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ChrisGoldstein said:
Question about the shotgun...Does it aim better when I have the flashlight on?
Negative. It used to, but the 1.2 patch did away with that.*

If you're having to do a bunch of precision aiming with the shotgun, though, you're using the wrong weapon for the job. Pick up a different one.

Technically, it does still have a bit of auto-aim like all weapons do in "ironsight" (which for shotgun is the flashlight button). If you click into and out of ironsight really rapidly, your crosshairs follow the target, which some view as a glitch. I don't think it'll matter much in the end.


Liabe Brave said:
Negative. It used to, but the 1.2 patch did away with that.*

If you're having to do a bunch of precision aiming with the shotgun, though, you're using the wrong weapon for the job. Pick up a different one.

Technically, it does still have a bit of auto-aim like all weapons do in "ironsight" (which for shotgun is the flashlight button). If you click into and out of ironsight really rapidly, your crosshairs follow the target, which some view as a glitch. I don't think it'll matter much in the end.

BTW pointing the flashlight at a cloaked scout will reveal his/her shadow not all that effective finding a cloaked scout but it looks pretty cool.


chubigans said:
The range on it is very short, so perhaps in close quarters, sure. But you can't aim at anything past thirty feet I think.
Cool, I'll have to give it a shot.
you can play 8vs8? hmm need to check that out.
That's basically all I play. Sooooo much better than 16v16.
dwin45 said:
So is it better than the M-4 (revolver)?
No. It's about as powerful (though I thought it was a three-shot, not two-shot kill; I could be wrong). However, it has an even longer time between shots, and as said already it's limited in range (possibly the shortest range weapon; only the shotgun is close). At least for myself, I find it hard to get in my shots before my enemy does; automatic weapons beat it nearly every time. It's really only for when you're jumped just before healing someone.
jett said:
You can easily choose to only play small-medium matches. I wonder if posts like this are real and not just trolls.

I've been thinking the same thing. When you do Join Game, the option to limit the # of players if RIGHT THERE IN YOUR FACE. There's no way to miss it. And it's not like these maps are wastelands when it's 8 on 8.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Just got to the
and I like the way the story progresses in the game (as well as the speed it does progress at in real life hours as well as in game hours)... playing with the HUD off, etc... well besides the aiming reticule (I am not a good enough player to beat the game without the cross-hairs)... it is an awesome experience... the feel of battle and destruction going on around you is very intense for a video-game, as if something were indeed going on all around you and not just around your little group of soldiers... when you fight in the city earlier on in the game, if you look around in places in which you have a good open view of your surroundings (you are in a wide open area or a tall place) and see smoke and flames coming from somewhere else in the city... there is indeed war going on... sometimes you tend to rush through the level, but you also got to look around a bit while not being under gunfire... it all feels alive.


dwin45 said:
That's basically all I play. Sooooo much better than 16v16.

Pretty much. If they want to keep 16vs16 matchs, they need to implemenbt more big maps ala Pyrrhus rise (the only viable one for 16vs16pl. IMO) and maybe do a multiple objectives at a time like R2. With squad assignements.
Raist said:
Pretty much. If they want to keep 16vs16 matchs, they need to implemenbt more big maps ala Pyrrhus rise (the only viable one for 16vs16pl. IMO) and maybe do a multiple objectives at a time like R2. With squad assignements.
Even without simultaneous objectives, I think Salamun Market, Helghan Industries, and Visari Hammer could also all handle 32 players. The problem is the lack of hotpoints in large swathes of all the maps. When was the last time you had a firefight actually in the Pyrrhus Rise shantytown? How much of the action on Visari Hammer takes place in the loop at the back? And there's tons of the near-base architecture on both ISA and HG sides in Salamun where fighting is rare. The chaos of 32-player games is because you don't use all the map: the shooting tangles into one or two knots, and nobody tries to flank in force.


Man I wish they would display more infos when you go through the tournaments list. Mostly, if FF is on, and we also need the whole ladder displayed. There's no need to wait for the names of the clans signed up/qualified to be able to know when the different rounds will take place. Would make signing up to several tourneys much easier.


Yay glitching! (Battle replay)

Starts around 2:00 into Search and Retrieve, as #9 on the HG side begins to act odd. It seems he wasn't really exposed until he became the assassination target the very next round. He appeared to be in the ISA base in the southeast. According to the replay he was teleporting from the right side of the map to the left, but as far as I could tell from his gunshots and GPS locater, he was just dancing around behind the East wall in the main floor of the ISA base building, shooting all of us.


jett said:
You can easily choose to only play small-medium matches. I wonder if posts like this are real and not just trolls.

Good question. If I was going to troll I would probably...

A. State the game is terrible.
B. Provide no evidence for my opinion besides a completely irrelevant comment.
C. State my intentions to trade/sell the game.

Hmm, I wonder...


H_Prestige said:
I must be one of the few people here who likes 32 player matches :lol

I love the chaos. I don't live long, but it's exhilarating.

Initially I hated 32 player matches now its easy points for me.


TheFatOne said:
Boost + Sabateur = 2.5 K/D

I'm at 2.5 K/D right now and I exclusively use the default gun and character. I'm pretty damn deadly from a distance with the scope. Have no issues taking on snipers from vast distances. Don't always win but I don't always lose either. If I played big maps exclusively, I'd be like 3.5 K/D but I don't care enough.


Core407 said:
I'm at 2.5 K/D right now and I exclusively use the default gun and character. I'm pretty damn deadly from a distance with the scope. Have no issues taking on snipers from vast distances. Don't always win but I don't always lose either. If I played big maps exclusively, I'd be like 3.5 K/D but I don't care enough.

My K/D is only 1 because I try and win most of the matches in 32 player rooms. So damn hard to defend in a small map like that lol.


TheFatOne said:
My K/D is only 1 because I try and win most of the matches in 32 player rooms. So damn hard to defend in a small map like that lol.

All I do is kill people. Don't really mess with the objectives except for assassination.


alterno69 said:
mm interesting :D

It really depends on who you play. Seems like the GAF games are a lot harder than your typical matches. Anyways, it all comes down to what map you're playing. Keeping a distance works great for the bigger maps. People really suck at distance shooting in this game but I think it might be because they don't aim for the head but rather just the body. It's really difficult to pull off a kill with shots to the body from a distance. Most players will take cover and regenerate and some just stand there, waiting to be finished. I recommend going for the head and just do single shots (pew pew pew!). Nothing like hearing the chirp for a kill made across the map. Hell, I've distance kills with the hand gun too.


god that ending was brutal.

didn't realize that you could rush the rocket launcher side on the 3rd wave - that's the only way i could beat that shit ... radec was a little bitch. ending was cool - looks like the 3rd game will be yet another helghan quagmire.


Core407 said:
The game doesn't work well when playing to the objectives.
Are you implying that you don't enjoying spawning at a S&D placement with 10 other players and firing randomly until you're grenaded?

I hate you.
Core407 said:
The game doesn't work well when playing to the objectives.
With friendly fire and people who are good/organized, it absolutely does. That's just rare to find. Guerrilla was far too optimistic about their players.


EazyB said:
Are you implying that you don't enjoying spawning at a S&D placement with 10 other players and firing randomly until you're grenaded?

I hate you.

I want to see individual spawn points for squads. Something that is stealthier in appearance (no red smoke) but is limited to your squad mates and has a spawn or time limit.


Liabe Brave said:
With friendly fire and people who are good/organized, it absolutely does. That's just rare to find. Guerrilla was far too optimistic about their players.

Even then, it's only because people are deliberately handicapping themselves.
Finally beat Radec, what a bitch.

The ending made up for the shitty boss fight.

Can't wait for the sequel now, I hope it back on earth and some air combat dog fight missions would be awesome.
Rapping Granny said:
Finally beat Radec, what a bitch.

The ending made up for the shitty boss fight.

Can't wait for the sequel now, I hope it back on earth and some air combat dog fight missions would be awesome.

During the
AAA battery section of the cruiser
you don't know how bad I wanted to find a fighter and join the fray.

Damn there are no good sci-fi fighter games on consoles out...SCE Colony Wars next-genned pl0x.


aka andydumi
Core407 said:
I want to see individual spawn points for squads. Something that is stealthier in appearance (no red smoke) but is limited to your squad mates and has a spawn or time limit.

Its called a squad leader.
Core407 said:
The game doesn't work well when playing to the objectives.

What do you mean? If you don't want to play to the objectives then why not just play body count? Is it because you can take advantage of other people playing to the objectives?


AndyD said:
Its called a squad leader.

Yeah, not really. I'll generally spawn with the squad but often they'll spawn in chaos and I'd rather just not run into that and die in 5 seconds. Hell, if I do spawn into a hot area, I'll just dart out of the fire fight and look for an area that I can pick people off from. Honestly, It's the way I play and I find it rewarding.

RedRedSuit said:

I don't think objectives work in 32 player games. 8 vs 8 might be a whole different argument though...


Junior Member
jett said:
You can easily choose to only play small-medium matches. I wonder if posts like this are real and not just trolls.

Of course it's trolling, why would they come here and post they are trading the game? This is the wrong thread for trades, in here we discuss the game itself. If they really want to trade the game they should go here

Ploid 3.0

jett said:
You can easily choose to only play small-medium matches. I wonder if posts like this are real and not just trolls.

Yea if it's not a gaf room, I never play on max rooms. Only the middle ground. It's better to play with a smaller group of people. The filters are great.

And before I forget again, you guys must try the MP with Metal Gear Solid music. It fits surprisingly well. Well unless you need to be very serious and can't have music running.

Tom Penny

This game would hold more weight without the blatant stat padders. It's rather obvious to figure out who is just opening a server with their buddy to get all the ribbons which in turn gives them an advantage against legit players who put their time in. You know who you are...


Pistol only was a lot of fun, really good room with good friendly people, maggot was meleeing like a maniac. Got my m4, what a difference.


Kittonwy said:
Pistol only was a lot of fun, really good room with good friendly people, maggot was meleeing like a maniac. Got my m4, what a difference.
i wasn't in that room, haha.

i'm starting not to like the multiplayer. I get online for 1 maybe 2 matches then i've had enough. even 8v8 seems like too much with the spawncamping and such. oh well, i guess i'll go play The Darkness multiplayer


Tom Penny said:
This game would hold more weight without the blatant stat padders. It's rather obvious to figure out who is just opening a server with their buddy to get all the ribbons which in turn gives them an advantage against legit players who put their time in. You know who you are...
It'd be nice if the unlocks wouldn't give those without them that disadvantage at all...
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