, and by the the last third of the show (ep 18) that's when it just got amazing and never stopped.
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