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ridley182 said:
I find it funny how the Street Fighter thread has about twice as many posts as this one, but the total views on both are about the same :lol
Don't own the game, just like reading about it, the good and the bad.
Take with a grain of salt, but so far SP is meh. 6.5/10 for me. Graphics aren't wowing me like MGS4 and Uncharted did. I was hoping for an epic story too but, considering most FPS are all about online, I guess I set myself up for disappointment. Haven't played MP yet though. I always finish SP before jumping online. Hopefully it's as epic as everyone else says


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
The snipers and I had some good times yesterday when we were playing. I kept sneaking up on Full Recovery and whoever Assassin is, and planting turrets in their camping spots.
:lol :lol :lol

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I destroyed SO many bots last night, more than any other night.


ridley182 said:
I find it funny how the Street Fighter thread has about twice as many posts as this one, but the total views on both are about the same :lol

A halo person will find it funny why some people thought this thread will ever catch up to that behemoth of a thread.
See how that easy was ?
But I gotta say, I like reading impressions and watching this thread too so whatever.


Thrakier said:
The deadzone on the DSIII is almost non existant and less than on the 360 controller. Google for a Ted Price interview, he's saying that comparing it to the DSII.
I've read about this also. How the DS3 has a smaller stick dead zone than the 360 controller. It's weird but I actually wish the controls in multiplayer were just like single player in a way. In the singleplayer mode, I turn x sensitivity up two spaces. Feels good.

But when I hop online I have to turn the x sensitivity to one above default. The controls feel a little looser. Sometimes I even go back to default. If some of you here are playing online with sensitivity to max, you guys are incredible! There's a certain tightness to the controls in single player that I like. The multiplayer controls I usually tweak to death to get em right (I think I pretty much found the right sensitivity setting).

Has anyone else tried Killzone.com lately? I finally got on but none of my stats are showing. :(


Full Recovery said:
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I destroyed SO many bots last night, more than any other night.

WTF are the bots still playable online?? I thought they disabled them.

And whats up with Killzone.com? It won't show any stats no more.

Whats going on?
A.R.K said:
WTF are the bots still playable online?? I thought they disabled them.

And whats up with Killzone.com? It won't show any stats no more.

Whats going on?

He's talking about turret bots, and/or sentry bots.


A.R.K said:
WTF are the bots still playable online?? I thought they disabled them.

And whats up with Killzone.com? It won't show any stats no more.

Whats going on?
I think when he said bots he meant the turrets.

And killzone.com isn't working, though it should be ready today.
Ephemeris said:
The ending however made me
wanna bite the guy in the face.
Whatever you think of
it was clearly the wrong move. The funny thing, it wasn't till I replayed the game [started my elite run] and actually listened in to the convo between him and.. Elena (?) at the beginning of the mission. She basically explains to the
fucker why taking him alive
is the best - scratch that, only - option.

I felt like Sev during the
ending as the ships flew overhead.

Killzone 3. I want it.

Oh. One more thing.
R.I.P Radec.
I''m glad we met on the battlefield like soldiers..

Oh man I need to play again so I can hear that part better.

And Radec is so bad ass.

bdizzle said:
Take with a grain of salt, but so far SP is meh. 6.5/10 for me. Graphics aren't wowing me like MGS4 and Uncharted did. I was hoping for an epic story too but, considering most FPS are all about online, I guess I set myself up for disappointment. Haven't played MP yet though. I always finish SP before jumping online. Hopefully it's as epic as everyone else says

Where are you in the campaign? Cause I am about to declare you legally insane.


Rapping Granny said:
Because I closed it to check if somebody else made a server. it's back up again.

BTW mik21, your friend list is full.
I'm fixing that right now. Send me another invite in a couple mins!


Since I'm having no luck finding the GAF games here is my PSN ID:Lyulf add me I need more people on my friends list to find games. This shit needs a search feature.

Yes I got in GAF game still add me I need friends lol.


KillJade said:
I think people who are having issues with the controls just plain suck. Simple. Go trade in the game and buy something else.
I've heard everyone bellyache about how bad the controls are, but I had no problem getting adjusted. I guess I'm in the camp of: different game, different controls.

However, I'm playing on Veteran and it's a cakewalk so far. The only trouble I've ran into is
on the train where you have to use the RPG to blow up the tank. The Helghasts rushing me was a pain in the neck, meanwhile Rico is falling down every 3 seconds like an old lady with medical braclet.

I seriously played that part at least 23 times.

Also, anyone/everyone add me to their PSN list. I only have a couple of friends I know with a PS3. S/N: DangerStepp


CitizenCope said:
See this is why I read this thread. Epic stuff here.:lol

Well dude I'm trying to diss anybody but man, I haven't seen so much bitching in my life. If they spent half as much time playing the game as they did bitching then maybe they'd get used to the controls. Just my opinion:D


Xater said:
Oh love the proximity chat. I just heard 3 guys complaining how I meleed them to death in a row. :lol

lol seriously wait till your getting chased by three of them when you have your cloak ability, turn a corner and just sit down trying to get a shot in. Hilarious hearing them ask each other "where the hell is he?" :D


Rapping Granny said:
Because I closed it to check if somebody else made a server. it's back up again.

BTW mik21, your friend list is full.

Add me if you can. Still have room on my friends list and you seem to be on a lot so that'll help in joining the GAF rooms.


KillJade said:
I think people who are having issues with the controls just plain suck. Simple. Go trade in the game and buy something else.

This. Sorry your COD skills don't transfer over to a completely different game, but please stop bitching about it.


TheFatOne said:
Since I'm having no luck finding the GAF games here is my PSN ID:Lyulf add me I need more people on my friends list to find games. This shit needs a search feature.
You are on GAFe, right? I'm almost always joining this kind of matches at this hour or a bit earlier, so if you have problems finding them you could check where I'm playing via the CLAN options.

Rapping Granny, you are MrBig..right? Thanks for adding me!


KillJade said:
I think people who are having issues with the controls just plain suck. Simple. Go trade in the game and buy something else.

The problem is people aren't used to actually having to work for their kills, and by work I mean actually aim. Auto-aim of Duty has really ruined what people expect out of targeting, thinking that if you put the reticule anywhere remotely close to someone the game's going to pull the dot over their head and that's how it should be. That's why in that game people used to snipe head shots across the map with the iron sights on a M60, it's pathetic.


Unlimited Capacity
I love how people say the game is broken, like it's impossible to be good at the game or get good with the controls. People have been busy playing the 3rd Halo game and the 4th Call of Duty or the 10nth Rainbow 6 and expect that the years and years they spent with those games would transfer right over to this one. I still remember on this very site, as well as other forums, when CoD 4 came out and people complaining because it didn't control like Halo.

It's like no one can handle a game with a learning curve anymore or something. If the game is so broken and impossible to master then why are there people with 5, 6, 7 to 1 kill death ratio's? Others with 70%+ headshot kills? I guess they are just really lucky? The game is different, give yourself some time to adjust to the controls or sell the game and quit crying about how broken it is.
BTW, anyone who's not playing this game with RealTriggers is doing themselves a big disservice. I ordered a pair through Amazon, and snapped em on my PS3 controller this Saturday and the difference it made for the controls in Killzone 2 was MASSIVE. Holding the controller is much easier and shooting is a breeze.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Oh man I need to play again so I can hear that part better.

And Radec is so bad ass.
Do it asap! Just start a new game and run into the room after Garza opens the doors and listen in!

Also, was Radec garbed in the tactician-class gear? :lol It would explain why I love the char so much.

But yeah, go listen in on the convo!

Where are you in the campaign? Cause I am about to declare you legally insane.
IT'S TOO LATE. I've already filed the paperwork.


The Wise Old Man said:
BTW, anyone who's not playing this game with RealTriggers is doing themselves a big disservice. I ordered a pair through Amazon, and snapped em on my PS3 controller this Saturday and the difference it made for the controls in Killzone 2 was MASSIVE. Holding the controller is much easier and shooting is a breeze.
Didn't you hate the game?...


TheFatOne said:
Since I'm having no luck finding the GAF games here is my PSN ID:Lyulf add me I need more people on my friends list to find games. This shit needs a search feature.

Yes I got in GAF game still add me I need friends lol.

Seriously. Guerilla second patch. FIX IT.


I got some kind of Valor trophy last night. It said "for being in the 6% range in scoring" or something like that. I'd like to know exactly but Killzone.com isn't working right now. I love hearing that little ding when you unlock one. :D


Btw am I the only one who wishes there was some kind of mini chat? I play with headphones and don't have a microphone, and the only way I would have to communicate would be via text messages with keyboard.. It would be great if they added the text maybe on top of the 'kills' messages and make a limit of one text input every 15 seconds to prevent spamming or something..

It's not going to happen ever, but hey.. :(

The Wise Old Man said:
I had major problems with the SP, yeah, but I'm digging the multiplayer. Primarily the big dusty map. The other maps are a little to cramped and chaotic for my tastes.

Sweet. That's Pyrhuss Rise, my fav. map :p
The Wise Old Man said:
BTW, anyone who's not playing this game with RealTriggers is doing themselves a big disservice. I ordered a pair through Amazon, and snapped em on my PS3 controller this Saturday and the difference it made for the controls in Killzone 2 was MASSIVE. Holding the controller is much easier and shooting is a breeze.


Mik2121 said:
Btw am I the only one who wishes there was some kind of mini chat? I play with headphones and don't have a microphone, and the only way I would have to communicate would be via text messages with keyboard.. It would be great if they added the text maybe on top of the 'kills' messages and make a limit of one text input every 15 seconds to prevent spamming or something..

It's not going to happen ever, but hey.. :(

Sweet. That's Pyrhuss Rise, my fav. map :p

I was in this game last night with this guy that didn't have a mic so I would just talk to him and he would nod
his gun at me or shake it. Pretty fricken entertaining we played excellent with each other though so it was worth it.


_tetsuo_ said:
It's like no one can handle a game with a learning curve anymore or something. If the game is so broken and impossible to master then why are there people with 5, 6, 7 to 1 kill death ratio's? Others with 70%+ headshot kills? I guess they are just really lucky? The game is different, give yourself some time to adjust to the controls or sell the game and quit crying about how broken it is.

Agreed. Games should feel fucking different. RFOM was different and played great until fuckers who never played the game bitched and now we are left with a game that no one cares about.


Mik2121 said:
Btw am I the only one who wishes there was some kind of mini chat? I play with headphones and don't have a microphone, and the only way I would have to communicate would be via text messages with keyboard.. It would be great if they added the text maybe on top of the 'kills' messages and make a limit of one text input every 15 seconds to prevent spamming or something..

It's not going to happen ever, but hey.. :(

Sweet. That's Pyrhuss Rise, my fav. map :p

If they did it, would be nice if it was done KZ2 style. Like a mini "incoming text transmission" thing. Nothing complicated though.

Of course you could put a mic on with headphones on top of that...or something.
Nafai1123 said:
This. Sorry your COD skills don't transfer over to a completely different game, but please stop bitching about it.

Yes 10000 times.

Also, I have not been able to play since Saturday (horrible I know) and I just logged into my killzone 2 stats on the website... Is it just so busy that my stats are not loading? Because I should be 140 points from the engy unlock, but it is showing I have 0 points at all.


In MP, can you guys here footsteps of people (THE ENEMY!!) walking up behind you? I rarely do...Im thinking my sound setup needs a tweak if I should be hearing this.


nib95 said:
Anyone else feel the multiplayer controls are ever so different to the BETA? I had to put X and Y axis sens down 2 notches each for it to feel the same. I think they sped things up a little for MP, but I prefer them slower as they were in the BETA.
Absolutely! I was in the top 30 during the first beta phase and now I´m doing pretty bad... :( Don´t know what they´ve changed and why.


Mik2121 said:
Btw am I the only one who wishes there was some kind of mini chat? I play with headphones and don't have a microphone, and the only way I would have to communicate would be via text messages with keyboard..

Buy a microphone, clip it to your shirt or headphone muff, and set the PS3 to output headset audio via "system default device".

Problem solved, and nobody has to learn how to read in order to communicate with you.

Ahhh..Anyone else not getting theres from Amazon.ca? I ordered weeks ago and its in stock, why arent they shipping it? I have no email telling me there is a problem either.


fps fanatic said:
I've read about this also. How the DS3 has a smaller stick dead zone than the 360 controller. It's weird but I actually wish the controls in multiplayer were just like single player in a way. In the singleplayer mode, I turn x sensitivity up two spaces. Feels good.

But when I hop online I have to turn the x sensitivity to one above default. The controls feel a little looser. Sometimes I even go back to default. If some of you here are playing online with sensitivity to max, you guys are incredible! There's a certain tightness to the controls in single player that I like. The multiplayer controls I usually tweak to death to get em right (I think I pretty much found the right sensitivity setting).

Has anyone else tried Killzone.com lately? I finally got on but none of my stats are showing. :(

Hm, in the demo I upped both X and Y up two spaces. I thought it felt very good. Oviously running and turning is sluggish, but it should be this way. I never had a problem with precise aming from the iron-sights.


dfyb said:
every game has some deadzone :lol. and KZ2 has more than necessary. it's got nothing to do with the controller hardware itself.

The DZ is a bit larger then COD 4 and about the same size a GeoW 2....its not the DZ, its the acceleration. It starts off very slow then speeds up...thats why flicking the stick will not move on screen.

You do not see this in COD 4 because there is hardly any acceleration.


The Wise Old Man said:
BTW, anyone who's not playing this game with RealTriggers is doing themselves a big disservice. I ordered a pair through Amazon, and snapped em on my PS3 controller this Saturday and the difference it made for the controls in Killzone 2 was MASSIVE. Holding the controller is much easier and shooting is a breeze.

I don't know how anyone plays the game using R2/L2. In my opinion L1/R1 for shooting and zoom is far far better than using the R2/L2.

On another note, has anyone found the violence and single player compaign quite...disturbing? The game dipicts war in probably the truest way (even more so than CoD4) and it's actually rather depressing. The world is dingy. Blood and bodies are scattered all ovr the place. It's incrdibly noisy. You have to fight for every meter. War is shit.

Also, I switched weapons at some point just because I though "man, these Helghast are nasty but no one deserves to be killed with this weapon". The weapons were the
flamethrower and electricity
gun. When you shoot someone with either they scream and move awkwardly before becoming limp on the floor. The screams are really blood curdling too, to the extent that I switched to an assault rifle as soon as I could to stop the noise. Kind of weird...


GodofWine said:
In MP, can you guys here footsteps of people (THE ENEMY!!) walking up behind you? I rarely do...Im thinking my sound setup needs a tweak if I should be hearing this.

Yeah I hear the footsteps. (6.1 surround)

Oh, btw......... CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP. That's all I hear in my head when I sleep at night and during the day. SSOO freaking addicted to this game and I LOVE THE CONTROLS TOO!
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