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I strictly use assault on body count matches (as in the only mission is a long game of body count).

Is there really any point to using the standard soldier class?

And there's another thing: give us one damn grenade. Two is overkill.
the_prime_mover said:
Just cleared the bridge on Elite. Fuck - I was almost in tears. Trying to take out the last mortar tower was a real pain, but the first part of the bridge was even worse. I would make it about halfway and then constantly be pushed back or killed. I spent about a half hour on that section alone. Other than the extreme anger and aggression the Higgs exhibit, I think my problem is that I think the center of the screen is slightly to the right of its actual location. This often results in me shooting air and thinking I should be hitting something. Then of course, as I get frustrated my aim gets worse! Though it does seem that some of these guys can take a hell of a lot of bullets before going down.

No to clear out the Academy . . .

Gawd I love this game.

So punishing and so lovely.


Pojo said:
I strictly use assault on body count matches (as in the only mission is a long game of body count).

Is there really any point to using the standard soldier class?

And there's another thing: give us one damn grenade. Two is overkill.

You can have three at once IIRC. I know in Academy there's a box where you can get some.


I find it annoying that EVERYONE is using the same gun. Why even bother that there is a helghan machine gun or this other SMG. No one uses it because it's worthless in comparison.


Facism said:
I'd agree with this. I'm having less fun and tactical play than i assumed i would have.

The objectives are pretty meaningless. Search and Destroy is utter shit. Every mode turns into TDM with these pissant annoyances that are the Warzone game modes. MGO this isn't.
Do many people play MGO? The game looks somewhat fun for a tacted on MP. Thoughts? I am surprised how the feelings towards the game have turned so quickly. I hope they fix the nagging issues, or else it seems the game is doomed.

Do you think they will release an update featuring more balanced weapons/abilities?
Thrakier said:
I find it annoying that EVERYONE is using the same gun. Why even bother that there is a helghan machine gun or this other SMG. No one uses it because it's worthless in comparison.

Man I dont agree with this at all. I haven't seen people use such a diverse amount of weaponry.

ergo said:
Do many people play MGO? The game looks somewhat fun for a tacted on MP. Thoughts? I am surprised how the feels towards the game have turned so quickly. I hope they fix the nagging issues, or else it seems the game is doomed.

Do you think they will release an update featuring more balanced weapons/abilities?

Thrakier said:
I find it annoying that EVERYONE is using the same gun. Why even bother that there is a helghan machine gun or this other SMG. No one uses it because it's worthless in comparison.

I don't like the HGH assault rifle online.. But I do like the SMG. It's sweet in big battles and it kills pretty fast. I've gotten pretty good at hitting from a distance, too.

It's a shame nobody uses the LMG. I'm actually pretty good with that weapon..But no perks with it = meh..

Everyone does use the M82 because it's so solid. It can blind fire, it's got distance, and it's pretty strong. It's just a real solid weapon. It doesn't annoy me though.. It's such a pleasing weapon to use I just feel so powerful when I use it.


kevm3 said:
The bottom line is the assault class sucks. It's not all about 'knowing how to play the game.' It's about putting a class in there that's so ridiculously overpowered, over half of a team if not all of the team will solely gravitate towards that class and turn otherwise tactical games into rush and rocket spam fests. It's real corny that an assault guy can beat me head on with a pistol while I'm shooting him with an assault rifle.

The sniper class is somewhat cheesy, and I can see it getting more annoying thei more I play. I've not encountered too many of them yet, except on the desert map... And I couldn't get to them because they were camping the bridge area and I didn't have a sniper rifle to shoot them back. How is that fair at all? Not only can these guys cloak, but they can 'mark me' and they can shoot me from long range and I can't shoot them back.

I concur with a lot of people that the game was at its best when it was tactician, engineer, basic soldier and medic because all of these classes were balanced. Scout and Assault especially are 'god classes,' and they are only reserved for those who've played the longest and have the most experience. COD4 gave players more options as they leveled up, but leveling up didn't take nearly as long, nor did leveling up make the game more and more unbalanced. It merely gave you 'different' options, since some of the best guns were available early on (MP5, M16, AK47, etc.). ALso, they gave you EACH weapon type from the get-go. I could kill another sniper at level 1 and him being level 45 because they gave me a sniper rifle as well.

The core gameplay is great and the game is amazing when you don't have class abuses. It's just hard to find more of the 'core games' as I start leveling up.

to be fair, any class will be able to beat someone when using a magnum pistol properly, it's pretty even between a good magnum guy and a assault rifle guy.

Also spot and mark does not work when other people are even slightly around cover, it only reveals people that are in the open.

But just play in the GAF games more as it sure makes a difference disabling the assault class :p You see a lot of different classes in those games, some people even like using the soldier with LMG layout.
FourSerioux said:
I really think all assault needs is a change of weapon, not the boost or health. I actually originally thought assault class would have a machine gun, and I was surprised to find the rocket/grenade launchers.

This is what I think would be ideal. The LMG is a great weapon, but sucks when in motion. It is good for blazing into a room and setting up a forward position but the user can still be overpowered. Plus, because the weapon is best when stationary, the added armor of the assault would be a worthy bonus (the Scout gets a cloak to balance their need to be stationary), and as has been stated before, perhaps the armor could be a perk like the cloak where it doesn't work when mobile and has a cool down after being activated. Perhaps it would give a permanent boost to 200% armor, but once the additional 100% is chipped off then the cool down would be initiated. If the assault has more health taken away then they regen up to the same level as everyone else until they can reactivate the armor perk. In this way the boost perk would also be ideal as it would allow the Assault to quickly move to another position - stop - shoot - and run to the next position as necessary.

This would also mean that the only class that could have access to the GL and RLs would be the soldier class. GG could just expand the weapon select for the soldier so that they would have access to the GL and the other RL once gaining the appropriate level. This should introduce a good balance because the soldier does not get any perks to their character, but would be the only one that could use the more powerful weapons.


J-Rzez said:
Scouts and Sabs are easy to control though, just requires you to be a bit more cautious. If you're a run and gunner just looking for the other faction members, those two classes are going to eat you alive. You have to think, but they CAN be countered quickly and easily.
Do you mind sharing some of your strategies for Scouts and Sabs?


the SMG has gotten more headshots for me than any other gun, it's deadly at close/middle range, you don't really need to scope it, just spray it, the bullets spew out so fast it's fairly easy to get multiple headshots sometimes.

The assault class is fine as it is, the only thing that needs to be tone down is the number of grenade you can carry.
To balance the Assault, I think they should make them sort of like a Heavy. Start them with an MG and two grenades, and they should not be able to run at all *unless* using Boost, which would give them normal running speed. That way their ridiculous advantages in Search and Retrieve would disappear. A tank class like this should provide excellent point defense--basically a semi-mobile turret--and slow-moving suppressive/covering fire during offense. The occasional use of their special ability should catch the enemy offguard but not make them nigh-unstoppable. The rocket launcher should only be a starting weapon for Rifleman, once it's unlocked (that would give a reason to use that class too).

None of that is nearly as important as fixing the Tactician spawn point nonsense, though. Almost any change would be better than what that's like right now.


hteng said:
the SMG has gotten more headshots for me than any other gun, it's deadly at close/middle range, you don't really need to scope it, just spray it, the bullets spew out so fast it's fairly easy to get multiple headshots sometimes.

Yep that thing is deadly and has quickly become my most used gun, tho popping someones head from across the map with the ISA rifle still brings a massive grin to my face:D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Liabe Brave said:
To balance the Assault, I think they should make them sort of like a Heavy. Start them with an MG and two grenades, and they should not be able to run at all *unless* using Boost, which would give them normal running speed. That way their ridiculous advantages in Search and Retrieve would disappear. A tank class like this should provide excellent point defense--basically a semi-mobile turret--and slow-moving suppressive/covering fire during offense. The occasional use of their special ability should catch the enemy offguard but not make them nigh-unstoppable. The rocket launcher should only be a starting weapon for Rifleman, once it's unlocked (that would give a reason to use that class too).

None of that is nearly as important as fixing the Tactician spawn point nonsense, though. Almost any change would be better than what that's like right now.

Agreed. I still think the assault class is fairly balanced-- assault is their primary function I guess, and they are really lacking on ammo if they miss their shots. But tactician is busted. Guerrilla needs to adjust where the spawn things can be thrown or offer some way for the other team to shut down the spawn points.


wonder if GG even hears about these assault complaints, main KZ2 boards are nowhere near as vocal as compared to how they felt about the controls


There needs to be some kind of downside to playing with any of the classes.

Medic, Scout and Tacticians should all have lower health and stamina.

Assault should have slower movement speed and be limited to the LMG.

Engineer being stuck with the shotgun is enough.

It just makes no sense to pick any class over assault and scout. They have absolutely no downsides.


icechai said:
wonder if GG even hears about these assault complaints, main KZ2 boards are nowhere near as vocal as compared to how they felt about the controls
Maybe thats because most of them are better than people on GAF? Shocker


icechai said:
wonder if GG even hears about these assault complaints, main KZ2 boards are nowhere near as vocal as compared to how they felt about the controls
I would give the Assualt the LMGs and give the rifleman the rocket launchers/grenade launchers.

Then it wouldn't be nearly as bad.
Y2Kev said:
Agreed. I still think the assault class is fairly balanced-- assault is their primary function I guess, and they are really lacking on ammo if they miss their shots. But tactician is busted. Guerrilla needs to adjust where the spawn things can be thrown or offer some way for the other team to shut down the spawn points.

Maybe the could treat the spawn points like they do capture and hold? Too many enemies in the area of the spawn point disables it. That way you are forced to defend it if you intend to use it, not just make clusterfuck soup.


I think the only thing GG really needs to do in order for people to make balanced matches is limit the number of each class on a team. One assault on a team is not going to unbalance the game, whereas 5 probably will. Just give people the option to limit each class and it will be fine.

edit: and of course give people the option to see how the match is set up before they join it.


ergo said:
Do many people play MGO? The game looks somewhat fun for a tacted on MP. Thoughts? I am surprised how the feelings towards the game have turned so quickly. I hope they fix the nagging issues, or else it seems the game is doomed.

Do you think they will release an update featuring more balanced weapons/abilities?

Don't get me wrong, i don't dislike KZ2's mp component. It'll flourish for a long long time. My issues are that the game is supposedly set up for sound squad-level tactical play with overarching team strategy dependant on gamemode and classes in play.

It rarely works out like that. It'll be some time before we see if it ever does. Right now, people are farming exp and ribbons for their unlocks. A couple of the gametypes are severely shocking and could do with some reimagining. Some of the class mechanics need tweaking. A tactician shouldn't be able to toss a spawn nade into an opposing teams S&D area and be rewarded with a spawning invincible team, for instance. We'll probably see how it pans out in the next few months. ATM it just reminds me of spammy run and gun CoD4, and that's mostly the fault of the players.

As for MGO, i haven't played it since us in the EU Gaf clan lost our round in the EU finals. I know a load of people still play it now. We had strategies on positions, maneuvers, plays and reinforcing other players for every map. There were gametype-dependent strategies we used, also. MGO allowed you to play like a team if you were willing. It also had an amazing pre-set radio system you could use quickly and effectively to inform your team about enemy positions, help etc.


If MGO had a better lobby system and net code, it would be awesome.

Y2Kev said:
Agreed. I still think the assault class is fairly balanced-- assault is their primary function I guess, and they are really lacking on ammo if they miss their shots. But tactician is busted. Guerrilla needs to adjust where the spawn things can be thrown or offer some way for the other team to shut down the spawn points.
Other tacticians or maybe engineers should be able to shut them down. This way, people won't just throw the nades at the objective to enjoy limited invulnerability. They would have to throw them somewhere nearby. It would require more strategy and less ZERG RUSH!


Varna said:
There needs to be some kind of downside to playing with any of the classes.

Medic, Scout and Tacticians should all have lower health and stamina.

Assault should have slower movement speed and be limited to the LMG.

Engineer being stuck with the shotgun is enough.

It just makes no sense to pick any class over assault and scout. They have absolutely no downsides.

assaults already have slower movement when not using boost, the grenade launcher has limited ammo (3), the blast radius/splash damage is actually smaller than the grenade's, very shitty on open areas, really good in tight corridors. Head shots can still kill assaults in one hit.


Y2Kev said:
Agreed. I still think the assault class is fairly balanced-- assault is their primary function I guess, and they are really lacking on ammo if they miss their shots. But tactician is busted. Guerrilla needs to adjust where the spawn things can be thrown or offer some way for the other team to shut down the spawn points.

its not that balanced i mean honestly, in public servers assault = utter domination, played with some IGN clan ppl and others briefly Sunday on Pyrrus, I was an assault and just utterly destroyed their team charging with rocket launcher then picking everyone coming out of spawn point with magnum. Team helped keep them distracted in their other spawn point. Suffice to say it was another one of those 120+ point games. Would I have been able to do that with any other class? No, wouldn't have gotten their fast enough, nor take out their defenses or assault choke points with the rocket launcher. Once I got hunkered down by the back moving around cover, the unlimited bullets of magnum coupled with my increased armor just made it really hard to flush me out (they were all saboteurs/medics/engineers/scouts, don't think many of them used assault, or the assaults on their team were on the other side fighting my team).


Haven't seen too many scouts yet in my games (still only ranked one star), but I always thought they sounded really overpowered.. "Snipers can fully cloak and mark you on their screen? wtf?"

I don't like assault either.
1) Rockets turn everything to chaos (FF on or off)
2) Extra health and boost is unfair as others have said
Boosting should either be taken out completely or drain your health by a good amount when doing so.

For now, what I'm doing is creating games with only rifleman, medic, engineer, and sometimes tactician. Rocket/grenade launcher disabled. 16 players or less and FF off (wish I could also limit grenades to one to control the chaos even further).
At least these games are still really fun. :D


Assault also regenerates health in case you guys didn't know.

-Only class with enhanced armor
-Health regeneration
-Rocket Launcher

*spawn* *boost* *plant* Too easy. :( Takes 2+ shotgun shots and you start out with invulnerability, so they have to wait to shoot you.

BobsRevenge said:
They really took this unlocking stuff for multiplayer way too far. :(
Yeah. A class based game should at least have all the classes there from the getgo even if you don't have the secondary weapons or swap ability.


Good games. First game started pretty bad with Adulf accidently sniping me 3 times; thank god that didn't set the tone for the rest of the matches. It's pretty crazy to see how many of you guys have generals already and all those colorful ribbons. Intimidating at first but I think I held my own.

Can't wait to unlock the sniper rifle and really go to town on y'all.


bish gets all the credit :)
Scouts are stuck with (basically) a handgun if someone sneaks up on you and have minimal ammo. When do I get to unlock the 5x zoom with the sniper rifle? I'm getting picked off left and right and can't see where the shots are coming from?


careful said:
Do you mind sharing some of your strategies for Scouts and Sabs?

Most obvious with Sabs are:
- How are they reacting to being in a group of the other team? If they're not shooting at them, and advancing to you, shoot them lol.
- How is the team they're around reacting to them? Leaving them alone? Shoot them.
- It never hurts to cursor over them and see how it reacts. If it doesn't go green quickly, pop them once quick if you're not sure and see if the cloak drops.

It's all about watching how they are acting, where they're coming from, and how the others are reacting to them being around.

- Listen. If you hear a boom from the rifle become more cautious meaning...
- Zig-zag, and "burst" your run. Sniping can be tricky, and you have to lead your target. The more erratic you move, you become a vastly tuffer hit.
- If you saw them somewhere, and then you don't when you get near them, spray off a few rounds to see if they're just cloaked.
- Try to advance on them from below or high if you can, they're looking through a scope most of the time, so they have a lot of blind spots, especially from lower and higher.
- Just move erratically. Again, same point, it's that important. Juke a little, cut your sprint short, juke a little more, sprint again. Try to keep your sprint bar up a little so you can hit it a bit. And never, ever move in a straight line towards one.
- Stay out of open areas.

If I hear one, next time I die, I switch to one myself and hunt the hunter. And... Turrets and Drones are your friends. They see right through cloaks/disguises and will fire at them.


alr1ghtstart said:
Scouts are stuck with (basically) a handgun if someone sneaks up on you and have minimal ammo. When do I get to unlock the 5x zoom with the sniper rifle? I'm getting picked off left and right and can't see where the shots are coming from?
You have to earn 8 of those ribbons you get for killing 10 people per round with the sniper rifle. What will help more with spotting snipers is the spot and mark ability. You can get it by getting 5 cloaked kills per round (8 times :p).

Sniping in Blood Gracht is waaay too easy for ISA. Got 60:1 k/d ratio last night. :lol


Some really lopsided games tonight :lol

Didn't have as much fun tonight as I usually do, something about the flow. I actually quite like Friendly Fire for Search and Destroy. I got a lot of hate texts on XMB for it, but oh well ... can't please everybody. I like how people take a little more care with their shots with FF on. FF was on by default in the beta. IMO multiplayer was designed with FF in mind. It's the way GG meant for the game to be played.


Varna said:
There needs to be some kind of downside to playing with any of the classes.

Medic, Scout and Tacticians should all have lower health and stamina.

Assault should have slower movement speed and be limited to the LMG.

Engineer being stuck with the shotgun is enough.

It just makes no sense to pick any class over assault and scout. They have absolutely no downsides.
The way I would do it:

Medic: Is pretty much fine as is. But they should have a bit more health than the rest.

Engineer: Make the turrets stronger. Theyre way too weak.

Tacticians: They should only be able to put spawn grenades outside. Its only logical since its smoke and all. It would also eliminate the clusterfuckish situations that happen indoors. Make the air support stronger. Its air support, not a free point flying around for all to shoot at.

And give me a point everytime my spawn is used.

Assault: They should be slower rather than faster. Theyre wearing MORE armor. Why would they be faster than anyone else? Dun make no sense.

Saboteur: The disguise should be timed.

Scout: When I shoot the guy the cloak should go away. This is an easy one. And if it isnt timed already (Im not really sure) time that shit. He should be constantly wondering if his position has been compromised. Wondering if hes still cloaked. Adds an extra layer of tension... or tension period rather.

And I think in general they should limit how many of each class can be on one team. Ive never encountered this personally but if people are telling the truth and theyve actually faced entire teams of scouts then that should DEFINITELY be fixed.

All in all, they need to gimp each class a bit so theres a reason NOT to pick them. When you look at Saboteurs, scouts and assault, there really isnt a reason to NOT choose them. There are no downsides really. People say the assault class is gimped because he starts off with limited ammo but he can still just pick up any weapon he wants.
J-Rzez said:
Most obvious with Sabs are:
- How are they reacting to being in a group of the other team? If they're not shooting at them, and advancing to you, shoot them lol.
- How is the team they're around reacting to them? Leaving them alone? Shoot them.
- It never hurts to cursor over them and see how it reacts. If it doesn't go green quickly, pop them once quick if you're not sure and see if the cloak drops.

It's all about watching how they are acting, where they're coming from, and how the others are reacting to them being around.
Or just shoot first and ask questions later.


Full Recovery said:
I would give the Assualt the LMGs and give the rifleman the rocket launchers/grenade launchers.

Then it wouldn't be nearly as bad.
That is exactly what I would do.

On another note, made it to the cruiser level on elite, and also decided to skip ahead and kill
as well so I don't have to deal with that later either. Surprisingly it didn't take as many tries as getting through the train level did.

I also got all my combat ribbons done today, but getting badge related ones are gonna be rough. I haven't even gotten one of the tacticians bot ribbons, yet have all of the other ones. To me that screams there is a huge balance issue with that ribbon.


Visari Palace on Elite is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE


Can anyone give some tips or pointers here? I've been trying for the last 2 hours, and I've only made it to the Rocket Launcher Helghast twice.


.GqueB. said:

Those are really fantastic ideas. Especially the Tactician.

Assault should not have that GL or RL. It should be exclusive so the soldier. At least that way it might take some actual skill to use it and not just mindless suicide attacks.

Less health and stamina is another great way to make people think twice about picking a class. Scout, medics, tacticians should not be able to take the same amount of damage as soldier. Makes no sense at all.


.GqueB. said:
The way I would do it:

I would do it like this:

Medic: faster than other classes since he needs to get to downed bodies quickly, higher stamina, lower armor, icon to signal medpacks for other players

Assault: slower than other classes, highest armor, light machine gun, lower stamina

Rifleman: All weapons, average armor, average stamina

Tactician: slightly faster, lower armor, ability to "disarm" spawn grenades, no more invulnerability for spawn grenades, make the flying turret do more damage than a pea shooter, average stamina

Saboteur: low armor, average speed, give "sticky" to c4 and make it plantable instead of thrown (who throws c4, really?), average stamina

Scout: faster than most classes, low armor, prone ability, higher stamina

Engineer: average across the board, add a "dismantle" ability for turrets, add "upgrade" ability for turrets.

Of course, after all this, it would be a completely different game... :p


bish gets all the credit :)
Stench said:
Visari Palace on Elite is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE


Can anyone give some tips or pointers here? I've been trying for the last 2 hours, and I've only made it to the Rocket Launcher Helghast twice.

I played it on Veteran. When the rocket launchers spawn, grab the sniper rifle from upstairs (Same side as the entrance). Hug the huge pillar right next to it on the left side (this way if the rockets hit the wall behind you, you'll be OK). Take out all of the rocket launchers (I believe there's 3 or 4). Get your ass handed to you by
The settings in Beamber GAF were PERFECT (well, I would prefer team autoselect, but that's just my opinion. For what it's worth, the teams were completely even in all the matches I played today.) Friendly fire forced everyone to play a bit more carefully, and as a result there was much less grenade spamming. Although, teammate Aladuf still managed to snipe me somehow. ;)

Fantastic games, guys. I even got my first turret ribbon! Maybe it won't be so hard after all. :lol And we had the assassination area in Tharsis locked down. I have no idea where that guy came from. :)


JB1981 said:
Some really lopsided games tonight :lol

Didn't have as much fun tonight as I usually do, something about the flow. I actually quite like Friendly Fire for Search and Destroy. I got a lot of hate texts on XMB for it, but oh well ... can't please everybody. I like how people take a little more care with their shots with FF on. FF was on by default in the beta. IMO multiplayer was designed with FF in mind. It's the way GG meant for the game to be played.
I prefer FF on. A lot less nade spamming and wild shooting.

But how many lopsided matches do you guys need to play before you decide autobalance is best. It's baffling.

Jack Scofield said:
Although, teammate Aladuf still managed to snipe me somehow. ;)
3 times in one match.
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