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BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Add me to the list of people who despise the controls. I can't enjoy this game (or any other) if I have to fight the controls this much. And the PSN choose-your-own-microphone setup along with a lack of party system has made this game an instant return for me. Which is a real shame because there is a lot of great stuff there. But somewhat like the PS3, in general, Killzone 2 just fails in some pretty key areas for gaming in this generation. I can only dream of what this game would be like if GG had an interface like Xbox Live and a better controller to work with.

And the UI design of Killzone 2 is unnecessarily annoying. Why in the hell they chose to make their UI behave as if you were using a failing 1978 Zenith TV as a display unit is beyond me.


DenogginizerOS said:

And the UI design of Killzone 2 is unnecessarily annoying. Why in the hell they chose to make their UI behave as if you were using a failing 1978 Zenith TV as a display unit is beyond me.

I like it and I don't understand how a menu can be annoying. It's not like it doesn't function the way it should be it's just looks. Some people...:lol


DenogginizerOS said:
And the UI design of Killzone 2 is unnecessarily annoying. Why in the hell they chose to make their UI behave as if you were using a failing 1978 Zenith TV as a display unit is beyond me.

Yeah it is really annoying.


DenogginizerOS said:
Add me to the list of people who despise the controls. I can't enjoy this game (or any other) if I have to fight the controls this much. And the PSN choose-your-own-microphone setup along with a lack of party system has made this game an instant return for me. Which is a real shame because there is a lot of great stuff there. But somewhat like the PS3, in general, Killzone 2 just fails in some pretty key areas for gaming in this generation. I can only dream of what this game would be like if GG had an interface like Xbox Live and a better controller to work with.

And the UI design of Killzone 2 is unnecessarily annoying. Why in the hell they chose to make their UI behave as if you were using a failing 1978 Zenith TV as a display unit is beyond me.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Xater said:
I like it and I don't understand how a menu can be annoying. It's not like it doesn't function the way it should be it's just looks. Some people...:lol
I don't like it. I work in a research lab under a microscope a lot of times and having to look at a screen that constantly distorts what is being displayed is a bit like when I have to watch someone control the microscope and constantly adjust the fine focus in and out. After a while, it is annoying.


Dragnet said:
There is no fucking deadzone, it's just that the further you move the stick out the quicker you move, and so when making small adjusments it moves VERY slowly when compared to holding the stick firmly in that direction. Try it, move the stick slowly out from the middle.
every game has some deadzone :lol. and KZ2 has more than necessary. it's got nothing to do with the controller hardware itself.


DenogginizerOS said:
Add me to the list of people who despise the controls. I can't enjoy this game (or any other) if I have to fight the controls this much. And the PSN choose-your-own-microphone setup along with a lack of party system has made this game an instant return for me. Which is a real shame because there is a lot of great stuff there. But somewhat like the PS3, in general, Killzone 2 just fails in some pretty key areas for gaming in this generation. I can only dream of what this game would be like if GG had an interface like Xbox Live and a better controller to work with.

And the UI design of Killzone 2 is unnecessarily annoying. Why in the hell they chose to make their UI behave as if you were using a failing 1978 Zenith TV as a display unit is beyond me.

I am not going to touch on your control points as I ca see how people can despise them but the whole microphone point is kind of retarded. There are plenty of people talking in this game and I have played on a large variety of servers. In every game are 32 people each talking, no but there are games on xbox live where not everyone is talking either. The whole microphone point makes your other issues look a whole lot weaker.
subtlesaysigh said:
Agree 100%, man.
While I dont hate Rico, I DO think he's gonna have a LOT to answer for...and it won't be pretty. I can also see Sev getting dragged into it, whatever it is.

Yeah I definitely think something is going to happen.

And to be redundant. Best graphics on any console ever. Makes games like R2 look like they were made
on a different system.
Does anyone else wish that they hadn't
killed off Visari
at the end of the game? It felt kind of sudden and cheap to me.

Seems like such a waste of the main plot element in these killzone games. Who really cares about fighting the Hellghast in the inevitable third game
if they're not led by Visari


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Big-E said:
I am not going to touch on your control points as I ca see how people can despise them but the whole microphone point is kind of retarded. There are plenty of people talking in this game and I have played on a large variety of servers. In every game are 32 people each talking, no but there are games on xbox live where not everyone is talking either. The whole microphone point makes your other issues look a whole lot weaker.
My friend and I who game with each other on both the X360 and PS3 have the same Plantronics wireless headset. Yesterday, despite several efforts, we could not hear each other in squads even though we could stop KZ2, start a chat via PSN, and have a perfectly clear conversation. In other rooms, I was treated to a high pitch feedback on person's mic. Now, I am not saying that Xbox Live is perfect when it comes to voice chat, but the ability to mute people is far more streamlined and the fact most have the same headset, you typically don't have to deal with communication issues, especially with people on your friends list who have the exact same mic.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Yeah I definitely think something is going to happen.

And to be redundant. Best graphics on any console ever. Makes games like R2 look like they were made
on a different system.
The amount of smooooth chaos on the last level is a masterpiece, without and install too. I finished this last night and I'll add to the Rico hate. If there is anything I hate it
a character that never learns anything and he clearly didn't. I also thought Garza's death was a joke. I can't stand it when it obvious that a character will die and they still have to act like he won't and make you try to save him and fail. so lame [
The Wise Old Man said:
Does anyone else wish that they hadn't
killed off Visari
at the end of the game? It felt kind of sudden and cheap to me.

Seems like such a waste of the main plot element in these killzone games. Who really cares about fighting the Hellghast in the inevitable third game
if they're not led by Visari

Obviously they have something else going on.
Visari acts like his death is going to be the beginning of a
hell they could never imagine. GG is ballsy killing him but they obviously have something planned.
ghibli99 said:
I'm barely scratching the surface on this, but I had to comment on how blown away I was with the opening movie and then the first drop sequence. When the game started, I had to do a double-take when I realized I was controlling it and not watching an FMV. Visually, I'm pretty damn impressed just from the first few minutes.

Just wait until the endgame levels. The last level has had me in total awe.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I just beat the game what a fu@#$ing trip that was.
I dont think a last level has been that hard since goldeneye. Brutal but so damn satisfying.

I actually thought the end was fantastic and I dont know about a lot of people but I really
like Sev. I think he is a great character and when he
sits down on the steps with all
the helghast cruisers streaming overhead just kind of resigned to how shitty everything has
Perfect way to end the game makes me so amped for the next one.

One other thing
does anyone get the feeling they are setting up Rico to either die in
glorious fashion or to eventually become the bad guy somehow? I hate him so damn much
and I cant help but get the feeling that they are setting him up for something.

Anyway I know people will laugh but I haven't enjoyed a campaign that much since HL2.
Great stuff.

Despite the fact I died a ton of times (playing on veteran) I did enjoy the last level alot. Like you said, brutal but satisfying. It's easy to see why it was so hard, you were raiding
the palace!
of course the 'ghast will throw everything they have at ya.

In the first game, he was abrasive but other than that, didn't have a problem with him. In killzone 2, I liked him till his brashness
got Garza killed.
Or in the very least, I should say I felt the same way Sev did / got annoyed at the character when that happened. I mean he was like that in the first game, but there never was any real unfavorable consequences to his actions. I warmed up to him a little after
Jan's death :(
"He needed to learn some respect."

The ending however made me
wanna bite the guy in the face.
Whatever you think of
it was clearly the wrong move. The funny thing, it wasn't till I replayed the game [started my elite run] and actually listened in to the convo between him and.. Elena (?) at the beginning of the mission. She basically explains to the
fucker why taking him alive
is the best - scratch that, only - option.

I felt like Sev during the
ending as the ships flew overhead.

Killzone 3. I want it.

Oh. One more thing.
R.I.P Radec.
I''m glad we met on the battlefield like soldiers..


DenogginizerOS said:
My friend and I who game with each other on both the X360 and PS3 have the same Plantronics wireless headset. Yesterday, despite several efforts, we could not hear each other in squads even though we could stop KZ2, start a chat via PSN, and have a perfectly clear conversation. In other rooms, I was treated to a high pitch feedback on person's mic. Now, I am not saying that Xbox Live is perfect when it comes to voice chat, but the ability to mute people is far more streamlined and the fact most have the same headset, you typically don't have to deal with communication issues, especially with people on your friends list who have the exact same mic.

I didn't realize your issues centered on quality as that may be a valid complaint. I apologize if I shoehorned you in with my point its just that I always hear people bitching that no one has a headset when with the games I play with the PS3 online always have chatter.


Fenderputty said:
Just wait until the endgame levels. The last level has had me in total awe.

I'm on the bridge level now, and if it gets any more epic than this I think my zipper on my jeans will rip.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Obviously they have something else going on.
Visari acts like his death is going to be the beginning of a
hell they could never imagine. GG is ballsy killing him but they obviously have something planned.

True. Still, it seems like
such a waste of a good bad guy.

What would Star Wars have been like if
they killed off Darth Vader in the second movie?


DenogginizerOS said:
My friend and I who game with each other on both the X360 and PS3 have the same Plantronics wireless headset. Yesterday, despite several efforts, we could not hear each other in squads even though we could stop KZ2, start a chat via PSN, and have a perfectly clear conversation. In other rooms, I was treated to a high pitch feedback on person's mic. Now, I am not saying that Xbox Live is perfect when it comes to voice chat, but the ability to mute people is far more streamlined and the fact most have the same headset, you typically don't have to deal with communication issues, especially with people on your friends list who have the exact same mic.

I never should have bought the warhawk pack-in mic.
Official Sony Headset or bust.


I just killed the guy planting the explosives which everyone seemed completely oblivious to and the game goddamn froze :(

I got 5 kills with C4 as well :(
I find it funny how the Street Fighter thread has about twice as many posts as this one, but the total views on both are about the same :lol


Xater said:
Oh love the proximity chat. I just heard 3 guys complaining how I meleed them to death in a row. :lol

Proximity chat is always awesome. Question about it though. Can they hear you if you both are alive? Or is it only active for both teams when one person is dead nearby?


FFObsessed said:
I just killed the guy planting the explosives which everyone seemed completely oblivious to and the game goddamn froze :(

I got 5 kills with C4 as well :(

Actually the guy planting the explosives was, if I'm not wrong, rapping granny, who got 'stuck' there for like one minute until he disappeared, taking his whole team with him except for ONE guy who just kept running around his base, probably scared :lol

Thanks god I didn't freeze, as I got 100+ points going towards my General badge :p


Played some games in 'GAF Time to Die' room with Wollan and others. OMG was that fuc*ing intense!!! This game makes you feel like you are in a war. And those close firefights were brutal, guys falling left and right of you :lol. I am still not that good and need to unlock a lot of stuff, but damn it was fun :D.

I am @ work and craving for some KZ2!!!11!!! uugghhh this game is crack indeed. :lol

When will the GAF clan wars start?


Questions: 1.When i unlocked the win 50 online battles (black ribbon/whatever) do get a black thing behind my rank? Because if so, i didn't get it while i did get the trophy.
2. How do i find the gaf server, been searching like crazy!


ridley182 said:
I find it funny how the Street Fighter thread has about twice as many posts as this one, but the total views on both are about the same :lol
We should start another thread view leaderboard and count down till when GAF is killzoned again.


TheOddOne said:
Questions: 1.When i unlocked the win 50 online battles (black ribbon/whatever) do get a black thing behind my rank? Because if so, i didn't get it while i did get the trophy.
2. How do i find the gaf server, been searching like crazy!

No you don't get it.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Dirtbag said:
I never should have bought the warhawk pack-in mic.
Official Sony Headset or bust.
Which when you consider that the mic is $49.99 and not in any stores right now in my area, it isn't an option for me. I would, however, pay $49.99 for an internet service that has a microphone included with it in the box.
The Wise Old Man said:
True. Still, it seems like
such a waste of a good bad guy.

What would Star Wars have been like if
they killed off Darth Vader in the second movie?

Lets hope GG have a
darth maul
ready for the next game.
The snipers and I had some good times yesterday when we were playing. I kept sneaking up on Full Recovery and whoever's psn is Assassin something, shooting them with my shotty, and then planting turrets in their camping spots.
:lol :lol :lol


Rapping Granny said:


I'm going to sleep, but it's been quite fun! Btw what's your PSN ID? If you don't mind.. add me :3 (my ID is Mik2121)

BTW if I'm not wrong, I think some of them decided to create another server.. GAF ZONE or something like that. I'd check around before making the server, maybe they all are already in another game.
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