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AndyD said:
I didnt want to say it but I agree.

How do you expect to join a clan and do well if you are not proactive about it? PM a leader, play with the team and on the servers. You even said you played in a GAF server but they felt like strangers without a headset. So buy a headset, its not like you cant get one for pennies. Or plug in a usb headset. Or use the PSEye if you have it...

Im getting tired of hearing people nitpick the game but yet still try to say its awesome, but not awesome enough for them to keep playing?

on a side note...I think the game is a little bit hard for cod4 players to get into at first. My friends had a hard time with the menus and the ranking system with ribbons. But now that a few of them have gotten the hang of it, they have played more kz2 than i have. I thought Id get the 1 percent ribbon last night, and found out im not even close, yet my friend managed the 3 percent one.
GDJustin said:
If the entire game can be beaten on normal without using one of the game's key systems, it's a sign that that system needs to be revisited.
Or perhaps you're just a dedicated gameplayer who's better than average? The cover system is absolutely necessary for everyone, regardless of skill, on Elite. At progressively lower difficulties, it's crucial for progressively fewer people. Just because you're in the cohort that don't need it on normal doesn't mean that no one does, or that the system is broken. On every difficulty, you get killed less while using it than not. If you already aren't getting killed without it, then you're playing below your skill. There's nothing wrong with that--a sense of power is one awesome thing videogames do--but it doesn't indict the system.
Cover is definitely very important in SP. Maybe you can do Trooper mostly without it, but why would you want to? It makes it so much easier and more natural. The levels are littered with low cover, so if you don't use it, you're basically playing crippled. As for doing Veteran without cover, that's just masochism.

Cover was one of the best things in the game. The BEST thing being the awesomely varied and vertical level designs.
FFObsessed said:
*picks up sniper rifle*

"And now we hunt the deadliest game of all... man"


man or kitton?


GDJustin said:
If the entire game can be beaten on normal without using one of the game's key systems, it's a sign that that system needs to be revisited.
Ever get the idea that maybe you're just too good for normal difficulty? Like with any game, advanced tactics become unnecessary on lower difficulties.


Cover was necessary for me during KZ2...worked just fine too. I thought it was executed really nicely, and it works completely different than Uncharted. :p
GDJustin said:

You don't really need to go point by point to "refute" the justifications I gave for my opinion. Especially when your counter is basically "I disagree!" It's OK that you liked it and I didn't. I liked the game, overall.

I just feel they should have either doubled-down on the cover system and made it more integral, or removed it entirely. And I PROMISE you that the dev team had meetings discussing that very topic.

All I know is that I played probably the final ~65% of the game without using cover and I never once missed it or felt like I needed it. I would USE cover, in the sense that I would run behind a wall to heal up, but I found it easier to pop out, shoot, and pop back when I WASN'T stuck to it than when I was.

If the entire game can be beaten on normal without using one of the game's key systems, it's a sign that that system needs to be revisited.

Actually... I think it would have been a mistake to force people on normal setting to use cover.

Simply due to the fact that the majority of people are more likely to want to do just what you did which is... not feel forced to use cover much.

On veteran or elite you are quite seriously dead without the cover system which is as it should be.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Liabe Brave said:
Or perhaps you're just a dedicated gameplayer who's better than average? The cover system is absolutely necessary for everyone, regardless of skill, on Elite. At progressively lower difficulties, it's crucial for progressively fewer people. Just because you're in the cohort that don't need it on normal doesn't mean that no one does, or that the system is broken. On every difficulty, you get killed less while using it than not. If you already aren't getting killed without it, then you're playing below your skill. There's nothing wrong with that--a sense of power is one awesome thing videogames do--but it doesn't indict the system.

This is a good point! I played on normal rather than veteran because, again, the game was a rental and I was mostly wanting to "experience" the single player rather than squeeze every ounce out of it as I could.

Then again, I didn't really like Uncharted's cover system, either (despite loving the game, overall).

Come to think of it, I'm having a hard time thinking of a cover system I DO enjoy, besides Gears. The gears system just really clicked with me in a way that others haven't, and I find myself enjoying them less as a result.

Edit: I do think the posts following my original post last page reek of people being defensive and being KZ2 apologists, however.

REMEMBER that I posted what I really enjoyed about the game AND what I disliked. But all anyone has pounced on are things like "WTFFF YOU DIDN'T LIKE THE COVER SYSTEM???" You gotta take the positive feedback with the negative, people. Lest you come off as fanboys.


Justin Dailey said:
Any tips for the headshot ribbon? 10 seems like a hard-to-obtain amount.

I find the SMG pretty good for racking up headshots.. You can get them by just spraying in the general direction sometimes.
GDJustin said:
:lol Goddamn dude, there's no reason to be so defensive about it. (Same goes for the rest of you). I liked KZ2. I've praised the multiplayer several times on Twitter and elsewhere. I played it quite a bit longer than ANY of the professional reviewers did before turning in their review, I assure you.

So I didn't like it as much as you, the individual browsing the KZ2 topic in the middle of the day. Big shock. No need to claim that I didn't "fully experience" the game just because I didn't play MP for 40+ hours. ;)

I unlocked medic and really enjoyed reviving/healing. I played primarily Engineer in TF2 so I was excited about KZ2 Engineer, but when I unlocked it I didn't end up liking the feel of it (missed my rifle too much, mostly).

After that, I took a look at what classes were left. So, I never enjoy sniping, so that one was a bust. Assault also didn't appeal to me much. Boost would have been sweet obviously, but I'm not big on rocket launchers either. I probably would have LOVED tactician (I'm typically the guy shouting at my team in most MP games), but at some point a game renter such as myself decides that they'd have more fun playing something new. Lego Batman will be on its way to me shortly, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it with my wife. That's it!

Maybe I'll rebuy when it's greatest hits.

The game was a RENTAL. And you're coming down on me for not running out and buying a headset. Goddam. I played it, I liked it. I came into this topic and outlined what I felt were its strongest elements, and its biggest shortcomings. I'm moving on to something new.



uhhh, i wrote like 3 sentences, its not like it was the killzone2 thread hammer of doom or anything.

You just wrote your "review" in a way such as to suggest nobody was friendly enough to invite YOU to play. In that way you didn't get the real and full killzone 2 experience.

I dont know how much you read up on the game before playing, but its been outlined pretty much everywhere this is a teambased game for multiplayer, and that "usually" consists of communicating with your team to win. So that should mean to most people, you need a headset.

There is nothing like when your the target and talking to your team trying to survive. Seeing everyone guarding all entrances setting up turrets, medics throwing down health packs, a spawn point be thrown down, everyone keeping watchful eyes for snipers and you actually surviving. Not gonna happne without being able to talk.

and i agree, medic is the funnest class in this game. my opinion.
GDJustin said:
This is a good point! I played on normal rather than veteran because, again, the game was a rental and I was mostly wanting to "experience" the single player rather than squeeze every ounce out of it as I could.

Then again, I didn't really like Uncharted's cover system, either (despite loving the game, overall).

Come to think of it, I'm having a hard time thinking of a cover system I DO enjoy, besides Gears. The gears system just really clicked with me in a way that others haven't, and I find myself enjoying them less as a result.

Edit: I do think the posts following my original post last page reek of people being defensive and being KZ2 apologists, however.

REMEMBER that I posted what I really enjoyed about the game AND what I disliked. But all anyone has pounced on are things like "WTFFF YOU DIDN'T LIKE THE COVER SYSTEM???" You gotta take the positive feedback with the negative, people. Lest you come off as fanboys.

I havent played alot of single player but it does seem rather hard.

I dont think I truly appreciated Uncharted and all of its game mechanics till I played it on crushing, the enemy AI seemed alot smarter and I had to fully use all mechanics to beat it. Like using the up close brawling combos. Some parts you HAD to utilize that to take enemies out super fast before reinforcments came.

Maybe killzone2 is like that with elite, but I havent been able to get away from mulitplayer lately.
Yipppie, Filth_Flannigan has his 3% ribbon. I wish I could have nabbed the 1%, but I knew I didn't play enough. Getting the 3% was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be, I thought it was kinda easy. I am really going to have to grind for the 1% ribbon.

It looks like there are not many people who have played online this week compared to last week. I know there were like 360,000 people on the leaderboards last week and there were like 36,000 that had played this week as of yesterday.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I dont know how much you read up on the game before playing, but its been outlined pretty much everywhere this is a teambased game for multiplayer, and that "usually" consists of communicating with your team to win. So that should mean to most people, you need a headset.

I read and knew quite a bit about the game prior to launch. I work in the games biz and played KZ2 at E3 last year, and was in the multiplayer beta for quite a while. Besides, you don't need to condescend and act like after 8 hours of multiplayer I might not have noticed that the game is "team based."

Fake edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that I LOVE GG's decision to rotate game types in & out on the fly. I primary enjoy objective-based gametypes in FPS titles much more than just pure deathmatch. So it's very frustrating to see no one in the Gears, Halo, or COD4 communities give a shit about anything but deathmatch. Even in Halo 3, the biggest console FPS of all time, it can be hard to get a single good CTF game going. Yet there's 200,000 people playing Team Deathmatch.

GG's decision to rotate them in and out on the fly is a very deft and very smart way of dealing with this, and I hope other games copy it via a "round robin" lobby.

In fact, if we're talking pure bullet points/high-level pros/cons, I'd say it might be my favorite design decision in the entire game.

The cover system still sucks :)


Yeah, the cover system is terrible... I rarely used it on Veteran, and it was quite easy to find natural forms of cover/angles that worked better.


I love the fact that if you are the VIP and are downed, you still aren't dead. I was VIP on Pyrrus Rise last night and immediately got sniped from across the map. Fell down with perfect cover from everyone and ended up winning it for us and getting another elusive VIP ribbon. :D

Also happened on the GAF server last night on Corinth Crossing. Some dude took me out from above and then ran away and we still ended up winning it. :lol
GDJustin said:
I read and knew quite a bit about the game prior to launch. I work in the games biz and played KZ2 at E3 last year, and was in the multiplayer beta for quite a while. Besides, you don't need to condescend and act like after 8 hours of multiplayer I might not have noticed that the game is "team based."

Fake edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that I LOVE GG's decision to rotate game types in & out on the fly. I primary enjoy objective-based gametypes in FPS titles much more than just pure deathmatch. So it's very frustrating to see no one in the Gears, Halo, or COD4 communities give a shit about anything but deathmatch. Even in Halo 3, the biggest console FPS of all time, it can be hard to get a single good CTF game going. Yet there's 200,000 people playing Team Deathmatch.

GG's decision to rotate them in and out on the fly is a very deft and very smart way of dealing with this, and I hope other games copy it via a "round robin" lobby.

In fact, if we're talking pure bullet points/high-level pros/cons, I'd say it might be my favorite design decision in the entire game.

The cover system still sucks :)

Wasn't trying to be condescending at all.

From what I read, you made it sound like the game is a rental at best, but mostly because nobody begged you to be in the gaf clan and you didn't have a mic to communicate.

So you were in the beta, and still didn't feel the need to get a mic.....

I'd say try something like unreal tournament or that new web based unreal game out. No teamwork required.


Greg said:
Yeah, the cover system is terrible... I rarely used it on Veteran, and it was quite easy to find natural forms of cover/angles that worked better.

What makes it horrible?

I really love the cover system and it's easily one of my favorite things about the gameplay. I really like the fact that they had the guts to leave it all in first person and not allow any unrealistic angles like other games with a cover system seem to do.


GDJustin said:
- Felt tacked on. This suspicion is further confirmed by the fact that halfway through the game I got so sick of the cover system that I stopped using it, and yet I still made it through the rest of the game without major problems. In a shooter, cover either needs to be essential, or not be included at all.

That's kind of the point - in KZ2, using cover is a tactical choice, at least on normal difficulty. You are perfectly free to go through the entire game without using it, if that's what you want to do. Of course, on Veteran and Elite that would probably be suicidal, but...


I hate how there is no grenade indicator. Sometimes I'll die because some Helghan threw a grenade at me and it's just sitting there, waiting to go off and I'm unaware. I'd love to have the controller rumble in tune to the distance of the grenade from you. Full rumbling means the grenade is next to you, no rumbling means you're at a safe distance.


Core407 said:
I hate how there is no grenade indicator. Sometimes I'll die because some Helghan threw a grenade at me and it's just sitting there, waiting to go off and I'm unaware. I'd love to have the controller rumble in tune to the distance of the grenade from you. Full rumbling means the grenade is next to you, no rumbling means you're at a safe distance.
I thought thats what the beeping is for?


Greg said:
Yeah, the cover system is terrible... I rarely used it on Veteran, and it was quite easy to find natural forms of cover/angles that worked better.

I find the cover system works better for hiding behind cover but not as much in terms of around corners, still for elite some of the levels I needed the system because one can go down easily out in the open.


GDJustin said:
I read and knew quite a bit about the game prior to launch. I work in the games biz and played KZ2 at E3 last year, and was in the multiplayer beta for quite a while. Besides, you don't need to condescend and act like after 8 hours of multiplayer I might not have noticed that the game is "team based."

Fake edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that I LOVE GG's decision to rotate game types in & out on the fly. I primary enjoy objective-based gametypes in FPS titles much more than just pure deathmatch. So it's very frustrating to see no one in the Gears, Halo, or COD4 communities give a shit about anything but deathmatch. Even in Halo 3, the biggest console FPS of all time, it can be hard to get a single good CTF game going. Yet there's 200,000 people playing Team Deathmatch.

GG's decision to rotate them in and out on the fly is a very deft and very smart way of dealing with this, and I hope other games copy it via a "round robin" lobby.

In fact, if we're talking pure bullet points/high-level pros/cons, I'd say it might be my favorite design decision in the entire game.

The cover system still sucks :)

I don't know if we have room on east coast, I haven't checked, I'm sure you can find yourself into one of the gaf clans.
kamorra said:
Maybe because sometimes you shoot someone with full health and sometimes one who is already wounded?

I also think of that but no is not that,since i my self have experience it as some one been shot,some times i get kill with few shots even when my health was full,some times it took much much more,and i have see that there is not a head shot involve when it happen.

Also i got kill head shot style by some one with a shotgun on a distance that it would have take like 4 shots or more to actually kill me on the body,another thing is when they mix me with people who are way ahead rank is not pretty at all..


wow the online is TERRIBLE. There's way too much chaos, should be 8 vs 8 on some maps. Once I finish it, definitely trading this game in.

EL Beefo

GuessWho said:
wow the online is TERRIBLE. There's way too much chaos, should be 8 vs 8 on some maps. Once I finish it, definitely trading this game in.

So then just play 8v8 matches. I learned long ago that that was the best way to play the game.


hide your water-based mammals
GuessWho said:
wow the online is TERRIBLE. There's way too much chaos, should be 8 vs 8 on some maps. Once I finish it, definitely trading this game in.
Ain't that special. Make sure to pick up Conflict Denied Ops to fulfill your needs.


I'm at the last level now, playing Veteran. Now having to
stop the waves of enemies in Visari's Palace. Quite frustrating... When these flame guys come in in combination with the fast moving enemies, I'm fucked. My buddy is usually dead for the 10th time around this time, so not quite reliable. I'm just standing around the big weapons stack at the very beginning, or are there better points?

Until now I didn't have THAT big difficulties, but this part is just a bit irritating. Especially because there doesn't seem to be any tactics involved...


Mesijs said:
I'm at the last level now, playing Veteran. Now having to
stop the waves of enemies in Visari's Palace. Quite frustrating... When these flame guys come in in combination with the fast moving enemies, I'm fucked. My buddy is usually dead for the 10th time around this time, so not quite reliable. I'm just standing around the big weapons stack at the very beginning, or are there better points?

Until now I didn't have THAT big difficulties, but this part is just a bit irritating. Especially because there doesn't seem to be any tactics involved...

Switch to normal.

But really
Rico is a useless piece of shit, but revive him, because he's good cannon fodder, and he can kill one or two baddies during the whole event. Anyway, I just kind of ran and gunned during that time. Let Rico take out a few people, keep him alive, and kill the trim. I would always make sure I'm actually in the foyer, until the point when Visari tries to start dropping chandeliers, then you can move back to where the weapon racks when you come in.
Justin Dailey said:
uh...how about what weapons...maps...classes...etc.
If pursuing headshots I would suggest not using sniper rifles, shotguns, or explosives: they kill too fast and make headshots less likely or impossible. That puts the classes that default with these weapons at a disadvantage. Best class would be Medic if you have Healing available (keeping yourself at full health helps reduce respawn downtime); the M82 is a great weapon for headshots at all ranges. You could also choose Saboteur for the StA-11's high rate of fire (though ineffective at long range), or, if you're skilled, the StA-14 with its very, very low recoil and high power.

If you're going to play Body Count only (like if you're also going for Corpse Counter, or trying to earn XP), do it in smaller games. In a full 32-player, the chances of you getting 10 headshots before 16 people can get 100 kills (6 each) is pretty low unless you're godly. If you really want to give yourself a good chance, though, play Warzone. Then you only have to get one headshot every three minutes in a typical match.


GuessWho said:
wow the online is TERRIBLE. There's way too much chaos, should be 8 vs 8 on some maps. Once I finish it, definitely trading this game in.

You can easily choose to only play small-medium matches. I wonder if posts like this are real and not just trolls.
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