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Killer Instinct Season 2 |OT| It's international RIPTOOOOORRRRRR day.


Wow that Instinct.......I'd hate to be the opponent lol. They need to do another Tender Moments stream and show him.....that or a trailer with a Kim Wu tease at the end. :D

Adam Isgreen said this season most likely our first look at new character would be in their full reveal trailer. Obviously plans could have changed since then but it sounded like they weren't going to do actual character model teases at the end of trailers, maybe just certain clues like they did with Kim Wu's weapon at the end of the Rash trailer.

Shadow Jago sounds really interesting and happy to see they tried to incorporate his sword more into his game play. Too early to say but it seems like Shadow Jago might actually be a legit zoning threat. It's nice to have Shadow Jago to look forward to since it feels like quite a wait for Season 3.


That was the special thing about spending 1 half of a bar to add special properties to a move.

Think of it like being able to do mini ex moves but instead of combined punches or kicks your just hitting punch/kick once after the move to add additional properties.

The Flash


We will skip the normal pleasantries that normally open our blog posts and get right to the point. You’ve been clamoring for something, anything regarding information from us, and we’ve been steadfast in our semi-silent approach.

We’ll call it “semi-silent” because our initial news drops that happened during summer were grand in nature, with the PC announcement coming during the week of E3 and then the Season 3 announcement plus the Rash beta info dropping during Gamescom. Other than those few beats, though, things have been admittedly quiet…until now.

We are sure you caught our post yesterday giving you a tiny peek in to Shadow Jago, and hopefully it satisfied your craving for KI news. Of course, we know your thirst cannot be fully quenched until the moment you can finally have Season 3 in your hands, but we are going to continue to pass along information as quickly as possible.

Now that we have that out of the way, let us move on to this website.

If you consider yourself canonically inclined, you’ve undoubtedly noticed our Characters section which gives you a bit of information about each character and a brief look at each of their backstories. Adam Isgreen has been hard at work fleshing out those backstories in great detail, and starting next week we will be releasing each character’s fully-explored story, and tying their narrative in to place for Season 3.

Since we had Adam Heart give us a few words yesterday, let’s keep in line with the newly-adopted trend of letting an Adam deliver wonderful morsels of information to you all. With that said, I’ll give Mr. Isgreen the floor to tell us what to expect from each of these pieces.

Hi everyone,

If you played through season 2’s story, you know we’ve set some things in motion regarding characters and events that will form the basis of season 3’s conflicts.

But some characters, particularly some S1 characters, didn’t get as much exposure during S2’s story as many of their loyal fans would have liked. What have these characters been up to? Where have they been? How are they dealing with the imminent arrival of Gargos and Ultratech’s machinations? What about their own personal trials and tribulations? And what about their backstories? Is there more to these characters that we don’t know already? Give us answers!

Well, you’re going to get them – over time — leading up to Season 3.

We’ve been working through every character’s backstories from season 1 and 2, expanding and elaborating on their activities from season 1 onwards, tying them together in interesting ways, and giving you more insight into each character and their origins. We’ll be rolling out updated bios, new backstory information, and more detailed explanations of each character’s activities one at a time – one per week actually – until every character has been showcased. You should consider the character section of our web page an ever-evolving source of KI canon lore.

Additionally, with each character update we’ll also highlight an upcoming change that character is receiving (or we’re considering) as part of the season 3 rebalance. For those immediately saying “rebalance?! What?! More info!” As we roll up to launch, we’ll also be discussing the overall system changes and features that season 3 will bring to the game, so don’t worry. Quick version: KV changes (bigger combos!), many characters are getting buffs, a few are getting nerfs / balance changes, and two (ooh! Drama! Which two?) are having some rework done to them.

We’re very excited about what we’re rolling out for Killer Instinct’s 3rd season and we can’t wait to share more with all of you!

Big thanks to Adam for prepping that hype train, but it naturally feels like something is missing. Something of the stream variety. Between Seasons 1 and 2 we have alternated through Twitch streaming and textual streams, and we are looking at bringing both back to you.

As we start to inch closer to Season 3’s launch, we will naturally have more and more information to share with you about each character’s development, and we’ll be taking our talents back to Twitch to give you the real-time rundown exactly like we did in the past. Well, let me rephrase that. Maybe not exactly like we did in the past. Campbell might have to stay 50 feet away at all times.

We’ll be starting with a deep look at Rash (anyone going to Brazil… �� Hmmmm…), and as more and more characters are announced, you can bet we will be taking a look at them in the same fashion. Hate to say stay tuned…but….stay tuned .

Our textual streams going forward will be from a current developmental standpoint. A place where we will talk about the changes you can expect to come to the game through individual patches, and little tidbits about features that we are working on.

Last but not least, we appreciate your commitment to our wonderful community, and we completely understand that you are craving more information. We’re happy to say that it is coming!

Thanks again, and we’ll catch you next week.

Was planning on doing character profiles for the S3 OT so this is good
Hey GAF, I've finally gotten an Xbox One and I was wondering which Killer Instinct season you would recommend to a player new to the series?


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I'm trying to imagine a scenario where the animation for such a move wouldn't look stupid but I can't. Unless all 5 are coming out at one time.
Lol yeah I'm trying to imagine it.

Maybe they use Jago's Level 4 Fireball Ender animation and just have two come out of each arm then he throws the 5th one with his normal fireball animation real quick like..
Hey GAF, I've finally gotten an Xbox One and I was wondering which Killer Instinct season you would recommend to a player new to the series?

Season 2 characters are more complex but I wouldn't say any of them are overly difficult to get the hang of if you put in the time to learn them. I would just go with whatever season you feel like has the most appealing characters.

Or play with the free characters for a while and if you like the game just pick up the complete collection since you get both ultra edition for essentially $20 off. I think you need Gold to get the cheaper price though but I'm not 100% sure on that.


I like the idea of detailing one character each week leading up to season 3, gives us something to look forward to. The really interesting part is that two characters are seeing major reworking. Kan-Ra is one I'm sure but I wonder who else?

I trust the IG/MS guys but KV meter increase for longer combos sounds like a nightmare for people watching matches via Twitch, etc.


I would say Riptor would get major rework, she always felt off.
Maybe Omen also.

Riptor, to me, feels pretty good maybe just minor tweaks. Omen could absolutely use an overhaul but whether they'd do it for a bonus character is another question. With Shadow Jago coming out it does make Omen seem even more pointless.

Shago is what people wanted to begin with, never understood the Omen idea.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
The question is... Are they being reworked because they are off or are they being reworked due to a system change/addition?

I'd vote for cinder and aganos

Omen needs to be fixed, but its not what I'd consider major


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Random thought; KI Gold on N64 was 12 megabytes, the next release in the series (this game) is 1,837x that size.

Who would've guessed that in 1996? Heh.


Something strange I noticed after the last patch (although it could have been an earlier one that did it, I never play the stage,) Sabrewulf's stage looks like the gamma/brightness blew up. Intentional?


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Something strange I noticed after the last patch (although it could have been an earlier one that did it, I never play the stage,) Sabrewulf's stage looks like the gamma/brightness blew up. Intentional?
Nope its a glitch, I noticed it right away also and checked my contrast settings lol.

The Flash




The Flash

I get the first gif is from his Ultra, what's special about the throw in the 2nd? He couldn't walk forward before?

It's a throwback. In Battletoads you can pick up enemies and throw them the exact same way. A lot of his moves are lifted from the original Battletoads and the arcade game.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
It's a throwback. In Battletoads you can pick up enemies and throw them the exact same way. A lot of his moves are lifted from the original Battletoads and the arcade game.
I think he means what's new in this gif Vs his throw in his beta test? If so I think yeah I think he didn't walk while carrying you before.


Despite my initial reaction, Rash grew on me, and I think he's a good fit all things considered, mostly because of the Rare ties. Fortunately the devs said that's as far as they're going in terms of a comic relief-type character in KI, so I'm OK with that.

The Flash

Despite my initial reaction, Rash grew on me, and I think he's a good fit all things considered, mostly because of the Rare ties. Fortunately the devs said that's as far as they're going in terms of a comic relief-type character in KI, so I'm OK with that.

That's good. As funny as it would be to see, I don't think Banjo or Conker would work in KI.

Still think IG should make He-Man inspired costumes/accessories for S3.

Tusk = He-Man
Spinal = Skeletor
TJ Combo = Man-At-Arms
Sabrewulf = Beast Man


Looking for more people to play with.

D O N K E R (with spaces)

You got a very scary Aganos Dankir :)

I thought they had said to keep an eye out for new Rash game play from Brazil game show, thought we'd see something yesterday or today.


SCR top 8 was super hot. Catch the archive guys.

I didn't get to finish watching last night because it was too late here on the east coast. I went to watch the archives today but the VOD for it wouldn't even display the KI part unless I changed it from source quality to high quality. A bug with the new Twitch player maybe?

Either way, good shit to swordsman. It was also nice to see ZergKiller repping his Aganos.

The Flash

The Secrets of the Tiger


Look back, if you will, to a couple weeks ago, where we hinted that we’d be rolling out new character backstories to you each week here on ultra-combo.com.

The time has come! We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting information to slowly start trickling out, so we’re starting with an in-depth look at our first character, Jago, and diving in to a more in-depth look at his backstory.

No more hesitation, let’s get right to it:

Jago was abandoned as a baby at a secluded monastery in the Himalayas where he was trained by the Monks of the Tiger. When he reached adulthood a fellow warrior—under the influence of an evil force—tried to murder him, but Jago killed the man in self-defense. To atone for this sin he became a hermit, isolating himself in a mountain cave and turning his thoughts inward, meditating on his actions and the guilt he carried from the act. During this time, he was visited by the Tiger Spirit and infused with a tremendous power.

The spirit called upon him to destroy Ultratech by entering their Killer Instinct tournament. Not knowing why such a thing was necessary, but confident in the wisdom of the spirit, he entered. As he competed, a growing sense of dread built in him, as the force of the Tiger spirit became hungrier and more aggressive, pushing him to further and deeper violent tendencies. He almost killed his long-lost sister Orchid, but was able to stop himself from landing the fatal blow.

The tournament finished, Jago returned to his temple to meditate on his growing anger and rage, but too late discovered the truth: the Tiger Spirit was actually a manifestation of the evil Astral entity known as Gargos. In an attempt to exorcise the sprit through a force of wills, Jago instead succumbed to the corruption. Possessed by the entity known as Omen, Jago was transformed into Shadow Jago, wreaking havoc across the globe as he strove to feed more power to Gargos.

Trapped within his own mind, Jago fought back against his possession, finally freeing himself from the corrupting influence and destroying the manifestation known as Shadow Jago. In doing so, he freed Omen, giving form to the once-formless shadow energy.

Once he recovered, Jago set out to find Omen and destroy him, but it was too late. The demon had gotten away, and Gargos’s return seemed inevitable. Jago and his sister joined forces with Maya and T.J. Combo vowing to fight both Ultratech and Gargos. While planning their next move, the allies were trapped by Ultratech forces and pinned down at Maya’s secret headquarters in the Andes Mountains.

Of course you also recall us mentioning that Season 3 will bring rebalances and more to each character, and as a little fun anecdote, we want to leave you with one more thought: “Jago has been training to improve his Endokuken.”

We’ll be back next Monday with our next character look, but we’re eager to know what you think.
I wonder what changes are going to happen to his fireball. But yeah, pretty interesting stuff. I look forwarded to all the future story bits.

Also, I'm kinda disappointed that there hasn't been any videos of Rash from BGS.
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