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Killer Instinct Season 2 |OT| It's international RIPTOOOOORRRRRR day.


Is it widespread? It didn't unlock for me personally, but I'm not sure if we're in the minority.

Side note, didn't they originally say boosters were not meant to be paid for? Or am I imagining things?

Never unlocked for me.

As for boosters all I remember is Adam Isgreen said it was considered an inside joke because they had scrapped the idea of paying for boosters. I'm paraphrasing because I don't know the exact quote but it did sound like they weren't planning to use them. Obviously that changed but I don't mind, as long as it continues to be optional things that don't effect the core game.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Ummmmm Sabrewulfs stage is still overly bright..wasn't the patch supposed to fix this? Is it fixed for you guys?


Rebello's TJ is sick. There were some things I hadn't seen before and now they make me think differently about that character.

El Sabroso

played after a long time, damn game is rough, the only weird thing that I encountered was ppl counterpicking hisako against fulgore
and not working in their favor
, is that the new meta?


Yeah I get to post the new.
Also rivaled worked just fine for me,
Sadira is a cold-blooded assassin who has contracted with Ultratech to quiet whistleblowers, activists, politicians and any other enemies of the megacorporation who might prevent the artificial intelligence called ARIA from executing her plans for an evolved humanity.

Sadira was born in a refugee camp on the Thai border, an area rife with bloody conflicts waged between ethnic groups and the Communist government of Myanmar. As a child she learned to fight in order to survive in the tough camp, training in the muay boran—the ancient boxing style of the region. Her instructor tried to teach her that this martial art was meant to build character, but what Sadira loved about it was the sheer violence…the thrill of pummeling, dominating and humiliating another human.

And she craved something darker and more satisfying than just a contest.

When she was a teenager she was recruited by the female insurgent group known as the Red Eyes of Rylai. She gladly joined their order and quickly rose up the ranks due to her innate ferocity. Her first act was to fight a fellow initiate using glass shards tied to her fists with hemp rope. Sadira toyed with her outmatched and terrified opponent, using the glass to disfigure her face, leaving her alive as a warning to the others.

The Red Eyes made their jungle base in a hidden subterranean limestone cave system that had been used centuries before as a temple. The Master of the Red Eyes—an old but still very dangerous assassin—took Sadira under her wing, knowing that she had a dangerous but extraordinary fighter in her midst. She treated Sadira like a daughter, giving the young woman the only true affection she’d ever known.

The Master wore a necklace in the shape of a golden spider: it was the symbol of her chiefdom. For years Sadira coveted this thing with an all-consuming lust, pretending to love and respect her leader, but quietly plotting to seize control of the Red Eyes.

Eventually Sadira came to be considered one of the Red Eye’s best assassins, but more than once her impetuousness nearly got her killed. What’s more she constantly bullied the other women in the Order, and her rash nature caused her to make a grave mistake on a covert mission, getting her fellow strike team members killed in the process.

One night the master took Sadira to a secret chamber in the caverns and showed her a beautiful gilded throne. This was the place where she came and meditated. She told her pupil that one day Sadira might sit in this chair, but that first she would have to earn the position of Master through bravery and sacrifices. She would also have to learn to temper her recklessness. Eventually, the Master explained, the two would have a ceremonial fight in front of all the members of the Red Eyes and, if Sadira was victorious, then and only then would she be handed the spider necklace and the throne.

Sadira pretended to accept these words, bowing low in submission. Then without warning, she lashed out with a hidden blade, slicing her master across the cheek. The older woman’s eyes opened wide in shock as she felt a deadly poison coursing through her veins. Dropping to her knees she grinned hideously. Then with her final utterance she said, “The spider has found its true home.”

Sadira stood over her dead master, staring at her curiously for some time. Then she took the necklace from the corpse and put it around her own throat. It felt extremely heavy and cold. She went to the throne and sat on it, lounging lazily. Suddenly she felt something bite into her skin. The legs of the spider had come alive! As Sadira screamed and clawed at the spider, the golden thing dug itself into her chest, burrowing deep into her flesh, coming to rest next to her heart which throbbed and rolled in her breast as if it were a frightened animal. Her forearms and palms tingled painfully as though they were buzzing with an electrical current. At that moment webs burst from her hands and coated the cave wall. She instinctively leaped up and clung to the gossamer threads, breathing hard.

A dark and chill power emanated from that golden thing inside her body. Sadira could feel it surround her heart, slowly consuming and replacing it. There was a sharp pain in her chest that would not go away…a pain that would always remain.

But losing her heart was worth the price, for the power that came from the spider was magnificent. Under Sadira’s nefarious direction the Red Eyes expanded their activities, providing services across the globe—paid murderers and mercenaries for the rich and powerful. ARIA became aware of Sadira through her intelligence network, and retained the wily killer for a massive sum of money. The AI sent Sadira on many covert missions, including stealing tech from the alien Glacius’s crashed ship.

One of her assignments was to fight Glacius in the Killer Instinct tournament and surreptitiously steal some of his DNA using a hidden syringe implanted in her boot. After that ARIA was able to use this genetic code sample to bypass the security protocols on Glacius’s fold core and open a portal to another dimension.

Her work for ARIA had made Sadira fabulously wealthy. Realizing that she now had the capital to operate beyond the shadows, Sadira moved to strengthen her terrorist organization and become a feared name across the globe. Her activities became more audacious, forcing ARIA to warn her of her increasing presence in the public eye.

When ARIA requested that she personally investigate a shrine in a remote Japanese village, Sadira assumed there was a high-powered target there for her to dispatch. But instead she found herself at the grave of a 17th century Japanese girl who had died heroically defending her village from raiding samurai. Sadira foolishly started digging up the grave, thinking that there was a treasure hidden there. This impiety awoke a powerful vengeful spirit in the form of Hisako, who pursued Sadira mercilessly no matter where she fled. Sadira was seriously wounded by Hisako, and the assassin slunk back to her lair in the jungles, clinging to life and believing that ARIA had set her up: she’d become too much of a liability and a threat to the AI. Sadira clung to her web, brooding like a wounded spider. How could she bring ARIA’s empire crashing to the ground?

While Sadira pondered this, she was visited by Omen—the Herald of Gargos—who called upon her to turn against ARIA and join the path of the Astral Lord. Sadira has a choice to make that will help decide the fate of humankind…a position she relishes greatly.

Sadira uses the ruthless powers of the spider granted to her in the past. They come naturally and easily to her, almost as if she was born with them. But near-death at the ghost’s hands awoke something inside of Sadira. Revenge and survival are now one and the same. She must take the time to unlock her true potential as she recovers by studying the hunting and killing techniques of actual arachnids. She has taken particular interest in the Salticidae family of spiders…

Get it Salticidae heh heh
I wonder if we're going to see anything more on season 3 before 2016. The character backgrounds are cool, but I feel like that info should be delivered in game...not a blog post :/


I wonder if we're going to see anything more on season 3 before 2016. The character backgrounds are cool, but I feel like that info should be delivered in game...not a blog post :/

Are we getting Shadow Jago before the end of the year? I figure that's when the next big S3 update will be shown/hinted at.
I wonder if we're going to see anything more on season 3 before 2016. The character backgrounds are cool, but I feel like that info should be delivered in game...not a blog post :/

I'd be very surprised if we don't see something before year's end. They're definitely going to have more than 2 characters at launch this time and I'm guessing they'll want to have all them announced by the time March rolls around.

Are there any big events coming up? The only that comes to mind is Keighley's award show but I don't think they would show KI there.


I'd imagine at least one bomb drop for KI World Cup in January. Shadow Jago is still 2015 so he'll show up sometime this month or next.


Orchid's story, Maybe they'll announce something after Shago or Fulgore whoever comes last
Orchid is the leader of an Eastern European spy ring known as the Disavowed. All of the members of this organization claim to have been wronged by Ultratech, and their goal is to bring down the megacorporation using sabotage, infiltration, industrial espionage and guerrilla warfare tactics.

An American by birth, Orchid started out her career in intelligence as an operative for the Special Warfare Department (SWD): a covert ops wing of Homeland Security. But after a deep cover operation inside Ultratech’s research and development branch—an operation during which several scientists died in a lab explosion—the SWD claimed that Orchid had become extremely unstable and paranoid. She was disowned by Homeland Security, and accused of murdering her commanding officer. Orchid claimed that she had been framed by Ultratech, but she was branded a terrorist and forced to flee the country, making her way to the Carpathian Mountains. Using the skills taught to her by the SWD, she formed the Disavowed and started recruiting members, mainly from former Soviet states.

One must go back to Orchid’s childhood to discover the roots of her origins as an international spy. She was a military brat raised by her single father—a member of the elite Seal Team 6. From an early age Orchid showed signs of emotional instability and would fly into blind rages. In the sixth grade, while her father was away on a hostage rescue mission to free aid workers taken in Pakistan, she locked herself in a room at school after being taunted by some kids, and started a fire that nearly burned down the building, blaming it on something she called “the Firecat.”

She was placed in a juvenile detention facility for a month and given psychiatric evaluations until her father returned. When he found out what had happened he immediately went AWOL, taking his daughter to an isolated cabin in the mountains that he had set up as a survivalist compound. The Firecat, he knew, was real. He had once seen his late mother—Orchid’s grandmother—conjure a flaming beast in a fit of rage. He knew that during World War II his mother had volunteered as a test subject for a secret military study: Project Aries 9. Orchid’s strange power had apparently been passed down to her from her grandmother’s DNA.

He started training Orchid in hand-to-hand combat, firearms and the melee weapons he’d learned to wield on a military base in the Philippines: the spring batons. He knew that he had to teach his daughter to control her rage and channel it, because he feared that either Ultratech or the government would try to use her and her hidden power as a tool. He set her seemingly impossible tasks—both mental and physical—and helped her find the hidden resources inside herself to overcome these challenges. Orchid learned to run for an entire day without stopping, or to shoot the sword off a Suicide King playing card from five hundred yards with a sniper’s rifle.

The most important aspect of the training, however, was teaching her to summon the Firecat. Anger, her father explained, was a powerful emotion, but it was useless in battle. A soldier had to be laser-focused on simultaneously killing the enemy and staying alive. And to do this they had to practice emergency conditioning—mentally preparing for any kind of combat situation through pre-visualization. He had her create a mental trigger for calling the Firecat, and rather than associating it with something bad like rage or humiliation, he told her to think of something that made her feel proud and strong. Orchid followed his advice and felt her hands start to glow with energy, and then the Firecat burst forth, obliterating an old car that sat in the compound. It was a joyous feeling.

They stayed in the cabin for two years, training in the mountains and woods, until the Special Warfare Department finally tracked them down, sending an overwhelming force. Orchid’s father was too valuable to be put in a military prison, and so he was coerced to return to his duties in exchange for Orchid’s freedom. The last thing he told his daughter was to only use her hidden power unless it was a life or death situation. Orchid was placed in the care of a military foster family while her father was sent on a covert mission to Afghanistan. After a year he was killed in a suicide bombing attack, and his body was not recovered. Orchid never had a chance to tell him that when she called upon the Firecat she was thinking of him—imagining his wise and intense eyes peering into her own.

Orchid was devastated, spiraling into a dark depression. As a teenager she often got into trouble, and ended up running away from her foster family and living on the streets. After being arrested for arson she was questioned in jail by a woman named Major Weaver. She was a commander from the Special Warfare Department who claimed that she had been monitoring Orchid for years. Weaver told Orchid that she had incredible potential, and that she should follow in her father’s footsteps as a patriot and a warrior. She invited Orchid to join the SWD, telling her that she would be able to help avenge her father’s death, which was not caused by a suicide bomber, but rather from an Ultratech drone sold to enemy combatants. And then she gave Orchid a partially destroyed journal as a sign of good faith, telling her that it had belonged to Orchid’s father.

Joining the SWD seemed like the best path at the time, and Orchid plunged headlong into the intense training. Besides courses in espionage and killing techniques, she was taught how to speak Chinese and Russian fluently. She also became an expert in HAHO (high-altitude/high-opening) parachute jumping. In her spare moments she pored over her father’s partially destroyed journal, gleaning from it anything that she could about the mystery surrounding his death. The journal revealed a startling secret: Orchid had a younger brother—the result of her father’s affair with a foreign aid worker whom he had saved in Pakistan. She couldn’t pronounce his name properly—Jacob—and called him “Jay-go” which made him laugh. The woman had disappeared in the foothills of the Himalayas soon after their child was born, and Jacob had not been able to track down her or the baby. He wasn’t present during the birth, but he knew that it was a boy.

Over the next decade Orchid successfully completed missions in Chechnya, Russia, China and Africa for the SWD. During these operations she kept finding clues that linked an international terrorist cabal to Ultratech, but these puzzle pieces were few and far between. Finally, Major Weaver assigned Orchid to a deep cover operation at Ultratech itself, posing as a research scientist. Orchid heard whispers of a program called “the Pinnacle Protocol,” and discovered fragments of information pointing toward an alien crash site. Her greatest and most agonizing revelation, however, was finding out that key members of the Special Warfare Department were under the control of the AI known as ARIA. But Orchid took too many risks and her cover got blown. Surrounded by a horde of Fulgore units, she summoned the Firecat, setting fire to a lab and causing a massive explosion. She escaped the facility in the chaos.

Orchid went directly to Major Weaver and reported her findings, but the woman who’d recruited her told her that she was paranoid and delusional, dismissing her from the SWD. Orchid left Weaver’s office in despair, only to see on a news report later that night that Weaver, along with her entire section, had been murdered in a bombing. And Orchid was the prime suspect. So she fled the country, gaining passage on a Russian cargo ship. Utilizing all of the survival skills taught to her by her father, and the espionage training of the SWD, it wasn’t long before Orchid started the Disavowed and recruited its first members. Using technical data that she’d stolen from Ultratech, she created the electrified spring batons that became her trademark. During one of her covert missions in Europe she met the monster hunter Maya and formed a friendship. Orchid also came into contact with a young Native American named Eagle. He messaged the Disavowed through a forum run by cyber dissidents, trying to find someone to help him bring down Ultratech. Orchid brought him into the spy ring and, after deciding that he was legitimate and not a plant, sent him on a mission to the Killer Instinct tournament.

After Eagle was reported killed in the tournament, she took on the persona of Black Orchid, and entered the tournament herself in the hopes of finding out what happened to the young fighter. She was nearly killed by Jago before she realized that this warrior-monk from the Himalayas—who had the same eyes as her late father Jacob—was her younger sibling. After the tournament Orchid and Jago joined forces with TJ Combo, vowing to bring down Ultratech together. And Orchid and Jago promised each other that they would uncover the secret about what had happened to their father, as well as the reason why Jago had been abandoned at the temple.

The trio of Orchid, Jago and TJ joined the monster hunter Maya at the headquarters of the Night Guard in the Andes, hoping to form a plan of attack against ARIA. But this seemingly hidden outpost was soon invaded by an Ultratech battle force, and the companions were surrounded by a massive number of Riptors and Fulgore units. Orchid stared into the face of death and was just about to call upon the Firecat for one last time, but suddenly the enemy called off the attack, leaving a stunned Orchid to wonder who or what had stopped the Ultratech army from wiping them out.

As she contemplated her last several encounters with Ultratech, Orchid realized that she had spent too much time forcing direct confrontation with her enemies. To improve as a fighter, she’ll need to embrace her skills as a spy and focus on the element of surprise.


I like Orchid's story. I've heard people say she's too predictable as is, so maybe they will add something to change things up. Wouldn't mind more firecat moves.

Have they said if they're going to tweak S1 and S2 characters? I thought I read they were going to "rework" 2 characters, but nothing about adding/removing things from existing characters.


All of the characters are getting changes, just don't expect the season 1 cast changes to be as extensive as they were at the start of season 2. Mostly tweaks to existing moves versus brand new ones it sounds like.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
IIRC they did strongly hint at a few all new moves for S1 characters on top of the usual balance adjustments. I'll be very dissapointed if that's not the case.


So if you log in to KI you'll get an anniversary achievement. They are teasing something big for Sunday in celebration. One reply to the tweet said it would be cool if it was shadow Jago and the reply was "that would be cool wouldn't it?" Make of it what you will ;P


Not bitter, just unsweetened
So if you log in to KI you'll get an anniversary achievement. They are teasing something big for Sunday in celebration. One reply to the tweet said it would be cool if it was shadow Jago and the reply was "that would be cool wouldn't it?" Make of it what you will ;P

Somewhere... Acid glow is doing backflips

Also... Kraig on UC says Nov 22nd isn't the date

So I guess that means he's very very soon. Maybe trailer on Sunday?


Hmm maybe a trailer then. I know about a week ago Max was preoccupied with some work. Could have been for his channel but his longer hiatus times are usually trailers...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
It may be the first info release for season 3, too.

Considering kraig on twitter says so much content.

Could be a patch detail too lol

Hell, maybe they said screw it and rewrote everyone's back stories again for giggles.


Kraig always hypes up patches so worst case scenario we are at least getting the next patch notes. I get pretty excited about new patches so hey works for me.
Please let it be a trailer for Shadow Jago. I need to see that sword upper, with an added kick.

Edit: Although, I won't be able to see it till like 11pm. Dammit. Lol


There is suppose to be at least one other guest character right? I'd imagine that besides it being a Shago trailer it could also be that character' trailer

I want another Season 2 trailer, I know people hated the silhouettes but I loved them.

The Flash


Shadow Jago – We’re coming up fast on December, and if you recall we mentioned that Shadow Jago would release with his own moveset by the end of the year. We can tell you one thing for sure. Shadow Jago will release in December. The exact date will be announced at a later time. Not too late, though, promise.

As a matter of fact, the wheels are in motion to get a Shadow Jago livestream rolling, and there may be a fun video in the works that gives you a little hype for the impending release… It’s nothing concrete, but if you’re at all familiar with production schedules this means, “we’re close.”

Shago coming in December


This is how I see it. Shago launch in December with trailer and tease for new character. Then the trailers will continue every month leading to the release of Season 3. It will launch with all the characters we had trailers for until that point and then the rest of the characters will get their trailers and launch every month like Season 2 did.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Ugh, was really hoping for an all new UI aesthetic for season 3..hopefully these are just features they needed to test before changing the look..
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