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Kill la Kill |OT|


I really wish I could enjoy the antagonists more than I do because so far pretty much all of them mostly make me go "goddammit Ryuko, hurry up and learn from your mistakes so you can kick these assholes to the curb". A lot of them just seem so damn unlikable to me and I can't say I cared much for the Uzu and Satsuki exposition in this episode cause I still feel like the entire ring of main villains are just so damn predictable and stuck-up.

Episode 4 is my favorite so far because I feel like the antagonist of that episode actually had an agenda beyond her given role. I dunno, I guess I'm just so sick of seeing Satsuki on her high horse. I really have to wonder whether or not there is some Gurren Lagann-style twist to her since she's so one-note.


Any Saint Seiya season.

But that's like, what they do. Get beaten mercilessly, then call up their goddess and somehow win o
r lose

I really wish I could enjoy the antagonists more than I do because so far pretty much all of them mostly make me go "goddammit Ryuko, hurry up and learn from your mistakes so you can kick these assholes to the curb". A lot of them just seem so damn unlikable to me and I can't say I cared much for the Uzu and Satsuki exposition in this episode cause I still feel like the entire ring of main villains are just so damn predictable and stuck-up.

Episode 4 is my favorite so far because I feel like the antagonist of that episode actually had an agenda beyond her given role. I dunno, I guess I'm just so sick of seeing Satsuki on her high horse. I really have to wonder whether or not there is some Gurren Lagann-style twist to her since she's so one-note.

I'm pretty sure Satsuki will have plenty of room to evolve, as I mentioned in the last page. And don't forget these aren't even the final enemies, since it's clear these villains belong to the "phase 1" of the anime.
I really wish I could enjoy the antagonists more than I do because so far pretty much all of them mostly make me go "goddammit Ryuko, hurry up and learn from your mistakes so you can kick these assholes to the curb". A lot of them just seem so damn unlikable to me and I can't say I cared much for the Uzu and Satsuki exposition in this episode cause I still feel like the entire ring of main villains are just so damn predictable and stuck-up.

Episode 4 is my favorite so far because I feel like the antagonist of that episode actually had an agenda beyond her given role. I dunno, I guess I'm just so sick of seeing Satsuki on her high horse. I really have to wonder whether or not there is some Gurren Lagann-style twist to her since she's so one-note.

the fact we already got to one of the 4 elites so early, and whom most assume was the big bad of the 4, was kinda surprising in itself to me.

things are moving hella fast if you think about it, and it opens up the door for, as you said, some big twist being prepared.


Satsuki is definitely not the Big Boss; her fashion designer mom is obviously much more dangerous.
I loved the fact that
the whole building she was in was shaped like a gigantic dress as well
, not that it was entirely unexpected given the themes in the series.


Okay. Your issue, then, isn't one of principle against fan service in general, but one of personal discomfort - unless there's a double standard at play here. It's hard to argue what you should or shouldn't be comfortable with.

That said, I honestly find it surprising you had such a huge problem with Matoi's pajamas being pulled down as a gag, yet apparently found it easy enough to coast through an episode where Matoi was violently beaten. I didn't even see the former as fan service when I first saw it, but the latter was legitimately difficult for me to watch at times.

Precisely what you've said. People enjoy what they enjoy; I'm not on some mission to destroy all fanservice as no one should enjoy it. All I've said is a reflection of my tastes and mine alone.

And yeah, I was completely fine with her getting beat up compared to the pajama moments. In fact, I most definitely preferred it.


Here's some SUPER AWESOME Cosplay sourced from here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/WCS-Team-Spain-2012/309797712401782



That said, I honestly find it surprising you had such a huge problem with Matoi's pajamas being pulled down as a gag, yet apparently found it easy enough to coast through an episode where Matoi was violently beaten. I didn't even see the former as fan service when I first saw it, but the latter was legitimately difficult for me to watch at times.

I don't think anyone necessarily likes seeing the main protagonist getting wailed upon. I will say though, I appreciate how much physicality this show lends to its female characters. So often women in fiction are the spellcasters, ranged fighters or if they ever take a hit are knocked out in one blow. I really appreciate that they let Ryuko really DISH out the pain but also TAKE it as well. It's something I've always liked about some American comic book super heroes like Wonder Woman and She-Hulk. They get their hands fucking DIRTY (which necessitates that you take some hard blows yourself) and the combat is so visceral. I feel its very anti-sexist in a way and that make me cool with it (assuming there is an appropriate give and take of course).


Okay. Your issue, then, isn't one of principle against fan service in general, but one of personal discomfort - unless there's a double standard at play here. It's hard to argue what you should or shouldn't be comfortable with.

That said, I honestly find it surprising you had such a huge problem with Matoi's pajamas being pulled down as a gag, yet apparently found it easy enough to coast through an episode where Matoi was violently beaten. I didn't even see the former as fan service when I first saw it, but the latter was legitimately difficult for me to watch at times.

it's expected that in a fighting show, asswhoopings are going to happen. and they are glorious.

the pajama gag was fucking hilarious though. especially when the dog got hit by it.


I don't think anyone necessarily likes seeing the main protagonist getting wailed upon. I will say though, I appreciate how much physicality this show lends to its female characters. So often women in fiction are the spellcasters, ranged fighters or if they ever take a hit are knocked out in one blow. I really appreciate that they let Ryuko really DISH out the pain but also TAKE it as well. It's something I've always liked about some American comic book super heroes like Wonder Woman and She-Hulk. They get their hands fucking DIRTY (which necessitates that you take some hard blows yourself) and the combat is so visceral. I feel its very anti-sexist in a way and that make me cool with it (assuming there is an appropriate give and take of course).
For some that's actually a fetish. Then again, there's probably nothing that isn't a fetish for somebody.



We are sorry to announce that effectively immediately we have suspended our simulcast screening of Kill La Kill.

The file was accessed from our servers prior to the Japanese broadcast and illegally distributed to the internet.

This is a serious concern to Madman and our valued partners, including Aniplex and the Kill La Kill production committee.

We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused to Australian and New Zealand fans of this series and will do our best to ensure you get to watch the show safely and legally in the near future.

We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused to Australian and New Zealand fans of this series and will do our best to ensure you get to watch the show safely and legally in the near future.

watch the show safely

It only affects Kill la Kill streamed from Madman's site. Crunchyroll and Daisuki are still fine.

Thank god, I really appreciate we are getting official streaming from those sites in so many languages. I'm even more surprised of the good quality of the spanish subs, and them not being latin american spanish.


Okay the first 5 episode didn't do anything for me (partly due to how overpower the main character is), but episode 6 is awesome, I actually look forward to more episodes now.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Okay the first 5 episode didn't do anything for me (partly due to how overpower the main character is), but episode 6 is awesome, I actually look forward to more episodes now.

but...episode 5 proves the exact opposite of the character being OP, it took til episode 6 for you to stop thinking that?


It kind of seems like Ryuko is getting weaker. When she first decided to embrace nudity she had the power to swing her weapon and blow the entire study body away with just the ki energy. Now she seems like she can maybe take a hit better than she could otherwise, and maybe her speed is a bit faster, but she's still entirely reliant on her scissor blade's deployed mode to inflict damage. It doesn't seem like she has the power she had when she was going blow for blow with Satsuki.


but...episode 5 proves the exact opposite of the character being OP, it took til episode 6 for you to stop thinking that?

Well in episode 5 she got
destroyed by tactic and traps. It is like playing MMO and you spent 2 hours kiting a boss to death around around a tree. Yeah you killed the boss, but I wouldn't consider your character is actually "stronger" since you just taking advantage of the dumb AI.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Well in episode 5 she got
destroyed by tactic and traps. It is like playing MMO and you spent 2 hours kiting a boss to death around around a tree. Yeah you killed the boss, but I wouldn't consider your character is actually "stronger" since you just taking advantage of the dumb AI.

fighting isnt really all about brute strength, infact even in episode 6 she was probably still stronger
just the enemy actually used different skills and tactics to win. and in their first fight, ryuko beat him by actually using tactics.


Ryuko isn't getting weaker, she was just never that good a fighter to begin with.

The show starts off with her fighting with kids in the slums and winning. That doesn't mean she's strong, it just means she's more capable than a bunch of kids in the slum. Her biggest advantage at first is that she has a special weapon, but even that doesn't get her anywhere until she gets a piece of super plot armor.

Then she's able to beat a bunch of scrub mini-bosses. Satsuki's fight with Ryuko was more of a way for Satsuki to assess Ryuko's capabilities to see if she's worth her time, rather than actually trying to kill her. Even then, she would have lost if not for Mako-Ex-Machina. The same thing happens when she fights toe-to-toe with a trained professional soldier. The only difference this week is that there wasn't a Mako-Ex-Machina, just a typical narrative deus-ex-machina instead.

Clearly the show is leading to up to a point where Ryuko will realize this herself. It's probably coming up really soon. She has to come to terms with the fact that while she's really well equipped now, she has never really had much training or skill to take on the people she wants to fight.


it's expected that in a fighting show, asswhoopings are going to happen. and they are glorious.

the pajama gag was fucking hilarious though. especially when the dog got hit by it.

Well, yeah. I said that in the context of a discussion about personal discomforts, though. There are certain fighting scenes that manage to really convey a sense of "whoa, that looks painful," and may actually make you cringe. For me, episode 6 delivered that. It's not a bad thing, and could actually be (easily) argued to be quite the opposite, but I certainly found it more difficult to watch than the pajama gag.


Ryuko isn't getting weaker, she was just never that good a fighter to begin with.

The show starts off with her fighting with kids in the slums and winning. That doesn't mean she's strong, it just means she's more capable than a bunch of kids in the slum. Her biggest advantage at first is that she has a special weapon, but even that doesn't get her anywhere until she gets a piece of super plot armor.

Then she's able to beat a bunch of scrub mini-bosses. Satsuki's fight with Ryuko was more of a way for Satsuki to assess Ryuko's capabilities to see if she's worth her time, rather than actually trying to kill her. Even then, she would have lost if not for Mako-Ex-Machina. The same thing happens when she fights toe-to-toe with a trained professional soldier. The only difference this week is that there wasn't a Mako-Ex-Machina, just a typical narrative deus-ex-machina instead.

Clearly the show is leading to up to a point where Ryuko will realize this herself. It's probably coming up really soon. She has to come to terms with the fact that while she's really well equipped now, she has never really had much training or skill to take on the people she wants to fight.

There was a big difference between the power she showed in the fight against Satsuki and the fight she had against Sanegeyama though (or at least I think there was). She delivered blows to Satsuki in that fight and the Ki energy went through her and destroyed walls. A slash of her scissor could be equally as devastating to the surroundings. Somehow her fight with Sanegeyama was able to be contained in an arena though, and none of the other students got blasted away with the force of their blows or anything.

It's probably just a bit of inconsistency I guess. She's definitely going to get powered up or go on the path towards powering up here shortly. I guess life fibers will probably be a big part of that, but it'd be nice if someone would actually train her as well
Mako. Pleaseeeeeeee. Let Mako train her.


What if life fibres are sapping power instead of adding it. :eek:

My guess would be that the suit needs life fibers to regenerate after sustaining damage, but you never know with this show. It just as easily could be that it needs life fibers to evolve like a pokemon or something.


Satsuki is weakening because she doesn't understand the heart of the life fibers. Ryuko on the other hand is assembling Exodia without even knowing it.


I'm guessing she'll turn to Nudist Beach if she needs training. Makes the most sense, imo.

It should be Mako though.


Setec Astronomer
I suspect that the outcome where the suit consumes the user first starts with taking the strength of the user, as seen with Satsuki. That or losing the strength to continue using it on hostile terms. Right now it's all pure willpower.


Not to get into the gory details, but yes. Yes there is.

Is that what happens? I saw the show many moons ago, but never got around to watching the movie. I've seen the still of the car though, like I'd imagine most people have.

I should watch that. Maybe. Someday. I have it, but, man. A movie. That's a commitment.

I suspect that the outcome where the suit consumes the user first starts with taking the strength of the user, as seen with Satsuki. That or losing the strength to continue using it on hostile terms. Right now it's all pure willpower.

She's definitely fighting it at this point. I don't know why the parents would have given it to her if it was truly dangerous, but then again, we don't really know anything about the parents.
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