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Killer Instinct Season 2 |OT| It's international RIPTOOOOORRRRRR day.

The Flash

So it seems like Feb 25th might be the next time we hear about season 3. Hopefully we get something before then though.

That Win 10 event right? Yeah hopefully. I'm eager to see what Arbiter is like in KI. Wouldn't mind a new Battletoads announcement either considering last year's event is where the infamous Phil tshirt thing happened. One can dream.


Double XP starting now

any day now we'll be getting a release date for season 3.........


i just bought KI gold to try and get a ton of characters to 50. They're all at least 40 so hopefully i can finish this today (somehow..)
I have 6 characters at 50 now, go me.

I have 9 done. I did over 100 matches today since I worked all weekend + friday. Barley made a dent

This is XP system is awful, please fix it microsoft. 250 wins in any mode should get you all colors for a character. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. I have over 16,000 total matches and 196 hours of play time. 100% achievements complete, and only half of the roster has color 9. I get that they want to make money from KI Gold, but have it for accessories instead.

Or have double XP weekend more than three times a year. IMO it should be every weekend.


I have 9 done. I did over 100 matches today since I worked all weekend + friday. Barley made a dent

This is XP system is awful, please fix it microsoft. 250 wins in any mode should get you all colors for a character. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. I have over 16,000 total matches and 196 hours of play time. 100% achievements complete, and only half of the roster has color 9. I get that they want to make money from KI Gold, but have it for accessories instead.

Or have double XP weekend more than three times a year. IMO it should be every weekend.

Yup, it's ridiculous. I have everyone at 50, and the number of hours to do so was absurd.


Either lower XP requirements or make it collective XP that counts towards all unlocks whether your using the character or not. Season 1 was like that no?

I can't imagine coming in as a new player now and knowing those of us playing since season one still have half or less than half of all the characters at 50.

Even with boosters it's a daunting task and not a fun one at that.
Yup, it's ridiculous. I have everyone at 50, and the number of hours to do so was absurd.

Did you use boosters?

Either lower XP requirements or make it collective XP that counts towards all unlocks whether your using the character or not. Season 1 was like that no?

I can't imagine coming in as a new player now and knowing those of us playing since season one still have half or less than half of all the characters at 50.

Even with boosters it's a daunting task and not a fun one at that.

Season One had KP, so you earned points and could spend it on any character. So I definitely agree with you, XP should be able to used on any character to unlock more stuff. All of my XP earned on my main does nothing because I've already reached level 50.
Yeah, the XP system as it is sucks. I get having the grind for the color 9, that's fine, but everything else is just dumb.

I'm still sitting on my KI Gold from the Shadow Jago bundle, waiting to spend it on boosters for season 3 characters that I want to get to level 50 fast.


Yeah the KP system, it's been so long I wasn't positive how it worked. That was a much better alternative. If I'm playing ranked there's a 99% chance I'm using one of my level 50 characters so the idea that you can "unlock things just by playing" doesn't apply. I've been player level 50 for probably two years now. I'd really like to see this addressed at Season 3 launch.

Good thing I'm not making the OT or I'd been singing some of this bull shit from the roof tops :p
So after trying for a while to no avail to get a heavy kick to come out in SFV I have learned that apparently X1 sticks (or at least the HORI RAP, though from what I've read it's the same with MC sticks) do not support the use of LT and RT on the PC. I don't know if W10 fixes this issue or not, but if it doesn't I really really hope the IG/MS guys are trying to get into contact with Hori/MC/Whoever they need to talk to to get this fixed before KI launches on PC. I doubt it'll affect that many people, but the disappointment of buying a 160$+ stick only to have it not work on PC is really depressing.


So after trying for a while to no avail to get a heavy kick to come out in SFV I have learned that apparently X1 sticks (or at least the HORI RAP, though from what I've read it's the same with MC sticks) do not support the use of LT and RT on the PC. I don't know if W10 fixes this issue or not, but if it doesn't I really really hope the IG/MS guys are trying to get into contact with Hori/MC/Whoever they need to talk to to get this fixed before KI launches on PC. I doubt it'll affect that many people, but the disappointment of buying a 160$+ stick only to have it not work on PC is really depressing.

It is a known issue and is supposed to be fixed by the KI PC launch. Hopefully it's a OS-wide fix and not just an in-game fix.

The Flash

Aganos back story.

Over three thousand years ago the legendary Mycenaean people flourished in Greece. Their thriving citadel stood high atop a hill, surrounded by a Cyclopean wall—a bastion made of enormous boulders so huge that men who came after believed only giants could have moved these rocks into place.

The Mycenaean culture was rich with inventors, military minds…and sorcerers. And together these men and women crafted powerful warriors made of gears and bronze armor—hulking automatons that went to battle and crushed their enemies. At night these war-golems stood guard beneath the great walls they had built, as silent and still as graven figures carved in marble, their eyes glowing blue.

But these creatures were sentient, and the most powerful among them bore a mask with three faces—each representing one of the people who had helped craft him: warrior, inventor and sorcerer. Embedded in his forehead was a crystal called the Eye of the Ancients: a relic that connected the war-golem to a power that stood outside the boundaries of this world—an invisible tether to the Astral plane.

But then Mycenae, like all great civilizations before and after it, was brought low by its own devices. The culture fell into a state of decadence and decay, the ideals turned on themselves; and the automatons were caught up in this downfall…used against each other as Mycenae crumbled. Eventually, there was only one war-golem—the bearer of the Eye of the Ancients, which was handed down from vicious despot to petty tyrant as a display of power and a tool of war.

Mycenae was finally overrun by nomadic raiders who came from the sea. The conquering general trapped the war-golem in a narrow canyon, hemming him in with a thousand warriors. Tying down the automaton, they pried loose the crystal in his mask, thus subduing him to their will. Down through the centuries this machine was put into action as a secret weapon by those that desired power or feared the loss of it. His eyes changed from their natural cyan color to a murderous red while under the sway of these evil men.

Deployed in many battles as the turner of the tide, the unstoppable juggernaut was used as a cold, heartless tool of destruction, physically losing more and more of the spark of life that remained from his former union with the Eye of the Ancients. And over time Aganos’s bronze body started to break down. He replaced his parts with stones knitted together with vines, pieces of armor…anything else that he could find to make himself whole again.

Five hundred years later he came into the possession of the King of Babylon—a wise and visionary man who saw that this being was much more than a mere automaton. The King put the Eye of the Ancients back in the war-golem’s forehead, and renamed him “Aganos” (meaning gentle/kind), teaching him about nature and the many wondrous ways the earth functioned. And the golem came to know about compassion and kindness. When the King’s vizier Kan-Ra plotted to kill the monarch, Aganos was the one who stopped the traitor from assassinating his beloved master. Kan-Ra was cursed by the King and exiled; and Aganos stayed by the ruler’s side watching as he grew into an old man.

Learning that Kan-Ra was still alive and spreading chaos and death, the aged and dying King sent Aganos to hunt down the hated former vizier and execute him. Grateful to his master for all of his kindness, Aganos promised to fulfil his last wish. Time after time Aganos would catch up to Kan-Ra only to have the dark sorcerer escape. And then Aganos would retreat to a hidden grotto in the Mediterranean to mend, dreaming of the glory of Mycenae and his long vanished war-golem brethren.

Aganos never gave up in his quest. Many centuries passed before he tracked Kan-Ra to the Andes mountains. Their age-old battle was interrupted by the Night Guard who defeated the sorcerer, burning him alive and locking his ashes in a vault. Aganos sat in silence for hundreds of years in the jungle, as still as a statue, trying to make his soul leave his corporeal form, thinking about the King of Babylon and his teachings. Moss and vines grew on him. Flowers sprung up like a crown upon his head. But he could not enter the Astral World.

And then, once again, he was brought under someone else’s sway, for Ultratech found Aganos and devised a way to manipulate him; and ARIA made him fight for her cause. But he was freed from this modern-day slavery by the warrior-brave Thunder, and Aganos has once again taken up his quest to snuff out Kan-Ra after the sorcerer escaped from the Night Guard’s subterranean prison. But now he must decide if he will use his freedom to fight the Astral being Gargos—a creature spawned from the very wellsprings of power that supplied Aganos with his spark of life.



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Congrats Capcom, I didn't think it was possible but SFV is a buggier shit show then KI was at launch.

My PS3 stick stays connected for about 15 seconds into a match then controls magically switch to the DS4. That would really suck in a ranked match, but hey luckily the servers are down so I can't play any.
Congrats Capcom, I didn't think it was possible but SFV is a buggier shit show then KI was at launch.

My PS3 stick stays connected for about 15 seconds into a match then controls magically switch to the DS4. That would really suck in a ranked match, but hey luckily the servers are down so I can't play any.

Don't own the game myself but just the reception on GAF seems to be less than kind.

If MS/IG were smart they would start unloading press for season 3 right about now.

Salty Hippo

Congrats Capcom, I didn't think it was possible but SFV is a buggier shit show then KI was at launch.

My PS3 stick stays connected for about 15 seconds into a match then controls magically switch to the DS4. That would really suck in a ranked match, but hey luckily the servers are down so I can't play any.

KI was a buggy shit show at launch? I don't remember this.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
KI was a buggy shit show at launch? I don't remember this.
Lost saves, progress not saving, unbreakable combos, graphical glitches, rage quit wins, achievements not syncing, random loss of background music, Vs load screen stuck forcing hard resets...but hey at least I could actually play the fucking game.


Eh Street Fighter's servers are less than ideal but the core game is a lot of fun from what I've played at friends. Getting a PS 4 and the game next week so hoping the kinks are ironed out by then.


What style of character are Kim Wu and Rash? Footsie and Rushdown?

They seem that way so far.

I'm actually very curious to see what their new lighting system looks like on all the stages. I thought they looked fine already but I have to admit that the character models at times do tend to look plastic'y.
Lost saves, progress not saving, unbreakable combos, graphical glitches, rage quit wins, achievements not syncing, random loss of background music, Vs load screen stuck forcing hard resets...but hey at least I could actually play the fucking game.

my favorite glitch was thunder's ultra combo audio going CRAZY when the thunder came down, basically blowing out your speakers. fun times (miss u double helix)

on another note


probably announcing a delay

The Flash

They seem that way so far.

I think I remember hearing Keits describe Kim as a Footsie character but I'm not so sure about Rash.

I really wish they'd release some more official screenshots or art for Season 3. I'm working on an art commission for the OT and there's virtually nothing for Kim aside from the trailer.


I think I remember hearing Keits describe Kim as a Footsie character but I'm not so sure about Rash.

I really wish they'd release some more official screenshots or art for Season 3. I'm working on an art commission for the OT and there's virtually nothing for Kim aside from the trailer.

Yeah was hoping we'd get her character art. All the screen captures from her trailer are pretty bad quality.

A release date / pre order details would be nice.
Explanation for someone who doesn't plan on buying SFV?

They are locked behind survival mode.

Easy: 10 Battles (Color 3)
Normal: 30 Battles (Colors 4, 5, 6)
Hard: 50 Battles (Colors 7, 8, 9, 10)

Completing it only unlocks the color for the character you completed it with. If you have an alternate costume for a character, you have to do it over again wearing that specific alt.

The Flash

As much as it would be funny to make the OT title a reference to SFV's current issues, I've already committed to the title reflecting the idea of KI slowly turning into MS's Smash clone. With that said I'm struggling to come up with something satisfactory.

"Super Xbros"
"Ultra Battle Friends"
"Super Microsoft All-Stars Edition"

I don't know.

I will highlight the fact that the game has Arcade Mode in the body of the OP though.

They are locked behind survival mode.

Easy: 10 Battles (Color 3)
Normal: 30 Battles (Colors 4, 5, 6)
Hard: 50 Battles (Colors 7, 8, 9, 10)

Completing it only unlocks the color for the character you completed it with. If you have an alternate costume for a character, you have to do it over again wearing that specific alt.

And that it doesn't have a stupid color unlocking system like this


It's amazing to me that SFV's color unlocking system is making KI's seem reasonable by comparison.

It's even more amazing to me that you have to grind to unlock fucking colors of all things in modern fighting games. That's how devoid of content they have become. Gotta give players something to unlock, and the best they've got is a simple palette swap. Something that was always just given to players from the get-go in most other fighting games previously.


It's even more amazing to me that you have to grind to unlock fucking colors of all things in modern fighting games. That's how devoid of content they have become. Gotta give players something to unlock, and the best they've got is a simple palette swap. Something that was always just given to players from the get-go in most other fighting games previously.
This comment is dead on. If you really think about what you are grinding for, it's pretty lame.


It's even more amazing to me that you have to grind to unlock fucking colors of all things in modern fighting games. That's how devoid of content they have become. Gotta give players something to unlock, and the best they've got is a simple palette swap. Something that was always just given to players from the get-go in most other fighting games previously.

Yeah, tying color unlocks to ridiculous requirements really grinds my gears. I feel like it's a too easily abused piece of content given the relative creation effort involved versus other content.
Killer Instinct S3 |OT| Complete with Arcade Mode
Lmao Amazing.

It's even more amazing to me that you have to grind to unlock fucking colors of all things in modern fighting games. That's how devoid of content they have become. Gotta give players something to unlock, and the best they've got is a simple palette swap. Something that was always just given to players from the get-go in most other fighting games previously.

Yeap, grinding for colors in fighters nowadays is not fun at all. I don't mind if it's for costume pieces/alternate costumes but colors should be free with the exception of Color 9 since those are pretty different. Imo, the Smash series got it right with how they do colors since they have lots of different colors and also some different alternate costumes for some characters in there as well.


Also good to finally have confirmation of KI news next week, I can't f'in wait and see how the PC version is. Content wise, I'm pretty sure Arbiter will finally be shown and hopefully Tusk too. Though what I really want is that they release a trailer like S2's launch trailer with the silhouettes ;D. Do it IG.

The Flash

Too busy with real life stuff. Said he'll still play the game but just doesn't have the time to play it on a competitive/tournament level.

He made a video about it here.

Yep. Real life situations are a pain sometimes.

Alright, let me ask y'all something that's a little on the random side.

If Jago is Mario, Riptor is Pikachu, and Spinal is Link, who are Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, and Kirby?
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