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Kill la Kill |OT|


What do you think the balls of life fibre are really for? I bet one of the Elite Four will use them to go berserk and attack Ryuko. Maybe Gamargoori. Or she could be feeding them to her uniform.


What do you think the balls of life fibre are really for? I bet one of the Elite Four will use them to go berserk and attack Ryuko. Maybe Gamargoori. Or she could be feeding them to her uniform.

I think gasmask-chan (kun? Is that a woman or..? Probably a woman?) is experimenting or something weird. There's definitely no reason to have a scientist character if they're not up to no good.

Movies are for nerds anyway.

I just realized that the movie is only an hour and a half. I'm not sure how they retell the story in that short of time, but... okay, I'll bite. This better not suck.


I just realized that the movie is only an hour and a half. I'm not sure how they retell the story in that short of time, but... okay, I'll bite. This better not suck.

Exactly! I'll be watching it tomorrow, but from what I hear they basically distilled all the weirder parts of the show and stuffed it into a tiny format.

I think the Gasmask guy is a guy, isn't he?


What if life fibres are sapping power instead of adding it. :eek:

It seems likely that, unbeknownst to her, the life fibres are going to end up making her suit dangerously strong/difficult to control or at least, that's how these stories of enchanted armour tend to end up.


Setec Astronomer
It seems likely that, unbeknownst to her, the life fibres are going to end up making her suit dangerously strong/difficult to control or at least, that's how these stories of enchanted armour tend to end up.
But that's what Junketsu is for.

Who knows!


Also I am incredibly uncomfortable with how outmatched Ryuko is against a single member of the Elite Four. Like, I am seriously concerned for her. Get some
training before you do something stupid.


Guys...guys...I'm like forty minutes in...

Where did Akio's luscious voice go? WHERE IT GO?!

Edit: Aah, so it takes place (Utena spoilers)
in the world Utena is trapped in at the end of the TV series, I guess (the Academy). And they escape at the end.

My favorite character was barely in it, so...eh. Pretty good. Not really necessary except the last ten to fifteen minutes. Getting the wrong voice actor was an unforgivable sin though.


I suspect that the outcome where the suit consumes the user first starts with taking the strength of the user, as seen with Satsuki. That or losing the strength to continue using it on hostile terms. Right now it's all pure willpower.

I guess.

Satsuki doesn't want to rely on anyone, and that extends to her relationship with Junketsu. But it doesn't seem like you can treat Kamui the same way you'd treat any other outfit, that you'd put on or take off at your leisure.

She's definitely fighting it at this point. I don't know why the parents would have given it to her if it was truly dangerous, but then again, we don't really know anything about the parents.

Well, her parents didn't give it to her. She put Junketsu on in defiance of their instructions.


Well, her parents didn't give it to her. She put Junketsu on in defiance of their instructions.

They were going to give it to her on the day of her wedding, and they let her keep wearing it after finding out. If it was incredibly dangerous they could have forced her to never put it back on.


They were going to give it to her on the day of her wedding, and they let her keep wearing it after finding out. If it was incredibly dangerous they could have forced her to never put it back on.

This episode suggests that she hasn't put it back on, and it's an open question whether her parents are supportive of what she did.


This episode suggests that she hasn't put it back on, and it's an open question whether her parents are supportive of what she did.

She's wearing Junketsu when she gets out of the helicopter after talking to her parents. She also tells the butler that she explained her reasons for putting Junketsu on.


Setec Astronomer
Guys...guys...I'm like forty minutes in...

Where did Akio's luscious voice go? WHERE IT GO?!

Edit: Aah, so it takes place (Utena spoilers)
in the world Utena is trapped in at the end of the TV series, I guess (the Academy). And they escape at the end.

My favorite character was barely in it, so...eh. Pretty good. Not really necessary except the last ten to fifteen minutes. Getting the wrong voice actor was an unforgivable sin though.
The TV and Movie are in different universes. Drawing any connection beyond the themes, imagery, and symbolism is a mistake.


The TV and Movie are in different universes. Drawing any connection beyond the themes, imagery, and symbolism is a mistake.

That was my theory and parts of the internet seem to agree. I'll file it away it away in the "Yeah, that's what I'm going to believe" part of my brain with the other fan theories. The TV series was way better in any case. This was not a "Do You Remember Love" type scenario where the TV show is hot garbage and the movie is excellent.

I guess I wasn't paying attention during those seconds before Uzu shows up.

She's going to keep wearing it until circumstances force her to get naked. Possibly on a beach.





I suspect that the outcome where the suit consumes the user first starts with taking the strength of the user, as seen with Satsuki. That or losing the strength to continue using it on hostile terms. Right now it's all pure willpower.
I was thinking she would start to lose control, then overcome it at the last second. But now that I think about it, she and Senketsu are friends so I don't know why he'd try to take over her body.
Guys get full-body armour when they transform, girls become scantily dressed. Ha, of course they'd do that. And I think I spotted a Rurouni Kenshin reference when he was beating up Ryuko in their first match.

The pace of this ep was insane. A (possibly) major villain gets introduced, defeated, powers up, defeats the hero again and gets an image change in just twenty minutes!


Also I am incredibly uncomfortable with how outmatched Ryuko is against a single member of the Elite Four. Like, I am seriously concerned for her. Get some
training before you do something stupid.

But watching good guys win 100% of the time is incredibly boring. She needed to get beat down so she doesn't get over confident. She also won the first fight with one blow which was kinda weird considering he is elite 4.


I don't think there will be a training arc; they're using the Life Fiber eating thing to replace it.
In a way, next week would be the training arc since Ryuuko is going after all the remaining club presidents herself.


But watching good guys win 100% of the time is incredibly boring. She needed to get beat down so she doesn't get over confident. She also won the first fight with one blow which was kinda weird considering he is elite 4.

Oh I know. I just think it's interesting that this is pretty much the first shonen show I've watched where I've really had any sort of concern for the protagonist.


Junior Member
I'd love to see Ira Gamagoori in a simple but God awesome outfit. :p

Ryuko isn't getting weaker, she was just never that good a fighter to begin with.

The show starts off with her fighting with kids in the slums and winning. That doesn't mean she's strong, it just means she's more capable than a bunch of kids in the slum. Her biggest advantage at first is that she has a special weapon, but even that doesn't get her anywhere until she gets a piece of super plot armor.

Then she's able to beat a bunch of scrub mini-bosses. Satsuki's fight with Ryuko was more of a way for Satsuki to assess Ryuko's capabilities to see if she's worth her time, rather than actually trying to kill her. Even then, she would have lost if not for Mako-Ex-Machina. The same thing happens when she fights toe-to-toe with a trained professional soldier. The only difference this week is that there wasn't a Mako-Ex-Machina, just a typical narrative deus-ex-machina instead.

Clearly the show is leading to up to a point where Ryuko will realize this herself. It's probably coming up really soon. She has to come to terms with the fact that while she's really well equipped now, she has never really had much training or skill to take on the people she wants to fight.

Time for EndBoss Mako-chan to shine.


But watching good guys win 100% of the time is incredibly boring. She needed to get beat down so she doesn't get over confident. She also won the first fight with one blow which was kinda weird considering he is elite 4.

Yeah, but you gotta know when to give the good guys a victory. One of the problems with Young Justice (depending on who you ask) was that the bad guys were always, always beating the good guys. Even when the good guys think they nabbed a victory it turns out that the bad guys let them win.


Yeah, but you gotta know when to give the good guys a victory. One of the problems with Young Justice (depending on who you ask) was that the bad guys were always, always beating the good guys. Even when the good guys think they nabbed a victory it turns out that the bad guys let them win.
No, it wasn't like this. Not at all. The team really pissed in the lights plans, but the great thing about the light was, that they're plans were flexible enough to bend a small win, even when they lost. Although the Young Justice couldn't stop the lights plan that started the second season, they slowed them down and - far more important - gained information. The problem the team faced in the first season was that they didn't get the big picture so they were satisfied by the archieved objectives, while the light had far more. So in the second season it was actually the team that outgambitet the light and its partners.

Also: fuck CN for kicking this great show.
I don't know, it still felt like the Light won at the end. And because we'll never get a third season it will stay that way =(

it's a glass half-full glass-half empty thing.

the Light wanted 2 things,
total control of humanity's potential AND a deterrent against any alien influence.

they got 1 of the 2.

With savage controlling the war world planet earth was protected against invasions, saving human lives and the home planet of the bad guys AND the good guys.


I don't know, it still felt like the Light won at the end. And because we'll never get a third season it will stay that way =(
Well, I don't want tho spam the KLK-Thread with YJ-talk, but I wanna say this:
It was Vandal Savage who won a bit. The Reach was enemy of everyone of the world and it was sure enough defeated, that would be technicaly a win for the Light. Other than that: the Light was more or less disbanded, its members broken, maybe dead or in jail.
It is only Vandal Savage and Darkside who aquired the War World and made sure that the earth is a respected force of the universe. Also earth lies once again in the hands of the heroes and governments, instead of the Light and/or Darkside.


Well, I don't want tho spam the KLK-Thread with YJ-talk, but I wanna say this:
Also earth lies once again in the hands of the heroes and governments, instead of the Light and/or Darkside.

I don't know, it felt like they were setting up president Luthor at the end. Maybe I'm rememberign wrong

Anyways yeah, we're going way off topic. I wonder how Sexy Sensei will fight later on.
really nice then. I'm curious as to how you did the skirt and bow. Most people I've seen do work like that in 3ds or maya then move it over to zbrush for sculpting.

It was all entirely done in zbrush. You can make a basic shape, mask off a section and extract that as a starting point. That's how I did the bow. As for the skirt, I did one pleat and then instanced it across a cylinder.
Anyhoo will paint it soon :) this show has amazing designs man!


Just got caught up with all the episodes. I dig it so far; the first few episodes followed the same formula Gurren Lagann used.

Introduce the characters and the basic plot in the first few EPs. Episode 5 and 6 is where stuff got serious, I see Nudist Beach and Satsuki's family playing a bigger role in the story later on.

Can't wait


Rewatched the episode today, the scene with Satsuki's mother being 'revealed' and leading into the first battle with Sanageyama gives me chills. The soundtrack perfectly compliments it. The battle music was pretty amazing well, really growing on me.

Does anyone think Sanageyama might be stronger than Satsuki at this point in time? He seemed quite unimpressed with her teacup attack.
Rewatched the episode today, the scene with Satsuki's mother being 'revealed' and leading into the first battle with Sanageyama gives me chills. The soundtrack perfectly compliments it. The battle music was pretty amazing well, really growing on me.

Does anyone think Sanageyama might be stronger than Satsuki at this point in time? He seemed quite unimpressed with her teacup attack.

Only because it was the same attack she used on him before.

I thought the second time when she thought he had snuck up behind her but he was standing in front of her hinted he might have an advantage on her now, at least in her regular form.

Or it could've been Satsuki trying to throw him off.
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