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Boosting + SMG + Idiots on a random server + proxy chat = sooo good :D

"WTF, does that guy have extra health or something?"



tfur said:
A few thoughts, and possible additions.

1) I would like to see a "platoon" mode. This would be a choice to enforce a platoon game type that would enforce a certain count of each class type. In this mode, each team would have the same number of each class, and all classes would be included.

Cool idea

2) The ability to limit the number of each class in games, if you so choose.

Cool idea

3) Points for deploying spawn points.


4) Spawn point range-limit-from-target option. There should be a maximum required distance from objective, before a spawn point can be deployed.


5) Option to turn off name display on top of players.

Nah I like to exact my vengeance a lot in this game. If I cant easily see who killed me then that will be an issue. Ive spawned back at HQ just so I could run around the entire map and get up behind snipers.

It never forgives

6) A last man standing mode, added to warzone.


7) I am really loving this game. Both the SP and MP are incredible game experiences.



Ilparazzo said:
This is a good idea, after all, what's the point in having like 5 engineers at the same time?

Maybe they're changing light bulbs?

How many mechanical engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
Five. One to decide which way the bulb ought to turn, one to calculate the force required, one to design a tool with which to turn the bulb, one to design a comfortable - but functional - hand grip, and one to use all this equipment.


tfur said:
A few thoughts, and possible additions.

2) The ability to limit the number of each class in games, if you so choose.

yes, I thought I was alone asking for something like that. I guess one sab and one assault per 8 players team is fair enough, atm some games feel like the Olympics with everyone and their mother speeding around or a 007 movie full of spies...

FFObsessed I just realized you actually are a speeding spy, codename GAF-SS :lol :lol

now seriously, assault class are bullets sponges on steroids, I fear encountering a full party of them with FF turned off


Q-bert said:
Maybe they're changing light bulbs?

How many mechanical engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
Five. One to decide which way the bulb ought to turn, one to calculate the force required, one to design a tool with which to turn the bulb, one to design a comfortable - but functional - hand grip, and one to use all this equipment.


the same joke in my country goes like this... how many to change a light bulb?

Two. One to step on a chair and the other one to turn the chair.

Ploid 3.0

Nafai1123 said:
Boosting + SMG + Idiots on a random server + proxy chat = sooo good :D

"WTF, does that guy have extra health or something?"


lol I love proxy chat. Hearing people as you kill them with saboteur is awesome. Or like the time I was sniping people like crazy, then one guy was walking past me. "I can't find that darn sniper", then he got me "Haha got you you sneaky guy".


i cant wait for some DLC from GG, hopefully they will release a map pack soon as they have my money & many others in a heart beat.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Chat is good. Yesterday, a couple of people were complaining that I was using some sort of invincibility code :\


smik said:
i cant wait for some DLC from GG, hopefully they will release a map pack soon as they have my money & many others in a heart beat.
Im a little worried about DLC map packs. They often do nothing but segment the userbase. Do not want. They should make the maps free and have some other shite be paid for... not sure what but let the maps be free,
Thinking about it, I would love a story expansion or some sort of off shot title (using the established engine of course) playing through the eyes (mask-HA) of a Helghan.


3rdamention said:
Yep, its the truth bro. These GAF Games, I definitely struggle in a majority of them, but when I just find a game or join another friend in some random game, I open up the ownage depot. GAF Games are the ultimate battleground to fine tune your skills in KZ2.

Last night I was in some random game and I got on an awesome "run." That is what my friend and I used to call it on Battle Field Modern Combat on PS2, a "run" . Where you set C4, Kill 2 guys, grab their guns, turn around, dodge a grenade, throw one back, pick up another weapon, shoot some guy. You know, a "run" where you are in the groove for about 45 seconds totally dominating.

Last night, I had a 12 Kill Streak and my best "run" on KZ2 yet. I probably used 5 seperate weapons, a grenade, Air Support Bot, the whole 9. I actually got taken out when I ran into a room with 3 guys, I got 2 with the Shotty, the last one got me.

This was all to start a match and when I checked the stats after dying, I was 12-1 KD ratio. I really had no idea cause the 2-3 minutes was so intense, I was kinda shocked I took that many out too. What made it so satisfying was for everyone to see that stat, and know they all got killed different ways.

I would never get a "run" like that in a GAF Game. I would maybe take out 2 people, then have Click shoot me in the back, Full Recovery Melee me then start High Stepping on my carcus, or Kitton blast me in the face with a handgun. Taking it so rough from the Gaffers makes me dish it even harder against the random public.

I enjoy gaf games a lot, but when I join my other friends games I get demolished or I'm in the middle at best. I've faced some beastly gunners that the gaf games we play are easier and more fun for me lol. My friend always tell me to join his games and I make an excuse that they full and I'm good in the server im in lol.

When I join random games, I can own people easily, gaf games Ihave fun and compete for 1st place, my other friends on my psn, I get demolish or in the middle.


now that i gained new ranks i witnessed the spamfuck mp is able to do... and its not fun...
this has to be fixed... if one team dominates... the other one gets spawnfucked to hell and back...

and its not fun even in the dominating team -

fix this shit gg please!



will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I unlocked the health pack ability, and I'm lovin' it. Why the hell don't more people use them in S&D missions?

TheChillyAcademic said:
Thinking about it, I would love a story expansion or some sort of off shot title (using the established engine of course) playing through the eyes (mask-HA) of a Helghan.

I wouldn't mind another game for the PSP. Call it Killzone Exfiltration and have it detailing
Sev's escape from Helghan.
industrian said:
I unlocked the health pack ability, and I'm lovin' it. Why the hell don't more people use them more in S&D missions?

I wouldn't mind another game for the PSP. Call it Killzone Exfiltration and have it detailing
Sev's escape from Helghan.

Hmmm, I want KZ3 to still take place on Helghan.
Another PSP title involving a different unit during the invasion or up to and including the destruction of the Capital City would be interesting.


Who is interested in a friendly fire enabled game tonight? I am. I want to see how it changes the game. If it sucks, we'll just go back to the old scheme.


JB1981 said:
Who is interested in a friendly fire enabled game tonight? I am. I want to see how it changes the game. If it sucks, we'll just go back to the old scheme.
Its gonna mess me up. I usually take shots at random team members to see if its a saboteur.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
JB1981 said:
Who is interested in a friendly fire enabled game tonight? I am. I want to see how it changes the game. If it sucks, we'll just go back to the old scheme.

I hate FF games. I get killed SO F'ING OFTEN by my team that I simply just have to leave. That, or they run in front of me when I'm engaging an enemy. Drives me insane. The best part about FF games is that nade spam is decreased by A LOT.


JB1981 said:
Who is interested in a friendly fire enabled game tonight? I am. I want to see how it changes the game. If it sucks, we'll just go back to the old scheme.

In in... Unless plans change.
.GqueB. said:
Its gonna mess me up. I usually take shots at random team members to see if its a saboteur.
Huh? Just run your crosshairs over them: if they turn green, it's not a saboteur. Faster and doesn't waste bullets.


Liabe Brave said:
Huh? Just run your crosshairs over them: if they turn green, it's not a saboteur. Faster and doesn't waste bullets.
Ive tried that but it often doesnt work when I do it (they have to be a certain distance from you). Plus that second it takes to see if it turns red is just enough time for them to fill your face with bullets. Shooting them is much easier from what Ive gathered.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
.GqueB. said:
Ive tried that but it often doesnt work when I do it (they have to be a certain distance from you). Plus that second it takes to see if it turns red is just enough time for them to fill your face with bullets. Shooting them is much easier from what Ive gathered.

heh, i actually rely on people taking a second to sweep me with their crosshairs, and you're right, I usually drop them before they get a shot off. Lots of folks just shoot anyone running toward them, though.


industrian said:
I unlocked the health pack ability, and I'm lovin' it. Why the hell don't more people use them in S&D missions?

They do, they just use them on themselves. :p

I still thinking giving points for healing people via health pack would help fix that. You have to offer some sort of self-serving incentive for a lot of people. I've always loved the different ways Valve tried to make people play the Medic properly in TF2 (or hell, play him at all), the best example of that being when they made it the first class to receive unlockables.


Proxy chat is awesome!

Last night when we were playing a Search and Destroy game in that multilevel shanty town map... I saw my team mate running to plant the bomb and Right on his tail was a gaffer..

And I ran up and was right behind him for like a good 3 seconds.. and I swear I could hear him breathing.. then I took the shot (i love the shotgun) and instakilled him and I heard in a very calm voice but filled with disdain, "I hate you Methane"


also some of my other favority proxy chats have been
"Where the hell did he come from!"
"URGH i hate shotguns!!"

I think most people when they kill me (especially gaf matches) You guys will hear me say
"I hate friggin Sabs"


Junior Butler
Whoa whoa whoa, what's this proxy chat all about? Like proximity? So is that why you can sometimes hear your enemies? I always thought there was an open mode while you were dead.
TheChillyAcademic said:
Thinking about it, I would love a story expansion or some sort of off shot title (using the established engine of course) playing through the eyes (mask-HA) of a Helghan.


Make it happen GG ....push the envelope further not just with Visuals but with actual narrative. Focus on the actual universe next time and not just a small battle. Make the protoganist a Helghan who is defending his home and who maybe doesn't quite believe in Visari nor what the UCN/UCA stand for.
Show ACTUAL EVERYDAY Helghans living out their lives in the harsh conditions of Helghan. Make it EPPPIIIIIIIIIIICCCC!!!!! :D


methane47 said:
Proxy chat is awesome!

Last night when we were playing a Search and Destroy game in that multilevel shanty town map... I saw my team mate running to plant the bomb and Right on his tail was a gaffer..

And I ran up and was right behind him for like a good 3 seconds.. and I swear I could hear him breathing.. then I took the shot (i love the shotgun) and instakilled him and I heard in a very calm voice but filled with disdain, "I hate you Methane"


also some of my other favority proxy chats have been
"Where the hell did he come from!"
"URGH i hate shotguns!!"

I think most people when they kill me (especially gaf matches) You guys will hear me say
"I hate friggin Sabs"
Yeah, proxy chat is pretty awesome.

Some of my favorite experiences with it are when I was playing in pistol only rooms to unlock my magnum and I would use the assault class to just rush into rooms and take out like 5 enemies. A lot of times I would hear people say things like "holy crap why won't you die!?" :lol
I know, the assault class is borderline cheating in games like that when everybody has the same weapon (and people don't know enough to keep their aiming reticule at head level), but damn was it fun.
AgentOtaku said:

Make it happen GG ....push the envelope further not just with Visuals but with actual narrative. Focus on the actual universe next time and not just a small battle. Make the protoganist a Helghan who is defending his home and who maybe doesn't quite believe in Visari nor what the UCN/UCA stand for.
Show ACTUAL EVERYDAY Helghans living out their lives in the harsh conditions of Helghan. Make it EPPPIIIIIIIIIIICCCC!!!!! :D

Killzone'd RPG? :lol

I'm attracted to Sev as a main character, he wasn't a faceless, silent protagonist and kept his head together. If/When there is a Killzone 3, I want it to follow Alpha team. An offshoot, playing as a Helghan during the invasion or even during the occupation at Vekta, would be extremely interesting.


AgentOtaku said:

That's what Killzone 2 should've been. In the first (which I didn't play), the Helghast apparently invade Vekta, so it made sense to show things from the ISA's pov. In the second, where the Helghast are the ones being invaded, I think it would've been 10x more compelling if we had seen things from their side now. The storyline would've gotten an automatic lift. Visari alone was far more interesting than the entire ISA.


I just played several body count matches as an ISA sniper on Pyrrhus Rise, and it only logged one of them.

One particular match lasted from about 4:00-4:10 Eastern, which converts to 20:00-20:10 GMT (why does it display in GMT when I have the profile set to USA-EST). According to the site, I didn't play a Pyrrhus Rise match until 20:44 GMT.

I had a pretty awesome snipe at the very end of the match I wanted to show off :( I had 4 snipes-while-cloaked, hoping to get a 5th so I could get my first sniper ribbon. The announcer said the round was over, but you can still log kills and deaths in that tail-end of the gameplay. So I started looking for one last kill in desperation. I found one and pulled off the shot about one second before the post-game scoreboard/results came up.


Ok so I'm going to have a little rant; *Cough*

I cannot see KZ2 lasting more then a few months if not a few weeks the way thing are in the game MP-wise.

The Scout and Assault class pretty much breaks MP for me. Most games once you've reached General are made up of people who use those two classes and with the odd Saboteur or Engineer dotted around.

I'm finding more and more that KZ2 was way way more fun when there was just your regular soldier and medic. The Scout and Assault classes seem to make the other classes redundant in so many ways. The Tactian is used with the sole purpose of planting a beacon at specific times during missions other then that their air support are just flying bonus points for enemies. Like-wise the Engineer with it's turrents in most cases is the same as the air support just slightly more dangerous but for the most part are bonus points for the enemy to shoot down. The only ability the Engineer serves most effectively is repairing and most people will spawn once go around repairing and then just respawn as Scout or Assualt.

I thought KZ2 could be a game I can play for months and months...daily/weekly/monthly like I did with Gears1/2, CoD4, CS, TF2. Honestly...KZ2 has already got me bored after only a week and a bit. I have spoken to alot of my usual FPS friends and we all feel there is a serious concern about the longevity of KZ2. As things stand I cannot see myself playing it in a few weeks.

KZ2 MP could have been so much better if they got rid of the Scout and Assault classes or atleast got rid of boost. I mean how can you give boost AND double health to a heavy soldier like that? Bogles the mind...Spot and Mark just makes Scout class such a powerful unit it's ridiculous and the x5 scope means their even deadlier...if your anywhere in it's sight your screwed as that X remains on you till you die or the scout dies...who's idea was it to make it permanent over at GG? To add insult any other scout then has the ability to see the mark too...so what we have effectively is you can potentially have a team of scouts. e.g. one could have the repair ability for unlimited ammo supplies, one can have spot and mark and one can boost across levels for retrieving missions whilst cloaked.

The above just shows how unbalanced the game can get having people create secondary abilities for classes...how on earth did GG ever expect to make MP a balanced affair when there is so much chopping and changing that can be done to exploit MP classes?

Scout and Assault classes wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have boost/spot the mark. These abilities break MP.

Most if not all MP public games are effectively team-death matches now. Missions? what missions most players will say over your TV speakers/headset. :lol Body count and the 3 points per kill medal/ribbon equals TDM 24/7.

I love what GG has tried but they are way to naive for their own good...I really wanted KZ2 to be my shooter of choice but sadly MP needs changes and I don't think GG or the community would allow for KZ2 to become a more balanced affair.

I don't know how long I'll be playing but for sure I can see myself being over KZ2 prtty soon and that's a shame.


How does voice chat work?

-When you are not in a squad:
Can teammates hear only if they are in an area around your location?
Can your opponents hear what you say?

-When you are in a squad(SQD before your name):
Can teammates hear if they are in an area around your location or only squad mates?
Can your opponents hear what you say?

Also, is there a way to see how many medics/engies/tacticians are on your team before you spawn? I couldn't tell, but maybe those small icons are the classes. Would be nice if it was like TF2 with a number next to the class when you are picking which primary badge to be.


Loudninja said:
The flamethrower Helghast takes alot of bullets to go down.
The knife is your friend. Although they take 4 (four!) slashes on Elite - that alone should tell you how many bullets they can soak up. :lol
JB1981 said:
Who is interested in a friendly fire enabled game tonight? I am. I want to see how it changes the game. If it sucks, we'll just go back to the old scheme.

It totally changes the way you play the game, well, at least for Assault Players. While working on my Turret Ribbons with assault, I was blasting the rocket all over the place, like most people do with the rockets. Then I started noticing I was killing Teammates too. Heck I had like -20 points.

Friendly Fire ON is the ultimate defense of Rocket Launcher Spam Heads.

I just wish they would change the penalty for Suicides. You should get more negative points than positive points when you run up and blast a guy, as well as yourself, with the rocket.

This would also change the way Assault players play, since they have to rethink going kamikaze or Riflemen would have to rethink cooking grenades around a pile of people.

Maybe - 2points for a Suicide instead of one?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Zeliard said:
Visari alone was far more interesting than the entire ISA.

That's because Brian Cox did the voice ;-)

But yeah, I wouldn't mind playing as Helghast in the next game. If it meant having the chance at popping Rico's sorry ass I'd be all over it.
Zeliard said:
That's what Killzone 2 should've been. In the first (which I didn't play), the Helghast apparently invade Vekta, so it made sense to show things from the ISA's pov. In the second, where the Helghast are the ones being invaded, I think it would've been 10x more compelling if we had seen things from their side now. The storyline would've gotten an automatic lift. Visari alone was far more interesting than the entire ISA.

They could have but you also gotta consider that Killzone2 is just KZ1: The Redo.

GG had to go back and basically get the fundementals right this time (gameplay, tech, etc.) as the 1st one was unfortunately all over the place and not held in high regard.
Now that they've done that and firmly established the franchise again, they could do something a bit more outside the norm
Zeliard said:
That's what Killzone 2 should've been. In the first (which I didn't play), the Helghast apparently invade Vekta, so it made sense to show things from the ISA's pov. In the second, where the Helghast are the ones being invaded, I think it would've been 10x more compelling if we had seen things from their side now. The storyline would've gotten an automatic lift. Visari alone was far more interesting than the entire ISA.

Well playing from the ISA (and by extension the UCA) perspective was actually sort of thrilling. In KZ the regional ISA are defending Vekta and in KZ2 they are invading Helghan...
The ISA isn't some invincible, uber powered force either, by the end of KZ2, things aren't looking so good for the regional ISA.

AgentOtaku said:
GG had to go back and basically get the fundementals right this time (gameplay, tech, etc.) as the 1st one was unfortunately all over the place and not held in high regard.
Now that they've done that and firmly established the franchise again, they could do something a bit more outside the norm

Good point. In saying that, I wouldn't mind a KZ remake :D


F#A#Oo said:

The higher in rank I get, the worse the game seems to become. Yeah, I know... play with friends, clan members, etc. Those people aren't around all the time though and the game balance should really not depend on people limiting themselves to only playing with certain classes, weapons or limited number of players... That's just stupid.

Truly great MP games don't rely on that kind of thing. I can jump into any TF2 game and have a blast.


Loudninja said:
True,but not a good idea for the last battle ;)
You mean
when you have to get to the balcony? It's actually a great idea, because they'll be busy torching the painting/wall on the side while you run up to them to do the ol' kniferoo. I replayed that scene 50+ times, believe me, it works. :p


I just killed the heavy gunner helghast on my first try and got the 1minute trophy.

This game is awesome so far, sensitivity will take getting used to though.


Haunted said:
You mean
when you have to get to the balcony? It's actually a great idea, because they'll be busy torching the painting/wall on the side while you run up to them to do the ol' kniferoo. I replayed that scene 50+ times, believe me, it works. :p
Well that is true as well,and I have no idea why they were doing that.:lol
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