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I can't even begin to tell yall how much more I'm liking this game now.

The new patch helps, but the biggest difference was getting a DS3 to replace my Sixaxis. The sticks feel so much tighter and responsive.

I also got a pair of the triggers, which are fine but are a little overrated by GAF imo.


HankToms said:
How does voice chat work?

-When you are not in a squad:
Can teammates hear only if they are in an area around your location?
Can your opponents hear what you say?

-When you are in a squad(SQD before your name):
Can teammates hear if they are in an area around your location or only squad mates?
Can your opponents hear what you say?

For what it's worth, the mic system in SOCOM is done slightly better, IMHO. Maybe GG can improve what they have.

1. You have PTT to reach your entire team in addition to proximity chat
2. Proximity chat is mixed through the game's sound engine, so if you hear someone talking, you can also tell where they are. Hear a strange voice up and to the right? Sneak around and kill him and STFU so he doesnt hear you coming.

One thing that would make SOCOM better in this respect would be squad chat (with no PTT). Sort of like Resistance+proximity.

Also maybe KZ2 could add dance / taunts.


Damn it. Toward the end of the game, is there just an infinite loop of enemies unless I force my way through?

I'm currently in an area where I don't think I can move ahead without dying. Just way too many Helghast. Helghast on turrets too.


I'd be in the dick
womfalcs3 said:
Damn it. Toward the end of the game, is there just an infinite loop of enemies unless I force my way through?

I'm currently in an area where I don't think I can move ahead without dying. Just way too many Helghast. Helghast on turrets too.
You need to shoot the Helghast off the turrets then your guys will be able to move up.


F#A#Oo said:
Ok so I'm going to have a little rant; *Cough*

I cannot see KZ2 lasting more then a few months if not a few weeks the way thing are in the game MP-wise.

The Scout and Assault class pretty much breaks MP for me. Most games once you've reached General are made up of people who use those two classes and with the odd Saboteur or Engineer dotted around.

I'm finding more and more that KZ2 was way way more fun when there was just your regular soldier and medic. The Scout and Assault classes seem to make the other classes redundant in so many ways. The Tactian is used with the sole purpose of planting a beacon at specific times during missions other then that their air support are just flying bonus points for enemies. Like-wise the Engineer with it's turrents in most cases is the same as the air support just slightly more dangerous but for the most part are bonus points for the enemy to shoot down. The only ability the Engineer serves most effectively is repairing and most people will spawn once go around repairing and then just respawn as Scout or Assualt.

I thought KZ2 could be a game I can play for months and months...daily/weekly/monthly like I did with Gears1/2, CoD4, CS, TF2. Honestly...KZ2 has already got me bored after only a week and a bit. I have spoken to alot of my usual FPS friends and we all feel there is a serious concern about the longevity of KZ2. As things stand I cannot see myself playing it in a few weeks.

KZ2 MP could have been so much better if they got rid of the Scout and Assault classes or atleast got rid of boost. I mean how can you give boost AND double health to a heavy soldier like that? Bogles the mind...Spot and Mark just makes Scout class such a powerful unit it's ridiculous and the x5 scope means their even deadlier...if your anywhere in it's sight your screwed as that X remains on you till you die or the scout dies...who's idea was it to make it permanent over at GG? To add insult any other scout then has the ability to see the mark too...so what we have effectively is you can potentially have a team of scouts. e.g. one could have the repair ability for unlimited ammo supplies, one can have spot and mark and one can boost across levels for retrieving missions whilst cloaked.

The above just shows how unbalanced the game can get having people create secondary abilities for classes...how on earth did GG ever expect to make MP a balanced affair when there is so much chopping and changing that can be done to exploit MP classes?

Scout and Assault classes wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have boost/spot the mark. These abilities break MP.

Most if not all MP public games are effectively team-death matches now. Missions? what missions most players will say over your TV speakers/headset. :lol Body count and the 3 points per kill medal/ribbon equals TDM 24/7.

I love what GG has tried but they are way to naive for their own good...I really wanted KZ2 to be my shooter of choice but sadly MP needs changes and I don't think GG or the community would allow for KZ2 to become a more balanced affair.

I don't know how long I'll be playing but for sure I can see myself being over KZ2 prtty soon and that's a shame.
If games are getting this out of hand for you, than you arent good, or the team your on just sucks. This shouldnt be a problem with a competent team. I've played against all sorts of classes and dont see it unbalanced because there is always a way to counter something and the level design makes it easier.

I cant wait till you run into 4 turrets all game and comeback to complain that engineers are overpowered.

Or when you run into a few good sabo's in 1 game. Its really unbelievable that you havent figured out how to counter things, than agin it does take time for people to learn new tricks.
Your complaining about spot and mark? Scout can only carry a sniper/pistol and 90% of the time they are across the map. If I see a sniper fucking up my team you better believe im turning into a scout or sabo or assault to fuck him up.

Assault, boost to his ass and rpg that bitch
Sabo, sneak over and melee that bitch.
Scout, spot and mark him and snipe him.

If you or anyone on youir team cant figure out how to stop something than you just arent good enough yet. Leave the server and find a more friendly server for yourself. The fact that your generalizing kz2 like every game is the same is even more mind blowing. I havent ran into 1 problem you mention, but I know that I could stop it.


Junior Butler
Spectator mode, the best thing since playing MP is watching it. I figured it would be some slapped on static view but was surprised to find out how many different camera angles there were. Very cool.

It makes me want a screenshot mode even more. Come on GG!
Jtrizzy said:
I can't even begin to tell yall how much more I'm liking this game now.

The new patch helps, but the biggest difference was getting a DS3 to replace my Sixaxis. The sticks feel so much tighter and responsive.

I also got a pair of the triggers, which are fine but are a little overrated by GAF imo.

Seriously ...Dualshock3 greatest improvement isn't in it's addition of rumble, but the actual tweaking/tightening of the analogs and reducing the resistance in the triggers

...and yes, those add-on triggers are overated and I opted not to use

The DS3 is my ALL TIME favorite controller on any system. period.

Ploid 3.0

I started SP on the hardest difficulty they allow the first time through. I died quite a few times. Don't mess with the helgain!


Scout doesn't bother me. They're snipers, and can be deadly in all games. When you hear one around (and even on Pyrrhus rise, if one shoots from the other side of the map you'll hear him) you just have to avoid running in open fields, use cover and don't walk in a too straight fashion.

Now the assault. F'in unbalanced IMO. At the very least, their super armor ability should be temporary and have a cool down, just like the sab disguise. And boost shouldn't raise their life back to 120%


Ploid 3.0 said:
I started SP on the hardest difficulty they allow the first time through. I died quite a few times. Don't mess with the helgain!

Word! Those higgs fucking mean business. I lost count how many times I died on Visari square and other places. :lol

But I like my games hard that challenge you and KZ2 on Vet really is awesome. Don't even play on normal. Can't wait to finish it on Vet and play on Elite. :D


AgentOtaku said:
Seriously ...Dualshock3 greatest improvement isn't in it's addition of rumble, but the actual tweaking/tightening of the analogs and reducing the resistance in the triggers

...and yes, those add-on triggers are overated and I opted not to use

The DS3 is my ALL TIME favorite controller on any system. period.
The added weight with the DS3 makes playing with it more fun and realistic just like KZ2.

I use a 360 pad :p
Not quite finished the SP yet, but I have clocked an hour or two in the multiplayer. Good lord its superior to COD 4 in every way (Having been the only FPS i played online recently). Got a KD ratio of like 1.1:1. Pretty average, but im sure I will approve as I level up (only just got the rank where i can create a clan, whats that like sergeant or something?).

Question, if i leave a game early by pressing start and quit, do i still keep the exp? Or do I get penalised? It would make it easier if i knew this so i could judge going into a type of game how long I can play for etc.


pseudocaesar said:
Not quite finished the SP yet, but I have clocked an hour or two in the multiplayer. Good lord its superior to COD 4 in every way (Having been the only FPS i played online recently). Got a KD ratio of like 1.1:1. Pretty average, but im sure I will approve as I level up (only just got the rank where i can create a clan, whats that like sergeant or something?).

Question, if i leave a game early by pressing start and quit, do i still keep the exp? Or do I get penalised? It would make it easier if i knew this so i could judge going into a type of game how long I can play for etc.



OK so I am going to put a server up in the next ten minutes. 22 players total. Friendly Fire on for the time being. If it really blows, I will just let everyone know that I'll create a new server, everyone quits and we just rejoin the new server. I'm going to call the new server Friendly Beamber GAF (haha Rapping Granny, stole your shit). Again auto-balancing will be OFF and so will the Assault class. If anyone is new to the server and wants to join, shoot me an FR and I'll make some room. Gonna head downstairs and fire up the game now. Join me people. :D

JB1981 said:
OK so I am going to put a server up in the next ten minutes. 22 players total. Friendly Fire on for the time being. If it really blows, I will just let everyone know that I'll create a new server, everyone quits and we just rejoin the new server. I'm going to call the new server Friendly Beamber GAF (haha Rapping Granny, stole your shit). Again auto-balancing will be OFF and so will the Assault class. If anyone is new to the server and wants to join, shoot me an FR and I'll make some room. Gonna head downstairs and fire up the game now. Join me people. :D


Can you allow spectators as well? If the game is full, I like watching the match and knowing when a spot opens up.


JB1981 said:
OK so I am going to put a server up in the next ten minutes. 22 players total. Friendly Fire on for the time being. If it really blows, I will just let everyone know that I'll create a new server, everyone quits and we just rejoin the new server. I'm going to call the new server Friendly Beamber GAF (haha Rapping Granny, stole your shit). Again auto-balancing will be OFF and so will the Assault class. If anyone is new to the server and wants to join, shoot me an FR and I'll make some room. Gonna head downstairs and fire up the game now. Join me people. :D

Count me in for what will probably be an extremely balanced and fun set of matches.
Explain to me how you can have an astronomical budget for a project, that is intended to sell to millions and tied to it's website for all kinds of features.... yet you make it a Flash site? and do a half ass job of hosting it?

Get your shit together Sony.

Dragnet said:
Fucking bullshit! I just got a game where I got 7 or 8 turret kills EASILY, and didn't get the ribbon. Argh!
I am the turret whisperer.


Kyoufu said:
I just killed the heavy gunner helghast on my first try and got the 1minute trophy.

This game is awesome so far, sensitivity will take getting used to though.

Yeah the heavy is way a bigger pussy than GG hyped it up to be back in 2007. :p
Just cleared the bridge on Elite. Fuck - I was almost in tears. Trying to take out the last mortar tower was a real pain, but the first part of the bridge was even worse. I would make it about halfway and then constantly be pushed back or killed. I spent about a half hour on that section alone. Other than the extreme anger and aggression the Higgs exhibit, I think my problem is that I think the center of the screen is slightly to the right of its actual location. This often results in me shooting air and thinking I should be hitting something. Then of course, as I get frustrated my aim gets worse! Though it does seem that some of these guys can take a hell of a lot of bullets before going down.

No to clear out the Academy . . .

Gawd I love this game.


oneHeero said:

I have played Killzone 2 for 2 days and 17 hours apparently...you can thank being a medic for the majority of that... :D


I have played the game to death...I created a game just so I can explore every inch of a map in detail so I know what I can use for an advantage. (Those of you who have joined me thinking WTF why is he playing by himself? TTP walked into one recently at like 3-4am).

I look for those little holes or space in a grating that I can use to view the outside goings or sneakily shoot at opponents. I looked for places I can hide in and around and what can I use for cover. What angle and distance do I need to be within cover so a spot and mark cannot see me or would be enemy and vice-versa.

During my time playing I can see the game is very unbalanced. It's happen right before my eye's. The fact that in certain GAF games you cannot even use Assault tells me I'm not alone in thinking there is something wrong. Getting kills with Scout and Assault is soooooooo much easier then any other class why would any sane person not choose to play as those two classes after they have unlocked them?

I have watched the online evolve right before my eye's...the game was alot more fun with only the starting class and medics with the odd Engineer and Tactician and it has gotten progressively worse as more and more people unlocked classes.

In theory the unlocking of classes should bring and open a whole new world of tactical play to games and missions...it has done the exact opposite. Games tend to descend into farces for the most part as very few people actually care about missions and 95% of games are just people looking out to pad their K/D ratio's which is fine as it's a part of every game and we all like the e-peen status of a good K/D ratio but GG made KZ2 perfect for those looking for a good K/D an easy way of doing so through the Assault and Scout.

Playing Pyrrus Rise I can guarantee on each side the majority of classes used on the map will be Scout and Assault. If your not using one them it's because A) you want to set up spawn points as a Tactician or set up turrents and repair things as an Engineer or B) people haven't unlocked them yet.

As I said...things have gotten progressively worse in KZ2 MP as time goes on...and as more and more people unlock all the classes and realise they can just spam assault and scout this has and will continue to worsen the MP experience for all involved.
jett said:
Yeah the heavy is way a bigger pussy than GG hyped it up to be back in 2007. :p

Yeah, the heavy should have been more mobile and with better aim. Or perhaps the weak spot shouldn't have been so incompacitating. I don't think I have ever even been hit by one. It would have been cool if they played out more like the Hunters in Halo . . .


Have a fun! Enjoy!
the_prime_mover said:
Yeah, the heavy should have been more mobile and with better aim. Or perhaps the weak spot shouldn't have been so incompacitating. I don't think I have ever even been hit by one. It would have been cool if they played out more like the Hunters in Halo . . .

I don't know. The first Heavy is a piece of cake, but later in the game they are troubling (at least on Veteran and higher).
F#A#Oo said:
I have played Killzone 2 for 2 days and 17 hours apparently...you can thank being a medic for the majority of that... :D


I have played the game to death...I created a game just so I can explore every inch of a map in detail so I know what I can use for an advantage. (Those of you who have joined me thinking WTF why is he playing by himself? TTP walked into one recently at like 3-4am).

I look for those little holes or space in a grating that I can use to view the outside goings or sneakily shoot at opponents. I looked for places I can hide in and around and what can I use for cover. What angle and distance do I need to be within cover so a spot and mark cannot see me or would be enemy and vice-versa.

During my time playing I can see the game is very unbalanced. It's happen right before my eye's. The fact that in certain GAF games you cannot even use Assault tells me I'm not alone in thinking there is something wrong. Getting kills with Scout and Assault is soooooooo much easier then any other class why would any sane person not choose to play as those two classes after they have unlocked them?

I have watched the online evolve right before my eye's...the game was alot more fun with only the starting class and medics with the odd Engineer and Tactician and it has gotten progressively worse as more and more people unlocked classes.

In theory the unlocking of classes should bring and open a whole new world of tactical play to games and missions...it has done the exact opposite. Games tend to descend into farces for the most part as very few people actually care about missions and 95% of games are just people looking out to pad their K/D ratio's which is fine as it's a part of every game and we all like the e-peen status of a good K/D ratio but GG made KZ2 perfect for those looking for a good K/D an easy way of doing so through the Assault and Scout.

Playing Pyrrus Rise I can guarantee on each side the majority of classes used on the map will be Scout and Assault. If your not using one them it's because A) you want to set up spawn points as a Tactician or set up turrents and repair things as an Engineer or B) people haven't unlocked them yet.

As I said...things have gotten progressively worse in KZ2 MP as time goes on...and as more and more people unlock all the classes and realise they can just spam assault and scout this has and will continue to worsen the MP experience for all involved.

I agree with about everything you said. The game has evolved in many different ways in only a week and a half.

One thing I have noticed is SOOOOOOOOOOO many people could care less for trying to complete objectives. Some are stat padding, trying to up their KD Ratio, I understand that.

However, the objectives just DO NOT give you enough points for completing them. Especially Assassination or Search and Destroy. You should get like 10 points for assassinating someone, and like 10 points for delivering the speaker.

However, this would make it easier for people to pad their stats and stuff by playing private games in these modes.

Still, the risk for the most part, losing 3 or 4 lives trying to deliver a speaker or run into a room full of guys protecting the target, is not worth the reward of just a few measly points.


Why is it when someone team kills you it counts as a death? This retard on my team killed me 3 times and it counted under my death totals.
kevm3 said:
Why is it when someone team kills you it counts as a death? This retard on my team killed me 3 times and it counted under my death totals.

I thought most online games, at least FPS, counted team kills as you dying. At least in my burned out recollections.


Jesus I can't get 4 more turret ribbons, fuck this shit is annoying. I want to punch a Koala when I get 4/5 before the match ends :lol

Tom Penny

I was having fun. Now every game I play half the team is assault class and it is a rocket launcher fest. The fucked up that class bad. Rockets AND boost = unbalanced garbage. I'm not sure how they thought that was good idea as well as scout tagging.
I sort of wish this game had a special edition. After realizing today I'm willing to pay $90 for the Resident Evil 5, I would have liked some behind the scenes and interview features. I don't buy the whole "we just wanted to release a pure version of the game blah blah"


Woo, I've had a great afternoon/night so far. Finally hit General baby. Snipery goodness, here I come. I've already given you a run for you money on that Radec match, Duffy Boy.

Wooooooooooooooooo I love this game.

Gotta eat, then I'll be back! Just you wait!


Junior Butler
Yes, more of the same. I don't a lot of people who actually know how to play the game complaining all that much. Either that or this is the first game they've played multiplayer. You have good games and bad, you won't find it any differently in any other online focused games.


JudgeN said:
Jesus I can't get 4 more turret ribbons, fuck this shit is annoying. I want to punch a Koala when I get 4/5 before the match ends :lol
For that medal, I just did it with a friend. I didn't even bother.


Paper or plastic?
Tom Penny said:
I was having fun. Now every game I play half the team is assault class and it is a rocket launcher fest. The fucked up that class bad. Rockets AND boost = unbalanced garbage. I'm not sure how they thought that was good idea as well as scout tagging.
Engineer is by far my fav. Assault is a bit unbalanced. He should only be so resistant to bullets and damage if he is stationary. The second he begins moving and running, his resistance should decrease.

Tom Penny

Topher said:
Engineer is by far my fav. Assault is a bit unbalanced. He should only be so resistant to bullets and damage if he is stationary. The second he begins moving and running, his resistance should decrease.

You want to balance assault..like you said running should shut it off and B ) don't know how they could do it but just use a 2x the radius on oneself if you shoott the rocket. How can you be 1 ft from the guy shoot a rocket and it kills him but not you...retarded.


kevm3 said:
Why is it when someone team kills you it counts as a death? This retard on my team killed me 3 times and it counted under my death totals.

This game is terrible with FF on. People are so damn reckless in this game it's unbelievable. And worst part is they just don't care. "hey man FF is on", "So? Get outta my rockets way". Which brings up another great thing mentioning Rockets. Good ol' suicide assault rocket launchers. Boost into a group of the enemy, and shoot a rocket at your feet. So lame.

Once again, the RL has become labeled as "Teh Newb Tube" in yet another FPS. I seriously think these people go from game to game doing the same thing, unless it's just that there are that many people lol.

Scouts and Sabs are easy to control though, just requires you to be a bit more cautious. If you're a run and gunner just looking for the other faction members, those two classes are going to eat you alive. You have to think, but they CAN be countered quickly and easily.


hey, whaddya know, stumbled into a GAF game by accident! :D

great game chaps, one of the best I've played for a while in fact...

(PSN: MildPeril)


The bottom line is the assault class sucks. It's not all about 'knowing how to play the game.' It's about putting a class in there that's so ridiculously overpowered, over half of a team if not all of the team will solely gravitate towards that class and turn otherwise tactical games into rush and rocket spam fests. It's real corny that an assault guy can beat me head on with a pistol while I'm shooting him with an assault rifle.

The sniper class is somewhat cheesy, and I can see it getting more annoying thei more I play. I've not encountered too many of them yet, except on the desert map... And I couldn't get to them because they were camping the bridge area and I didn't have a sniper rifle to shoot them back. How is that fair at all? Not only can these guys cloak, but they can 'mark me' and they can shoot me from long range and I can't shoot them back.

I concur with a lot of people that the game was at its best when it was tactician, engineer, basic soldier and medic because all of these classes were balanced. Scout and Assault especially are 'god classes,' and they are only reserved for those who've played the longest and have the most experience. COD4 gave players more options as they leveled up, but leveling up didn't take nearly as long, nor did leveling up make the game more and more unbalanced. It merely gave you 'different' options, since some of the best guns were available early on (MP5, M16, AK47, etc.). ALso, they gave you EACH weapon type from the get-go. I could kill another sniper at level 1 and him being level 45 because they gave me a sniper rifle as well.

The core gameplay is great and the game is amazing when you don't have class abuses. It's just hard to find more of the 'core games' as I start leveling up.


F#A#Oo said:
I have played Killzone 2 for 2 days and 17 hours apparently...you can thank being a medic for the majority of that... :D


I have played the game to death...I created a game just so I can explore every inch of a map in detail so I know what I can use for an advantage. (Those of you who have joined me thinking WTF why is he playing by himself? TTP walked into one recently at like 3-4am).

I look for those little holes or space in a grating that I can use to view the outside goings or sneakily shoot at opponents. I looked for places I can hide in and around and what can I use for cover. What angle and distance do I need to be within cover so a spot and mark cannot see me or would be enemy and vice-versa.

During my time playing I can see the game is very unbalanced. It's happen right before my eye's. The fact that in certain GAF games you cannot even use Assault tells me I'm not alone in thinking there is something wrong. Getting kills with Scout and Assault is soooooooo much easier then any other class why would any sane person not choose to play as those two classes after they have unlocked them?

I have watched the online evolve right before my eye's...the game was alot more fun with only the starting class and medics with the odd Engineer and Tactician and it has gotten progressively worse as more and more people unlocked classes.

In theory the unlocking of classes should bring and open a whole new world of tactical play to games and missions...it has done the exact opposite. Games tend to descend into farces for the most part as very few people actually care about missions and 95% of games are just people looking out to pad their K/D ratio's which is fine as it's a part of every game and we all like the e-peen status of a good K/D ratio but GG made KZ2 perfect for those looking for a good K/D an easy way of doing so through the Assault and Scout.

Playing Pyrrus Rise I can guarantee on each side the majority of classes used on the map will be Scout and Assault. If your not using one them it's because A) you want to set up spawn points as a Tactician or set up turrents and repair things as an Engineer or B) people haven't unlocked them yet.

As I said...things have gotten progressively worse in KZ2 MP as time goes on...and as more and more people unlock all the classes and realise they can just spam assault and scout this has and will continue to worsen the MP experience for all involved.

I'd agree with this. I'm having less fun and tactical play than i assumed i would have.

The objectives are pretty meaningless. Search and Destroy is utter shit. Every mode turns into TDM with these pissant annoyances that are the Warzone game modes. MGO this isn't.


J-Rzez said:
This game is terrible with FF on. People are so damn reckless in this game it's unbelievable. And worst part is they just don't care. "hey man FF is on", "So? Get outta my rockets way". Which brings up another great thing mentioning Rockets. Good ol' suicide assault rocket launchers. Boost into a group of the enemy, and shoot a rocket at your feet. So lame.

Once again, the RL has become labeled as "Teh Newb Tube" in yet another FPS. I seriously think these people go from game to game doing the same thing, unless it's just that there are that many people lol.

Scouts and Sabs are easy to control though, just requires you to be a bit more cautious. If you're a run and gunner just looking for the other faction members, those two classes are going to eat you alive. You have to think, but they CAN be countered quickly and easily.

I agree that the scout hasn't been that bad except on the Desert map where they just camp and don't allow you to cross the bridge area. But other than that, they haven't really presented me any problems since most maps allow you to get close up to them. I can see how they will start to become annoying if a team starts stacking themselves with snipers and start abusing it though. I haven't met too many Sabs, so they haven't really annoyed me yet. I can see how they will start getting annoying in a friendly fire game, but they don't really have any ridiculous advantages.
3rdamention said:
One thing I have noticed is SOOOOOOOOOOO many people could care less for trying to complete objectives. Some are stat padding, trying to up their KD Ratio, I understand that.

That's because they generally suck. Maybe it's because the maps aren't specifically designed for them, but going for objectives just isn't as fun as skulking around killing people, except for assassination of course. Trying to overtake or defend a little area from enemies offering a constant stream of grenade and rocket spam isn't much fun to do.

Hell, I'd play all TDM if the games actually lasted a decent amount of time. 100 kills goes by like nothing.

And if anything engineers probably make up 50% of the players in any given match that I've played recently (and 50% of kills are by shotgun). I mean just watch the damn kill icons, it's like shotgun, shotgun, shotgun, assault rifle, shotgun, grenade, grenade, shotgun...
I really think all assault needs is a change of weapon, not the boost or health. I actually originally thought assault class would have a machine gun, and I was surprised to find the rocket/grenade launchers. I think that would be all the change they need though is to take out the grenade/rocket launchers and put in machine guns. That more than makes sense for the class, they can still rush in and cause mayhem with a ton of bullets, but they can't do a suicide rush with a rocket to net 9 points in Bodycount and get -1 for suicide. Now you may have to lower the machine guns accuracy, give them less ammo, or better yet if they have so much armour simply don't allow them to use iron sights.

The boost/health of the class is fine in my opinion, it's a class that can excel in search and destroy as well as retrieving, and they're good to counter the mess of those game types (especially if medics throw med packs around the bomb sites, more people need to do this).

With everyone having two grenades (basically, that medal comes very quick) there is enough grenade spam in smaller maps that a grenade launcher and rockets really don't need to be there, especially if you have multiple assault types.
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