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EazyB said:
I prefer FF on. A lot less nade spamming and wild shooting.

But how many lopsided matches do you guys need to play before you decide autobalance is best. It's baffling.

FF is the worse thing ever in random matches.

You would think there would be less nade spamming and wild shooting. NOPE.

And people running into your LMG fire and bitching at you for killing them. YOU BET.
.GqueB. said:
The way I would do it:

Medic: Is pretty much fine as is. But they should have a bit more health than the rest.

Engineer: Make the turrets stronger. Theyre way too weak.

Tacticians: They should only be able to put spawn grenades outside. Its only logical since its smoke and all. It would also eliminate the clusterfuckish situations that happen indoors. Make the air support stronger. Its air support, not a free point flying around for all to shoot at.

And give me a point everytime my spawn is used.

Assault: They should be slower rather than faster. Theyre wearing MORE armor. Why would they be faster than anyone else? Dun make no sense.

Saboteur: The disguise should be timed.

Scout: When I shoot the guy the cloak should go away. This is an easy one. And if it isnt timed already (Im not really sure) time that shit. He should be constantly wondering if his position has been compromised. Wondering if hes still cloaked. Adds an extra layer of tension... or tension period rather.

And I think in general they should limit how many of each class can be on one team. Ive never encountered this personally but if people are telling the truth and theyve actually faced entire teams of scouts then that should DEFINITELY be fixed.

All in all, they need to gimp each class a bit so theres a reason NOT to pick them. When you look at Saboteurs, scouts and assault, there really isnt a reason to NOT choose them. There are no downsides really. People say the assault class is gimped because he starts off with limited ammo but he can still just pick up any weapon he wants.

agree with most of this but,

Engineer: i really disagree with making turrets stronger, they are fine the way they are its just people suck at placement. i play as engineer majority of the time and my turrets always get at least 10+ kills sometimes even 20+ on every map which is too strong IMO. i think its something that people will learn eventually if they really want to, it just has a learning curve.

Scout: i dont think having a timer on the cloak would add tension as its pretty obvious when u are or aren't invisible due to the blue screen/zoom out pov effect


Varna said:
FF is the worse thing ever in random matches.

You would think there would be less nade spamming and wild shooting. NOPE.

And people running into your LMG fire and bitching at you for killing them. YOU BET.
For random matches perhaps, but we were debating on which setting to have for GAF games, my vote would go towards FF.

And I'd just like to say that spawn grenades are the most poorly designed gameplay element in any AAA shooter. You should be able to destroy them.
Just made Captain today, four more ranks to go. To be honest I love how even though I have the engineer badge, I'm able to play very successfully as a medic. Very clever way to balance the roles into the actual gameplay such that even the "lowest" ranks that afford roles are a huge benefit in any fight.


aj2good4you2 said:
agree with most of this but,

Engineer: i really disagree with making turrets stronger, they are fine the way they are its just people suck at placement. i play as engineer majority of the time and my turrets always get at least 10+ kills sometimes even 20+ on every map which is too strong IMO. i think its something that people will learn eventually if they really want to, it just has a learning curve.
Agreed. I get tons of kills from turrets, but people place them in the dumbest places. I hate when people are taking up turret slots by placing them in the middle of nowhere. Almost as annoying as people putting up spawn points right next to the default spawn point. -_-

Oh, I forgot one more thing about engineers: Add a "dismantle" option for turrets!


alr1ghtstart said:
I played it on Veteran. When the rocket launchers spawn, grab the sniper rifle from upstairs (Same side as the entrance). Hug the huge pillar right next to it on the left side (this way if the rockets hit the wall behind you, you'll be OK). Take out all of the rocket launchers (I believe there's 3 or 4). Get your ass handed to you by
Veteran is a fucking cakewalk compared to Elite.

I can barely make it to the rocket launchers, and when I do, I'm promptly obliterated.


Wow.. after getting 10+ snipe kills in that match just now.. I am loving the sniping.. I gotta take a break though :p

Oh and it was soo fun playing enemy at the gates with Aladuf(?) specially when he was shooting while invis.. and I just shot the air and prayed (since i dont have spot/mark) and BOOM.. got him...
aj2good4you2 said:
Engineer: i really disagree with making turrets stronger, they are fine the way they are its just people suck at placement. i play as engineer majority of the time and my turrets always get at least 10+ kills sometimes even 20+ on every map which is too strong IMO. i think its something that people will learn eventually if they really want to, it just has a learning curve.
Hell yeah, turrets are fucking awesome as is, they just aren't meant to be plopped down wherever. Learn how to set up crossfire, area denial, surprise placement/using yourself as bait to lure the enemy into the kill area or putting one out where the enemy will be preoccupied with it allowing you to take them out from behind.


I think the saboteur needs a bit more, something like an instant kill from behind, or an ability to make disguise not break at all for 5 seconds when active. I fit in fine with groups of 2-3, but there is always someone who runs in and shoots me out of nowhere before i can make my move.


Friendly fire fucking sucks.

Sorry for the teamkills on you two guys, it's because I was sniping all night and that's a 1 shot kill. I could tell I was pissing people off on the other team for sniping them quite a few times, Spot and Mark almost feels like cheating.


Rorschach said:
Lots 'o' good ideas
The more we talk about this the more Im starting to wonder why they didnt think of these things. A lot of the fixes arent very hard at all. And wasnt there a beta? Why wasnt all of this discussed before.

Implementing a lot of these things would make the game so much MORE fun to play. Actually strategy instead of a race to the scout/saboteur class.


gantz85 said:
Is this what Killzone 2 looks like? DO NOT WANT.


Seriously, the GIFs that KZ2 were so famous for have now been downgraded to this...? Tis' sad..
This single gif is more helpful than youll ever know...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I don't understand most of the complains about classes here. There are effective countermeasures to every class as long as your team knows his shit. I don't get why game balance should be unrelated to team/player skill. I have yet to see a skilled team getting pwned by Assault or Scout noobs.

I'd personally leave everything as it is and just lower the recharge time for the Medic gun and make Assault class energy NOT regenerating to 120%.


Man, I started out the night great. Playing as Saboteur and Engineer for most of that time, and I'd always get in the top 1-2 spots and have easily 80-100 points. As the GAF matches went on, (actually right after Aladuf and Third left), that's when it went downhill for me. I should have called it quits right then, but the Sniper class is just so much fun to use, no matter how shitty it makes your stats look. :lol

Good games though, guys.

EDIT: Also, friendly fire = do not want ever again. Need proof? How about the big "-16" popping up on my screen after a wacky physics-deterred grenade in that tower? Yeah. Awesome. Sorry about that guys. :lol


TTP said:
I don't understand most of the complains about classes here. There are effective countermeasures to every class as long as your team knows his shit. I don't get why game balance should be unrelated to team skill. I have yet to see a skilled team getting pwned by Assault or Scout noobs.

I'd personally leave everything as it is and just lower the recharge time for the Medic gun and make Assault class energy NOT regenerating to 120%.
And theres the rub.

If youre playing random games its hard to gauge whether your team knows their shit. And even in Gaf games its hard to combat and we all play together all the time. You give humans too much credit. Dont assume that everyone is sitting there thinking up strategies as they should. The fundamental strategy is "Hes a scout, so I'll be a scout too fuck that dude I'll snipe his bitch ass foirst ARG!@!!!!!@!!@"

I swear we played one game on Phyrrus (sp?) and it was nothing but Scouts, Sabs and Asses. I was running around as a medic/tactician like a helpless asshole. I just hid in the corner and wept as I heard those loud popping sounds coming out of sniper barrels.

I felt like that little pussy in Saving Private Ryan who let that dude get stabbed in the chest because he was too chicken to go up the stairs and shoot the mofo.


Aladuf said:
Friendly fire fucking sucks.

Sorry for the teamkills on you two guys, it's because I was sniping all night and that's a 1 shot kill. I could tell I was pissing people off on the other team for sniping them quite a few times, Spot and Mark almost feels like cheating.
It's all good. And is spot and mark really that useful? I find it really easy to spot enemies because their heads glow ridiculously bright. I totally forgot snipers even had that ability, if I had know I would've probably been scared to peak my head out to face off against those snipers so often.

It'd have been a shame too because I found I was sniping them more often with my rifle than they were sniping me with :lol

Can't wait to get my hands on the sniper.


Flunkie said:
Man, I started out the night great. Playing as Saboteur and Engineer for most of that time, and I'd always get in the top 1-2 spots and have easily 80-100 points. As the GAF matches went on, (actually right after Aladuf and Third left), that's when it went downhill for me. I should have called it quits right then, but the Sniper class is just so much fun to use, no matter how shitty it makes your stats look. :lol

Good games though, guys.

EDIT: Also, friendly fire = do not want ever again. Need proof? How about the big "-16" popping up on my screen after a wacky physics-deterred grenade in that tower? Yeah. Awesome. Sorry about that guys. :lol

I actually felt sorry for you in that instance, so no apology needed. :p


EazyB said:
It's all good. And is spot and mark really that useful? I find it really easy to spot enemies because their heads glow ridiculously bright. I totally forgot snipers even had that ability, if I had know I would've probably been scared to peak my head out to face off against those snipers so often.
It's insanely effective, it'll put a big bullseye on any member of the other team even if they're invisible or disguised as long as they're within your screen. I got Flunkie a bunch of times when he was invisible on Helghan Industries and he had no clue how until I told him during a match on Tharsis Depot. :lol


Aladuf said:
It's insanely effective, it'll put a big bullseye on any member of the other team even if they're invisible or disguised as long as they're within your screen. I got Flunkie a bunch of times when he was invisible on Helghan Industries and he had no clue how until I told him during a match on Tharsis Depot. :lol

Man I kept sniping you Third and WHOA on Phyrrus ISA base FTW


Have a fun! Enjoy!
.GqueB. said:
And theres the rub.

If youre playing random games its hard to gauge whether your team knows their shit. And even in Gaf games its hard to combat and we all play together all the time. You give humans too much credit. Dont assume that everyone is sitting there thinking up strategies as they should. The fundamental strategy is "Hes a scout, so I'll be a scout too fuck that dude I'll snipe his bitch ass foirst ARG!@!!!!!@!!@"

I swear we played one game on Phyrrus (sp?) and it was nothing but Scouts, Sabs and Asses. I was running around as a medic/tactician like a helpless asshole. I just hid in the corner and wept as I heard those loud popping sounds coming out of sniper barrels.

I felt like that little pussy in Saving Private Ryan who let that dude get stabbed in the chest because he was too chicken to go up the stairs and shoot the mofo.

I get that, but so what? Again, it's not a matter of classes but rather organization within the team. If there is none, it's gonna be hell, Assaults or not.

Sadly, this brings up what the real issues at hand are, like the lack of a party system (hence you end up playing WITH strangers rather than just against them) and an uneffective scoring/rewarding system. For example, you should get MORE points by killing the player holding propaganda speaker. You should get SOME points for picking up the speaker itself. You should get MORE penalized by team killing. You should get SOME points for placing and defusing charges. You should get SOME points for cleverly placing spawn points (like a +1 for every kill made by those who spawn at your spawn point within a given time frame). You should get MORE points by reviving the Assasination target. And so on.

Basically Killzone 2 lacks a scoring/rewarding system that helps some "emergent" team collaboration in random games. But this has nothing to do with how classes were conceived as far as pros and cons go.


Comics, serious business!
not surprised to hear people complaining about Aladuf team killing :lol

dude makes a career out of it :lol :lol :lol

When we played Gears back in the day we used to joke he was actually a spy for the other team because he would team kill so much :lol One game he took out the entire team with the boomshot :lol Next round he had the mortar... and took out 3 guys. Fuck. :lol :lol

After that we named him TeamKilladuf. Fuckin guy...


Finished the game, what an EPIC. Truly one the most exhilariting gaming experience ever.

Where can I look at my campaign stats online? How do I join the NeoGAF clan? Also any guides on starting me up on the multi-player.

Had fun tonight..

We just gotta keep the FF off. Playing in the desert sucked cause I don't have the sniper yet..
But I had a ton of fun on the other maps especially visari hammer.


Nafai1123 said:
I actually felt sorry for you in that instance, so no apology needed. :p


RSTEIN said:
not surprised to hear people complaining about Aladuf team killing :lol

dude makes a career out of it :lol :lol :lol

When we played Gears back in the day we used to joke he was actually a spy for the other team because he would team kill so much :lol One game he took out the entire team with the boomshot :lol Next round he had the mortar... and took out 3 guys. Fuck. :lol :lol

After that we named him TeamKilladuf. Fuckin guy...
You need another :lol guy.

shadowsdarknes said:
Had fun tonight..

We just gotta keep the FF off. Playing in the desert sucked cause I don't have the sniper yet..
But I had a ton of fun on the other maps especially phyrus rise.
Pyrrhus Rise is the desert map.

methane47 said:
I love the games with FF on.. less grenade spamming!!
This is true. I don't recall being killed by one grenade tonight, and only remember throwing a few. Still hate the gun FF though.
I'm still pissed at whoever got that point during capture and retrieve on Tharsis Depot. My team should've won that!

Other than that, I really enjoyed my assassination kill. I snuck behind every Heggy's back, and got right up to the target without anyone realizing. CHIRP!


I'm #4.


.GqueB. said:
And theres the rub.

If youre playing random games its hard to gauge whether your team knows their shit. And even in Gaf games its hard to combat and we all play together all the time. You give humans too much credit. Dont assume that everyone is sitting there thinking up strategies as they should. The fundamental strategy is "Hes a scout, so I'll be a scout too fuck that dude I'll snipe his bitch ass foirst ARG!@!!!!!@!!@"
people playing in GAF games that ban weapons/classes are only making themselves worse at the game. someone can't learn how to counter the assault class if they act like a scrub and ban it.

want to improve your game? play the game. it's simple.

i also advocate turning FF on, as i think it will help reduce chaos/spam. it's a hard lesson worth learning.


TheFatOne said:
Man I kept sniping you Third and WHOA on Phyrrus ISA base FTW
You're telling me! You had the best spot ever, I tried to get you from so many different spots and it hardly ever worked. Good Sniping.


TTP said:
Basically Killzone 2 lacks a scoring/rewarding system that helps some "emergent" team collaboration in random games. But this has nothing to do with how classes were conceived as far as pros and cons go.
i'm one of those 'there's always room for improvement' guys (so i'm not saying your suggestions shouldn't be implemented), but i think KZ2 already does a great job at this compared to other games.


MickeyKnox said:
We need more people in the gaf room, only 10/22 right now
*goes to join*

edit: *quits*

stop acting like scrubs and banning weapons/classes.

dfyb said:
people playing in GAF games that ban weapons/classes are only making themselves worse at the game. someone can't learn how to counter the assault class if they act like a scrub and ban it.

want to improve your game? play the game. it's simple.

i also advocate turning FF on, as i think it will help reduce chaos/spam. it's a hard lesson worth learning.


Aladuf said:
You're telling me! You had the best spot ever, I tried to get you from so many different spots and it hardly ever worked. Good Sniping.

One day I might show you how to get me from the ISA base. It's actually pretty easy you just have to pay attention. There is a spot that you can use as a Helghast to kill someone on the ISA spot with regularity, but IMO that is the best sniper spot on that map. The best part about that map today was that I was hitting people who were in their full sprint it was awesome.

EDIT: another thing that helped was that I kept switching back and forth between scout and saboteur so I wasn't always on the sniper spot. It would take some heat off. Then, I would go back once the heat died down.

dfyb said:
*goes to join*

edit: *quits*

stop acting like scrubs and banning weapons/classes.

You shut your dirty whore mouth ;) but yeah I like the games like that. The games IMO on the smaller maps are much better without the assault class.


I'd be in the dick
Almost finished with my Veteran run and I'm enjoying it a lot more than my Trooper playthrough. Once it clicks it's a hell of a lot of fun. I'm also appreciating the graphics and all the little details a lot more this time.
I think that the Cruiser mission is really underrated. I love the pacing, firefights, and setting of that level. It looks pretty unique compared to all the other levels. That's also when the story cutscene quality really picks up in the voice acting/impact department. The end scene with Templar crashing the New Sun is really well done.
Only one mission to go before I take on Elite. Hopefully I can finish Elite up, marathon RE5 over the weekend, and be online with Killzone all next week.


TheFatOne said:
One day I might show you how to get me from the ISA base. It's actually pretty easy you just have to pay attention. There is a spot that you can use as a Helghast to kill someone on the ISA spot with regularity, but IMO that is the best sniper spot on that map. The best part about that map today was that I was hitting people who were in their full sprint it was awesome.

EDIT: another thing that helped was that I kept switching back and forth between scout and saboteur so I wasn't always on the sniper spot. It would take some heat off. Then, I would go back once the heat died down.
I might know what spot you're talking about, I went up there at one point to get you but you beat me to the punch because you weren't perched up sniping at the time.


Guerilla has got to do something about assholes on your team that don't do anything to help with the objectives. This is goddamn ridiculous. I can't win games if I'm trying but no other teammate is.

It feels like the game is punishing me for something I didn't even do.


TheFatOne said:
You shut your dirty whore mouth ;) but yeah I like the games like that. The games IMO on the smaller maps are much better without the assault class.
and what will you do when you play the real killzone 2? drop the controller and cry?

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Crisis said:
Guerilla has got to do something about assholes on your team that don't do anything to help with the objectives. This is goddamn ridiculous. I can't win games if I'm trying but no other teammate is.

It feels like the game is punishing me for something I didn't even do.
New to online shooters? ;)


dfyb said:
and what will you do when you play the real killzone 2? drop the controller and cry?

I will proceed to get 40 or 50 kills really its not much different just more enjoyable for me.

Aladuf said:
I might know what spot you're talking about, I went up there at one point to get you but you beat me to the punch because you weren't perched up sniping at the time.

The thing about the ISA spot is that you become such a small target. The flag is right in front of you protecting you from other snipers. So the other sniper probably has to be careful taking the shot. The map is a lot of fun sniping because there are so many spots to choose from.
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