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Killer Instinct |OT| New Look! New Moves! Same Killer Grooves!


Soooo did DH said anything about the Jail problem?

I wanna play this shit online without worrying every freakin match


Sketchbook Picasso
Soooo did DH said anything about the Jail problem?

I wanna play this shit online without worrying every freakin match

Why even be worried about it? I've been playing online, and the quality of players "in jail" has currently no bearing on whether they're D/C'rs or not.

It seems like basically everyone is being put into it, which means NOT being in jail is potentially shrinking your online player base.

When Jail is fixed, it'll probably result in everyone being let out, and then let those who belong in it, truthfully land in it.

I'm getting a lot of "constant match-ups with the same players", but am I the only person who doesn't mind this? Kinda like local play. I get to learn an opponent, and then react to their strengths and weaknesses. It's helped me evolve my Spinal game a bit faster, by focusing on the particular matchup, rather than how different opponent 1 is from 2's playstyle.

I'm more concerned about potential freeze glitches personally, but I've not run into a single one. Though I make sure to avoid Jago's stage when playing Spinal, though since I don't always have 1p side, Spinal in the stage happens fairly often. And still never seen a freeze from it.


Regarding Cinder design changes:

There is still going to be a classic costume for the character. Because of that I don't mind them making changes to his design. Either way it will be interesting to see what they do with him.

Also the talk of there will be a teaser at the end of Fulgore's trailer. A few things come to mind:

Story tease, or
Shadow Jago tease (available to public as dlc with new moves set), or
Season 2 tease.

I could see Season 2 tease being left for E3 or EVO.


Sketchbook Picasso
Haha, had a fun Spinal matchup that included me and the other guy just exchanging "Oh, cool, NICE!" comments to each others tricks throughout the match. I love how everyone plays him a bit differently...

Also, I had a Glacius tell me I was the first Spinal that's actually managed to beat him. I think most Spinal's commit suicide with overuse of Dives and Slides.

You can really use a skull to cancel a teleport into another teleport, eh? That's so freaky, lol. Slow fireballs & teleport mixups, a slide, a quick divekick, and an overhead + A run. He's got so much trickery. Using an overhead fireball to track an oppoenets Spinal's crossover teleport, and give yourself the advantage is so satisfying.

I think the fact that his Teleport and tackle share the same attack button may be his biggest weakness. The fact that crossing over him = flubbed motion that open him up really lowers the ease of use to escapes. And you can meaty his Spectral sword easily, and it has no rear attack box at all, leaving him crazy open to punishment on whiff.

I'm really glad he can't Cross over jump -> Redirect his divekick. Someone like Yuri is cute enough to get away with that crap. Spinal? Naaaa.. I'm also really glad it's nor more ambiguous.


I'm so late, but FUCK YEA Fulgore. He looks incredible. Same for Spinal. Got to play with him yesterday, and it was amazing. In fact, played the game for the first time then, and it was amazing. I think it's time to get a One, now.
ordered my xbone a couple days ago and should be here next week. how is this game with the regular controller? dont really feel like dropping another $200 on an arcade stick but if the game is complete trash with the controller then i may have to


ordered my xbone a couple days ago and should be here next week. how is this game with the regular controller? dont really feel like dropping another $200 on an arcade stick but if the game is complete trash with the controller then i may have to

I play with controller and its still great, though I'm sure its better with the stick its definitely not trash without it.
I play with controller and its still great, though I'm sure its better with the stick its definitely not trash without it.

That is personal preferences.

ordered my xbone a couple days ago and should be here next week. how is this game with the regular controller? dont really feel like dropping another $200 on an arcade stick but if the game is complete trash with the controller then i may have to

The dpad is great on the xbox one controller.
ordered my xbone a couple days ago and should be here next week. how is this game with the regular controller? dont really feel like dropping another $200 on an arcade stick but if the game is complete trash with the controller then i may have to
If you're not playing vs on your home One or going to tournaments, get a CronusMax. Works perfectly, but currently causes some glitches with the second players controller inputs. If you're playing online, it's the perfect solution. Saved me about $150.


If you're not playing vs on your home One or going to tournaments, get a CronusMax. Works perfectly, but currently causes some glitches with the second players controller inputs. If you're playing online, it's the perfect solution. Saved me about $150.

Yea it works perfectly, highly recommended


I microwave steaks.
Woo, got my combo breaker pin in the email, has the feb challenge been posted yet? And wtf I had no idea Spinal was released, I am behind the times.


The only thing I didn't like about the Cinder mention was "He was a man in a fire suit!" ... well, he was living flames. Though that's an accurate description of how model; no details, just a generic male silhouette with fire texture attached.

I hope they still keep him as "living energy" rather than try and make him a man / flame hybrid. No matter how much they change him, his classic will be close enough to his traditional look anyway. I like the fact they seem to stress that his movement is harmful to others... I want a combo trait where he leaves Potential-damage-building burns on the opponent after combos. Due to this, he has no direct damage ender..

Yes that was the quote that worried me a bit as well. Cinder isn't a dated design, he was just very simplistic but that made him awesome. There doesn't need to be any re imagining done to the character, he's a man who was transformed into living flame. That's it. He basically just needs to be Dormammu minus the suit and it will be perfect.


Yes that was the quote that worried me a bit as well. Cinder isn't a dated design, he was just very simplistic but that made him awesome. There doesn't need to be any re imagining done to the character, he's a man who was transformed into living flame. That's it. He basically just needs to be Dormammu minus the suit and it will be perfect.
Wasn't Cinder actually a Glacius swap?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yes that was the quote that worried me a bit as well. Cinder isn't a dated design, he was just very simplistic but that made him awesome. There doesn't need to be any re imagining done to the character, he's a man who was transformed into living flame. That's it. He basically just needs to be Dormammu minus the suit and it will be perfect.

I also liked how he looked, but I guess that's what the classic costume will be for. Spinal sorta applies as he was a basic Skeleton, now he was added to heavily with stuff like the half of a ship wheel sticking out of his back.

I'm still excited to see him. Given the particle effects in the game, I'm expecting cool things from the lighting the fire will give off.


Wasn't Cinder actually a Glacius swap?

Not that I am aware of. Doesn't look like it when I go back and play KI classic but I suppose the same base model could have been used. That can be said of any fighting game from that era though. I just have this sinking feeling they are going to screw up Cinder, and it's completely shallow on my part but I would not go anywhere near Season 2 if they did.


Not that I am aware of. Doesn't look like it when I go back and play KI classic but I suppose the same base model could have been used. That can be said of any fighting game from that era though. I just have this sinking feeling they are going to screw up Cinder, and it's completely shallow on my part but I would not go anywhere near Season 2 if they did.

They're just gonna turn him into Johnny Storm. Because Cinder was originally a big burly white dude
What is cronusmax?


With regard to this thread, it made my 360 TE stick compatible with my One so I didn't have to drop $200 on a TE2 stick. I haven't tried it with other controllers, but yea. If you have a HRAP or TE and you don't want to buy a new stick, it's flawless. The only issue at the moment is that if you're playing with someone else on the same One, their player can drop inputs randomly. Until it's fixed, it won't be a good situation if you have a friend over and you're playing 1v1. But if you're playing online primarily, it's flawless. Presumably there will be a firmware update to resolve the one issue.

Highly recommended.
I do wonder what Cinder will looks like, especially what his accessories will be if they go with "man of pure energy" thing. Like, Glacius is made of ice, you can rest stuff on ice. Scratching my head as to what you'd put on a fire man.


New Cinder screenshot.


Didn't the Ones in the trucks support TE sticks? Why not retail hardware, or was that a decision.

they worked because they were devkits (I'm not being flippant, that was the official response at the time). Their incompatibility is a business decision not a technical one. My personal guess is that it is related to the fact that Datel cracked the protection they used to prevent unlicensed 360 accessories (there was a lawsuit about this a few years ago)


Spinal tips:
Landing your first skull/combo is very crucial. You're pretty weak in options without a skull.
HP is a great poke, stuffs a lot of attacks. Kind of a long start up but great range. Max range, a MK/HK shoulder tackle will combo. Both are unsafe. -3/-5. Shadow shoulder tackle is +2.
You CAN be thrown/hit out of the start up and ending of teleports. Even with skulls. Learn to use tricky setups with teleports and skulls. Example, if you know they mash buttons at the sight of a teleport, MK/HK teleport front/behind, LK teleport, HP poke > fireballs > slide combo.
The tracking on overhead fireball is pretty poor, however it locks their jumping.
You have two ways of causing a 50/50 guessing game. b.HP after chasing a low fireball. Slide and overhead fireball. At certain ranged, due to LP fireballs slow speed, LP fireball and Heavy fireball can create a 50/50, tacked on with a slide or overhead.
Dive kick is great, use sparingly however. If you know someone has a habit of throw teching on wake up, dive kick works like you would imagine.
Various fireball / teleport mix ups exist. Low fireballs are slower than medium.

Match up notes:
Sadira can be handled much easier as you can control her air daggers (absorb them and she can't even grapple down to you) and air fireballs keep her out of the air. Light and Heavy teleport, even without skulls, makes approaching her rather simple. It takes a little getting used to though, to prevent getting hit by her cross ups still.

Thunder is a pretty awful match up (at this moment, I'd say 3:7 without skulls, 5:5 with). His instinct makes him a natural threat to Spinal's mix ups with skulls. His pokes are way better than yours and he really doesn't need to use special attacks to close the gap between you and him. You cannot absorb his command grab.

All I can think of for now... I only got to play my local Sadira and Thunder players tonight.



With regard to this thread, it made my 360 TE stick compatible with my One so I didn't have to drop $200 on a TE2 stick. I haven't tried it with other controllers, but yea. If you have a HRAP or TE and you don't want to buy a new stick, it's flawless. The only issue at the moment is that if you're playing with someone else on the same One, their player can drop inputs randomly. Until it's fixed, it won't be a good situation if you have a friend over and you're playing 1v1. But if you're playing online primarily, it's flawless. Presumably there will be a firmware update to resolve the one issue.

Highly recommended.

Bit the bullet and got a TE stick to compliment my own Cronus max and am selling my HORI SCV stick. Man Madccadz has gotten a lot better! Can't believe I put up with the dead for so long.

Is there a way to avoid plugging in an XBONE controller first and then swapping in the TE USB cable?
Spinal tips:
Landing your first skull/combo is very crucial. You're pretty weak in options without a skull.
HP is a great poke, stuffs a lot of attacks. Kind of a long start up but great range. Max range, a MK/HK shoulder tackle will combo. Both are unsafe. -3/-5. Shadow shoulder tackle is +2.
You CAN be thrown/hit out of the start up and ending of teleports. Even with skulls. Learn to use tricky setups with teleports and skulls. Example, if you know they mash buttons at the sight of a teleport, MK/HK teleport front/behind, LK teleport, HP poke > fireballs > slide combo.
The tracking on overhead fireball is pretty poor, however it locks their jumping.
You have two ways of causing a 50/50 guessing game. b.HP after chasing a low fireball. Slide and overhead fireball. At certain ranged, due to LP fireballs slow speed, LP fireball and Heavy fireball can create a 50/50, tacked on with a slide or overhead.
Dive kick is great, use sparingly however. If you know someone has a habit of throw teching on wake up, dive kick works like you would imagine.
Various fireball / teleport mix ups exist. Low fireballs are slower than medium.

Match up notes:
Sadira can be handled much easier as you can control her air daggers (absorb them and she can't even grapple down to you) and air fireballs keep her out of the air. Light and Heavy teleport, even without skulls, makes approaching her rather simple. It takes a little getting used to though, to prevent getting hit by her cross ups still.

Thunder is a pretty awful match up (at this moment, I'd say 3:7 without skulls, 5:5 with). His instinct makes him a natural threat to Spinal's mix ups with skulls. His pokes are way better than yours and he really doesn't need to use special attacks to close the gap between you and him. You cannot absorb his command grab.

All I can think of for now... I only got to play my local Sadira and Thunder players tonight.

Im using his cold shoulder or down hk into the twirly sword move, found the shoulder does crap damage so I just use it as a opener.


I don't really like playing against Spinal at all. His damage output seems so freaking high and he has the ability to drain meter as well.

I've dropped four ranks since he was released. :/ I've been trying to grasp him as well, but to no avail just yet.

This game is making me way too angry right now, probably best to take a break :( I shouldn't be losing against Rank 01ers :/


I don't really like playing against Spinal at all. His damage output seems so freaking high and he has the ability to drain meter as well.

I've dropped four ranks since he was released. :/ I've been trying to grasp him as well, but to no avail just yet.

This game is making me way too angry right now, probably best to take a break :( I shouldn't be losing against Rank 01ers :/

I'm making a switch to Spinal as a main from Jago. Tell me your problems, I can tell you solutions.


Goddamnit, so many Spinal that still don't uderstand that the slide is totally unsafe andd keep on spamming that lol

good for me :)


Bit the bullet and got a TE stick to compliment my own Cronus max and am selling my HORI SCV stick. Man Madccadz has gotten a lot better! Can't believe I put up with the dead for so long.

Is there a way to avoid plugging in an XBONE controller first and then swapping in the TE USB cable?
I think the process is basically the price we have to pay for being able to not spend $200 on a whole new stick. :)

Have you had any issues yet with the stick going unresponsive suddenly after a half hour or so? Every time it happens, all I have to do is unplug it and plug it back in, but it'd suck to have it happen during an online match.
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