Is Riptor's stage ultra music final? It sounds like Orchids and does not fit at all.
I'm having trouble seeing this new motion blur - what is the best action to display it?
As for the stage, not sure I'm down. For those that love it, what is there to love? Seems like an alt to glacius stage (in the dark). FOr example what is that space pod in the right corner?
They nailed the animations on riptor.
I'm having trouble seeing this new motion blur - what is the best action to display it?
As for the stage, not sure I'm down. For those that love it, what is there to love? Seems like an alt to glacius stage (in the dark). FOr example what is that space pod in the right corner?
They nailed the animations on riptor.
stage is building on me but it just feels out of place. apparently ultratech is trying to destroy it? I was hoping for old bloody arena ala KI1. Music seems a little weak too although I will reserve until I can actually here it fully.
Cool, is that what he said? I missed that part where he was talking about stage ultras.Cinder and Aria have stage ultras
Cool, is that what he said? I missed that part where he was talking about stage ultras.
Lmao, that should totally be an alt.Riptor is just.....OMG O_O
is 80s tj going to be in 2.2?
These are just some screen caps from the stream, so obviously not the highest quality, but here you go:
object motion blur active on riptor
no object motion blur on riptor
One long asked feature is coming in Jan.
I think it's additional announcers
anyone know what predator mode is? I missed the beginning....
Barf. Why?
I always turn blur off when ever possible. Please tell me this is going to be an option.
Has Riptor even lost yet?
She runs around the stage like a Smash Bros character lol
Herald of gargos has a move that exhausts 2 bars of shadow
Is this going to be archived after? Want to watch it again. If so, how do I find archives?
Yah it will be. Just check their twitch account and past broadcasts.
Did they say if we're getting Maya's Ultra Edition accessories on Wednesday or not?
Adam's comments on stream, and keits comment in chat, about the ghost girl character have me so curious about how she plays.
Also confirmed that she is in fact asian and uses a (broken) naginata.