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Kill la Kill |OT|

First episode was eh...I guess I'll give it a couple more episodes and see where it goess. But Anime is saved? Not seeing it yet. (not that I think anime needs saving anyhow)
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Current: http://i.imgur.com/wwrMin4.jpg

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See how much better that looks....but Gainax gunna appease to "that" crowd that apparently enjoy seeing the tits and ass of a schoolgirl. I never understood why fan service is always perverted.
See how much better that looks....but Gainax gunna appease to "that" crowd that apparently enjoy seeing the tits and ass of a schoolgirl. I never understood why fan service is always perverted.

It's just part of the culture, man. Japanese is a perverted place.

Also, doesn't her armor upgrade over time? Maybe? Gotta start at the bottom, like my man Drake always says.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Just finished episode one. That fucking ruled.

So okay I'm really, really sensitive to fanservice for fanservice's sake for the most part but I am totally down with the Senkotsu design now that I've seen it in the context of the show. Soooo much of the show is taking the piss out of exploitation tropes and it's very clearly very intentional.

During the fight with Fukuroda once she's revealed, Ryuko is embarrassed by the Senkotsu. Instead of focusing on the fight Fukuroda starts creeping on Ryuko because of Senkotsu, which makes her upset. When he tries to attack her, it doesn't matter that like 10% of her body is covered, she's completely protected. On the other hand the Goku uniforms are like full body suits from neck to ankle. It's a total send up of the absurdity of the awful armor women wear in dozens of other exploitation films/anime.

There's a hell of a lot more thought to this than wank material for virgin otaku. Sexiness isn't an inherently bad thing; and I think using it in a subversive way like this is pretty god damn brilliant.

I don't know how I'm going to manage to wait weekly for more episodes of this show.
This is pretty well thought out.


Thought I'd be more into this after reading the impressions, but man was that a whole lot of nonsense. Not into the fanservice, either.

I'm interested to see where it goes, though.


So I decided to rewatch Kill La Kill with different subs, and huh. It was definitely noticeably different and probably flowed a little better, but obviously I can't really say which is more faithful to the original Japanese. The lemon theft scene actually made sense so there's that.
Episode 1 was definitely great. I'm hopeful that the rest of the series can maintain (or surpass) that level.

I noticed that (not necessarily spoilers, but theories based on observations)
the school itself has eyes, a neck, and the shoulder outline of a seifuku. I wonder if that is just a motif, or if the whole school is going to enter the fray at some point.

Nice OT OP.

Edit: Oh, if we're posting impressions:

The animation style is really working for me, as is the general atmosphere of the show. After seeing a classmate get
beaten to death by the student council
they all go back to class and resume their day. When asked about it, Mako tells her that
it happens all the time and that she shouldn't worry about it
in a comic tone. That carried through to the guys getting
boiled in hot oil and then emerging battered and fried
and other stuff like that. That's very reminiscent of FLCL to me, although there are obviously shades of Gurren Lagann in the basic premise of
her having to fight minions in order to get to bigger bosses, which mimics Viral/Tymlyph (sp), Viral/ Uhh...Ocean Lady, etc

I'm not in love with the design of her outfit, but assuming that it will
fill in as she absorbs the power or threads or whatever of the other Goku
it's not a big deal to me. It's definitely not the turnoff that it seems to be for some people.

Watched the first eps....I dig it. Also, Viral from Gurren Lagann is in the show! He voices Uzu Sanageyama. Itsuki from Initial D is there too....voicing the boxer guy. And of course, Viral's actor also voiced Initial D's Nakazato Takeshi (Night Kids leader).


This was pretty great. I'll definitely continue watching

Boob outfit doesn't really jive with me but as of yet it hasn't gotten a ton of time on screen so it's not really detracting from anything for me
flawless first episode. great music, humor, characers and world. animation was top notch.

love Gamagori.

art desgin is great. kind of loved Ryūko's outfit as a juxtopostion to all the school uniforms and the "order it represents


i know Sawano gets a lot of shit for his music lately


fuck y'all that guitar when title shows up behind Ryuuko was hype


i know Sawano gets a lot of shit for his music lately


fuck y'all that guitar when title shows up behind Ryuuko was hype

Most of the soundtrack was unremarkable, but I was thrilled every time that guitar riff kicked in. It showed up in the portion of the fight after Ryuuko's uniform was fully revealed, and it was awesome.


i know Sawano gets a lot of shit for his music lately


fuck y'all that guitar when title shows up behind Ryuuko was hype

Yeah, I love the whole zoom out from the school to the spin around Ryuuko, that's a really cool sequence. Still think the music should be louder though!


Just watched the first episode!

At first I was all "THIS IS MY JAM!! I can't wait to show this show to my wife!"

But then... "Wait...wtf is that uniform? Why? Why is that uniform?"

I love all the over-the-top stuff, the characters, the music, the animation, but this chick is such a badass, hot-blooded hero. Why are we humiliating her? Like... Something about this feels so wrong. It's not her choice to wear this, she's forced to. In order to get what she wants, she has to wear this gross uniform. There's a statement in there somewhere.

Honestly, it's just a bad, distracting design when it comes down it. She was already sexy and awesome, now I just feel uncomfortable.

Excited to see where this show goes though.


Man this was good. Usually, when people talk about something "saving anime" it ends up being disappointing at best. This seems legit, here's hoping there's something more than a "villain appears, protagonist is in trouble, protagonist activates power up and wins" formula. But if the animation quality remains constant, I'd be okay with just that.

And I'm glad they went with a skimpy outfit rather than yet another clumsy girl with baggy clothes and tiny hands. Now THAT's some shit pandering.


Besides the obvious pandering issues with the battle suit, the design in general is just shit. Original outfit is so much better. Even altering the battle suit to be fully clothed doesn't really fix the major design flaws.

Other than that, put me in the wait and see camp. First episode alright, but it's really easy to see where the series could slide into an abyss of crap really quickly. Lot's of potential quality pitfalls. Good ideas, but didn't blow me away and that suit is distracting enough to make that whole boxing fight just not fun to watch (not to mention how bad the humor about the outfit during that fight was).


God, Mako just steals every scene she's in.

By being your sort of standard, kind of dopy, cute baby-faced sidekick girl. Really didn't like her that much. She's such a walking trope. Nothing all that clever or funny in the way she's written. She dragged down the scenes she was in for me.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
By being your sort of standard, kind of dopy, cute baby-faced sidekick girl. Really didn't like her that much. She's such a walking trope. Nothing all that clever or funny in the way she's written. She dragged down the scenes she was in for me.

Thats her point, she is suppose to be horribly cliche and annoying on purpose, when shes balancing on a box constantly talking to the main character.


Thats her point, she is suppose to be horribly cliche and annoying on purpose, when shes balancing on a box constantly talking to the main character.

That being the point does not make it good writing. There are smart ways to do that type of character, she just happens to be a terrible version.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Just watched it. I guess this is not my show. It's so spazzy that I just don't care about any of it. But then.. I didn't click to Gurren Laggan either.

I guess the only kind of anime like this I've liked was Panty/Stocking.


Never trust ANN.
Case in point:
Rating: 2 (out of 5)

An undeniably stylish and frantically paced (to say nothing of well hyped) show, Kill la Kill nonetheless has some problems that impacted my enjoyment of it, to the point where I had to turn it off and go to bed before resuming in the morning. The most glaring issue for me was one that may not bother all viewers – the repeated references to the rise of the Nazi party every time the students were in class. Granted, this makes a grand total of two times, but the seeming significance of the references was quite clear. Honnouji Academy, which towers oppressively over a shantytown, is ruled by a despotic student council garbed in fantastic Goku Uniforms, which grant their wearers amazing physical prowess. One student in the class in question has stolen one, and thus the burly blond Iro is out for blood. And he gets it – we open the next school day with another history lesson about Nazis as we find out that the student in question was, in fact, killed. This was an uncomfortable juxtaposition for me, as I don't feel that it is one that should be made lightly.

In between these scenes, we meet Ryuko, our badass heroine. Ryuko has come to town bearing half of a giant pair of scissors, which apparently was the weapon that murdered her family an undisclosed amount of years before. Ryuko is on the trail of the other blade, and instantly invokes the wrath of the student council – although not the stoic Satsuki, supreme leader of the bunch. Apparently she knows more than she's letting on. In any event, Ryuko finds a skimpy and sentient sailor uniform of her own in Daddy's basement, which allows her to fight the student council in a spectacular manner, upsetting the not-so-fragile balance of power at Honnouji. Thus a series is launched.

Perhaps Kill la Kill does more right than wrong – it looks good and is visually fascinating, there are plenty of anime trope jokes, and the shantytown is a great piece of background – but the aforementioned historical references and the fact that virtually every line is screamed take away from that. It wasn't for me.


Watched the first Episode
Cool animations, the story seems interesting kinda, the fighting scenes shows new level definitely, can't wait to see more!

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Clothed! even there is no point for blushing in this scene by this.
Loving it so far, amazing art and setting with cool characters, even if they're mostly just the typical tropes. I know it will slow down, but the fast pace of the first episode left me wanting more already, something almost all anime nowadays doesn't do. Hoping the rest of the show keeps living up to the hype.

Also, there isn't anything wrong with the current battlesuit.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That being the point does not make it good writing. There are smart ways to do that type of character, she just happens to be a terrible version.

I dont think you can outright claim that specially since it seems quite a few people have taken a liking to her.


The funny thing about the suit is that the "off mode" where it looks like a regular sailor uniform is a better design and fits the theme of "school uniforms having superpowers" better. The other version is completely unnecessary.

Episode I: My Scissors Are The Scissors That Will Pierce The Heavens!


oh my gosh this is the best show to get back into anime for. and it's only 1 minute in. All my WTF. and HOLY crap that transition sequence.

Enter protagonist. Or maybe not. I just can't expect anything after I watched Gurren Lagann.
And it looksl ike Not-Ritsu is going to be a recurring character. Hopefully. I hope. Come on, please.

And I just continue to be astounded by this animation. Nothing really of note has happened, but there's just so much life and expressiveness in what's going on. Mako's just the cutest.

Also I know I haven't really watched anything other than the first episode of Utena but right now I'm getting major Utena vibes here with all this student council whatevers.

WOW this show is really going all out on the ridiculousness already. Wahaha.


That takes some real strength, Mako. You don't even need a super suit!

Welp. Anime redeemed, Anime Of The Year, etc. etc.

...Also I can't wait for the point where everything goes terribly wrong in this show.

I have this sinking feeling that things are just not going to go well for Mako. Something tragic is going to happen. It's just inevitable.

Also, I think it's pretty clear Ryuko's suit probably is going to be less revealing as time goes on; the one thread joining her suit at the end of the fight should make that clear enough. We're totally going to have our minds blown on this show guys, no need to worry.
Thoroughly enjoyed that first episode. Looks awesome.

Hate the armor design, thought it looked cooler with the cloak on. I actually like the first varsity jacket + uniform design better, not a big fan of the in your face fan service. Regardless, loved how crazy and hilarious it was.

Poor blonde ring girl lol


...That's an interesting position to take. Why don't you like the blushing?
they overdid it, or at least that's what I thought and bothered me. I understand when she gets "assaulted" by the uniform or when she gets half naked for the first time, but in that fight she was blushing all the time.

Oh thank god someone else put into words my exact thoughts on Panty & Stocking.
um. it's not only about slut/pussy jokes, not at all. there is a lot more than that, and really well done too.



While in general I do agree, that selective quoting is a bit unfair/misleading - everyone else in their Fall preview gave the show positive reviews. It's like choosing one person's negative review and saying a site hates a show when everyone else on the site gave it good reviews.

There are better ways to show your point about ANN. ;)


Episode 2 is by Shouko Nakamura; not worried.
Mr. Umakoshi incoming? We've seen that Tadashi Hiramatsu's possible transformation cuts could be present on the next episode, so more of her close friends at it is always a possibility... :)

I'm relieved as well because I saw someone comment on Ikuo Kuwana as the 'sakkan' for this next episode and I was starting to sweat profusely... I know he could be acting just as a freelance and nothing more, but after all this time I'm very wary of moves like this. One of the only old guard in-house animators left at GAiNAX, and I want to keep looking forward to their shows' animation thanks to some veteran people like him still there to show the promising youth how it's done...
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